Before getting into bed he looked down at her, her hair was fanned out on the pillow, her eyes sparkled and she licked her lips seductively. He wanted to rip off her dress, tear off her panties and plunge deeply into her. He wanted her so bad his cock was hard, throbbing, needing to be inside her. But instead, he took it slow, pulling her up into a sitting position lifted her dress up over her head and tossed it on the floor next to his crumpled uniform. A low growl from deep in his throat was heard when he saw she wore no bra and her breasts were on display for him to see, her nipples erect.

He chewed on his bottom lip, watching as she pulled her panties down past her knees and kicked them off, her legs open, giving him the perfect opportunity to see how wet she was. “Oh God,” he hissed as he positioned himself on top of her. The feel of her soft and delicate hands as they moved up and down his back sent shockwaves of electricity through him and his desire to have her grew. He brought his mouth down on hers, the sweet taste of her lips and the way she kissed him back had him on fire. Moving down he sucked on her neck, hearing her moan as she squirmed beneath him. She had this one spot where when he sucked on it she got so turned on she sometimes came close to having an orgasm.

So he moved down, his mouth covering her one nipple, tweaking, sucking. He moved his hand down to between her thighs, his finger going into the folds of her pussy. He rubbed her clit in a circular motion and he heard her moans growing louder.

“Zane, oh God,” she let out a scream as he moved faster inside her and she couldn’t stop her orgasm from coming, her body shook, and flashes of light appeared behind her closed eyelids. She felt it when he pulled his finger out and he replaced it with his cock. He filled her to the very core as he pounded into her. His body was sweaty, his breathing heavy and their bodies fitted together perfectly as if they were built just for each other.

The sound of their panting and grunts and flesh slapping together rang loudly throughout the bedroom. After a wave of orgasms hit they finally collapsed, exhausted, arms and limbs wrapped around each other.

She rested her head on his chest and could feel his heart pounding rapidly. She traced the outline of his defined muscles on his chest and stomach. Her heart felt heavy, an ache that wouldn’t go away, knowing she’d never see him again once she left for Kansas.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked, stroking her back.

She lifted her head. “About everything that has happened. Is it really over? Am I out of danger or will there be others?”

“It’s over Jade, you’re safe now. Kenny is locked away for life. Mike and Mrs. Curtis will be behind bars for a very long time.” He knew there would always be crazy people out there, but since she was giving up modeling and moving so far away she would be free of danger.

“Now that it’s over I guess you can get back to living your life, the one you had before I took over so much of your time,” she said, laying her head back down on his chest.

“My life will never be the same, not after getting to know you.” He wanted to tell her he was in love with her, but he wasn’t sure if she felt the same way. He didn’t believe so as she had bought the shop from her aunt. It was her dream and he wouldn’t stand in the way of her happiness, even if it meant his.

Hopping out of bed she put his shirt on. “I’m starving. Let’s order some Italian food, open up a bottle of wine and celebrate.”

For the next three weeks, there was an unspoken bond between them, one where he stayed with her. When not at work he and she spent all their time together. Nights were filled with wild, hot sex. He ignored the boxes that were filled with her personal stuff, ready to be shipped to Kansas. Neither one spoke of the day that was getting closer to her leaving.

They had both agreed that when the day came when she was to leave he would stay away, neither one wanting to say goodbye. So on the night before he packed his bags, kissed her goodbye and walked out.

That night he spent in a bar getting wasted. Zane was a mess, his heart was broken so he called Joe who came and made sure he got home safe. Joe had never seen his partner like this in all the years he had known him, the man was obviously in a great deal of pain. After getting him settled into bed, turned out the lights and went and laid on the sofa. He called his wife to tell her what was happening and it was she that suggested he stay with Zane, mostly to make sure he didn’t try going to Jade’s place. It would not end well if he did that in his condition.

Zane woke with a throbbing headache. Staggering into the kitchen he found Joe sitting at the table, a pot of coffee was brewing.

“Do you feel as bad as you look?” he asked, pouring them both a cup. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He flopped down into a chair, rubbing his temple. “Just shoot me, put me out of my misery.” He looked at Joe. “She’s leaving today.”

“Aren’t you going to go over there and say goodbye in person?”

He shook his head. “We agreed it would be better this way.”

“Look, you love that girl, go tell her.”

“What good would that do?”

“For starters, if she loves you too she just might change her mind about leaving. From what I see she is crazy about you.”

