Wicked Ties (The Tether Trilogy Book 2)
Wicked Ties: Chapter 91

“I don’t like this.” Killian’s voice echoes in the darkness, and I feel the heat of his body as he stands nearby. I told him to hurry back to Blackwater Manor as soon as we got word from The Council.

Shadow’s Peak is notorious for its sharp, jagged rocks, bumpy trails, and ominous caves. For the most part, only teenagers venture this way, sparking bonfires and getting drunk off wine and whatever else they can get their hands on. Even Killian, Rowan, and I used to come near Shadow’s Peak, proving how brave we were to get near it. We never ventured into it though. Hardly anyone does. Shadow’s Peak is no place to party. There are things that lurk in the night here, and I’m not talking bears or wolves. No, there have been stories about literal monsters who drift in and out of this place, just like Rukane Forest. It’s the most annoying thing having all our forests practically haunted in Blackwater. Fortunately, many people are smart enough to stay away, minus the rebellious few. Shadow’s Peak isn’t barricaded like Rukane, but it still holds a mystery I can’t explain.

Many of the tales mentioned how the monsters were made by vengeful Mythics. These monsters were human at one point, who fed on animals and eventually began to feed on humans, devouring them limb from limb like wicked carnivores. When I took over Blackwater, I made it my mission to send fleets into Shadow’s Peak to make sure there were no lurking monsters and that my people could enter this area safely if need be. They never found any monsters, but I get the sense some are still out there…somewhere.

“Why would they have us meet here?” Killian snaps, waving his torch in the air. “Why not at the castle or the fucking tavern?” He narrows his eyes, craning his neck to see ahead.

“Because they don’t want to be seen,” I answer.

“It’s creeping me out,” Rowan mumbles, holding out his torch and peering around. His eyes dart around the darkness. “Where the hell are they anyway? The sooner we get out of here, the better. The last thing any of us needs to be going up against is one of those blood-sucking monsters.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Those stories are fake,” Killian grumbles, but that doesn’t stop his eyes surfing the area.

A crackle sounds in the distance, followed by a loud snap, and Rowan whirls around with the gun he loaded with Luxor Ash bullets. He points it in the direction the noise came from, his breaths quickening. My gun is already in hand, chin tipping, eyes narrowed. It’s hard to see past the light of the torches. There’s nothing but darkness, and with the roar of the distant ocean, we can only hear so much.

“There.” Killian points, and three figures appear. They float over the jagged tops of the mountains, their lengthy silver cloaks billowing with the wind. They follow the light of our torches, mouths turned down. It’s The Council, also known as Callista, Arie, and that shithead Vassilis.

They land several feet away from us, their silver eyes shifting among the three of us.

“I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see your face until after your journey to Selah,” Callista announces, taking a minor step forward.

“Oh, don’t be that way, Callista. I’m certain my face is much better to look at than that asshole brother of yours.” My eyes snap to Vassilis, and an immediate growl erupts from his body. Rowan can’t help stifling a laugh. “Let’s get this over with. Why did you have us meet here?”

“We had to be sure you weren’t followed and that you’re not being watched. This is a gray area and is hardly ever surveilled by the Regals.” Callista’s silver eyes drag from the top of my head down to my feet. They flash a heated silver, then cool again. She’s reading me.

“Watched by whom?” I ask.

The silver of her eyes seems to darken, muting in color. “The Regals.”

“And why would the Regals be watching me?” I ask, clinging to obliviousness.

“Oh, kill it with your bloody arrogance!” Vassilis snaps, taking a giant leap forward. “We heard through the winds that you were with Hassha in Kessel and that Korah is the reason Decius has been defeated. You think we’re imbeciles? That we wouldn’t find out? You forget we are aware of many things!”

“I assumed you would figure it out, but I don’t see how any of that matters or what it has to do with me,” I respond calmly, and I can tell the calmness in my voice is really getting under Vassilis’ skin by the way he grimaces.

“It matters much more than you think, Monarch Harlow,” Ares responds.

“What my brothers are trying to say is this changes everything we had planned for your trip to Selah,” Callista says. “With the Regals once again making their presence known, we can’t be sure about their intentions, nor can we ask them, seeing as they are above us…in a sense.” Her face tightens, nostrils flaring, as if she hates the idea of anyone being above her. How terrible that is for her ego.

“Why didn’t you just have one of the Regals go and wake Selah in the first place?” I study all three of them. “They’re sisters, after all. Well, according to the history. And they’re powerful. Who’s to say they can’t get the job done?”

