Two weeks.

I hadn’t seen him in two weeks.

I thought I missed him before, but nothing compared to when he’d disappeared. We’d had a sub for some classes and mostly emails and notes for the others he missed. I tried to subtly asked Donna where he was, but she’s simply said vacation. I wanted to demand where and why. Instead I gave a simple nod and walked away.

I could have messaged him, and I must have typed up at least a thousand texts, but never sent them. I was sure he was okay. He had too many people caring about him to not be okay.

But tonight, all my concerns would be answered. I’d be able to see for myself if he was okay. It was the night he was going to help me with the telescope for the class project. I’d begun looking up other plans because I didn’t know if Callum would be back or if he’d even want to assist me anymore. Maybe he’d pawn me off to another teacher.

Then the email arrived yesterday morning as a reminder to be at the park by eight at night to do the final portion of the class project. I checked the schedule at the same time and my heart sank at seeing another student had signed up for the night. The possibilities had fluttered across my skin

when I’d thought it would just be him and I. But, nope, Joey would be there too. Stupid Joey.

Getting off the bus, I walked the last few feet to the park. I pushed the code into the gate and closed it behind me. The park closed at dusk, so we’d be the only ones around. Oh, and Joey.

Standing inside the entrance, I took a deep breath, preparing myself to see him. Preparing myself to act natural and not fall at his feet, explaining the last two weeks and beg him to take me back. I had so much to say.

So much I wanted to tell him—had planned on telling him before he disappeared on me.

Deep breaths.

I walked around the bathrooms and saw a figure atop the hill and began heading toward it. Maybe I was the first one there.

He was bent over a box, his broad back stretching his jacket tight and I yearned to reach out and run my hands across it. Fuck, I missed him.

“Hey,” I said softly.

He stood and turned, facing me, taking me in. “Hey.”

One cheek ticked up, almost hidden behind thick scruff bordering on a beard. It looked good on him. While he scanned me, I did the same in return, and I could tell he was nervous, but at the same time not. His shoulders seemed to be less tense, his eyes holding less back.

He seemed better than I’d ever seen him before.

It hurt to see him doing so well, but I swallowed it back and forced a smile. “Should we get started or wait for Joey?”

“Joey couldn’t make it. Canceled last minute.”

“Oh.” We were alone, with no interruptions, for the first time in a month. My stomach fluttered with excitement, but also churned with nerves. Was I the only one nervous? He seemed so calm, so relaxed, if not a little fidgety. “Okay.”

“Come here, let’s find us a star,” he said, his eyes light and smiling.

My body trembled with each step closer to him.

“You’re going to look through here and adjust the focus here.” He continued to point at the different parts of the telescope, explaining what each did. I tried to listen, but I was so aware of the way his long fingers worked the knobs.

I was too aware of the way he looked at me, the way it seemed to burn across my skin. Was I making it up? Was I really feeling it?

His hand reached around me to a knob, almost making me choke on my tongue when his heat seeped through my shirt, burning my skin. He stayed close for longer than was necessary, letting his fingers linger on the telescope, and I had to fight from leaning back into him. My body trembled when I imagined how it would feel to have his hard muscles pressed against me again. But then he backed away, and I expelled the breath I hadn’t known I was holding before leaning down to look at my star.

It looked simple; just a tinge of blue.

“You seem unimpressed,” he laughed, the sound rippling down my spine.

“I thought it would be more like all those shows or the pictures in our books. More colorful.”

“The pictures you see in books usually have a different lens







electromagnetic radiation. Most common is infrared.” He said some other big words, his hands moving around animatedly, but I didn’t understand many of them.

I tried to keep a serious face, like I actually followed what he was saying, but in the end, I laughed. Watching him talk about astronomy was beautiful. He had so much love for the topic, and I loved seeing him so excited.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“You’re letting your nerd-side show.”

“It’s sexy isn’t it?” he said, half-joking. Crickets chirped in the silence that followed. A cord pulled tight between us, feeling ready to snap, on the verge of something breaking. I couldn’t tell if it was for the good or bad.

“Where were you?” It fell from my tongue. I didn’t mean to ask, but I couldn’t say I regretted it.

His Adam’s apple bobbed before he turned fully toward me, his face serious.

“I went home. To California.”

“What?” The breath whooshed out of my lungs. I thought he would never go back there. “Are your parents okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. They’re fine. Just time to visit.”

“Wow. California. That’s amazing, Callu—. Dr. Pierce.” I didn’t have a right to call him by his first name anymore.

