Wild at Heart
Chapter 32

Nick was silent on the way back home. I kept looking over at him, waiting for him to say something, but he never did. Finally, I couldn’t take the silence and I had to ask. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“So,” I began. “What was all of that about?”

“All of what?” He questioned, like he didn’t know what I meant.

“With Dr. Stephanie...”

“Guess I just wasn’t in the mood.” He never took his eyes off the road as he spoke.

“Nick—” I turned my body towards him as much as I could with my seatbelt still in place. He let out a long sigh and finally spoke the truth.

“There was an incident while we were gone.”

“An incident?”

“Daniel has some suspicion that she may have stolen some files.”

“What files?”

“Medical records on her sister.”

“How did he come to that conclusion?” I asked.

“An employee noticed them missing and brought it to his attention since we weren’t here.” He pulled into the driveway and put the truck in park, finally turning to look at me. “He questioned her, she denied it. End of story.”

“How is that the end of it?” I asked.

“Daniel looked into it, there’s no proof. It’s a he-said she-said case and that doesn’t stand up in any court.”

“So, you’re not going to do anything about it?”

“What am I supposed to do, Emma?” He asked with a shrug. “Fire her?” He laughed. “I have two doctors in this entire pack, I have rogues nipping at the borders who actually have balls enough to go after my Omegas and our pack is on the verge of war with the South. If I fire her I’m putting Dr. Morris in a shitty position being in charge of the entire hospital for the entire pack. All for what? The possibility that she stole some files that are worthless to anyone besides her and her sister. I have to pick my battles, Emma and this isn’t one I’m willing to fight.”

“Then why didn’t you just let her check me?” I asked.

“Because you’re the only wolf I’m not willing to take risks on.”

“And why were you being weird with Dr. Morris?”

“I trust her.” He said. “She’s saves many wolves in this pack. She did a lot to save you when you were shot with that poisoned arrow...”

“But...?” I knew he was holding back.

“But...” He looked away from me and out the windshield. “She almost gave up on you.” Although the truck was in park, his grip on the steering wheel tightened. “She made the suggestion that there wasn’t anything more we could do for you, and your father agreed.” He let out a low growl at the memory. “I trust her, but not as much as I did before that moment.” He finally turned back to me. “I don’t question her ability to do her job and I don’t envy her position when it comes to treating wolves in life or death moments, but sometimes I need to remind myself that just because not everyone would fight for you like I would, doesn’t mean they aren’t doing their best.” I slid my hand over to his and pulled it off the steering wheel.

“Thank you.” I responded. “Thank you for always fighting for me.”

“It wasn’t me that saved you that time, little wolf.” He brushed some hair from my cheek with a gentle smile. We both knew it was Derek who saved me, but neither of us spoke his name.

“You’ve done it more than enough times.”

“Maybe next time it will be you saving me.”

“Don’t hold your breath, Alpha.” I smiled back at him. “I don’t plan on you getting into any life or death situations any time soon.”

“I’ll do my best.” He planted a gentle kiss on my lips before unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the truck only to rush to my side to help me out as well.

Nick and I both showered after our long trip. I sat in the bedroom, pulling my socks on as Nick made arrangements with Daniel for a run. I barely had my boots on before Nick had the pack ready to go. By the time Nick walked me out to the woods behind our house I was already feeling the itch on my skin to shift. Nick led the pack by shifting first, his whole-body turning wolf before he lifted his head and howled at the quarter moon above us. My body shivered with pleasure at the sound. I dropped to all fours and allowed my wolf to take over. Nick’s wolf rubbed against me while we waited for the rest of the pack to follow suite. I patted at the cold ground while I let myself remember what it was like to have paws instead of hands. My wolf has been dying to be let out, but with everything going on, it wasn’t safe for her. But this—This was as good as it gets.

Nick ran by my side, yet he led the way through the woods. We jumped over stumps and dodged trees like we knew they were coming before they came into vision. The feeling of knowing the land we ran better than we knew the layout of our own home was intoxicating. Nick made a turn and I was quick to follow, the smell hitting me just seconds after it hit him. Whitetail deer used to practically invade our territory before they realized just who their neighbors were. We didn’t hunt animals often, but at times like this we were the predator and they were the prey. Three deer scattered as soon as they heard our pack behind us, but Nick jumped on one and clenched his jaw down into the creature’s neck. It instantly fell to the ground limp and Nick released it, backing off to allow his pack to have their way with his kill. I watched my Alpha as he watched our pack devour the deer in front of us. I could feel his joy of being able to provide for his pack. To provide for his most trusted warriors.

As the run ended, some wolves made their way back to the pack house while others lingered and playfully nipped at each other’s heels. I made eye contact with Alan for a split second before he turned away to go back to the conversation he was having with Alex, Evan, and the female Sophia. I watched the way he looked at her. He longed for the kind of attention she wasn’t giving him. Her gaze was locked on another as they spoke. I followed her line of sight and felt a pang of jealousy as my eyes fell on my mate. I couldn’t stop the growl that came out of my throat. A few wolves close enough to me gave me curious, yet cautious looks as they slowly backed away from me. I tried to convince my wolf that she wasn’t looking at Nick the way Alan was looking at her, but something inside me told me I was just lying to myself. I interrupted Nick and Daniel just to block Sophia’s vision of my mate, but all I did was make Daniel and Nick clam up faster than a teenage boy caught with a pornography magazine.

Is everything okay? I asked.

Yup. Fine. All good. Daniel looked everywhere but at me.

We were just talking about the trip we had this weekend. Nick smiled at me and I knew he wasn’t lying, but he also wasn’t telling the whole truth. I felt a burning in my skin, and I knew I was being watched. I turned my head and made eye contact with Sophia. She didn’t break the stare and I could feel that she felt no intimidation towards me like most wolves would. Nick stepped in front of us and she finally turned away.

What’s up with her? I asked, making sure to look into his eyes in case he wanted to blow me off.

I don’t know. He said, his composure not dipping in the slightest.

How well do you know her? I continued my line of questioning, knowing full well he could smell the jealousy seeping from my skin.

As well as I know anyone in my pack. Again, straight-faced. It was Daniel that was making me question Nick’s words. He was fidgeting back and forth like one question directed at him would have him spilling the beans to all his dirty little secrets along with his grandmother’s recipes. Shall we go home, little wolf? His nickname for me had my body easing like a warm bath, but I kept the thoughts in the back of my mind. I’ve never seen Nick show interest in the opposite sex until he stepped up to fight for me during the Mating Ritual, but Daniel spoke of an ex-girlfriend he once had. Was it Sophia? And if it was, why was he being so secretive towards me?

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