Veiled Infant of Alpha Hunter
Chapter 17 Luna Ritual


“You can’t be serious!” Lucinda bellowed.

“Let Lorraine take care of him, there’s no time. The baby will be born soon. We must not let anything happen to it.” I said.

Gabriel Zades P.O.V

There was ringing in my ears, the situation felt so surreal. Everyone’s voices tuned out as my head started spinning.

Everything was going downhill. It has been an hour since Lucifer released his last breath.

“This is bullshit!” Gabriella screeched at the current situation.

“My brother is not dead! What did you do to him!” She stomped angrily towards the pack doctor while Octavius held her back.

“A proper burial needs to be made.” Alpha Nathanial cut in.

“There will be no such thing. He is not dead!” Gabriella hissed furiously at Alpha Nathanial.

“Ella.” My dad warned her attitude.

“Riel? You don’t believe this do you?” Gabriella looked over at me for not questioning anything.

I faced her before dropping my eyes to the ground and hanging my head low.

“Accept it Ella, he’s gone.” I said.

“I don’t believe this!” Gabriella shrieked before getting out of Octavius grasp and stomping away.

“Zachary.” Alpha Nathanial called.

“Prepare the funeral.” He ordered while Zachary nodded.

“Wolves, be ready for the night’s ritual” Alpha Nathanial’s mate directed.

There would be a special ritual for wolves who pass away to the spirit realm, and to be reborn once again.

Adamone Levi’s P.O.V

I opened up my bag pack scrummaging over the food we have brought with us.

“Is bread and peanut butter fine?” I asked Evelyn.

“Can’t I have any of the fruits here? It is a garden after all.” She recommended.

I shook my head.

“This is a sacred garden.” I started.

“Every part of this garden is spiritual and each fruit or vegetable possess their own healing element. It is not to be toyed with.” I told while passing her the loaf of bread and peanut butter jar.

“If everything here heals, how come I spotted Ivy berries over there?” She pointed out.

“They are poisonous.” She says.


“Yes, they are, aren’t they?” I spoke to myself as an idea slid through.

“What is it?” She queried discerning my abrupt silence.

“Stop asking so much questions and eat your food.” I turned towards her before laying back on my sleeping bag and contemplating.

Gabriella Zades P.O.V

Lucifer’s body was carried in a coffin before it was to be buried in the middle of the woods.

Both packs were commanded to join the ritual.

The Luna of the pack conducts the ritual. In this circumstance, both my mom and Alpha Nathanial’s mate directed it. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Lunas’ born in an Alpha family are exceedingly powerful, even powerful than several Alphas. They are much in sync with the spiritual world of our ancestors. Few are chosen where they are gifted with powers abundant to massacre a whole pack.

However, their gifts are not given to cause chaos or bloodshed. Gifts can be taken when a Luna misuses her powers. It is only to bring peace and tranquility.

I remember when my dad told that Alpha Nathanial’s wife has those gifts once. It is passed down to the next worthy female heir when they officially turn 18. However, I never knew why her gifts were taken away.

It was a crescent moon showing up in the dark stratosphere as everyone shifted into their wolf. As Lunas’ are the ones, being females to bring life upon this Earth, they are also the ones to help souls cross over the other side.

Before the burial can be done, the ritual has to be made.

The Lunas’ transformed into their huge wolves as my mom howled into the sky, followed by all of her pack members including myself tilting my head up and howled for grievance.

The Alphas, my dad and Alpha Nathanial bowed towards their mates in respect. It was for Alpha Nathanial’s wife turn to howl before their pack followed.

Both packs later surrounded Lucifer’s coffin where beside him they have already dug a huge whole.

Family members step ahead and near Lucifer’s body. The Luna mind linked.

Me, Gabriella and my dad walked towards his still body.

Close the coffin.

My dad stepped up to close the coffin when suddenly Gabriella yelped before growling at my dad for doing it.

Her wolf went into a frenzy from losing a brother.

I ran towards her, stopping her from making any other sudden surprises.

“No!” Her pain echoed through our mind-

Halt. My dad growled towards her.

All of us were in sorrow, it was already hard to cope and she was making this even harder to handle than it was.

