Who is Magpie?
Chapter 48- Apologies

Ezekiel was thrilled to hear that the staff was already working on their plates, commended them thoroughly, and requested they add some fresh fruit and a cravat of mimosas with two glasses. He went to his office to check on some affairs in the mean time and asked them to bring the tray to him when it was ready. All of the staff was grateful for the brief visit from the alpha and the room felt one thousand times lighter when he left.

Once in his office he intended to check his emails, but instead found himself watching the overnight security footage. He saw, as Delano had, Jessamine head to his room but hesitate and leave, following her path with other camera angles until he lost her heading outside. He also saw Bronx follow the same path, both of them out of sight until they came back in together. Jessamine looked more content coming back inside, walking straighter even if she looked tired, and he wondered why he hadn’t sensed her emotions the night before.

He realized further that he had been more inside himself while dealing with Athena, not even thinking of her, and it had been the same that morning. He tried now to sense her, just a few rooms away should have been easy, but there was nothing there. It was like she was asleep, and the second the tray arrived he took off with it to check on her. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Knocking lightly, he waited impatiently to see her. She opened it after a few minutes, looking almost exactly as she had before, except this time her hair had been brushed out and twisted into a slightly better bun, but she had just woken up for the second time. She looked at him, eyed the plate thoughtfully, and returned to looking at his face, but she still barely looked awake.

He tested her emotions, she was merely tired. She did the same, she thought he felt pitiful and moved to let him in, beckoning with her arm grandly, before closing the door. He waited for her to turn around and she nearly bumped into him.

She ushered her arm for him to move into the room again. “You know where the table is.”

He nodded, thinking he was being polite by not entering her space ahead of her and realizing she thought he was stupid. He moved to the sitting area, placing the tray on the table and turning back to her, but she had already moved around him and was sitting in a single chair by the table. She poured a glass and plucked a piece of bacon from the tray and sat back in her chair, happily taking a bite.

The curtains were open, the sun drifting through to warm her like she was a house cat. She had already sailed passed angry when she peaked through a gap in the door to see him walking out with Willow. She didn’t know why but she loved the old woman enough that she knew she would take the bullet if it meant she would have another day. She knew the woman would give him wise advise and if he came back in and said she was wrong she would apologize if Willow had said it true.

“I’m an idiot,” he began and she sighed with relief. She hadn’t thought she was wrong. “I should have told you about Athena. I thought I had more time to explain things to you. I didn’t know she was coming and I hadn’t told her about anything that happened.”

“I know. It’s not like it would have made any sense to tell me any of the days before the final trial, and we were plenty busy yesterday. If you say you didn’t know she was coming or informed, there’s enough fact for me to believe that.” She took a large sip of the drink, assuming it was orange juice, regretted not smelling it, and coughed at its strength. “Champagne? I would have gone with coffee but nice touch.”

“So you forgive me?” Ezekiel asked, feeling like this was a trap…

She chuckled a laugh. “There’s no excuse for her being in your room last night.”

…He was right. “But what about you letting Bronx into your room?” He demanded.

She was one of those girls who laughed with every emotion, and this laugh told him he was an idiot. “Someone didn’t show me all the different environment controls in my room.”

He refilled her glass and she took another sip. “I’m an idiot.”, he admitted again and she nodded. “ an idiot and a straight ass.” She couldn’t disagree. “You did still kick me off the balcony in front of a lot of people.”

She tsked her tongue. “Don’t knock on my door without promised food, after being an ass and then continue to be an ass. That’s three strikes, and, to be fair, I did confirm you would live.”

He nodded. “I’m an ass.” She agreed again, finishing her slice of bacon.

He walked over to her, resting on his knees in front of her to give her a more direct hug. She sucked her fingers clean, letting him grovel for a moment before joining in the hug. Continuing to hug her, he stood up. Her toes barely touched the ground to the point that it was more comfortable for her to wrap her legs around him and he moved to sit on the sofa with her in his lap.

Her content sigh seeped through them both as they calmed together. “Do it again, and I won’t warn you first.”

“Understood,” he agreed, happy his grandmother had stopped him from making a ridiculous mistake.

She stayed sitting in his lap, enjoying the hug, only somewhat unaware that her breasts touched his face. Unaware, in that she knew they did, but she didn’t realize her top had slipped below them.

Ezekiel tried to behave, he had meant to just rest his forehead against her collarbone lovingly, but in putting his face directly into braless tits he felt himself grow. Jessamine twitched at the feeling of him through his sweat pants raising to touch her, but then she grew curious. Grinding her hips against his, they both let loose soft moans.

Jessamine closed her eyes and dipped her hips from side to side, trying to work her way deeper between his legs. Lost in the sensation of her rubbing against him he let his legs drop to the sides. She moaned appreciatively, tugging on his ear with her teeth.

“Jessa-meeeeaaan.” He moaned in return.

