Iris Hendrix

Unknown number?

Who can be calling me at this hour?

I was debating whether to answer the phone or not, but in the end, I answered the call, thinking maybe it might be an important call.

“Hello?” my voice sounded unsure, and I can only hear the sound of cars and people shouting and the occasional sound of someone breathing from the other end which was a bit bizarre.

Why do you call someone and not talk to them?

“Hello, is anyone there?” I tried once again, and I heard the sound of shuffling and a throat clearing which indicated that this was definitely a man’s voice.

“Hello, Iris, did you miss me?” the voice was not very clear from the other end with all the background noise, so I couldn't really decipher who was talking. I tried searching in vain through my memory but came out blank.

“I am sorry, but I don't think I recognize you. There are a lot of sounds in the background.” I explained, and a mocking laugh was heard.

“How can you have forgotten the voice of your two-year boyfriend, princess?” that word, “princess” made my heart start beating bruisingly against my ribcage, my hands started to turn clammy with the sweat that was coated on my skin, and my legs turned to jello, so I quickly learned on the nearest wall to support my body.

How did he find my number?

“Hello, Princess? Are you there?” his sarcastic voice asked me, which brought me back from my trance.

“What do you want, Alan?” I stammered, and my voice was shaky and almost a whisper, I mentally kicked myself for showing him my weakness, but I couldn't help it. The physical and mental abuse that I suffered because of him came rushing back.

“Didn't you get all my letters?” he asked me in a calm voice as if we were talking about the weather. “Well, I called you to you inform that it was because of me that your dearest father and your beloved niece are suffering from a supposed food poisoning,” he confessed in a nonchalant voice, which made the anger bubble inside me.

“If I find you, Alan, I will kill you with my bare hands, I would not tolerate you trying to hurt my family,” I warned him, but I know that we both know that I am capable of doing such a thing because if I can almost kill him the first time, then I sure can do it for the final time too.

“Oh, princess, you have no idea about who I am. The last time you tried that stunt on me, I wasn't expecting it, so you caught me by surprise but don't expect me to do the same mistake twice,” he said, and I can clearly hear the anger in his voice. “The poison I gave your father and niece was just a tiny bit, and that is the reason they have survived this time but don't expect me to be so lenient the next time Iris.”

“Next time, I will try this on your new boyfriend but trust me, he will not survive like your father and your niece did.” his threat felt so real, but a small sense of calmness washed over me, knowing that since Alan was a human, he will not be able to do anything to Jace since he is a werewolf.

“I think Jace will kill you before you even get ten feet in front of him,” I said confidently, but he let out a sarcastic laugh.

“Do you really think that he truly loves you, Iris? Did you forget about what I told you once?” Alan mocked. “No one can love you, Iris, you are damaged goods. And I bet Jace is having a really good time with his real girlfriend, don't you think?”

“Jace will never do such a thing. Let's just say that he is like a soulmate to me, and he did say that I am one of the most important people to him.” I asserted while I gave him a vague description of what a mate is since I can not tell him that.

“What are you, still five? Believing in the perfect happily ever after? Okay, if you say that he does truly love you, then why didn't he come to drop you home earlier? Why did he send someone else to escort you? And, did he even call you to check up on you?” all these questions brought up the buried insecurities that I had, and I started doubting.

But aren't mates suppose to love each other for eternity and always care for one another?

That is what Jace’s mother told me, but after listening to Alan, I have second thoughts. I am the one who insisted to come home by myself, and maybe he is too busy to call me. But all these consolings didn't help my conscience.

“Get this straight, Iris, if you don't come to me willing, then I will come there myself and take you. And remember if I come there, none of your family members will be alive to see the next day.” with that the line went dead, and my head was swarmed with a million thoughts; my family’s safety, Jace’s sincereness, and may more. That caused my head to start to pound again.

I checked my phone one more time to see if I might have missed Jace’s call, but there was not a single missed call from him, Disheartened I dialed his number. The phone kept ringing for ages, but he didn't pick up. I tried several times, and now my anxiety was growing, and a thought clouded my brain. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Walter said that no one was allowed inside the alpha’s house except his close connections but didn't that woman come into the house looking for Jace as if she owned the place and most probably looking for Jace.

This thought pierced my heart, but I quickly threw that thought out of my mind knowing that Jace would never do that to me, but I still wasn't satisfied. “Mom, I am going out to the grocery store to buy something, I will be back in an hour,” I told her when I went inside my parent's room again, and she looked out the window at the dark sky outside and then at me.

“Can’t you get that in the morning?”

“No mom, I need it. Like right now.” I told her, and she sighed before she nodded her head, and I quickly dashed out of the room and took the stairs two at a time before I left the house, speeding my way towards the packhouse.

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