Way of the Wolf: Redemption
Chapter 7 ~ Outcast

I Iat unhappily next to the hulking Beta, forced to eat from his hand. He was proving a point to the pack that had postured and growled at my presence at breakfast. We didn't keep our distance now, though the Beta wasn't sitting where he should be, he didn't seem to mind. He should have been amongst the first to choose food as well, but he didn't. He waited until every other wolf in the pack had taken their share though I was sure they left some of the best bits for him. They didn't want to punish him for being stuck with me.

All these weeks with these wolves and the stares hadn't lessened any. I glared back at anyone that looked long enough to make me feel uncomfortable, or like prey. Bjarke didn't seem to care about the unhappy noises that constantly rumbled from my chest until I aimed them at the Alpha; that was when he quickly cuffed my ear. I glared at him in accusation, rubbing the sore spot with a mind to remind him he'd promised to look after me but the look in his eyes made me rethink.

He leaned in close as he fed me small portions of food in little bites as instructed by Madden but I was so full. My stomach ached and my belly was beginning to bloat so I shook my head. A meal like this would normally have lasted me days. It was a feast of food every meal here.

"Finish what I got for you, there's not much left," he urged, picking up something to eat himself.

I shook my head again, more focussed on flashing fang at the Alpha who hadn't turned away. It was a sharp pinch to my ear the Beta gave me this time, and my growl turned to a yelp.

"You need to be careful. I'm being patient with you, Alpha Jakkon won't be. Do you want chained back up to the post until you learn to submit to him?" he asked, turning my face back to him.

I kept my gaze on his lips, not brave enough to meet his eyes. "No."

"Then behave." He released my chin and ate what was left on the plate for himself.

He was beginning to lose his patience today and we'd only been awake for an hour or so. I sat still while he went to put the plate away, looking for any sign of the Alpha Female. While she unnerved me, I felt a little better when she was around but she wasn't here. I'd never seen the pack eat without her by her mate's side.

My gaze went back to the Beta, the male I'd woken up a little too close to. He was talking to the Alpha now along with a few others but I wasn't interested in what they had to say. It was the ancient male drawing patterns in the mud like he had been the night he'd terrified me that caught my attention. The Beta had told me he'd been the one to put the marks on his skin. He was another one that always seemed to be watching me. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Eyes that were weary with age and knowledge caught me looking and I was even more surprised when he bowed his head. I didn't trust him at all. I didn't trust any wielder of magic and this male stank of it.

Fearing another cuff to the ear, I tore my gaze away from him.

Bjarke returned looking tense and grumpier than he was when he had to drag me out of bed.

"I have to go hunting," he grumbled, running a hand through his hair. "I need to leave you here with someone. Will you behave while I'm gone?"

I huffed at his question. Why did he always have to treat me like a pup? Folding my arms, I nodded but I wasn't sure our definitions of behaving were the same.

"I'll look after her while you're gone, Beta."

I jumped at the voice, head whipping round to see the old male leaning on his staff. He'd moved quickly, I hadn't even heard his approach. Perhaps I'd underestimated this male a little. My nose scrunched at the scent of magic on his skin but he gave me a smile that deepened the lines on his face.

Bjarke shook his head. "With all due respect, Sol-"

"I find any sentence that begins that way normally holds disrespect," he cut in, making me smirk. "You don't think I'll be able to handle her, have you forgotten I was alpha once already?"

The Beta quickly bowed his head. When my smirk widened, the wooden staff quickly whacked the side of my arm. I gasped, rubbing the sting away. The old male chuckled and glanced at the Beta again. "As you can see, I think she and I will be okay."

"As you wish," Bjarke agreed, putting me under a stern gaze that warned me to remember to behave.

As he turned around to join the hunt, I was happy he was finally leaving me alone. We got on each others nerves too much. But I found myself alone with a wolf that made my skin crawl and a pack that hated me. The Beta's presence shielded me from most but I was out in the open now with no protector.

The male took a shaky breath with creaking bones as he lowered himself to sit next to me. When he was settled, he turned toward me but I was busy studying a rock stuck in the mud before me.

"Let me get a look at you then, female," he said.

I kept still, ignoring his presence. That damned staff whacked the shin of my good leg and I growled as I glared over at him. He chuckled, catching my face in a wrinkled hand. He hummed as he studied me, getting that same look the Alpha Female did. Instincts flared and I snapped at his wrist but he avoided my fangs easily.

With just a look, I felt the strength still in this old male. He was still an Alpha wolf even if another stood in his place. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice with him. As I relaxed, so did he.

