Chapter 190 

On the rocky shores, Alma stood at the brink, the sea breeze tousling her hair

For over twenty years, the whereabouts of her daughter remained a mystery. The years had taken their toll, filled with false leads and charlatans, her hopes ignited and 

extinguished time and again. 

Mom!” Hanson rushed over, pulling Alma back from the edge with concern etched on his face. What on earth are you doing here? It’s dangerous.” 

Alma glanced at Hanson with a smile that softened her aging features. You think I’d jump?” 

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It wasn’t a face marred by time, rather one that told a story of life and warmth, the kind that suited her fifty–something years.  Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“No, I didn’t mean that…” Hanson stammered, careful not to upset his mother. 

“Mom, don’t do anything foolish. We’re here for Edmond’s daughter’s wedding, remember?” Felix chimed in, relieved. 

“I wouldn’t do anything silly. Not when your sister is still out there…” Alma’s voice trailed off, tinged with regret. 

“We’ll find her, Mom. We have to.” Jason tried to soothe her. 

“Alright, Liam…” Alma nodded, turning to see Kristin approaching with little Liam in her 


Her words caught in her throat as she stared at Kristin in shock. “My dear… How old are you?” Alma approached, her hands trembling as she clutched Kristin’s arm. 

“What’s your name? Are your parents still with us?” Alma–peppered her with questions, her voice filled with urgency. “You bear a striking resemblance to my long–lost daughter.” 

Kristin, caught off guard and a little frightened, turned to Rhett for support. 

What in the world was happening with the Lewis clan? 

First, the little one mistakenly called Kristin mom, and now Alma seemed set on mistaking her for her daughter? 

“Ma’am, I’m Rhett, from the FitzGerald family. You’ve met me before.” Rhett offered Alma a reassuring smile. “This is my girlfriend, Kristin.” 

“Mom, you’re at it again, asking strangers if they’re someone they’re not,” Hanson sighed. 

Jason snapped back to reality and scooped up Liam. “I’m so sorry, really. This is my son, Liam. Thank you so much for today. If it weren’t for you folks, Liam might have been in 

real trouble.” 


Jason was always a bit impetuous, and he tried to take Liam into his arms 

But Liam clung to Kristin, crying, “Mommy, I want my mommy 

Jason was dumbfounded. Sorry, I’ve never seen him like this.” 

Then, trying to soothe his son, he coazed, “Liam, let’s go home with Daddy. The lady must be tired from holding you.” 

Liam ignored Jason, hugging Kristin tightly. “I want to stay with mommy,” 

Alma’s gaze lingered on Kristin, yearning to call her daughter right then and there. 

Kristin was overwhelmed and looked desperately at Rhett for help. 

“Little guy, this isn’t your mom,” Rhett said, reaching out to pick up Liam. 

Liam, however, was having none of it. He wailed and clung to Kristin as Rhett tried to pry him away, 

Kristin, unable to bear Liam’s cries, held him close and comforted, “There, there. Don’t cry.* Jason was stunned. His son, an unexpected gift dropped at his door by a past lover or a one–night stand, had been lavishly spoiled by the his family and had developed an unfriendly demeanor towards unfamiliar faces. Yet, here he was, clinging to Kristin for dear life. 

“Liam, come here,” Felix said, trying to coax Liam, 

“No,” Liam refused, not giving an inch. 

“You are such a sweet girl, and Liam likes you. I like you too,” Alma said, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Kristin. “How old are you? Are you married? You see, I have three sons. Do you fancy any of them? Why don’t you marry into our family?” 

Rhett was visibly ignored as the conversation unfolded. 

Hanson snorted, clearly taken with Kristin but too prideful to express his gratitude. 

Felix tattled, “Mom, Hanson was rude to Kristin earlier, not very nice at all. If anyone should be considered, it’s me. I’m single and virtuous.” 

Felix believed himself to be the epitome of perfection within the Lewis family. 

“Yeah, as if he doesn’t cause enough trouble,” Hanson retorted sharply, exposing his brother’s flaws

Liam, still clutched to Kristin, spoke up with the sternness of a child. “Stay away from my mom, you’ll scare her off 

“Little guy, she’s mine,” Rhett interjected, eager to claim his territory. 

“Are you two married?” Hanson asked with a mocking smirk, challenging Rhett. 



1… Rhett almost wished he could slap the marriage paper on Hanson’s face right now. 

Sorry, ma’am, Mr. FitzGerald and I are together, Kristin interjected hastily, cutting off Rhett’s words before he could even get to the part about being hitched. 

The last thing they needed was the world finding out Rhett had tied the knot with her. Besides, they’d signed a nondisclosure agreement about their secret union. If word got out, there’d be pandemonium. And Rhett, well, he was in no position for any slip–ups. 

“Mr. FitzGerald, I must admit, I’m smitten with Kristin. Let’s keep this a fair fight,” Felix said, ever so blunt. 

“Hey, gorgeous, gimme a chance. You’ll fall for me, I promise,Jason was still showing off like a peacock

Rhett clenched his jaw and prodded Liam. “You, come down.” 

Liam huffed. “No.” 

That really got Rhett’s goat. The nerve of this kid. 

If only he’d brought Summer along, he’d have sorted him out right quick. The boy was actually competing with them for his mom’s attention. 

“Rhett, I’m so sorry. Liam’s not usually like this. Guess he’s taken quite a liking to Kristin, just like me. You’re here for Edmond’s daughter’s wedding, right?” Alma finally noticed Rhett. 

Rhett managed a strained smile. “Yes, Ma’am.” 

“Lucky you, Rhett, snagging such a catch,” Alma said, still trying to coax Liam. “Sweetheart, come to granny. Let mommy go get changed, or she’ll catch a cold.” 

Only then did Liam let go of Kristin. “Mommy, will you come get Liam after you change?” 

Kristin felt a twinge in her heart. The child’s longing for a mother was palpable. 

His eyes, they were eerily similar to Summer’s. 

“Sure…” she found herself agreeing as if possessed. 

Seizing the moment, Rhett scooped up the little boy and dumped him into Jason’s arms, then whisked Kristin away. He couldn’t bear to linger a moment longer. 

As if a second’s delay would result in his girl being snatched away. 

Mr. FitzGerald, your back injury…” Kristin’s eyes welled up with concern for Rhett. 

I’ll need compensation.” Rhett’s smile curled up mischievously as he swept Kristin off her feet and strode towards the hotel. 

Kristin tensed on Rhett’s shoulder, aware of his antics… 

Chapter 190 

He was putting on a show for the Lewis family. 

“How… how do I compensate?Kristin stuttered. 

In bed,Rhett declared. 

Kristin’s face flushed crimson. She got it. He was talking about the verb. 

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