You Owe Me, My Love
Chapter 257

Chapter 257 This Is The End Of Our Love

"Gu Mingchen, the reason I made you sign the agreement to marry Zhou Hailan was so that you can't pester me anymore. It took me a lot of effort to get back together with Su Xuyan. If you still have any sympathy for me, please let me go,” Bai Rong pleaded in a deep voice.

The man's eyes glinted with obvious anguish.

It was heart-wrenching for her to see his agony. She felt her heart shatter into pieces, leaving a huge void in her chest.

I know that my personality is quite problematic. I'm taciturn, indifferent, and introverted. Most of the time, I keep my guard up and dwell on trivial issues. Who am I to be loved by a man like him? I have no regret in my life. Even if I kick the bucket now, I'll leave this world with contentment and the sense of warmth he’s given to me. From the day I was born, God has never been kind to me. Perhaps the kindest thing I can do for Gu Mingchen is to let him go. He's indeed a good man with a strong sense of justice. He's courageous, accountable, and responsible... Undoubtedly, he deserves someone better.

“This is my last question. Have you ever loved me?” Gu Mingchen appeared perturbed as he asked in a croaky voice. Glaring at her with eyes smoldering with rage, he clenched his jaw and balled up his fists tightly.

“No,” she answered clearly.

With his eyes still riveted on her, Gu Mingchen simmered down. His expression grew bitterly cold like the winter of December.

The man could hardly contain the fury within him.

“Bai Rong, I'm asking you one last time. You'd better think it through before answering me. Otherwise, even if you really did make a deal with Su Xuyan to save me, I'll never forgive you. Make sure to choose your words wisely.” His breath hitched as he spoke with distress.

With her mind made up, Bai Rong lifted her head before looking straight into his eyes and replied indifferently, “I really don't care whether you forgive me or not.”

Enraged, Gu Mingchen took the vase beside him and smashed it onto the floor, shattering it into pieces with a loud bang.

Still, the woman didn’t bat an eyelid.

Standing outside, Cheng Jinrong became increasingly worried when he heard the ruckus, so he opened the door and went in.

At the same time, Gu Mingchen shoved him away forcefully while marching past him on the way out.

Bai Rong knew that from that day onward, she was no longer the dearest woman in the life of the man whom she loved the most.

"What's wrong?” Cheng Jinrong asked with concern.

Gazing in the direction where Gu Mingchen left, Bai Rong confessed in a trembling voice, “I love him deeply. In fact, he's the love of my life...”

Her lips curled into a wry smile as she picked the diary up from the floor. Turning around, she staggered into her room, leaving Cheng Jinrong feeling utterly confused in the living room.

I'm just like any other woman. Despite knowing I've made the right decision, I still can't help feeling desolate.

A wave of overwhelming sorrow washed over her like a flood, and she burst out crying.

Clenching her fists tightly, she tried to resist the urge to vent her grief and frustration by breaking something.

I'm on the verge of losing my mind, but I just can’t control myself.

Her impulse to smash things grew even stronger.

Squatting on the floor, she wrapped her arms around her head. Anger pulsed through her veins and clouded her mind.

I don't want to be a psychopath. Is there anyone who can help me? I don’t mind losing my life. I only want my rationality back.

“Ahh!” She let out a deafening baw! as she looked up at the ceiling with pleading eyes.

Why can't God stop tormenting me?

Right after her bellow, Cheng Jinrong could hear the sound of things smashing and breaking inside her room.

Anxious, he knocked repeatedly on her room door. “Bai Rong! Bai Rong, are you alright?” Suddenly, the door was swung open, and the woman stood at the doorway, staring coldly at him. Cheng Jinrong was perplexed. His eyes flicked between Bai Rong and the messy room behind her. “I'll compensate for all the damage. I have something to attend to now. Lend me your phone,” she said calmly.

Cheng Jinrong felt that something was wrong with her, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. In the end, he simply fished out his phone and handed it to her.

She swiftly keyed in a number which she knew by heart and made a call.

Picking up the phone, Gu Mingchen asked curtly, “What is it?”

“Listen carefully. I was the one who mailed you the diary. Since you've lost part of your memories, I decided to fill you in on what happened. When Governor Cheng was assassinated, Su Zheng suspected that you're the one who did it, because your father had once asked for the land from Governor Cheng. Then, Su Zheng wanted to use that to threaten you to marry his daughter, Su Wanning. After that, you and Bai Rong went to Tanggian Village together and found Tang Xiaojiu. Before he was assassinated, he sent a video of himself killing Governor Cheng to her. You two promised him to find out the murderer who massacred the village. But I believe that Bai Rong agreed to do it only because she wanted to clear your name. Therefore, it's your job to look for the murderer. In the diary, there's the address of the treasure map. Come and get the diary, and never see Bai Rong again. Perhaps she'll live longer this way.”

He listened attentively, just to make sure that it was really Bai Rong’s voice. Baffled, he asked, "Who are you?"

She pursed her lips with displeasure. “I'm Bai Rong's protector. From now on, I will never let anyone of you hurt her.”

With that, Bai Rong hung up on him.

Standing beside the woman, Cheng Jinrong gawked at her in bewilderment. “What's happening to you? Why?"

"Are you asking why I'm giving you the feeling as if I was another person?” Bai Rong already knew what he was going to ask.

“You just said you're Bai Rong'’s protector,” he said.

"You can say that. It's a form of self-protection. Do you have a problem with that?” she questioned him back.

Cheng Jinrong was tongue-tied.

He then recalled a movie he watched before called “Deathly Identity,” which was about dissociative identity disorder.

Someone with dissociative identity disorder usually couldn't remember the things that occurred around them when their alternate identity was present.

However, the alternate identity had the memory of every single thing that happened around the core identity.

“I need to freshen up,” Bai Rong said. She handed the phone back to Cheng Jinrong and closed her room door.

She walked into the bathroom and washed her face. Looking at the anxious face in the mirror, she tapped the sink with her fingers. “Bai Rong, take a rest. You won't feel the pain, despair, misery, and helplessness anymore. I'll take it from here and achieve every single thing you want to. Just as you wish, after three months, I'll leave this world together with you. Don’t worry, even though no one is able to look after you in this world, you can count on me to protect you and stay by your side forever.”

Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of frantic knocking sounded from outside.

Glancing at the door, the corner of Bai Rong's lips quirked up as she strolled over to open it.

Gu Mingchen rushed in and grabbed her shoulders, questioning vehemently, “What were you trying to say just now?"

Bai Rong passed the diary to him. “Do what you're supposed to do. And please return my bag to me."

“You're the one who threw it away. But now you want it back?”

“I threw it away to hide from you and Su Xuyan. Now that you've found me, I have every right to get my things back,” Bai Rong said confidently. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"You didn’t want me and Su Xuyan to find you? Didn't you just say that you love him? Why are you avoiding him then? Bai Rong, what do you mean? Explain yourself!” Gu Mingchen sized her up suspiciously. The woman looked extremely weird in his eyes right now.

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