Iris Hendrix

After breakfast, Jace and Walter were getting ready to leave since apparently, they have ran all the way to my house thinking that I was in danger. “Alright then, I will see you later,” I said, and Jace nodded his head, but he still didn't make a move to leave the house.

“What do you want, Jace?” I asked him with a smile on my face, and I leaned on the doorframe. And he took a few steps towards me till we were only an inch apart.

“Can I get a ‘see you soon kiss?” he asked me, and the heat rushed to my cheeks, I quickly scanned my surrounding to see that no one was around, so I slowly leaned towards him and lightly peeked at his lips before pulling apart. “Hey, now that is not a proper kiss,” Jace whined with a cute pout on his face, and he leaned again to steal another kiss, but I quickly placed my fingers on his lips, preventing them from touching mine.

“You should seriously get going, Alpha. I bet you have tons of work back at the packhouse.” I whispered, and a smirk appeared on his face.

“You are right, but I think if my luna is by my side, then I would be able to complete all that work on time.” his voice was huskier, and I know that if I continue playing this game of cat and mouse, I might forget about letting Jace leave my house today. So I pushed him away from me, which caused him to stumble, but he quickly regained his balance.

“You know that is not fair,” he said, but I shook my head before pointing my finger towards the road.

“Fine, I will leave, but I will see you at the packhouse tomorrow?” he asked me.

“Yes, I will come there tomorrow,” I said, and he nodded his head before he started walking towards the treeline, which is opposite our house but before he could disappear, I called him. “Nothing, I will see you later,” I said, and Jace shook his head before completely disappearing behind the treeline. After that, I went back inside, and when I entered the living room, I saw that dad and mom were sitting there most probably waiting for me.

“Daddy, I couldn't greet you properly earlier,” I said and went over to him and hugged him, and he hugged me back. “I am so sorry,” I whispered in his ears, and he just nodded his head while he lightly stroked my hair. “How are you, cupcake?” “I am doing great, dad,” I said, and we stayed that way for some time before I pulled back and took a seat next to him on the sofa.

“So, now that I have finally met my daughter, I would also like to know when did she find herself a new boyfriend?” he asked me, and I gave him a sheepish smile.

“We met each other when I first came here, but he only asked me to be his girlfriend two days back,” I said, and he nodded his head.

“Are you sure that you are ready to move on so soon?”

“Dad, I am one hundred percent sure. Moreover, it's been two years since I broke up with Alan, dad. I am over him.” I reassured him, but he still didn't look satisfied. His face still had a frown.

“But it did look like that to me, Iris. When you continuously screamed his name in your sleep this morning. Which makes me feel that there is more to that breakup than you have told us.” he said, and I can see that the seed of suspicion is germinating within him, which made my heart palpitate.

“Dad, I told you I watched a horror film last night. and I can't help it if the antagonist's name in the movie was Alan too.” I argued and prayed that he would believe me.

“Darling, she is right. And besides, did you see the love that Jace had in his eyes when he looked at our daughter? I am sure that history won't repeat itself.” mom intervened and tried to convince him.

“This is the same thing that you said when she brought Alan home, Amanda. But look where that went.” Dad said.

“I know, but this is different. Please trust her, Alex.” mom said, and the living room was silent for the next few minutes with both my parents staring at each other but in the end, dad gave up, and he sighed before slumping his shoulders.

“Fine, I will let you date him, Iris. But if he hurts you even slightly, I won't hesitate to kill him with my bare hands,” he warned, and a smile broke out on my face, and I hugged him.

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“Alright, enough with all these emotional talks. I have bought something for my princess.” dad said, and I looked at him with curious eyes before turning toward my mom, but she had a knowing smile on her face. Dad got up from the sofa and left the living room to get the gift that he has got for me.

“What did you guys get for me?” I asked mom when dad disappeared from the living room.

“It is a gift. And you will love it.” mom replied with a mischievous smile on her face, and before I could question her further, dad came back inside, and now he had a small jewelry box in his hand.

“This is for you,” he said before handing it to me, and when I opened it, there was the most beautiful stone that I have ever seen. The stone was small, it was in the size that it would fit a ring, and it had a mix of lavender, lime green, and pink on it, but the center of attention on that stone is the intricate design on it. There was a delicate picture of a wolf in it.

“It's beautiful, dad. Thank you so much.” I said and hugged him again for the nth time today.

“I am glad you like it. This stone belonged to my mother, but now I would like to give it to you. But the thing is that this stone was set on a ring before, but I have unfortunately misplaced the ring.”

“That's not a problem, dad, I have a ring that I think this stone will fit perfectly,” I said, and I got up from the sofa and made my way to my room to call Walter about the ring that I gave him.

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