“Joe, she’s bought the shop and it’s her dream to move back to her hometown. I can’t ask her to give that up, even if I did and she stayed she might someday resent me for it. You heard the old saying. If you love someone set them free and if they come back you know they belong to you.”

“So you’re hoping she’ll come back to you?”

Zane got up and looked out the window. “She hates it here, she’ll never come back.” Grabbing some aspirins from the bottle swallowed them. “I have to go and see her before she leaves. I can’t let her go without one last kiss.” He just couldn’t let her leave without seeing her one last time.

After getting dressed Joe drove him to pick up his car at the bar. Zane had one stop to make before going to her place. When he arrived at her doorstep he put down what he had stopped to buy and knocked. Seeing her standing there, looking beautiful but her eyes were red and swollen as if she had been crying.

“Zane,” she said, backing up. “I thought we agreed not to see each other?”

He walked in past her and waited for her to shut the door. “I know we did. But honestly, I just couldn’t let you leave without seeing you.”

She leaned against the door, her eyes filling with tears. “I wish you hadn’t come. Leaving you is hard enough, but seeing you now is harder. But since you’re here I want to tell you how much I care for you. I will never forget you or the time we spent together. It was the best time of my life even with all the drama.”

He moved in close, putting the palms of his hands on the wall, on both sides of her. “I wouldn’t change one minute that we had together for anything. I’d even take another bullet for you. I. . .”

She placed her fingers over his mouth to stop him from saying the words she knew he was about to say. “No, don’t say it.” She couldn’t stop the tears from falling as the ache in her heart grew more painful, making it hard for her to breathe.

The urge to kiss her was just too strong to ignore. Pulling her into his arms, crushing her against his body, his mouth came down hard on hers. He kissed her with the hunger of a dying man in need of food to live. It was hard, demanding as he grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her closer. He felt her arms going around him, she too kissed him back with such force it had him moaning into her mouth.

Breaking their kiss she kept her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder as his hold on her tightened.

“I have a gift for you,” he managed to say, choking back a sob.

“What?” she asked, backing up when he released her.

“Wait right here,” he said and opened the door he disappeared for a moment. Seconds later he walked back in. In his hand was a tiny black and white kitten, and in his other hand was the carrier. “I thought you might like some company.”

“Oh my God, he is so cute,” sniffing she took the kitten. No one had ever done anything this sweet for her before and it touched her. He remembered how much she loved muffin and missed having the little furball around. “This is so sweet of you, thank you.”

Zane chuckled. “I think he likes me, he never hissed at me once.” Seeing the way her eyes sparkled and the smile on her face was worth the trouble he went through to get it for her. He had to call and wake up the owner of the pet store, which was the man’s day off. Standing outside the store for over an hour waiting for him to show up and he had to pay three times the price, but it was worth it.

A man appeared at the door. “Miss Edwards, your car is here to take you to the airport.”

“I’ll be right down,” she said, glancing at Zane.

“OK Miss, shall I take your bags down?”

“Yes thank you.” She put the kitten in the carrier. She looked over at Zane who had gone over to the window and was looking out. “I have to go now.” She fought to hold back the fresh tears that were threatening to flow.

He turned his head in her direction. He didn’t dare go over to her for if he did he would hold her tight, and wouldn’t let her leave. So he kept his distance from her, his eyes were filled with pain when he stared into her eyes, hers too held sorrow. “You take care of yourself.”

“You too Zane.” As she turned to leave, glad that he didn’t move any closer to her she stopped when he spoke.

“If you ever need me for anything, all you have to do is call,” he said, his voice hitching in his throat.

“I will,” she answered and walked out, leaving Zane standing there, his hands in his pocket.

He stared at the door as it closed behind her, he hadn’t realized that he was crying till he tasted the salty tears on his lip. Wiping his eyes he turned to look out the window. She was really gone and she took a piece of him with her, his heart.

Jade sat in the back of the car, her furry friend on her lap. She had fallen in love with Zane but never told him and she knew he was about to tell her he loved her. But it would never have worked between them, her life was back in Kansas, and he belonged here. He had told her how he couldn’t wait to be made detective and how he loved sunny California. For her to stay would eventually tear them apart, and she couldn’t ask him to give up his dream and go with her, he would later resent her. No, it was better to part on good terms. She wiped her tears away and wondered if she would ever be able to get over the only man she had ever loved, she doubted it.

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