She smiled, moving it against his lips. “Don’t like?” She asked accusingly.

“No no!” He assured, “I like very much, but you know….”

“Oh right, the full moon thing right?” She played coy, biting his lip lightly before releasing it. “I was just thinking of how nice it would be for your next meeting, in the conference room, with the lovely Athena, to come with a nice bright warning. Right about here.”

She kissed the high end of his neck, just under his ear, and then gave it a small bite for attention. A shiver ran through him in anticipation, begging her to do just that. Instead she pulled away, levelling her lips to his ear.

“I don’t have to. I’m sure she would love to mark you if you went to her and asked.” Jessamine offered. “I wouldn’t want to be a home-wrecker. I’ll let you up, no questions asked. Just tell me to stop.” She halted all her movements, waiting for his response.

“No,” he begged, and she angled her ear towards him. “Please, keep going. Mark me, I want you to.”

She restarted her gyrations, dampness from her aching sex soaking through her pant with her legs spread wide to wrap around him. Ezekiel’s hands had been on her back and hips/ass cheek area, rubbing her back and forth, but now they moved to the sides of her bare breasts rubbing the centres with his thumbs. She arched up at the sensitive sensation, the scent of her arousal drifting to him. She heard his deep breath, his thumbs pressing firmly into her breasts to create a favourable pain.

She bit down. Lightly at first, as a reminder of her power over him, and then she latched on, sucking and rolling the skin between her teeth to bring the blood to the surface. All the while, she ground against him and her pants soaked through with wanting into his. As she pulled away she licked up the side of his neck possessively.

He moaned languidly into her ear, his energy to resist fading. “Fuck this,” he muttered, standing with her again he moved to lay her on the bed, legs dangling over the sides.

Swiftly pulling her pants off she looked eagerly up at him, leaning to wrap her fingers around his waistband but he pulled away. “Hey!”

“Not me,” he murmured, grabbing her legs roughly as he spread them to the sides. “Mmmmm, my favourite meal.”

She grabbed his hair as he moved in, not sure if she should still be mad at him, but as he looked up at her with his tongue out her resolve faded away. He didn’t enter her aching hole this time, focusing entirely on her most sensitive skin that his tongue could reach. His finger tips dug into her thick thighs as she wiggled with the keen touch receptors between her legs being tested to capacity.

Suddenly he latched onto her, sucking hard, to the point where the pain caused more pleasure. She gasped and cried out to him, tugging his hair to pull him away for a break but he shot her a warning look and she dug her fingers into the bed instead. Her small bean felt like it could explode with the building feeling.

When he finally involved his tongue again it didn’t take long to send her over the edge. Her desperate sex contracting and relaxing with the release, she could feel her slick climax run down her skin and soak into the cover beneath her. Ezekiel continuing to lick her slowly, starting at where her lips began and ending passed her swollen sore bundle of nerves. As she rolled through her post climactic shivers she began getting sensitive again and begged him to stop.

“Mmmm so sweet,” he cooed into her cunt, but again she begged him to stop unless he wanted her to climb on top of him before the full moon. “Ready to go again so soon? I’m going to have a lot of fun with you.” He grinned, releasing her legs gently.

“I wouldn’t know if that’s not normal.” She said briefly, refusing to ruin the mood by speaking further on it. “But… I should tell you now that I’m no longer on my contraceptive. I obviously didn’t pack it when I left, and I’m not sure I’d trust it anyway.”

He kissed the inside of her thigh. “We’ll be careful.” He assured, letting her stand on tired legs to go to the washroom and clean up.

After she cleaned the fluids running down her legs and used the bathroom, she started straightening her hair out for the second time that day and giggled. “So if you could spend most of yesterday without a shirt, does that mean I can spend today without pants?”

He was momentarily horrified at the thought of her showing her swollen clit to everyone but when she came out he saw what she meant. Over the top and inside of her thighs were deep finger print bruises. They stood out so clearly against her skin that Ezekiel had immediate regrets.

“Jessa, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” He begged forgiveness with his inner wolf both sorry he got out of control and still rolling blissfully in the memory of the taste between her thighs.

She giggled again. “It’s ok, I liked everything you did. Besides, even now without the tea pain doesn’t really bother me like most. It’s likely just low iron, the Fae weren’t big on meat products, particularly the red meats, so I was usually low.”

She moved to her piles of clothes, pulling on a pair of underwear and shorts, only slightly kidding about showing off her bruises.

“Well we’ll have to get some more meat into you.” She looked at him quickly. “Not what I meant.”

He had moved back to the sofa and she moved to sit beside him, recollecting her glass she didn’t even remember when she put down and grabbing a pancake. “You should know, if we had been mated and I found another woman in your room you wouldn’t have gotten off so easily.”

He bit his tongue to avoid making the ‘getting off’ joke that sat there, instead kissing her head and promising, “it won’t happen again.”

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