Wicked Ties (The Tether Trilogy Book 2)
Wicked Ties: Chapter 72

I can’t remember the last time I looked forward to going home.

As soon as Rowan pulls into his designated garage, I climb out and walk through the door that leads into the manor. I make my way through the foyer, rounding a corner and finding the kitchen. The kitchen is spotless, and the only breathing things inside are Silvera and Cerberus coiled up on an oversized pillow in the corner.

Cerberus hops up when he spots me and rushes my way. I give him a stroke on the head and behind the ears as Silvera approaches, stretching with exaggeration before wedging her body between my legs.

“Look at you two,” I chuckle, rubbing both their heads. “Best of friends now, I see.”

Rowan and Killian come in, placing their guns on the counters. “Oh—by the way, Juniper said we have to dress nicely and meet her at the guesthouse,” Rowan announces.

“For what?” Killian demands, unstrapping his bulletproof vest.

Rowan shrugs. “Dunno. But she said as soon as we got back to change and come there.”

“Jun is always doing something outrageous,” Killian gripes.

“Is Willow with her?” I ask.

“She is. So is Mum.”

Just as Rowan says that, a door closes outside the kitchen. I march around the corner and look to my left, finding Juniper waltzing through the back door that leads to the lower deck. She’s not dressed in her normal attire. She wears a velvety teal dress that dips very low on her chest. Her dark hair has been straightened and rests on her shoulders.

“Where’s Willow?” I ask. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Don’t worry, she’s fine,” Juniper chimes. “She’s with Mum in the guesthouse. Why aren’t you all changed yet? Come on, be quick! We don’t have all night!”

“What exactly is going on in the guesthouse?” I inquire.

“It’s a surprise,” she states. “And if you want to find out, you must change out of those dirty working clothes and into something easier on the eyes. But also make it a bit relaxing, not too busy. Now hurry!”

She moves forward, pushing Rowan by the arm. “All right, all right.” Rowan chuckles while Killian mumbles something under his breath, but he follows their lead anyway.

When they’re gone, Juniper’s eyes swing to mine.

I need more information than what she’s given me. What does she have going on in the guesthouse? And why isn’t Willow here with her to tell me? They never use the guesthouse. The last time we did was for a meeting with Vanorians—literally years ago.

As if she’s read my mind, Juniper says, “Please, Caz. Just let us do something nice and surprise you for once.”

I take a step back, studying her eyes. They’re bright, hopeful. Clearly no lives are a stake.

I shift on my feet. “Fine.”

I don’t waste much time getting changed. I find a black button-down shirt and dark jeans, tuck the shirt in, swap boots, and pick up my coat again. When I’ve returned to the kitchen, Killian is already there, leaning against a wall while swiveling a gun around his forefinger by the trigger guard.

“Is that thing loaded?” I ask.

“Of course, it is,” he retorts.

I shake my head. Reckless asshole. “Where’s Rowan?”

“Here!” Rowan appears from the foyer dressed much nicer than we are in a gray turtleneck, a dark gray trench coat, and dress shoes. He’s even gelled and styled his hair.

“Nice!” Juniper praises.

“You’re such a pretty boy,” Killian chuckles.

“And the ladies love it.” Rowan pops the collar of his coat.

“Right. Juniper? The guesthouse?” I ask, doing my best to cling to patience.

“Yes, yes. Come on.” She twirls around, opening the door again and walking across the deck to get down the stairs. The sun has dipped behind the ocean, and the moon is not too far off on the other side of the sky, ready to give a full debut. The sky bursts with purple and orange hues, and a gentle breeze drifts by us, causing some of my hair to fall into my eyes. Juniper leads us down a hill, and I’m surprised to find the guesthouse completely lit up.

There are lights hanging outside the house, wide bulbs that illuminate the area, and a warm glow emits from the windows. As we get closer, I take notice of the pillar candles perched in the windowsills, the flames dancing joyously. We cross the bridge and make it to the door. Juniper swings it open with a grin, revealing what’s inside.

The large table, which is normally vacant, is set with black plates, crystal glasses, and gold cutlery. Candles are lined in the middle, surrounded by centerpieces of Gold Vanorian Blossoms, and more candles are on the counters. Three women are near the kitchen, working with food. They’re unfamiliar to me, but not the other people inside.

