“Oh, fuck yes, Oaklyn.” I groaned softly, fisting her hair. “Suck me harder.”

She moaned just enough to let me feel the vibrations down my cock and shot to my balls, currently cradled in the palm of her hand.

I couldn’t believe I was getting another blow job. A real blow job.

God. The first one had been everything. Staring into her eyes, feeling her soft breasts, her long hair in my fist, as she dragged her tongue up my shaft had been euphoric.

She’d been overtly feminine and had done everything to keep me in the moment. Not once had she looked away until I had lost my ability to hold my eyes open anymore.

She’d managed to give me something I never thought I’d have. Something I’d given up on.

Hell, she’d done research. For me.

Looking down now, I stared as her red lips circled my cock. How they stretched to accommodate my girth as I pushed her head down and thrust up, bumping the back of her throat. It squeezed tight around my head, and when she looked up at me with her eyes watering, I knew I was done.

“Gonna come, Oaklyn. Can I come down your throat?

Will you swallow it all?”

She pulled off my cock with a pop and dragged her tongue along the back, never breaking eye contact. “Every last drop, Dr. Pierce,” she said deviously before diving back down and sucking me harder than before.

She squeezed my balls and I had to clench my jaw to hold back the groans that I wanted to shout into the small office as my cock pulsed, filling her mouth with my come.

Despite how fast she tried to swallow, some still slipped out past her lips and it had to be the most erotic thing I’d ever seen.

She was true to her word and licked up every last drop, even swiping at the bit around her lips and sucking it off her fingers.

I jerked her up and leaned forward, meeting her half way to smash my lips against hers, tasting myself on her tongue. Each time she fell to her knees for me, my heart damn near exploded at her gift. Not the blow job itself, but the intimacy, the future, the freedom, the room to breathe without my past constantly taking up space inside me. I wondered if she saw it. Saw the gratitude and . . . Not necessarily love, but it was something I’d never felt before.

I couldn’t help but feel like it poured from my expression, and I wondered if she noticed.

I wondered if, maybe, she felt it too.

“I told you to call me Cal when I’m inside you,” I murmured against her mouth.

She nipped playfully at mine. “I’m feeling extra naughty today. I wanted to be a student at her teacher’s feet sucking his cock.”

“God,” I growled, my heart thumping harder. “I should be worried by how much that turns me on.”

“It’s just me, so it’s okay,” she said before blowing me a kiss.

Oaklyn sat back on her heels and began buttoning her shirt, her red lipstick smeared. I had no doubt that it coated my own lips, and when I looked down to my softening cock, there were red streaks there too.

Knowing our time left was limited, I ignored my twitching dick and tucked it back in my pants. Lunch was almost over.

“Aren’t you going to wipe yourself off?” she asked.

“I’ll save it for later in the shower. I can rub it off with my fist as I think of you and how the lipstick got there.”

Her lids slid closed over her golden eyes, like she was imagining the scene I’d described. Then she stood with her hand out. “Can I have my panties, please?”

When she first walked in, I’d locked the door and sat her up on my desk, slipping the material down her legs and burying my tongue between her thighs. Leaning back in my chair, I smirked, not moving to retrieve the lace from my pocket.

“I think I’ll hold on to these today.”

“Callum,” she admonished.

“You can always come by tonight and pick them up,” I offered hopefully. The smirk slipped from my face when she didn’t answer and looked away. “Let me guess, work?”

“I’m sorry. I would much rather be with you tonight.”

I knew she would, and I hated the way I couldn’t control the disappointment in my tone. I just missed her. It was midterms week, so she didn’t have to come in for her work study programs, and if she wasn’t studying, then she was working at Voyeur.

It was selfish of me to even have these emotions. She had formed circles under her eyes in the last week and still managed to see me whenever she had time. She was working harder than I could imagine, and I was pouting like a damn child. I had more control than this.

“I know you would.” I gave her a reassuring smile and stood to wrap her in my arms.

She pressed up on her toes and kissed the dimple in my chin. “I have to go. I have one more midterm before the day is over.”

“Okay. Let me make sure no one is outside.”

I reluctantly let go and made sure the coast was clear.

Then with one last kiss, Oaklyn left.

I spent the afternoon struggling to grade exams as my mind kept wandering to her working tonight. The more my focus slipped away, the more irritated I got. I had to stop marking papers when my irritation slipped through my work, and I began making snarky comments on them. This wasn’t me. I loved teaching and I was always calm and cool, no matter what.

When someone knocked on the door, I snapped, “What?”

Donna peeked her head in with raised eyebrows. “Rough day?”

Taking a deep breath, I ran my hands across my face.