He was just my professor now.

“Callum.” He corrected, stepping closer. My breath got trapped in my lungs as I watched him approach, only a few inches between us. I waited on edge for him to lift his hand and touch me, but it never came. “You can always call me Callum.”

“Okay,” I said on my exhale. My head swam at his nearness.

“It was time. To go home.”

I nodded dumbly, not sure what to say, but wanting to know everything.

“I was a mess, and what I was before was just a mess hidden by a fine veneer. I thought I had gained control over myself—over my past, and it was a lie. Every little thing that brought it up sent me into a tailspin. Which I could ignore because it had been just me.” He breathed out a laugh and smiled at me. “Then there was you, and my loss of control became an issue. I could no longer ignore it and bury my head in the sand. I was faced with how my actions would affect my future. And Oaklyn, I want a future. A future I can choose. A future not haunted by my past.”

I didn’t realize I was crying until his thumb came up to wipe at my tears. I leaned into his palm, letting the warmth of his touch comfort me in a way I hadn’t had in almost a month. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cry. I’m just happy for you. You seem happier.”

“I am and I’m not. I saw a therapist at home and he recommended one here, so I’m hoping to get to a better place and stay there. But there are other things that hold me back.” His hand still lingered on my cheek, and I fought to not turn my head and press my kiss to his palm. To step into him and press myself against his warmth.

“I quit Voyeur.” I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I’d wanted to tell him as soon as I’d done it. I had walked into class floating on hope that we were going to recover. And he hadn’t been there. So, I blurted it out now.

“What?” he asked, just as shocked as me that I’d tossed it out there. “When?”

“About two weeks ago.”

“But—but what about school? What about Jackson?”

I shook my head trying to understand, and his hand dropped. “What about Jackson?”

“Aren’t you two together? I mean, I saw you getting out of his car before I left. He had his arms around you and kissed you.”

His words sounded like barely restrained anger, and I racked my brain before flashing back to the day he probably saw us. I remembered Jackson’s hug as he said goodbye. I could only imagine what he thought.

“No, we’re not together. He was giving me a ride to school after I quit. I’d sold my car the day before and he offered to drive me.”

“You sold your car? Why?”

“It was enough money to get me through the end of the year, and I could quit Voyeur. It became . . . painful to be there.” When I paused to look at him, he grimaced. “Don’t wince like you have any responsibility for my feelings

working there. It’s not like I loved it. Voyeur was a means to an end, and I didn’t want it anymore, so I found a better solution.”

I slicked my tongue across my dry lips. “I’m sorry Callum. I’m sorry I was so stubborn and refused to see other options. I should have let you pay. I shouldn’t have let you walk away because of my pride and misguided assumptions with money. I’ve seen money ruin too many relationships, and I couldn’t have it happen to us.” I laughed softly at that. “But I guess it did anyway. And honest to god, if my car wouldn’t have been enough money to quit, I would have come to you. I was done being away from you. I miss you.”

“Oaklyn,” he whispered my name in relief. Relief that it was over.

We’d both made strides to get back to each other.

“Also, I got an internship with the college’s physical therapy team. It starts in the summer.”

“That’s amazing.”

My chest swelled at his pride in me.

“Between that and scholarships, grants, and loans, I should be okay. I may have to use candles and eat Ramen until everything comes through, but I’ll be okay.”

He laughed with me and stepped in close, pulling the breath from my lungs. Fuck he was so close. My breasts heaved, brushing against his chest. My skin lighting on fire, yearning to touch him.

“Callum,” I whispered his name on a broken breath. I wanted to pull him close and never let go.

“I’ll feed you,” he said before leaning down to peck my nose. “Not because you need me to, but because I miss eating lunch with you and I love watching you enjoy food the way you do. Also, because you make me amazing brownies.”

“What?” I asked, unsure I was hearing him right.

Wanting it to mean what I thought.

“I love you, Oaklyn. So much and the past month has killed me, but I don’t regret it. I don’t because I’m a better man for the truths I had to face. I just hated every second of being away from you. I love you and even after dealing with all my shit, you were still the only woman I wanted.”

“Cal.” Tears fell down my cheeks, hearing his words. I finally gave in and moved my hands to his chest, clutching at his sweater. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’m not saying I’m perfect and won’t have things that trigger me, because I will. But they won’t destroy me. They won’t ruin me. Even if you still worked at Voyeur. Even if you were dating Jackson, I was going to fight for you tonight. I’m ready for you Oaklyn and I know I’m older and you’re probably getting the short end of the stick, I’m asking you to have me. I’m asking t—”

I cut him off with my lips pressed to his. I didn’t need to hear any more. Everything I needed to hear had been said and now, all I wanted was to feel him against me. To taste him. To have him listen to me. I pulled back and looked up at him, the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. My Clark Kent. “I love you too, Callum. So much.”