"Poor pup," he murmured. "You've experienced some horrors haven't you?"

I blinked at him then turned my head away, unable to meet his eyes. All I could offer in answer was a shrug. Everybody I knew had seen horrors, it was a part of life.

"You don't talk too much, that's good. I can't stand when wolves drone on and on about meaningless things." He got back to his feet and smiled when I chuckled. I hated pointless conversation too.

He motioned for me to stand and I did so painfully. I tested my still healing leg, carefully putting a little weight on it. My knee didn't buckle this time but it still ached and throbbed. Sol offered his arm and I eyed it dubiously. He might have been quick in his old age but he didn't look like he could support my weight. Then again, I'd already doubted him before and been proven wrong. I took his arm, making sure to keep my legs out of the way of his staff.

Now I was close to him, I could see faded symbols and patterns similar to Bjarke's on his skin. Intrigued, I studied what I could make out on his arm.

"Do you like them?" he asked.

I looked up at him then back at the strange markings. "What are they?"

"Tattoos. They tell a wolf's story. I could show you how it's done if you like," be offered.

It was a tempting offer. The patterns were beautiful to me, like nothing I'd ever seen on a Wulver's skin before and I just couldn't figure out how they did it. With a small smile, I nodded. It was better than being left all alone like a pariah.

He guided me over to where he was sitting earlier and as if he knew of my fear too, he turned me to face away from the river. I'd gotten used to the sight of it now and paid it no mind, as long as I wasn't close to it.

There was a wooden table he sat me at and he sat across from me. I narrowed my eyes when he sat with ease, no faking being old and weary now. He gave me a wink.

"I make it my duty to keep these wolves on their toes. Especially Jakkon." He grinned then lifted the box at the end of the table. It was ancient looking and I traced my finger over the pattern on the lid. Somehow, I knew what it was without asking.

"The tree of life," I stated, lifting my head to see Sol tipping his head.

"Yes. You've seen it before?" he asked curiously.

I shrugged and snatched my hand back, feeling like I'd given too much away. "I don't know."

He hummed and pulled back the lid of the box, motioning for me to look inside. I leaned on, looking up for permission to touch and the male bowed his head.

"Get to know everything, ask questions. I've been looking for a new student," he said, eyes watching my every move.

I didn't really hear, I was too busy taking out every item to set in front of me. There were jars of berries and a large one of a liquid that's smell burned my nose. It was a smell I'd often caught on Valdis' breath if we were near a human settlement. There were also slim wooden and metal needles that looked dangerously sharp.

I held up the charcoal, not bothered about how it marked my skin. In fact, it made me laugh as I tested it again, drawing a line over the back of my hand. "What's this for."

"I use it to draw the patterns I see," Sol answered, but his voice sounded distracted.

When I looked up, it was to see him baring his teeth at a group of wolves that were still unhappy I was here. I didn't know the brown haired male that stood in front. He was young and puffed up, a light shimmer of paler skin on his chest from healing scars.

"Is there a problem, Hagan?" Sol inquired, turning to face the small group.

"You're showing her our secrets; a female that ran with wolves that attacked us, injured Jakkon and me!" he growled, taking a brave step forward.

I watched with interest, eyeing every wolf that had chosen to stand with the foolish male. They'd overpower me easily but they looked rightfully wary of the male that sat across from me.

"You were quite proud of your battle scars before she arrived. I believe they even helped you bed a few huntresses who believed your version of events," Sol mused, his grip shifting on his staff.

Hagan faltered a little but when he took in the smirk I was trying to hide, he growled again and refused to back down. I shifted too, preparing to defend myself as my hand curled around one of the needles.

"She shouldn't be here. She doesn't belong here-"

The staff whipped out and caught Hagan on the side of the head. It was hard not to laugh at his expression as he blinked and swayed on his feet. Sol stood, keeping up his act of old and weak as he wobbled to his feet.

"If you hurt this female or speak bad of her without any provocation from her, you will have myself, Bjarke and our Alpha Female to deal with," he warned.

Lines were being drawn again, and sides chosen, all because of me.

Hagan straightened up with a slight smug look. "You list a few names, but not our Alpha."

"I would ask what your Alpha thinks before trying to carry out his will!"

Even I froze as Jakkon's voice boomed out. The wolves fell apart to reveal their leader standing behind them. Hagan stiffened as he sensed his Alpha's fury but I still wasn't sure which side he was on.

"Her and those wolves almost took your life," Hagan stated, lowering his head.