“Sorry, Donna. Just a long day.”

“It’s okay,” she said with a reassuring smile. “I just wanted to let you know I’m heading out.”

“Okay. Thank you. Have a great night.”

“You too. Get some rest.”

I took another deep breath, taking in the neat piles alphabetized and evenly aligned on my desk. Looking at the clock and seeing it was already five-thirty, I decided to call it a day and head home.

Once I’d arrived home, I stuck my hand in my pocket when my fingers collided with a piece of fabric. Pulling it out, I stared at the black lacy material before curling my fists tight around it, imagining her naked at Voyeur now as someone looked on. I shoved the lace back in my pocket and stomped over to the wet bar and poured until the glass was over half-full. I downed it in one go and filled it up again, gabbing the bottle and heading toward the living room. Maybe some television would distract me.

It didn’t work and after only a few shows, it became harder to focus. My hand dug into my pocket again and lifted out Oaklyn’s panties. God, I wanted to see her. I wanted to feast on her cunt, stuffing her panties in her mouth to muffle her cries of pleasure.

So, why didn’t I? Why didn’t I just go to Voyeur and see her?

Just because I knew what her mouth felt like around my cock, and I had more access to her now, didn’t mean I couldn’t go there and watch her anymore. Voyeur was my home away from home. I had friends there I’d known since I’d begun going five years ago. So, maybe she was working, it didn’t mean I couldn’t go have a drink. Maybe claim an hour with her. Maybe just claim her period so no one else could have her.

Decision made, I pulled out my phone and had to squint my eyes to focus on the Uber app. Only seven minutes away. I stood and had to wait a second before walking, letting the room stop spinning first. Then I finished the last of my drink and dropped it in the sink, ignoring the sound of glass breaking. Instead, I focused on grabbing my things and making it out the door.

Thankfully, the drive went quick and I was at the club before I knew it. Standing outside the door, I took a deep breath. I needed to look a hell of a lot more sober than I felt if I was going in. They had a strict two drink minimum and I was about five beyond that. I ended up making it past the entrance and all the way to the bar, but Charlotte was giving me knowing looks, so I asked for just a water.

Oaklyn wasn’t in the room. It didn’t stop me from scanning the crowd like she’d magically pop up somewhere. Maybe she was in the back grabbing some stock. Maybe she was in the employee lounge. Maybe she was in a room with Jackson as he fucked her from behind.

I squeezed my fist so hard around the glass, I was surprised it didn’t break. Blood pumped harder through

me, pounding in my ears. With a shaking hand, I lifted the glass to take a sip, severely regretting not getting more alcohol.

I didn’t understand what was going on. How I still felt like I was on the edge of snapping when I’d had so much to drink. When I was at Voyeur. Those were two safeties to help me gain my control back, and there I sat, scanning the crowd like a lunatic as angry adrenaline flooded my veins.

I was a fucking mess.


“Hello?” I answered my phone. I’d heard it ring just as I was about to head back out on the floor.

“Miss Derringer?” a man asked.

“This is a she.”

“Hi, this is Kyle from Tires, Tires, Tires. I was just calling you about your car.”

I wanted to scream finally, but settled on, “Yes?”

“It looks like your tie rod ends are going bad and will need to be replaced with a new rack and pinion,” he rattled off.

“I—I don’t know what that means? How much is that?” I tried to control my breathing, preparing for the cost, but a looming dread hung over me.

“It has to do with your steering and tires. Between parts and labor, it’s going to run you about a thousand dollars.”

I don’t know how I didn’t drop the phone as my whole body went numb, my heart dropping to the floor at the cost.

Tears burned the backs of my eyes and I closed them, focusing on slowing down my heaving chest.

“Um—” my voice cracked, and I swallowed and tried again. “Okay. Okay.” My mind scrambled trying to think of

dates my last school payment was due and how much money I already had set aside. “I guess just let me know when it will be ready for pick-up.”

“Sure thing. Sorry about your car.”

I wanted to snap at how aloof he sounded about something so devastating, but somehow I stayed as calm as possible and got off the phone.

“You okay, Oak?” Jackson asked when he came in, seeing me hunched over on the bench,

“No.” I wiped the tears that managed to leak free and explained my situation.

“Damn. That sucks. What are you going to do?”

“Save up more money and hope I can get it before my payment is due to the school. Possibly just not eat for the rest of the year,” I tried to joke.

Once I collected myself, I stood. I needed more money and that meant I needed to get back to work. Sitting in the back crying wasn’t going to get me anywhere.

“You can always do more partner work,” Jackson suggested, walking out with me.

“Yeah,” I said with no commitment. “I’ll figure something out.”

