You Kissed My Soul
Chapter 55

Dylan Pov

“I don't even know where she is!" I punched the table so hard that it went flying until it smashed against the glass window of my office room breaking the window glass into pieces. The glasses shattered into pieces and some even pierced my skin because of the impact of force that I used to throw the table. The skin on my face healed as immediately as it got punctured by those glass pieces.

"You need to calm down my lord!” Pearsyvia said as I rubbed my face by my hands.

“Calm? Are you asking me to calm down? Are you ignorant of the state that I am right now Cynthia?” I growled and she took a step back lowering her head.

"King!" Pearsyvia walked inside the room with Blake following her.

"What is it?" I asked and from my peripheral vision watched as Estelle who standing near the door walking towards the window and repairing it back to its original form using her power.

“As you had ordered I have asked all the eleven witches to gather up downstairs. Eight witches are downstairs except me, Cyreana and Estelle. The wounded Wolves and the alphas have been taken care of and Lord Cole is also doing well under the healer's supervision. The Alphas who are fine and non-effected by the previous incident have been also asked to gather downstairs. Shall we?” she asked raising her hand and indicating to join the meeting.

“We shall!” I nodded and walked out of the room with them following me.

This was going to be an important meeting for everyone in the werewolf kingdom. We will be trying to locate our enemies and hopefully, we will find my Aderyn very soon. My heart hurts and I heard Black whining in my head think about his mate. I swore if I saw a single scratch on her body then I would shatter my enemy, whoever he or she is into pieces.

"King!" everyone bowed their head down when I entered the room.

“Take a seat!” I told everyone and they all nodded before taking the seat on their chair. It was like a conference meeting. Everybody was seated on the chair next to each other and facing me. The witches chose to sit on one side together while the Alphas chose to sit on the other side of the long table. The Betas chose to stand due to the shortage of space and I moved my chair to the side not wanting to sit.

“We all are here gathered up for a reason and I assume everyone present in here already knows the reason,” I said and watched as everyone present inside the room nodded their head

My eyes trailed off to one of the witches, “Phoenix Hunter’ who stood in the corner in the dark with her head lowered in shame hearing people cursing her own daughter.

Edna Hunter was her daughter. We thought being Edna’s mother, Phoenix would support her daughter in the war but we were proved wrong and Phoenix showed her loyalty towards me by killing her own daughter with the other witches using her power. Everybody's eyes fixated on Phoenix wanting to see her expression.

“I am truly ashamed of her being my daughter my lord! I swear I don't have any idea or connection to how she survived. She brought disgrace to our kind and she shall be punished for not only going against the kind but also for kidnapping the Queen and for killing our fellow mates. I promise you, my lord, this time I wouldn't let her pass through my hand easily” Phoenix said and I watched as tears fell down her eyes as she disappeared in thin air leaving those tears which fell on the ground. “I think Phoenix has betrayed us” I heard one of the alphas.

"Yes, I also think she saved her daughter! She is a traitor!” another one said.

“Nonsense! We all know Phoenix isn't like that. She stood with us in the fight and she even raised her own hand to kill her own daughter. She didn't betray us. Phoenix is loyal!” snapped Amber Sueffer another witch from the eleven powerful witches.

“My lord please, believe me, us Phoenix is loya-" I cut her off by raising my hand at her.

“You don’t need to explain anything. I have never doubted any of the witches nor Phoenix. I have faith in her and even we all” I looked at the Alphas before continuing “we all trust Phoenix. Do we not?” I asked.

“But Alph-" I cut Derrick in the middle.

“It is not the time to raise ou fingers at each other. It is the time of unity. Regarding Phoenix, no mother would ever wish to kill her own blood let alone raise a finger on her child, but here Phoenix had proved her loyalty towards the kingdom by standing with us. She could have easily taken her daughter's side. What could you all have done if she took Edna's side back then? Nobody could have done anything and no one should question her loyalty when we all have witnessed what has happened in the past!” I said and watched as the witches nodded and a small smile crept up their faces.

“I understand what Phoenix must be going through right now. It is a sensitive case for her and we won't mind if she chooses to stay away from the war. It is not easy to face your own blood in a war. We shall respect her decision in this matter” I said and the witches nodded agreeing.

“Thank you, my lord, for having faith in us!” Estelle spoke for the first time and I nodded at her. “Now that we all know who our enemy is I believe it will easy for us to locate Aderyn now!” I said and everyone nodded.

“We wait for your command, my lord!” Estelle said and I inhaled deeply before saying.

“I command the witches to gather up and start the searching up process. Locate Edna's position and try to find out how she survived the last time” I commanded and series of “Yes my lord!’ from the witches was heard.

“The Alphas are in the charge of the gathering up and training the wolves for the war. Prepare your packs and gather every pack together nd train them together for the war. No female wolf is to be allowed in the war. The female wolves are requested to guard the kingdom in our absence. Some pf the betas shall stay behind in the kingdom to guard the territory in our absence. It is no offense to the female wolves but I have made this decision because the female wolves need to protect the pups and the older ones in the kingdom. And with that, they must be trained by the betas to remain prepared if they were attacked behind our back. Betas will train every single female wolf so that if we need them they must be able to join us in the war. But till that it is for the kingdom's future generation's safety that the pups and the female wolves shall remain back in the kingdom" I said and watched as Jenny hugged Cole sobbing.

“Cole! You shall remain in the kingdom. You-" Jenny's face lit up but at the same time Cole stood up from the chair despite the wounds he managed to act strongly before me.

“No Alpha! I shall join my King in the war. It will be shameful for a warrior not to accompany his king when the kingdom is in the state of war” Cole argued.

“I understand. I am not banning you from joining us but looking at your condition I have taken the decision that you shall remain here and concentrate on healing yourself for protecting the people in the kingdom" I said and before he could argue I silenced him by saying “ It's an order!”

He nodded but judging from his body gestures and clenched jaws I knew he wouldn't really do what I have ordered him to do. Perks of being the childhood best friend. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

While everyone gossiped to each other and began to plan their strategy my mind trailed off to Aderyn.

"Have faith in me Aderyn! You will be back to me in no time. I promise!” I spoke to myself.

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