She whimpered as her ears tucked behind in submission.

Before we knew it, the ritual was completed as his body was then buried six feet under the ground.

I sat down on my bed, looking down onto the ground. Lilith sat beside me.

“Gabriel?” She touched my shoulder.

“Leave me alone.” I said.

What now?

Achilles Argent P.O.V

“Sir.” One of my spies strode towards me as I sat down in the office with a half empty wine glass in my right hand.

“There’s news.” He says.

“Well?” I picked up the glass before taking a sip of the wine.

He looked slightly uncomfortable to voice out.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Spit it out!” I said impatiently.

“It’s Lucifer.” He started.

“Is he already on his way here?” I smirked.

Foolish boy.

“No sir.” He shook his head.

“He is dead.” He says.

Did I hear that clear?

I placed the glass of wine down onto the table.

“Pardon?” I asked.

“Lucifer had been declared dead, sir.” He told.

I stood up from my chair.

“Are you certain?” I questioned.

“Affirmative. The ritual was completed.” He confirmed.

“How did this happen?” I queried.

“The cause of his death is uncertain.” He held.

“Leave now.” I ordered.

I sat down on the seat before wiping my face with my hand.

What are they onto?

Valentine Winters P.O.V

“Hey lady.” One of the guards outside called.

“Shut up, Ron.” Another reprimanded him.

“I’ve got some news for you.” Ron chuckled.

“You’re mate’s dead.” Ron said.


I stood up slowly.

My heartbeat accelerating inside my chest.

Devon had a look of horror etched across his face as he too stood up.

“You’re lying.” I said.

“It’s true.” Ron exclaimed.

“I said shut up Ron.” Another shushed him.

“Relax, Fred. She’s our prisoner. What is the worst that could happen?” Ron brushed Fred off.

“His funeral was yesterday; sad you couldn’t join eh lady.” Fred simpered.


My heart started aching and tears brimmed in my eyes.

“Valentine, don’t listen to them.” Devon started.

“Fools! Don’t you know she’s pregnant! She’s not supposed to hear shocking news.” Devon shouted at them.

“Careful child, we have no interest if the baby lives or dies.” Fred stated.

“Valentine, breathe. We do-.” Leonard began but every sound was tuned out.

My head felt heavy, I couldn’t breathe.

My wolf started taking control of my body before she howled out of her lungs from grieve.

The pitch was so high that everyone covered their ears in pain and a plain glass held by Raphael started cracking before it broke into a million pieces.

That was all I could remember before black dots evaded my vision.

Gabriel Zades P.O.V

I was having a meeting with my dad, Alpha Nathanial, Abigail, Rain, Eric, Jacob, Zachary, Octavius and Gabriella on ways to retrieve back Valentine when suddenly the door was pounded upon furiously.

I stood up walking to the door and opening it, seeing of the of patrol wolf sweating, looking out of breath.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Lucifer’s body is gone.” He says.

Few gasps were heard from the room.

“What do you mean?” I questioned. It has been three days.

“His coffin was dug up and his body was no longer in it, it looked to have been some sort of an escape as it was broken.” He explained.

Suddenly there was a few screams heard in the house as all of us ran towards it with our werewolf speed.

“Round the house, no one escapes.” Alpha Nathanial ordered since we were in his territory.

The living room door busted open and in a swift speed something came in. I have never seen any werewolf be this fast.

“What the heck.” Zachary breathed.

“Lucifer?” Gabriella voice suddenly rang out.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Lucifer faced her but something was off.

He was not himself.

His expression was emotionless but he looked starved while his eyes were glued to the ground.

“I knew you weren’t dead!” Gabriella exclaimed preparing to run towards him.

“Don’t” I said as I halted her.

“Riel, what’s your problem?” Gabriella was infuriated.

Lucifer looked up and his eyes were sure enough glowing a deep red.

“What’s wrong with him?” Octavius questioned.

Lucifer started snarling, tilting his head to the side, breathing deeply before two sharp fangs elongated over his lips.

He lunged towards Octavius and before anything, the next thing I knew he was harshly thrown against a wall by a woman.

“Name’s Lorraine.” She introduced.




- Valentine Winters

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