Just as we were exiting, he threw his arm around my shoulder. “I’d even let you suck me off again if you needed to, because I’m a good friend like that.”

I laughed at him, slapping his chest. “Oh, fuck off, Jackson.”

“Hey, I’m trying,” he said laughing with me.

We had just reached the bar when I lifted my eyes and they clashed with a familiar pair of blue ones. I immediately started to smile, excited to see Callum when I took in how his eyes were harder than I’d ever seen them. He held my stare as he lifted the glass filled with amber liquid and drank until it was empty. I flinched when he dropped it harder than necessary. My skin prickled with foreboding

nerves when he stood and had to hold onto the bar top to steady himself.

He was drunk.

I slipped between patrons and moved quickly to meet Callum in the middle. I needed to get him out of here as fast as possible. You weren’t allowed to be in Voyeur drunk.

He could be kicked out if anyone noticed.

As soon as I reached him, he leaned down, the alcohol on his breath burning my nose, and said, “Have fun fucking Jackson?”

I reeled back like he’d slapped me. “Excuse me?”

He immediately looked away, and shrugged, the muscle in his cheek twitching.

“You just came strolling out of the back with his arm around you and it’s hard to watch.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Then don’t watch,” I said, my tone hard.

“I came here for you.” His hand wiped down his face and his shoulders rose and fell over a sigh. “You’re impossible not to watch.”

I didn’t know what was going on with him or why he showed up here drunk, but I needed to get him off the floor.

Grabbing his hand, I turned and pulled him behind me, entering one of the empty rooms in the back.

“Is it my turn now,” he mumbled once we entered.

I didn’t even think before my hand snapped out and connected with his cheek. His eyes pinched closed but didn’t move a muscle, the red handprint blooming on his cheek. Tears burned the backs of my eyes, and I blinked to fight them off.

When he finally looked at me, his eyes glossed over with his own pain, but I didn’t understand.

“What’s going on, Callum?”

“Fuck,” he said, burrowing both hands in his hair. “I’m drunk. I’m sorry. I’m jealous.” The words were slurred as they tripped over each other off his tongue.

“That’s no excuse to say that to me.”

“I know. I’m sorry,” he said again. “It’s just—it’s just . . .”

He trailed off, burying his hands in his hair and tugging, growling in frustration.

“It’s just what, Cal?”

His shoulders dropped as he leaned against a dresser.

He looked tired, completely different from the confident man from earlier. When he still didn’t speak, I asked again.

“What is it?”

“I’m struggling here, Oaklyn. Voyeur was my place. I had control and now, look at me, being a complete asshole, saying shit I don’t even mean.” His hands moved around, gesturing to the room. “I’m in my comfort zone, and I feel like I’m going out of my mind.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t fucking know,” he exploded, throwing his arms wide, making him stumble away from the desk and lose his balance.

Watching him struggle to stand and get words out, made it clear that tonight was not the night to talk about this. I didn’t understand what was going on, but, honestly, it didn’t seem like he understood it much either.

Not knowing what to say, I stepped forward and linked my fingers with his, moving until barely any space was between us. He dropped his chin to the top of my head before shifting to press his lips to my forehead.

“I’m sorry I came here drunk. I wasn’t thinking.”

“Okay.” I wasn’t going to say it was fine, because we both knew it wasn’t.

“I should go.”

I dropped my head to his chest and nodded. Neither of us moved, standing there with each other’s arms wrapped loosely around the other.

“I didn’t fuck him,” I confessed. Because whether he was too drunk to rationalize anything, I needed him to know that. “I’ve never fucked Jackson.”

His hands gripped my cheeks and he made me look at him, his brows furrowed. “But I watched you.”

“It was pretend. We faked the whole thing. He’s never actually gone down on me either.”

He blinked a few times, taking in my confession, and ended up only nodding. However, his eyes seemed to be less tortured than a moment before, and as mad as I was at him, I didn’t want him to hurt.

“I should go,” he said.

“Okay. Get some sleep. And water. Lots of water.”

Cal gave me a small smile, and I lifted up to press a kiss to the dimple on his chin.

And then he left. When I walked out of the room, he was already gone. I spent the rest of the night serving drinks and trying to process Cal’s words.

Between that and the issues with my car, I was emotionally done by the end of the night. I tossed everything on the floor when I walked into my apartment, stripped down and collapsed on my bed, laughing at how it would have driven Cal nuts to see everything strewn about.

Even after the mess that tonight was, he was the last thing on my mind before I finally fell asleep. I worried if he was okay and had drank enough water. I worried how he would feel tomorrow.

And I worried I’d never really find out what made him drink and come to Voyeur.

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