You Kissed My Soul
Chapter 49

Aderyn Pov

I still can’t believe that he has finally marked me. When I woke up this morning I found myself wrapped in his strong arm while he slept near the crook of my neck snoring lightly. At first I couldn't understand what was going on and then my head began to spin and I felt immense pain in my body. I closed my eyes shut and slowly felt as the memories of what happened returned back and I remembered everything.

I remembered how he marked me. Slowly I raised my hand and touched my neck where the skin was burning. I felt the spot burning. As soon as I touched it I felt sparks flowing down into my body. I took a deep breath and slowly tried to pry Dylan's arm from me. With great difficulty I managed to take it off me and slowly got from the bed. I saw my top on the floor and though it was torn from the front, I wore it nonetheless at least to cover my body because I was still in my bra.

My face turned into a dark shade of red when I saw Dylan moving his hand on the spot where I was previously sleeping perhaps trying to find me. I made my way towards him not wanting to wake him up. As soon as I placed my hand on his, he pulled me towards him and snuggled against me sighing.

I smiled at him and raked his hair with my finger. I felt my throat burning and I exhaled a breath feeling my eyes stinging. I removed myself from Dylan and took the jug of water from the nightstand and gulped down the water. The burning sensation subsided and I felt relief washing into my body.

I took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom. I saw myself in the mirror. I saw the place where he bite me last night. It was red and most importantly there was a mark. I leaned more against the basin in order to see it clearly. It looked like a sort of white tattoo with small moon shape and tribal design. The mark was raw and the place was swollen. Whenever I touched it, it would send sparks down my body and a electrifying sensation.

I splashed the water on to my face few times and even splashed some water on the mark wanting to stop the burning sensation. The place was only burning but I wasn't feeling any pain. But I was feeling irritation growing into my body every time I touched it. My body was now some how starting to ached and I felt my head throbbing.

I closed my eyes and wished for it to stop. And as if my plea was heard I felt the familiar sparks and tingles flowing into my body as soon as I felt his hand on my waist.

"Aderyn” he whispered softly into my ear and sniffed my hair.

Unknowingly I found myself smiling at his little gesture and wrapped my arms around his as I felt him moving my hair to the other side from the spot where he marked.

He kissed the spot and immediately I felt my body in fire as I threw my head on his chest in pleasure and in satisfaction. The feeling was foreign to me yet they were strong from what I used to feel when I wasn't marked as his.

He sucked on the spot and I felt my legs losing its strength. He held me tightly against his body as he continued his assault on my body.

Every time he kissed I felt my body being light weighted and the previous pain subsiding. It was like my body was responding to him in its own way. The more he kissed the more I felt the burning subsiding with desire. Flame of desire and need began to ignite into my body as I lost the control on my body. Nothing was helping me at the moment. My brain wasn't listening to me anymore.

A moan escaped my mouth and I managed to speak “wh-what's h-happening t-to me?”

“You are bind to me now" I heard his husky seductive voice and felt him kissing my jawline.

"Half of the mating process is over,every one” he said and touched my mark with his finger.

“Now everyone will know that you are the Queen and my mate” he turned me around and I looked up into his eyes.

"Oh God! Why is he looking handsome all of a sudden? Why is he looking at me like this? Don't look at me like this unless you want me to jump on you and kiss you-" my thoughts were cut off by him as he cleared his throat looking flushed.

"Aderyn if you keeping thinking that I won't be able to stop myself from completing the mating process. You are being sensuous right now. Stop thinking that” he said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

“How the heck did he know what I am thinking?” I thought.

“Because I can hear all of your thought and it's not helping me,” he said tightening his arms around me.

"What?" I voiced my thoughts.

“I can hear your thoughts now" he smiled affectionately as he kept his palm on my face.

“No way!" I thought.

“Yes way” he smirked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

Is he lying? Let's take a test.

“I love carrots,” I thought and I saw him cringing his forehead but he didn't say anything. Maybe he really was lying. Nevertheless, I thought of testing him again.

“I'm a single lady, I'm a single lady, I'm a single lady now put your hands up” I sang in my mind. He gave me an incredulous look but replied nothing. I was growing even more positive that he couldn't hear my thoughts.

"Diva is a female version of a hustla, of a of a hustla” I sang in my mind.

“Fairies live in popcorn land”

“Hello! Hi! bye! bye!”

He kept his face stoic.

“Naruto! Sasuke! Sakura” I thought about my favorite anime.

“London breeze is falling down" still no reply.

“Dog says meow! Cat says bow wow!"

I smirked and sighed in contentment.

“Thank god he can't hear my thoughts,” I thought and heard him scoffing. I gave him a look and thought of testing him for the last time.

“I love Sean O' Pry,” I thought and his look turned murderous in a second.

"Who is he? I will kill him" he roared in anger while I looked at him in shock.

