He kissed away the tear, his lips lingering against my skin. "It's not just my beast that wants you."

“What," I breathed, my eyes widening upon his revelation. All this time he had wanted me—craved me. And now… The jealousy. The anger. The fear in his eyes when he found out the creatures almost kidnapped me. It all made sense.

His lips curled in a wickedly hot smirk. "I said—"

"I heard what you said." I wasn’t deaf, just caught off guard.

His eyes hardened, a hint of gold glowing in his them. "Do not interrupt me," he warned as he rolled his hips against mine.

Shots of sparks tore through me. They ripped me open, had me gasping for air as I clutched onto his arms. “Collin.” The desire in my voice broke the last tether he was clutching onto.

With a lust-filled growl, he flipped me over, his breath fanning my neck as he brought my arms to my back. “Keep them there.”

I nodded my head, clutching my elbows with my hands. Authority laced his voice. The same kind he used to instill fear into his enemies. The same one he used on me. Back then it was filled with anger. Now, there was no trace of it. Only white-hot desire.

“Words, little mouse,” he whispered in my ear, nipping it before his hand collided with my ass.

A yelp escaped my mouth, a blush following suit. The pain had turned to pleasure real quick, shooting a fire down to my core that had me shaking with lust—primal and uncontrollable.

Another one followed when I didn’t answer. This time harder than the last one.

I bit back a moan as my nails digged into my elbows. “I understand,” I panted, close to begging for a release. The sweet torture mixed with those delicious sparks was driving me insane.

“What do you want?” His breath caressed the crook of my neck as he pressed his body on mine. There was no space left between us, and I didn’t mind it at all. Not when sinful images clouded my mind, my body high off his touch.

“I want to come.” The strain on my muscles, the begging for a release. It hurt to the point it was all I could think about.


An order to which I stilled. I hadn't even thought about that. He could pleasure me with my clothes on, but it wouldn't satisfy me. Not when I was this close to the edge of letting go.

"Are you defying me?" Goosebumps appeared on my arm upon hearing the dangerous undertone. It wasn't a question.

"No." I played the game along. It was more than obvious he wanted me to submit to him. But when I wanted to push myself up, a hand pressed on the back of my neck.

"No, what?" He rubbed my ass, pleased that my reaction held no hesitation.

I nibbled on my lower lip, before saying, "No, Alpha."

He growled, pressing his hard on against me, and a shiver went down my spine. He definitely didn't feel small. "Then strip."

This time I did as he said. I sat on my knees and grabbed the hem of my shirt, peeling it off my body. His eyes hungrily swept across my body. It gave me power. A strength that made my heart swell with an emotion that I could not pinpoint. My jeans followed suit.

"Go on," he urged when I stopped.

I clutched my hands in my lap to stop them from shaking. Being naked with him sounded like a good idea at first, but now nerves wrecked me. He finally wanted me, and I didn’t want to give him reasons to leave me.

His face softened as he most likely saw the fear in my eyes. “Lay down on your back.”

I breathed out shakily and lowered myself. My thoughts were running rampant, but as soon as he gave me an order they quietened. This dominance… Normally I would have bitten the guys head off if he thought he could dominate me. But this felt right. He was the experienced one, and now I didn’t have to think about how to please him as my obedience was enough. That was until he climbed on top of me.

Panic hit me with full force. My breathing quickened, my body trembling. I was about to push him away when he cupped my cheek, placing a tender kiss on my lips. “Can you trust me?”

The vulnerability in his voice almost brought me to tears, and yet again his choice of words did not go unnoticed by me. Can I trust him? The answer to that was simple. No. Yet it was complicated at the same time. Deep within me, I trusted him. My soul did. It was my head that came up with him leaving me in the end.

“Lexi?” He stared into my eyes, trying to figure out what was going inside my head.

“Yes.” My answer surprised us both. “At least, I think I can.”

He nodded, his hand slipping behind my back to play with my bra strap. “Can I?”

For a moment I stiffened, contemplating if I was ready to take that step. We were both acting out on instinct, and the rational part of my brain screamed at me to think this through. If something happened right now, there was no turning back.

“I don’t want to be marked yet,” I whispered as I sat up, undoing my bra.

“I wasn’t planning on it.” His eyes widened, a curse following soon. He trapped my body beneath his as I was about to knock him some sense into him. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he hurried out. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Then what did you mean,” I hissed. Tears burned in my eyes. He never planned to make me his. This was only to satisfy his wolf needs.

“I meant I understood, given your current situation with Lachlan." The anger when he said his name had me narrow my eyes.

"He isn’t—" My breath got caught as I thought back to what happened earlier. "That bad," I finished, my voice cracking.

"What happened?" He laid down on his side, wrapping a leg around my own "Did he do something?"

I clutched onto his shirt, unable to hold back my tears and the frustration. Everyone was right not to trust him, and yet I just didn't want to believe it. He was my friend. We grew up together. He wasn’t evil.

Collin stroked my back as I let everything out. "Try to take deep breaths," he reminded me, "or you will start shifting again."

His rich earthy scent, mixed with faint citrus, filled my nose as I did what he said. Slowly, my muscles relaxed. It was so different from I was used to. Refreshing, even.

"I have to tell my parents," I rasped as I wiggled out of his arms.

He tightened his grip around me. "You're still too close to shifting."

I dropped my head against his chest. He was right. The edge was off, but the thought of leaving his arms renewed the pain, and it wasn't just that. I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning." He shifted us so we were laying under the blanket.

"You're staying," I whispered more to myself than him.


I snuggled into him, and his hand roaming to my panties barely registered in my brain as darkness infiltrated my mind.