“The Regals have their reasons to not like us, just as we have our reasons for not liking them. You think they aren’t aware that it is your blood that can bring Selah back? You don’t think it’s quite simple for them to travel to an island they created to wake their sister?” Callista inquires, eyes narrowing. “They’re well aware, and yet their sister remains in a slumber on a fiery, man slaughtering island.”

“Well, that’s clearly for a reason, isn’t it?”

“Whatever their reasons may be, we have other plans. We still have a goal to obtain, and we will meet that goal, but only after we figure out what Hassha’s and Korah’s true intent is. Until then, the boat ride to Inferno Isle will be postponed.”

Some of the tension melts from my body, seeping into the ground. This was what I wanted, but I figured it would never happen. Now it is. Thank the Regals.

As if reading my mind, Vassilis says with snark, “Don’t be so comforted by this, Harlow. You will make that journey to Inferno Isle, whether it’s now or within a few weeks.”

“Well, until then, I’ll enjoy the time I do have not seeing your ugly face, Vassilis.”

Vassilis’ eyes flash, and he lunges toward me, but Ares presses a hand to his chest, forcing his brother back. Killian’s and Rowan’s hands shift just a little, twitching for their guns.

“Those rubies are still due,” Arie reminds me, a flat palm on his brother chest.

“I’m aware, and we’re working on it,” I state.

“And the boy of Rami’s,” Callista adds. “He will still need guidance and training.”

“I’ll be getting to him as well.”

“I suggest you spend your time wisely, Monarch Harlow,” Callista says. “Armistice Night will be here soon.” Ah, yes. A night where everyone gets shitfaced drunk, dances, and fucks like rabbits.

“You especially better enjoy the time you have left with your mate. There’s no guarantee she’ll survive long in Vakeeli if Selah doesn’t rise.” Another sneer takes over Vassilis’ face, and I’m going to break his fucking neck in half. I’m going to murder this ignorant wannabe Regal, I swear it. I will crush every bone in his body and gouge his eyes out with my own fingers.

It takes me a moment to realize my hand is tight around his throat, his pulse beating beneath my palm. I only come to the realization when I feel the searing heat of touch and the weight of Rowan’s and Killian’s hands on my shoulders, trying to reel me back. I bring the barrel of my gun under Vassilis’ chin, and he gulps beneath my palm, his eyes darting to his brother and sister, who are both floating nearby, their eyes a blinding silver.

“Did I not tell you that if you threatened my mate again, I’d pop those silvery eyes out of your fucking head?” I don’t recognize my own voice, but I’ve heard it before, this primal side I hate revealing but will if it means setting any record straight.

“Monarch Harlow, stand down immediately,” Callista commands.

But I don’t move. I swear on all Vakeeli I’ll kill this fucker right here, right now, and still sleep like a baby tonight.

Vassilis grips my hand, struggling for breath while looking into my eyes. That silver is gone, as if it’s drained and he’s nothing but a meaningless bag of bones, flesh, and organs. There’s power in my hands, a power I’ve never felt before. It’s hot and tempting, begging me to crush his windpipe with one more squeeze.

“I said stand down!” Callista shouts, this time with more bass in her tone.

I glare into Vassilis’ eyes, narrowing mine, and his flash with something I’m very familiar with. Fear.

Then it hits me. I realize that I can kill him. I’m not like the commoners. It was stated with their words that my blood is charged—that I have enough power in it to wake one of the most powerful beings of Vakeeli. They can’t kill me either, or they won’t get what they need.

A smirk tugs at my lips, and I finally release him. He wraps a hand around his throat, drawing in rapid breaths as he falls to his knees before me. When he peers up, he raises a brow, but that fear is still rooted deep in his eyes.

“I should kill you!” he snarls.

I cock a brow. “Try it.”

Arie rushes to his brother, helping him up. They both float into the air, Arie shoving Vassilis on the back to get him farther away from me.

“We’ll be in touch,” Callista grumbles, and The Council takes off, disappearing in the night.

“WHAT. THE HELL. WAS THAT?” Rowan shouts. “Caz, what? You just choked out a Council! You’ve got some balls on you, man!”

“He did warn him the last time,” Killian tosses in, shrugging.

“Oi, that was literally insane! Did you see how scared Vassilis was?” Rowan laughs. “Bloody hell. Wait ’til I tell Mum about this!”

I can’t help my smile as we walk away from the cliff to find the SUV parked on the path near the trees. I lift the hand that held him, and if I’m not mistaken, my palm is red—an abnormal red that appears to glow. It fades rapidly and I draw in an even breath.

I’m still pissed about Vassilis’ threat, but I have to admit, it feels good knowing one of the members of The Council is afraid of me. Power is…well, powerful. And I’ll use every ounce of it if it means protecting Willow.

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