“Oh no! Oh no” I said and the next moment I yelled at the top of my lungs embarrassed that he heard everything that I thought while he put his finger animatedly inside his ear saving him sensitive ear from my voice.

“Fairies live in popcorn land?” he said and chuckled putting his fingers on the bridge of his nose. “Shut up!” I groaned with a red face feeling embarrassed.

"Who told you that?” he asked while stifling a laugh but failing miserably.

I glared at him and pulled my coat.

“I was just testing you” I said and turned my face to the other side not wanting him to see my redden face.

“Liar! I can't believe this” he said as his fasten his pace after me.

“Oh shut up already” I said and looked back at him.

“I like walking with you like this” I heard him and smiled at him in response.

"Aderyn!” he called and I stopped on my tracks and turned to face him.

He stood there silently just staring at me. But I knew that staring.

“What?” I asked

"What?" Dylan replied.

"Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked crossing my hand across my chest.

"Why? Can't I stare at my mate?” he asked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Dylan!” I warned

"Aderyn” he smirked as he made his way towards me. I turned around and sprinted into the woods. “You can't run away from me Aderyn” I heard him chuckling.

“Whatever Dylan” I said and ran deeper into the woods.

"Why are you even trying?” I heard his voice and I knew that he didn't even move from his place because of over confidence.

I stopped running and looked for a place where I could hide myself. I saw a tree and climbed it and tried to hide myself as much as I could. But then it stroked me.

“Damn! he is not a human” I scowled thinking that he will easily sense me or sniff my scent.

"Wait! Smell” an idea stroked my mind and grinning I got down from the tree.

“I know that you can find me but I will not let you find me so easily” I smirked and took my coat off me and searched for a good place so that he could find my smell on it.

I took a wild fruit and sniffed it. It had a great fragrance and it didn't look poisonous at all but I couldn't take risk for who knows?

I rubbed the fruit on my boots avoiding my skin and rubbed it on my gloves. I was wearing only my jeans and my brown T shirt. I took some wild flower and climbed back up on the tree hiding myself inside the branches and leaves.

I smirked thinking “Now you can't find me that easily.”

Seconds later I heard the twigs snapping.

“oh! here he comes” I smirked when I saw his figure coming towards my direction.

"Aderyn Come out. I know you are here” he sang goofily and I had to cover my mouth from stopping myself from giggling

"Sometimes he behaves so cutely that I can't resist myself from giggling” I thought.

"Aderyn?” he was so near now.

Like 1 had thought he began to sniff the air searching for my scent. I kept the wild flowers close to me wanting to give him a mixed fragrance wanting to confuse him.

“Gotcha!” he smirked as he went towards the bushes where I kept my coat previously. Like I had thought he will go to the nearest place where he finds my scent and as I had planned he went towards the bushes and looked inside it only to scowl holding the coat.

"What the heck?” he examined the coat scowling at it.

I stifled a laugh at his behavior but gasped when his eyes directly fell on my direction.

"Got you" he sang as he walked under the tree. Though I was sure that he couldn't see me as I was completely hidden behind the branches and leaves somehow he sensed.

"Aderyn why did you climb this tree? What if you got hurt?” he scolded while I rolled my eyes.

“Oh god! not again” I muttered.

"Aderyn get down. I know that you are here. There is no point in hiding now” he said as he folded my coat and held it in his one hand.

I sighed and got out from my hidden place.

“It's no fun” I whined at him. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Get down" he said folding his arms across his chest.

I stood on my place making his facial expression changed into a worried one

“What are you doing?” he yelled at me whilst I grinned mischievously at him.

“Catch me” and I jumped on him not caring if he could hold me or not. Not caring that I could get hurt. Not caring that I could break my limbs. But somewhere down in my heart I knew that he wouldn't let me fall. At first he seemed startled by my sudden action but soon came back to his sense and throwing my coat he caught me.

I fell safely in his arms bridal style much to his relief and much to my pleasure.

"What the hell? Why did you do that for?” he scolded but I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled.

I did that after a long time. When I was a kid I used to do this with my Dad and with Ryan because I knew that they wouldn't let me fall. I trusted them.

“Does this mean I am trusting Dylan now?” I thought and found Dylan smiling down at me.

“You test me too much” he said as he raised me up and hugged me in affection.

"And you tend to pass every time” I thought to which he chuckled.

“I won't ever fail you" he said as he looked into my eyes affectionately.

“Even if you fail, I'll come back to you every time” I thought and he looked at me with widen eyes probably shocked hearing my confession in my thoughts.

I smiled at him affectionately.

"Don't get shocked, because you were always in my thoughts from the day I laid my eyes on you” I thought making him smile even more.

“You are perfect for me” he said and I raised myself up in his arms hugging him tightly while he hugged me back chuckling.

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