You Owe Me, My Love
Chapter 261

Chapter 261 A War With No Gunpowder

“So.” Bai Rong picked up the biology book and waved it in front of him. “If you want to be someone like that, you have to study hard. Get into a prestigious college so that you'll have access to high- quality education, which will allow you to gain more knowledge. What do you think?”

“You're using this method to motivate me to study?” Lu Biao's eyes dimmed

“To be more accurate, I'm helping you find the correct way to achieve your dreams.

Correct and legal. I bet you won't want to be in trouble even before you start,” Bai Rong said with a smile.

“Do you think there would be a day like what you said if I study hard?” Lu Biao was perplexed

"Are you not confident in yourself? Everything is possible in my eyes as long as you work hard. Also, I happen to know a forensic doctor. I can arrange a private lesson with her for you.” Bai Rong put down the biology book.

“Really? When? I can't wait to go.” Lu Biao was thrilled.

“That would depend on your behavior. I'll request for you to return to school. For your monthly exams, I need you to be in the top ten. I'll also need your teacher's approval. Only then will I bring you over,” Bai Rong listed out her conditions.

“You'll let me out?” Lu Biao was surprised.

"Why not? Everything you did was just your quest for more knowledge in my eyes. But your way of exploring was wrong. You didn’t have a good teacher to guide you, which was why you were on the edge of breaking the law. Luckily it's not too late. If not, a future hero would be regretfully in jail and miss the chance to succeed.” Bai Rong looked at Lu Biao with an intense gaze.

"You really think so?” Lu Biao was observing Bai Rong's expression.

“Don’t you think you're a genius?” Bai Rong asked.

“I think so too. I can't communicate normally with those idiots. I want to do things that they dare not do and prove my theories. There was once I raped a girl. Everyone thought she was the school belle and would have high standards. But after the incident, she still asked my dad for a million. What a slut,” Lu Biao spat in contempt.

“The people you tried to prove your superiority to with this incident are insignificant rabble. Where's the meaning in that? Study hard and prove to the world that you're dominant and in control. Then that would be amazing, right?” Bai Rong guided him.

"Yes, you're absolutely right! I'll start studying hard now.” Lu Biao was excited.

“I believe in you, which is why I'll talk to your mother later and let you return to school from tomorrow onwards. I'll pick you up after your classes end and give you tuition at night. If you get into the top ten for your monthly exam, I'll bring you to see a real dissection. I promise it's something none of your peers have ever seen. Your starting point is higher than them, so this would be something beyond their reach.”

"Yup yup, thank you. I'm acknowledging you as my teacher. I'll never forget your guidance if I succeed in the future.” Lu Biao was elated as adrenaline rushed through him.

“Stay here while I step out and chat with your mother for a while.” With that said, Bai Rong stood up and headed out of the room.

“Ms. Bai, did Biao eat?” Lu Xingzhou's wife asked worriedly.

Bai Rong pushed the door open and said to Lu Biao, “Eat first. You need to eat to have the strength to study. Health is wealth.”

“All right,” Lu Biao replied obediently.

Lu Xingzhou's wife looked at Bai Rong in shock. This was amazing.

Her child had always been rebellious and stubborn. No one could control him, yet he became so obedient after such a short meeting with Bai Rong!

“Bring some food in for Biao,” Lu Xingzhou's wife instructed the housemaid.

“Mrs. Lu, can I speak with you for a moment?” Bai Rong invited her for a talk.

“Sure, let's talk in my room.” Lu Xingzhou's wife was impressed by Bai Rong, so her attitude was especially friendly.

Bai Rong followed Lu Xingzhou's wife to her room and went straight to the point. “I would like Lu Biao to go back to school tomorrow. I'll be fetching him every day and give him tuition at night.” “No!” Lu Xingzhou's wife panicked. “Lu Biao is quite irritable. It would be bad if he hurt anyone in school.”

“If even his own mother doesn't believe that he can change for good, how can he get the motivation to be recognized by others?” Bai Rong asked, her words cold and sharp.

Lu Biao’s mother felt guilty immediately. “Is it really fine for him to go back to school?”

“There'll be no problem. Send him to school as usual tomorrow,” Bai Rong promised.

"All right. He's been locked at home, going on hunger strikes whenever he wants. I can't control him anymore,” Lu Xingzhou's wife answered with a sigh.

Bai Rong nodded. She left the room and headed towards Lu Biao’s room.

Lu Biao was memorizing some English vocabulary while reading.

Bai Rong sat across from him and asked, “Think about it. What will you face when you return to school tomorrow?”

“The students would definitely be afraid of me. The teachers and principal wouldn't dare to offend me too. They might also talk about me behind my back. Maybe some might even try to provoke me?” Lu Biao said nonchalantly.

“What do you think about that?”

“They're just a bunch of idiots. I used to think of proving myself to those idiots, but not anymore. I want to prove to the world that I'm dominant.” At this point, Lu Biao was enlightened.

“It can get rather lonely being in that position. Let me give you a piece of advice. You're going to be a savior instead, so everyone will admire you, look up to you and praise you. They'll be unable to overtake you and will respect you. Everywhere you go, you'll be cherished by the world. Then that would be really something.” Bai Rong smiled as her fingers tapped the table lightly.

“You're right! You're the only one who can communicate with me. You're like the light of my life,” Lu Biao agreed.

“Before achieving your dreams, what we have to do now is study. You can read first. Ask me if you don't know anything.”


While Lu Biao was reading, Bai Rong was reading as well. After all, she had forgotten many things from high school. She had to revise some more before she could teach others.

Time passed slowly in silence.

Bai Rong’s phone rang. Seeing that it was Su Xuyan, she left the room to answer.

“I'll be reaching Jadeborough in half an hour. Are you going to fetch me?” Su Xuyan asked. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Bai Rong smiled as she answered, her tone friendly, “I'm in my student's house currently but I'll head over now. See you later. I'll treat you to a meal.”

Su Xuyan paused.

Her attitude was completely different from what he had imagined. He had thought she would be angry, depressed and hostile toward him.

“Then see you later.”

Bai Rong hung up and bade farewell to Lu Xingzhou's wife. She went to the drug store to buy merbromin and dripped a few drops on a sanitary pad. After sticking it on her underwear, she went to fetch Su Xuyan at the train station.

Dressed in a light blue suit, he had permed his hair and dyed it, the slightly wavy locks now chestnut red. It made him look trendy and young while also accentuating his enchanting features.

Curling her lips, Bai Rong’s gaze was as cold as ice.

Her war with Su Xuyan had just begun...

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