I startled awake and clutched the blankets to my body. Collin was nowhere to be seen. He had left. No. I shook my head. He said he wanted me. I had to trust him, even when every fibre in my body screamed at me not to.

I glanced around the room and saw my panties laying on the ground right next to my bra. "What the—" He didn't. That perv pulled off my underwear.

Collin walked back into the room with a fresh pair of clothes, his eyes widening upon seeing me awake. He placed the clothes on the dresser "I though you would still be asl—"

"You perv," I yelled, throwing a pillow at him.

He caught the pillow, a predatory smirk now dancing on his lips. "I didn't see anything."

"Then why did you—" I couldn't even say it.

He shrugged his shoulder and walked over to me. "I like to sleep naked."

"Oh." He slept naked. I hid my face in my hands. Stop picturing him naked.

"I don't mind." He brushed my hair over my shoulder. "That you picture me naked," he clarified, his breath tickling my face.

I stared at him wide eyed as he looked smugly with his lips in a lazy smile. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

He hummed. "I heard you loud and clear."

"Where were you?" I asked in the hope he would drop it, and I clenched my thighs upon seeing the smouldering look in his eyes.

"Your parents." His eyes stared at my hands that clutched the blanket to my body. This was not going in the direction I wanted it too.

"Why?" I rasped, clutching the blanket even tighter to me.

He stood from the bed and walked to the door, his hand on the knob. “You should get dressed. Your parents are waiting for you in their office.”

With that he left the room, leaving me confused. There was no reason for him to visit my parents this early. At least, none that I knew of. My eyes widened. “Lachlan.” I cursed. Collin must have talked with them after my breakdown yesterday.

Hastily, I pulled my clothes on and dashed to my parent’s office. I only didn’t expect to see the man in question there. A growl rippled from my throat, and before I could lunge at him, my dad caught me by my waist.

“Calm down,” he spoke in my ear, pushing me to the wall.

I didn’t listen. All I saw was red. It wasn’t his place to tell them. Especially when he didn’t know the full truth.

Another pair of hands caged me in, tugging me to a chest. “Take a deep breath,” Cole said, his arms tightening as I kicked and screamed. “Now.”

“Let me go.” Lachlan was my mate. I wouldn’t let anything happen to him.

Cole hissed when I kicked his leg. I took this as my moment thrust my elbow into his ribs. He let go of me with a grunt.

“Damn it,” my dad cursed. He tackled me and straddled my waist, his eyes boring into mine. “Calm down right this instant or I will lock you up in the dungeon.”

My beast retreated, my body stiffening as his voice shook with absolute power. It was a threat. One he would follow through if I so much as dared to give him a wrong look.

After he was sure I wouldn’t do anything, he let go. “Sit down.”

With my head hung low, I sat in the chair, holding back a growl as Collin came to sit in the chair next to me. “Whatever he said—”

“Shut up,” my dad interrupted me as his magic seeped out of him—a warning. “Lachlan is spending his time in the dungeon at the moment, but I would love to hear why he had to be contained.”

Cole squeezed my shoulder. “We know something happened yesterday.”

“He’s being controlled.” My voice was a mere whisper—hoarse and almost toneless.

“Did he try something?” my mom asked. Worry tainted the bond between us, and I was surprised not to feel a hint of animosity.

I shook my head, but my dad knew better. He narrowed his eyes at me, the silver in them burning brighter. I sucked in a breath. “He tried to get me to the woods and when I refused…” I couldn’t finish the sentence.

“Did he try to kidnap you?” she asked as she knelt in front of me.

I nodded my head and choked on a sob.

“Come here.” She guided me into her arms, stroking my back. “He’ll be fine. Silas is with him now, trying to undo the spell.”

I pulled back from her. Everyone had left the room, except for my dad and mom. “What about the second course?” Lachlan would have wanted me to keep going, but somewhere it felt wrong. We started it together, and I wanted to finish with him. But I also knew I wouldn’t hear the end of it if I quit now.

“You can compete again next year,” my dad answered.

“What.” I gripped the arms of the chair. “I’m not going to wait a year.”

“It’s an order, Lexi.” My dad leant against his desk, his arms crossed. ”Lachlan can’t stay with you, and Collin can’t compete.”

“I am going to compete,” I gritted out as I stood from the chair. They would not take this away from me too.

My mom placed a hand on my shoulder. I recoiled from her touch as if it burned me. I didn’t need her pity. “Lexi, it’s not like you will be on time. It’s starting any minute now.”

A growl vibrated in my chest. They did this on purpose. “I hate you,” I spat. “I hate both of you.”

I rushed out of the door with tears falling down my cheeks. Controlling was the definition of what my parents were. Ever since I was young, they kept me surrounded with guards, saying what I can and can’t do. Even now, when I am almost twenty-one, they keep controlling me.

Ignoring the shouts of startled maids, I ran at full speed. There was too much noise, too many smells. My lungs… I couldn’t breathe.

A body crashed into mine. We tumbled over the ground, a dance of legs and arms. “Are you out of your mind?”

I looked through my blurred vision to see Collin straddling my waist. An emotion I hadn’t seen often on him swirled in his eyes. Fear. Fear for my life as I was about to run into the woods, and it was all I needed to break down.

He cradled me to his chest as the start sign for the second course echoed through the air. I didn’t even notice where we were going until I heard a door shut followed by a bed dipping.

“It’s not fair,” I murmured, my tone emotionless as my tears dried. This world… The moon Goddess… Just everything. It wasn’t fair.

He kissed my head before tucking it beneath his chin. “I know.” Two words was all he said, and yet they spoke so much more. He held me and when I broke down again, he spoke soft words inside my ear until I cried myself to sleep.

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