Two days.

That was how long I stayed away from Voyeur after my conversation with Oaklyn on Tuesday.

Maybe she won’t be here, I thought as I entered my identification code at the door. The hope was hollow at best considering a larger part of me hoped she would be there.

I’d come earlier in the week and had missed her, telling myself I was happy about it. Then I’d watched another couple perform and struggled to not picture Oaklyn the whole time.

I was a fucking mess.

When I walked through the doors, I pulled my baseball cap low. I’d gone home to put on jeans, and a baseball cap, knowing I’d be asking for trouble to show up in the suit I wore to work that day. She’d spot me instantly and I couldn’t even begin to imagine the ramifications of her knowing I was there. Guilt pinched my chest, but desire burned hotter and became bigger than anything else I could feel.

I discreetly tried to keep an eye on my surroundings and headed to the bar, sitting in the corner to get a better view.

But when the bartender set my beer in front of me and

moved away, Oaklyn stood at the other side, laughing with another employee.

I stared, I couldn’t help it. She wore a long, flowing red silk chiffon robe, barely tied at her slim waist and hinting at her curves encased in a strappy red bra. I wanted to peel it off her. Wanted to see if her panties were just as flimsy as her bra. Wanted to see her take it all off for me. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Quickly, I dropped my chin, letting my hat cover my face when she began to turn to look in my direction. I squeezed the bottle, trying to let the cold, hard glass calm me down.

Maybe if I slipped it between my legs it would ease the erection straining against my pants.

I ached to request her. To make her do all the things I fantasized about her doing. And I hated it. That wasn’t the point of Voyeur. It wasn’t to lust after a performer and fall in love with watching them. It was about watching anyone, the person unspecific to the fantasy. I felt like I was breaking the rules, and it had to stop. I chugged the rest of my beer and set it down before heading to an iPad and blindly selecting a woman for a solo performance.

But even with an oblivious selection, fate had set me up with a girl who looked similar to Oaklyn. I was fucked.

I moved back to my spot on the bar and waited to be notified the room was ready. This time I only asked for a water.

It didn’t take long for a woman maybe in her forties to approach me. I wouldn’t be able to guess her age if it wasn’t for the fine lines around her eyes that gave her away. Otherwise her body was sleek, encased in a tight black skirt and white blouse that was mostly left unbuttoned.

“Hey, do you need any company?” she asked, trailing her finger down my arm. “I’m Anne by the way.”

“Hey, Anne. I’m Cal, and unfortunately I’ve just made a selection and will be leaving soon.” I added a smooth, regretful smile. I didn’t want to be rude.

She licked her lips. “Do you need any company in there?” she asked, nodding her head toward the back rooms.

I had to admire her boldness. Most people came to Voyeur because they knew what they wanted, and they wanted to satisfy that craving for a kink most people didn’t understand. I came because if I was going to be so fucked up, I’d at least have the best kind of porn available. I’d watch what I couldn’t seem to force my body to go through with. But being there didn’t usually mean you came to find someone to take to a private room and do whatever as the performance went on. Sure, conversations went on and people met like at a regular bar, but what happened in the back was usually not on the table without knowing someone.

“I’m okay alone tonight, but thanks for the offer.”

Thankfully I was saved from further conversation when my wristband buzzed. With a final nod, I left and headed to the back room. It was dark when I entered, and I turned the knob on the light switch just enough so I could see where I was going. A black leather couch and two armchairs filled the middle of the room. Side tables sat between them, holding lamps on each. A shelf sat along one wall that held towels, an assortment of lotions and lubes, and condoms. Also, a binder with the other selections you could request, including dildos, straps, and about any other apparatus you could think to use in a small room with a couch and two chairs.

I grabbed a bottle of warming lube and a towel before flipping the switch to let them know I was ready and sat on the couch that faced the glass wall. From my side, the glass allowed me the privacy I wanted, but still let me feel like I was in the room. I knew from their side, it was a black shiny wall they couldn’t see through.

I was unzipping my jeans when the girl came in. She moved around the room like she was at home before she

sat on the edge of the bed and spread her legs. Her light brown hair fell behind her as she moaned when her fingers slipped beneath her white panties.

My cock grew harder and I gripped it tightly with lube coating my fingers. I stroked slowly up and down, swirling around the head and flexed my hips. Her bra came off and her large breasts seemed to defy gravity with how perky they were for their size. I tugged my jeans down a little further, pulling my balls out and cupping them in my hand, squeezing them with each stroke of my shaft.

Her breathing increased, and her moans became louder.

And I fought to chase an orgasm.

Her panties came off and both hands were working over her wet pussy.

I saw her long red nails and struggled to stay hard.

The performer’s moans were too fake. Her breasts too large. Her makeup too heavy. And her pussy was completely shaved. I knew Oaklyn had a thin landing strip that matched the color of her hair.

All of it was wrong.