He groaned and crashed his mouth to mine, digging his hands into my hair to hold me close. When his tongue licked at my lips, I opened, needing him closer. I burrowed my hands under his shirt to feel the soft skin stretched across his hard stomach, reaching around his back to cling to him. He thrust his hips and we both moaned at the feel of his length as it brushed against my stomach.

“I need you, Oaklyn. Please.”

I nodded my head and he leaned down to grip my ass and lift me to him before kneeling and laying me out.

“Oh, wait,” he said, pulling back. “I have a blanket in my car.”

“No.” I clenched my fists in his shirt and pulled him down between my spread thighs. “Fuck the blanket. I need you too much.”

He smiled before returning to feast on my lips. His hand palmed my breast as he descended down my neck, leaving a wet trail of kisses. He never let his mouth leave my skin as he worked the buttons of my shirt open enough to bare my bra which he peeled back and latched on to my nipple.

My back arched off the grass and pressed my breasts into his mouth. I gasped when he grazed his beard across the hardened tip, rolling the other between his fingers.

“I knew I liked that beard.”

“I can’t wait for you to feel it between your thighs, brushing against your sensitive pussy.”

“Ung,” I groaned, lifting my hips to try and get some friction and ease the ache.

“Stop teasing me, Cal. I want you.”

He sat up and the cool night air pebbled my nipples even more as I caressed the wet tips. His fingers hooked in my leggings and panties and tugged them down and off.

The grass scraped at my bare skin, but I didn’t care. I’d be naked on coals if it meant I got to feel Cal inside me again.

But I didn’t have to endure because he shrugged his jacket off and told me to lift my hips as he laid it beneath me.

As he began working his buckle open, I rocked my hips up and spread my thighs, torturing him with the view. I moved my hands to my breasts and rolled the tips, tugging them until he slapped my hands away.

“Mine,” he growled before latching on again.

The tip of his cock brushed against my opening and we both gasped at the connection. Then I shifted and reached between us to grip him in my palm and direct him to my core. He bit at my tip when I brushed the head of his cock along my slit before notching it between my folds.

“Fuck me, Cal.”

He lifted up and held my stare as he pressed in one inch at a time. Agonizingly slow. Filling me up to capacity, all the way to the hilt.

“God, I missed this pussy.”

“I missed your cock inside me.”

He crushed his lips to mine and began fucking me. He thrust hard and fast, sometimes pulling back so he could watch my breasts bounce each time his hips collided with mine.

“Your tits are so perfect.”

“They’re small,” I argued breathlessly.

His hand covered a breast. “They’re perfect for me and my hands.”

“I love you,” I said.

He reached down to grab my thigh, pulling until it hooked up around his hip and he pressed his whole body to mine, grinding himself on me. “I love you, too,” he said against my lips.

His words, the hard thrusts, the way he brushed against my hard clit set me off. I held on tightly to him and threw my head back as my whole body tightened, squeezing his cock to hold it deep inside me as my body exploded all around him.

“So beautiful. Like the most intense supernova every single time you come,”

He lost control of his movements then and pounded into me until finally he stilled, fully embedded inside me and came, his groans vibrating against my skin, sending little aftershocks of pleasure though my whole body as he filled me up.

“I love you so much, Oaklyn.”

“I love you too.” I brushed my hands through his hair and shifted to press a kiss to his damp temple.

He eventually slipped out of me and rolled to his side, but pulled me with him into his arms.

“I always imagined you when I thought of making love to someone under the stars.”

Me. He’d imagined me, and it filled me with so much joy I felt like my heart would explode all over again from his words.

“So, what do we do now?” I asked, pressing a kiss to his chest as it rose on a heavy sigh.

“Now we be together.”

“What about school?”

“We can’t tell anyone, and we have to hide now. But Oaklyn,” he began, shifting to look down at me. “When you’re done being my student, I’m going to date the fuck out of you. Take you on the best dates. Show you off to the world and let them see I’m the luckiest man alive.”

My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. I loved this man so much and although the past month had been hell, I wouldn’t change anything if it meant I was here in his arms at the end of all of it.

If it meant I got to spend every night with him under the stars.

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