Wild at Heart
Chapter 36

The Alpha smiled at me and I shivered. I felt like I was in a time warp and an older Derek was sitting at my bar. “I was planning on introducing myself, but it seems that you already know me, ma’am.” The thick southern accent that coated his every word would be an attractive trait if it weren’t for the fact that he was a cold-blooded monster.

“A wolf like you is well known.” I steadied my voice and tried to hide the panic I was feeling. An Alpha of another pack showing up unannounced and uninvited was almost unheard of. The wolf’s got balls.

“I could say the same for you, ma’am.” I tilted my head at him, surprised he knew me.

“Is that so?” I questioned.

“The red wolf of the North? You have created quite a reputation of your own in a short period of time.” The more he spoke the more at ease I felt with him. I had to stay on my toes, he was unpredictable and dangerous. I couldn’t let his southern charm sway my logic. I needed to get my pack away from him. This conversation could take a turn for the worse and there were too many innocent wolves in this bar to be collateral damage.

“Luke!” I called to the office. He was out in less than a second, eyeing up the Alpha. Everyone in the place could feel the power radiating off him like steam from a pot of boiling water.

“Everything okay, Emma?” He asked me, his gaze not leaving Stefan.

“Peachy.” I said, pulling his attention back to me. “Bars closed, you mind closing out the checks of the guests and clearing everyone out?” I asked. “I’d like some privacy for my guest.” I gave Stefan the best smile I could muster, and it looked like he bought it.

“Uh...yeah, I can do that.” I could see his wheels turning as he debated pulling the hero card and trying something stupid.

“Everyone out.” I stated. He nodded and was quick to follow my command. In less than 5 minutes Stefan and I were the only two in my bar.

“I’m impressed.” He spoke again as I turned my back to him and grabbed some whiskey from the top shelf. I poured him a glass and slid it to him. “You’re more beautiful than I imagined.”

“Thank you.” I wanted to run. I wanted to get the hell out of there and find Nick, but Nick would defend his territory. He would fight Stefan, and he was wounded. I wasn’t betting his life on winning that fight. “I can’t help but wonder how you’ve heard so much about me.”

“You’re the wolf who survived death.” He gulped his whiskey like it wasn’t his first rodeo. “The wolf who defended her pack with nothing but a food tray.” He smiled at me again. “The wolf who stole my son’s heart.” My breath caught and I couldn’t exhale. My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn’t hide it from him. He would sense my unease. I turned from him; I was going to throw up. “My relationship with Derek isn’t different from my relationship with my other children. It’s strained, but when I call...they answer.”

“Derek has been a member of this pack since I’ve known him.” I finally found my breath.

“Yes,” Stefan nodded and slid his empty glass to me. “He didn’t agree with my methods. But he is my eldest child and everything I built would be his. Well,” he let out a loud sigh. “It would have been his.” I poured him another drink with a shaky hand. “You have no idea the pain I felt when I found out about his passing.” Stefan’s hand covered my own and I stared at it, waiting for him to crush it under his power. “I can feel it in you that we share that pain.” I looked up at him and searched for the sarcasm, the doubt, the monster. Anything, but I found nothing in his face but utter sincereness. Where was the monster everyone spoke of?

“We do.” I admitted.

“I was happy to hear that he finally found someone, especially someone with such potential.” He slid his hand around mine until he was holding it gently. I didn’t dare move. “You would make a fantastic Luna.”

“I am a Luna.”

“Yes, of course. The great Nicklaus has claimed your heart.” I slowly slid my hand away from his and pushed his now full glass towards him.

“He doesn’t know you’re here.” I didn’t question it, Nick would never allow Stefan in our territory.

“No, he doesn’t.” He gulped his second glass down just as easily as the first. “Nicklaus doesn’t like me much.” He smiled at me again like he was proud of that. “But I couldn’t stay away from you any longer.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Don’t you see, Emma?” My heart raced at the sound of my name coming from his lips. “You align yourself with a rapist to stop me, but my dear...” He leaned into the bar so that his face was closer to mine. “Have you ever stopped to think of joining me?”

“Joining you?” I repeated.

“I want to pick up where my son left off.” I didn’t understand where he was going with this. “He dreamed of a life with you, he saw nothing but greatness in you and I don’t doubt him one bit.”


“Shhh...” He lifted his finger to my lips and lingered longer than I liked. “I’m not here to cause trouble, Emma. I could have blown up this bar without a second thought.” My gut retched and I wanted to throw up again.

“But you didn’t.”

“I didn’t.”

“Then why are you here?” I asked.

“For you.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


“I want you to save your pack.”

“From what?”

“Me.” I gulped. “I have the army to go to war and you don’t want that. I have the resources to win and you don’t want that either. The death and bloodshed can stop with my son.” I tried to steady my breathing, but I was getting hot and dizzy. Was I going to faint? “I want you to leave this pack behind and come to the South with me. Rule with me as Luna of the South.” I almost fell right in my ass as the words left his mouth. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. “I know we only just met.” He smiled at me again. “So, I don’t need an answer right away. Take some time, doll-face. Think it over. Think about the benefits this could make for your pack. I’ll be in touch, but Emma?” He reached up and rolled a lock of my hair between his fingers. “Know that your pack is safe under my command, and it will stay that way depending on your answer.” I was frozen. I couldn’t move or think. He finally stood and threw some money on the counter. “Thank you for the drinks, but I never make a woman pay.” He took my hand again and brought it to his lips, kissing the top of my hand. “It was a pleasure finally meeting you, darling.” He smiled at me again and walked out of the bar.

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