Simpson and Paulina are here, as well as Veno, my driver, and Jack, Lew, and Hunter, my Blackwater Generals. Veno and Lew have brought their wives, and the quartet mingle in a corner. Jack and Hunter stand near the kitchen with silver beer tins in hand, laughing. Simpson and Paulina are pouring and mixing drinks, their forte thanks to their positions as barmen at Blackwater Tavern.

And then there are the two women next to the window, facing the sunset while chatting. Maeve and Willow.

My gaze locks on Willow, and despite the busyness of the room, she’s all I can see. There’s a thumping in my chest as I study the curve of her ass in the silk maroon dress she’s wearing. My heart beats at a swift, chaotic pace, longing to be close to hers. As if she senses me, and all the mad thumping going on in my body, Willow stops talking midsentence to swing her gaze to mine. Her brown eyes light up, twinkling from the nearby candlelight, and she smiles, revealing two rows of beautiful teeth.

My word, is she a beautiful sight. Her long-sleeved dress cuts into a deep V at the chest, revealing the tops of her voluptuous bosom. Her locs are parted at the top of her head and swim down to her shoulders. She wears a gold crown as well, and I bet a million rubies it was Juniper’s idea to put it on her. Willow says something to Maeve before coming my way.

I start to speak, but I’m at a loss for words. I’m not even sure what to say to her. She’s so fucking beautiful it hurts. It literally hurts to see her—to know she’s mine and that I get to have her forever—but in the greatest way.

“Willow, I—” I look her all over, taking her hand in mine. “You look…I mean…”

“Go on. Spit it out,” she teases.

I huff a laugh. “You look incredible. Absolutely stunning.”

“I know.” She taps her temple with two fingers. “I could hear you,” she says with a tinker of a laugh.

I can’t help smiling wider. “Right.”

“This dinner was all her idea, by the way,” Juniper says as she passes us.

I focus on Willow’s eyes. “Was it really?”

She gives me bashful smile. “I just wanted to cheer you up a bit.”

“Well, it worked. Thank you. This is all very thoughtful and beautiful.” To fulfill my aching need, I reel her in by the waist and bring her body closer. My heart comes alive again, humming with our energy. The coolness sinks into my chest, familiar and definite. Never a feeling to waver. Our Cold Tether.

I palm the back of her head as she laces her arms over my shoulders and brings her mouth to mine. Her mouth is sweet with wine, and she smells like flowers and sweet spices. I hold her closer, deepening the kiss, wanting to tangle myself in her, to completely rid myself of the ache by taking her right here, right now…but then I remember, we’re not alone.

I break the kiss, my eyes traveling across the room. All my cousins are trying not to look at us. The other guests are whispering amongst themselves while cutting their eyes at us (it’s mostly Veno’s and Lew’s wives doing the whispering. They’ve not seen me with a woman before, so I’m sure it’s shocking). Maeve looks right at us, though. She’s not one to miss a romantic moment…especially when it comes from me.

Heat creeps up from my shirt collar, and I clear my throat before lowering my gaze to Willow’s and placing my lips to the shell of her ear. “If they weren’t all here, I’d fuck you right on this table,” I whisper.

She releases a bubbly laugh. “Don’t be naughty.”

“We can leave right now, you and me. Run back to the manor and fuck wherever we want. Once everyone starts eating, I bet they won’t even notice we’re gone.”

She laughs again, holding me close and pressing her ear to my chest. She angles her head upward, so I can see her eyes. “We have plenty of time for that afterward.”

“Shall we eat?” Juniper calls out. “I’m starving!”

“Absolutely.” I turn toward the table. “Let’s eat, everyone, and enjoy this night created for us.”

After the food is served by the three catering women and we all dig in, I take a look around the table, understanding what Willow meant when she said there are people who care about me.

I see it now. I knew it was here all along, but it was never this apparent. We never really sat down to have dinners, to laugh, to drink and let go. We’re all so caught up—so busy with life and trying to survive that we don’t get these small moments, nor do we plan them.

But Willow did. She’s given this rare gift to us. Her heart is so soft, so kind. She’s exactly what we need, and because of her, this will become a night I’ll never forget.

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