Wild at Heart
Chapter 51

Nick ran a hand through his hair and didn’t answer me for a long time.


“I don’t know how much of this is true, it’s been nothing but a rumor for years now.”

“What rumor?” He let out a long sigh.

“A lot of wolves have been escaping the South pack since Derek left. More than what any of us knew. Stefan has been sweating, his pack is smaller now than it has ever been. But where have those wolves been going?” He asked.

“Derek went to the East and he was denied. We took him in.” I remembered Nick telling me of his past that I never knew. “Have there been others?”

“No.” Nick shook his head. “Derek was the only one.”

“Then where did they go?”

“That’s the rumor.” Nick said. “There’s a wolf, Elijah, it’s rumored that he was banished from the South pack and he’s been creating a pack or rogues with no home.”

“How?” I asked.

“This is just a rumor, Emma, I can’t say for sure, but the theory is that he travels the borders and never stays in one spot for long. He takes in wolves who want and need the safety.” I had a million things running through my mind. “If he exists, he’ll take Natalie in and she’ll have a new pack.”

“Will she be safe with him?” I asked. “He’s a rogue. They’re dangerous.”

“His rogues don’t attack the borders, they’re a pack without a pack, they have no reason to want to get into our territory. That’s the main reason it’s still an unproven rumor. They don’t bother us; we don’t bother them.”

“How long have you known about this?” I asked.

“A few years.”

“Nick!” I ran my hand through my hair and tried to calm myself down. “Octavia begged me to kill her own father! She has pack members who are in danger every single day! This is a way out for her!”

“Emma, it’s not!”

“Nick, you said it yourself, this wolf is taking in wolves who need saved. Octavia and her pack need saved!”

“This is why I didn’t tell you about this, Emma.” Nick took my hands in his and forced me to listen close. “This is a rumor. I have no idea if this Elijah is real or a ghost story to make the South pack feel better.”

“But Natalie—”

“Natalie needs hope. Natalie needs something she can hold on to to get her to tomorrow. She needs a mission to keep her alive.” Nick cupped my cheek with his hand. “I know you want to save everyone, and I love that about you, but we can’t give almost an entire pack false hope of a savior if he doesn’t exist.” I hated that he was right. I hated that there was an idea of a wolf that could help Octavia and her pack, and I couldn’t give her that option. But if I told her about this wolf and he wasn’t real, she would lead her entire pack into becoming rogues for nothing.

“I hate this, Nick.”

“I’m sorry.” He pulled me close to him and I allowed him to place my body into his.

“I hate that everywhere I go, it’s nothing but bad.” I wrapped my arms around him, and he brushed my hair back from my face. “When will we see any good in this mess?”

“Soon, little wolf.” He kissed my head gently. “Daniel and Alex are getting married in a few days.”

“Already?” I sat up and looked at him. “This year’s gone by so fast.”

“Why don’t you take Chloe dress shopping?” He suggested. “It’ll be good for you two.”

“Yeah, that’ll be nice.” I said with a nod.

“Come on, little wolf, lets go to bed.”

I woke to Nick getting out of bed. I rolled over and watched him put his clothes on.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.” He said as he came back over to the bed to plant a kiss on my lips.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“The firehall.” He said. “The place is a mess after yesterday a few of the Omegas are helping Daniel and Alex set it up for the big day.”

“Chloe’s going to pick me up in a few hours to get dresses, do you want me to get you anything?”

“Daniel already took care of the tuxes, we’re all set.”

“What about a present?” I asked.

“Well, I had planned to send them to my cabin for a few weeks.” Nick had a cabin up in the mountains that he told me about a long time ago, but we never made the time to take the trip up and spend time away. Maybe one day. “But with the South Pack’s threat of war, I can’t afford to send my Beta and Omega away right now.”

“Yeah, I could see how that could turn out badly.”

“If you have any ideas, I’m open.”

“Ideas for a wedding present for your two best friends?” I asked. “Yeah, I’m sure I’ll be flowing with ideas any second now.” Nick laughed and pulled a shirt on over his head.

“Have fun with Chloe, I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I pulled the blanket over my head and tried to go back to sleep, but it didn’t work. I groaned and decided for a shower instead.

Chloe picked me up right on time and we went closer to town so we could pick out some dresses for Daniel and Alex’s wedding. She talked my ear off about Kyle the whole time.

“Sometimes he comes home from work in such a mood!” She sighed loudly. “I mean, I know it’s a hard job and all, but what about me? I sit at home all day long by myself, it’s not like I have much to do. Once the cleaning is done, I really just sit around and watch TV until it’s time to cook dinner. I have no pups yet to take care of during the day and my life is boring, Emma.”

“Must be nice.” I muttered.

“Sorry, I know you have everything going on right now, but I miss conversations with people that aren’t Kyle.” She sighed again. “I love him to death, but it’s hard to have sex every night even when you don’t want to. But we’re trying for a baby and even when he doesn’t do anything to make me feel sexy, we still have to, you know?”

“No, I don’t know.” I rubbed my eyelids and tried to be more engaged in the conversation, but I was just thinking about Natalie and whether or not this Elijah wolf was real or not, and whether she would find him.

“Right, being mated to a sexy Alpha, I’m sure your bedroom is very spicy.” I side-eyed her and she instantly turned red. “I’m sorry.” She parked the car and covered her face. “I don’t know what got into me.”

“It’s okay.” I muttered. “We’re kind of too busy for those… intimate moments.”

“Right.” Chloe nodded. “Ready to shop?” I was glad for the subject change and just wanted to get inside and lighten the mood.

Chloe took forever finding a dress she thought Kyle would like. I didn’t think too much about it, I picked the first one that caught my eye and went with my instincts. I asked her to drop me off at the firehall where I knew Nick was and she happily did me the favor. We waved our goodbyes and I walked into the firehall to find Nick, Daniel, Alex, Alan, and Jake all pushing tables around with beer bottles scattered all over the place. Nick turned to me as soon as my scent caught his nose. He smiled and dropped the table he was moving to come to me. He looked down at my bag and then back to me.

“Am I allowed to see it?” He asked.

“Maybe at home.” I replied with a grin.

“Any luck finding a wedding gift?” He asked.

“I didn’t find something worth buying.” He nodded, but I could tell he had no ideas of his own. But he didn’t need one. “But I do have a gift I would like to give them.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Oh?” Nick was curious, but I didn’t let him in on it.

“Hey Daniel and Alex!” I called them over and set my bag down on the floor while I reached into my back pocket for my keys.

“What’s up?” Alex asked.

“Nick and I would like to give you your wedding present a little early.” I said.

“Really?” Daniel looked at Nick and smiled while Nick tried to look anything but clueless. I pulled my key off the ring and handed it to Daniel. He took it but looked confused.

“What is this?” He asked me.

“It’s my house.” I said. “I have no use for it now that I live with Nick, and I don’t think you two want to stay at the packhouse forever.”

“Really, Emma?” Alex asked.

“Yes, really.” I smiled. “It’s all yours.” I had no reason to hang onto my house. I knew without a doubt in my mind that I belonged with Nick and nothing would ever change that.

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