The Alpha took slow, measured steps until he stood in front of Hagan and the wolves, his back to me. "A stag nearly took my life, and it's not up to you to give out punishments. You've all seen this female, does she look like she's enjoyed her life? Nobody willingly stays in a place where they're beaten and raped. She's never known what it means to be pack and I've been trying to show her. You're letting me down by confirming the horror stories she's been told about us that kept her with those wolves."

He met the eyes of every wolf who was now cowering back. The air stank with guilt, and fear of what their actions would bring them. Hagan didn't look so confident now but I didn't once loosen my grip of the needle I held.

"Bjarke is her guardian. I will tell him what I've seen here and I will let him decide what to do with you for thinking to attack her," the Alpha finished with a growl. "And I will discipline each of you for thinking to act on my behalf."

The wolves gave their Alpha their necks, shoulders slumped and head low. A few murmured broken apologies before disbanding, submitting to his orders. I stared at the Alpha's back, amazed he'd stood up for me.

Sol sat back down as if nothing had happened but I still couldn't release my grip on the makeshift weapon. I watched the Alpha as he turned and came to the table. He eyed the needle in my hand and his lips twitched a little.

"What were you planning to stab with that little thing?" he asked.

"Eyes," I answered quietly, flinching when he barked a laugh. Sol was chuckling too and moved over to allow his Alpha to sit. I wondered if they realised I was completely serious.

I put the needle back in the box then held both my hands up to show I had nothing else on me. He didn't seem concerned though, just sat watching me like I was something he needed to figure out.

"The needle you hoped to make a weapon is what's used to poke ink into the skin." Sol motioned to the tattoos on the Alpha's bare chest. He wasn't as covered as Bjarke. "It takes a long time to do by hand but it shows a wolf's strength. We make ink the way our ancestors did, I'll show you how. But I don't want to waste my time, I will only teach you if you want to learn."

Both males were watching me intently as I thought over his author. If I wanted to gain their trust, it would help if I made an effort. For some reason, I was intrigued by the tattoos. I wanted to learn. It would give me something to do, distract me from how out of place I felt here. And from the fact I wanted the Beta to be here. I frowned at that thought. Had I become dependent on him? Pushing that horrifying realisation away, I eyed the two males before me.

"I don't think I'll be very good at it," I mumbled, pushing the box away from me with a shake of my head. Because I wasn't really good at anything. Not fighting or hunting, nor pleasing males if their treatment of me was anything to go by.

"None of us are born great at anything. We learn. It takes patience. I think you'll enjoy it," the Alpha commented and the eerie similarity to words his mate spoke earlier had me narrowing my eyes.

"Like I'll enjoy the snow?" I snapped, pulling further away from them both.

They shared a look but the Alpha turned a glare on me when I growled in frustration.

"Don't flash those fangs at me, pup. I'll remind you of your place too," he warned.

I slammed my hands against the table, feeling the grip on my instincts slipping. "I am not a pup."

"Aren't you? How old are you?" he asked, his tone sounding genuinely curious.

All anger left me at the question, my mind fumbling for an answer. My hands slid from the table, head falling down so all I could see was my lap. I had no idea how old I was, I couldn't even form a guess. The Alpha's power disappeared from the air but I still didn't bother lifting my head. His frustration was tangible but I couldn't offer him anything.

"Where are you from? What have you told my mate to upset her?" he demanded.

I frowned at that. I wasn't aware I'd upset the Alpha Female and my gut twisted a little at the thought. I still didn't have any answer for him and the Alpha deflated.

"You really don't remember your childhood? Or anything of who you are?" His tone was softer now and tinged with sorrow.

A heavy sigh and the three of us sat in sullen silence. I knew who I was even if I didn't remember much of my past or have a name. Even if I was an outcast with no heritage or home. My eyes flicked to the river and I hesitated before admitting, "My first memory is of fighting for my life, fighting to breathe, all alone."

"I'm sorry," the Alpha murmured. I felt his eyes on my face, tense seconds of silence stretching on until he stood and bowed his head in respect to Sol. "I have to go deal with my wolves."

Whatever that strange interaction had been about, I'd made up my mind about one thing. Anything was better than being left alone with my thoughts.

"I would like to learn," I blurted out once the Alpha was far away enough I was sure he couldn't hear.

Sol smiled and nodded, turning the box so he could see the contents. "Then I will start to teach you what each item is and what it does."

"Thank you," I replied, really meaning it. He paused to smile at me, his head tipping to the side, and those old eyes saw far more than I liked.

"Don't worry, pup. Bjarke will be back soon, you won't be stuck with me for too long." His words were teasing and brought a blush to my cheeks but thankfully, he got to work. "Let's start with the ink shall we?"

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