While I wanted to close my eyes and picture Oaklyn as I stroked myself to orgasm, I also didn’t want to. I didn’t want to have to admit what she did for me. I didn’t want to admit the control I’d given her. I didn’t want to admit how much I craved her.

“Fuck,” I said on an angry breath.

I gave up, tucking my cock away after wiping myself down. I didn’t want to turn off the light to let her know I was gone just yet. It felt disrespectful to not stay for the full performance and as much as I wanted to get the fuck out of there, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings because I was slowly going insane. Thankfully, it didn’t take long and as soon as she had come down from her over-the-top orgasm, I flipped the switch, letting them know I was gone, and bolted.

With my head down, I rounded the corner and smacked into someone. Immediately, I started to apologize and turned to see if the person was okay, when I heard her voice apologizing first.


“I’m so sorry. I totally rounded that corner too fast without even looking.”

My heart jumped in my throat and panic zipped through my body. I didn’t think she had recognized me yet, so I kept my head down and didn’t turn to her fully. With a gruff apology and saying it was okay, I got the hell out of there.

I waited to hear her call my name, chase me down to see that it was me, but it never came.

The cold night air welcomed me as I pushed through the doors and only one thought filled my head as I drove home.

That was too fucking close.



I watched the man walk away, his wide shoulders slouched over a trim waist. I hadn’t got a good look at him before he bolted, just a strong jaw with stubble and a black ball cap covering his hair.

I shrugged off the encounter and the niggling feeling that he was familiar. I’d probably just seen him around Voyeur before. Then it clicked. He was the man at the bar from earlier. Charlotte had pulled my attention to him, letting me know he was staring at me pretty intently. I’d brushed it off, blaming my outfit and thought nothing more of it. The members at Voyeur stared and I tried not to think

too much about it. I tried not to think too much about anything at Voyeur. Just let my body do the work and detach as much as I could.

“Dammit,” I said when I turned to walk away and bumped into another hard body. Tonight wasn’t my night.

Strong, warm hands gripped my biceps, steadying me.

“You okay?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah. You’re just the second guy I’ve bumped into in the last few minutes and I’m starting to question my ability to walk.”

“I’m sure you walk just fine,” Jackson said, chuckling.

“You’re just a man magnet.”

“I guess there are worse things to be.”

“And I was actually looking for you.” I looked up and raised my eyebrows in question. “I got another request for a sex scene and you’re the only woman here who I know isn’t signed up for anything intense like the BDSM rooms.

Plus, we put on a really good show. So, even though you’re not signed up for it tonight, I wanted to ask anyway.” He gave me his best smile, trying to lure me with his looks.

The problem for him, was that I wasn’t affected by Jackson’s looks and he knew it. You had to give the guy credit for trying.

“I’m sorry, Jackson. I just can’t tonight. I’m too tired to even think about it.”

“Setting my manly pride aside at you being too tired to think of hot sex with me,” he joked. “Are you okay? You seem off tonight.”

My shoulders dropped, and I let out a deep breath. I loved Jackson for caring. We’d only known each other for a little more than a month, but we’d become fast friends.

Grinding on someone naked kind of forces a fast bond. But he didn’t have to care for me as much as he did, and I counted my lucky stars that he did. This job was easier having him on my side.

“I’m okay. Just getting worn down. School and work and work and work are getting to me.”

“I get it. When I was in college, I was working here too, and it takes its toll on you. Mind you, I wasn’t working two student worker positions at the same time, but I can relate a little.”

Jackson had a degree in marketing and actually helped Daniel out part time with the finances, but I hadn’t fully asked him why he still performed and didn’t go get a real job. Maybe I’d have to do dinner with him some time and get to the bottom of that.

“Okay, well I won’t push. Even if the money is really good and you give great head.”

I slapped his chest as he wrapped his arm around me but laughed all the same.

The money usually was good when we put on a sexual performance together, but we tried to get away with faking it as much as we could. And a couple of times when the money was high enough, I’d fallen to my knees for him or let him bend me over to perform oral. I’d let him touch me in a way that allowed people to watch his fingers between my thighs.

Yet, it still never formed a romantic connection between us. When the light turned red and we left the room, we were back to two friends bantering with each other. Every time we entered together, it truly felt like entering a stage and putting on a show. Hell, I got more excited from filing papers in the same room as my professor. I also felt more shame for that than working at Voyeur.

I was sure that Jackson got more excited thinking about the guy he liked. He was tight lipped about his attraction, but I’d begun to know him well enough to pick up on his cues.

“How’s your guy?” I asked, noticing his jaw clench at my question.

“Straight as an arrow.”

He looked down and gave me a smile, trying to play it off as a joke, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes, and I hated it for him.

“I’m sorry, Jackson.”

“No worries at all, Oak. It’s why I swing both ways. I’m not limited to just one.”

Just as we were about to enter the bar area, he gave me a tight squeeze and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “No matter the life we have now, we’ll be fine in the long run.”

Standing on my toes, I softly kissed his cheek. “I hope so.”

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