Iris Hendrix

I was a little disheartened when Walter had to cut our lunch short, but I understand, because if I was in his shoes, I would have done the same thing because who wouldn't, right? If you have a boss like Jace Emerson, then even the tortoise will carry its shell in its hand and run away, he was that scary. But as weird as it sounds, I didn't feel intimidated by him, but instead, I felt his arrogance, emotionless face, and that anger, sexy.

I definitely must get my head checked, if I am having this kind of thoughts regarding a guy.

“I am so sorry Iris, but I will give you my word, that we will have another lunch promptly.” Walter’s rant brought me back from my thoughts.

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“Don't beat yourself thinking about it. I enjoyed the lunch.” I reassured him, which made him relax a bit, but he still looked tense, and I know that he must be running out of time.

“Walter, could you drop me off near the hiking track?” I asked him.

“No, it's alright Iris, I will drop you home.”

“No, I want to walk for some time to clear my mind before going home,” I said, and he considered my offer for some time before nodding his head, and he pulled over near the entrance.

“Okay, I guess we will meet again, but, Iris please take care because there are wild animals that are roaming around in the forest,” Walter warned, and I saw the doubt and fear swirling in his eyes, and I can sense how much he wants to object to my decision and just drop me home, but I think he has already figured out, that I don't back away from my decisions.

“I have come here before too, so relax,” I said, giving him a big smile, and I got my handbag before getting out of his vehicle. Once I saw the vehicle completely vanish from my view, I turned around and started on my hike to one of my favorite spots that I have recently found. After huffing and puffing for thirty minutes, I finally reached the summit. The view from this point is just magnificent, but I didn’t come here for that, so after removing my heels, I started walking deeper into the forest till I stopped in front of a huge, old oak tree.

The oak tree was only a few feet away from the edge of the mountains, but what I really enjoyed here, is the view of the small town below and the magnificent sunset that takes my breath away every time I see it.

I guess I should lie down here for some time, after the stressful day that I had.

Taking a blanket from my handbag, I spread it below the oak tree and I took a seat on it while looking at the view below. The chirping of the birds and the distant sound of a river calmed all my senses, and my thoughts slowly drifted to a pair of deep chocolate brown eyes, that I have come to adore. As bizarre as it sounds, I have developed an unknown feeling towards Jace Emerson, and I just can not pinpoint what I am exactly feeling, either.

I was so lost in my thoughts when I heard a twig break, and I turned around to see a huge black wolf standing near the edge of the forest line. I know that if a normal person saw a wild animal, especially a wolf that is abnormally large, the first thing that you would do is run. But since I am definitely not a normal person, and I had this weird connection with animals from a very young age, I stood up from my place and beckoned it towards me.

The moment it realized that I called it to come towards me, it had this weird expression on its face. I think he must be thinking that this woman must have gone nuts to just call a wild animal towards her.

“Oh don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. You can come towards me.” I gently spoke.

Yeah right! Iris, how could you hurt a gigantic wolf, you idiot! That wolf would practically swallow you in one go. And, just imagine what the news headline would be:

A famous archaeologist was swallowed by a wolf.

Huh, now the has a nice ring to it.

While I was again lost in my thoughts, which I must say, is a very bad trait of mine, I felt a slight nudge in my right leg, and I looked up to see that the wolf was now standing right next to me. Even though I was standing at five foot eight inches, this wolf was easily a few inches taller than me. Taking a few deep breaths, I slowly raised my hand to pat the wolf, and all that time he just kept staring at me.

“Please don’t bite my hand. Please don’t bite my hand.” I kept chanting, and with shaky hands, I touched its forehead, and I started to lightly pat him. It took us a few seconds, and he eventually started to purr and come even closer to me.

“Huh, you like a nice hair massage, don’t you?” I laughed before using both my hands to scratch him behind the ear. I didn’t know what compelled me to pet a wild wolf-like this but in a way, I felt calm and at peace, and as weird as it sounds, I feel a tiny bolt of electricity zap through my fingertips every time I run my hand through his silky soft fur.

After patting him for some time, I took a seat on the blanket, and the wolf followed suit and he placed his head on my lap. We stayed in this position for what felt like a long time before I started talking to the animal.

“I don’t know what compelled you to trust me, but I appreciate it.” The wolf slowly lifted its head to stare at my eyes, and I gave him a warm smile before continuing talking.

“So, since we are now best friends, can I give you a name?” I asked him, and as bizarre as it sounds the wolf nodded its head.

“Hmm, I will call you, sparkle. I named him sparkle because of the sparks that I felt when I touched him, and also the gemstone spinel, since I had a connection with the stone for a very long time, and now I can feel the same connection with you too.” The wolf made a weird growl, and I took it as his approval, and I started talking about all the explorations and all the mummies that I dug.

“And I think I am starting to maybe like, Walter. He is a really sweet guy, hardworking, and most of all handsome.” The moment I said the word handsome, I didn't know what came over Sparkle, he got up from his place and let out a ferocious growl that made me slightly shake in fear. I knew it was a stupid idea to pet a wild wolf.

Stupid Iris!

The apprehension and anxiety were radiating from my body in waves, and I think he sensed it because he started to whimper and lay his head on the ground as a sign of submission. And his eyes were pledging with me to accept his apology.

“Fine, I accept your apology, but please don’t scare me like this again because I am already rethinking my decision of befriending a wolf,” I warned, and Sparkle nodded his head.

“Okay, so where was I?” I thought for a bit.

“Oh yes, so Walter is sending me this good guy vibes, and I know I should maybe consider his offer to get to know him better, but my heart just wouldn't allow me to do that. I mean, I should maybe consider his offer, but at the same time I am drawn to this certain person with deep chocolate brown eyes, and whenever I look at him, I feel like I have known him my entire life.” I kept ranting all my feeling to Sparkle, and he patiently listened.

“Anyway, I don’t want to end up with the wrong guy again, so that is the reason I have decided to stay away from Jace Emerson.” The moment I said that I felt like I saw hurt visible in his eyes, but I think I must have imagined it, why must a wolf feel sad? I bet half of what I said must have felt foreign to him.

“Oh my god! It is getting dark, and I must head home. But I guess I will meet you here next time?” I know I am acting weird right now, but after ranting all my bottled-up feeling to an animal, I feel like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I gently took one of his paws in my hand and shook it, and simultaneously, I felt the familiar sparks of tingles and I was drawn into another vision.

Sparkle was standing in the middle of a clearing, and there was another brown wolf trapped under his paws, and he let out a ferocious growl before kicking the other wolf one last time before he disappeared into the forest.

The moment I took my hand, I saw curiosity in the wolf’s eyes, and I know he must have seen it too. “Oh, that is just a glimpse of your future that you just saw. I have this power to see a person’s future.” I explained.

Surprisingly, I didn't break down or panic when I saw what would happen to the wolf, and I guess maybe it's because he can't talk, so he wouldn't judge me or criticize me.

“Anyway, good luck with your fight.” I wished him before getting up from my place and walking back towards the entrance of this huge forest.

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