“Okay, so your saying that if you should be able to summon one of those creatures, that I should be able too?” I asked Nicolai.

“Yes, that’s the idea, since you possess every talent that history wrote about. So, why don’t we try together?” He replied.

I nodded and took a stance.

After some rough nights, waiting for Archeops to return with news, I wanted to continue the training with Nicolai.

We were standing at a small river in the forest, to draw the least attention. As I went through the memories of Nicolai his mother, teaching him about the creatures, I watched every move and word, very carefully. I chose to try for the water elemental first, as that was about acceptance. And I dearly hoped that I have accepted my fate and that of others, enough to summon an elemental.

Swaying my hands and arms in a flowy motion, my hips and legs followed after.

“Creature of acceptance, life and purity, please rise to the surface, and assist me.” I said.

I had translated the words that Nicolai’s mother had said in the ancient magic language. As English is easier to remember than those words that she had spoken. As they were not the original words, I still hoped that they could work. This elemental is all about acceptance anyway.

Nicolai kept saying the words in the old tongue, as he was already used to using such words. He sounded much more fluently in the langue as I did. He was much more devoted to summon the creature too. I guess that me breaking through his mind, was an eye opener for him. He was smiling, clearly thinking of his mother, and the time he had spent with her.

I could see him enjoying this, casting a spell with the thought of his mother. He was feeling drawn to her again, happy that he could be thinking of her, seeing her face again.

He was accepting his life and his history. He realised that if things would have been different, then he would turn out different as well. The passing of his mother, and the training from his father, made him what he is today. He definitely got the joy and spark from his mother, and the determination from his father.

I had stopped casting the spell a long time ago. All I did was gazing at the smile of Nicolai.

I heard a slight splatter from the river in front of us. And as I gazed in front of Nicolai, I could see a small body of water rising up from the surface. He is doing it!

His eyes were slightly gleaming, but not fully red yet.

“Open your mind Nicolai, let the power flow freely, don’t let doubt cloud your mind!”

I could see the determination to accept this power burning within him, thinking how beautiful his mother looked when dancing and casting the spell. He focused his energy solely on enlarging the spirit, trying to burst it into life. His screams and anger for the death of his mother rose beyond comprehension, which was needed to summon the creature completely.

The red power of the mage within him, rose to the surface, finally making his eyes glow with a fire of endless rage! Water from the river flowing towards the little faceless blob, until it was large enough to sustain on its own. And there it was! A head, torso and arms made of flowing water, and it’s eyes were glowing red. Just like Nicolai’s.

“Na oré, ti thrum taí” The creature said.

“Na oré, ma tai tium.” Nicolai replied.

It took me a few moments to translate what he said, as the words are still not really familiar with me. But eventually I think, that Nicolai dismissed the creature until he was required later.

“Yes, you learn fast Emily. That was exactly what I told it to do.” Nicolai said to me.

“Not as fast as you Nic. You have managed to summon the creature, I’m still struggling to get used to the words.”

“Yes, about that. Why are you translating them into English? Isn’t the whole idea of summoning the water creature, to accept its nature? I think that with translating the words, you are only blocking the acceptance, don’t you think?” Nicolai said to me.

I dropped my butt on the ground, put my elbow on my knee and put the palm off my hand against my chin. Hmpf… I guess he is right. But I’m not going to admit it to him! I stuck out my tongue, and he laughed at me. His big round belly, going up and down from laughing even harder now.

“Well, alright. Could you help me with the pronunciation? I know what the words mean, but the way you are saying them, is odd to any language I have learned before.”

“Of course, let’s start with the…”

Nicolai looked behind me and quickly stepped in front of me, when he saw a portal start to form on the ground. White light and light blue runes formed a circle and suddenly a creature, of a race of whom I have a lot of hatred for, stepped through.

His green skin, white tusks, black hair and purple clothes didn’t remind me of any Orc I have ever seen. He looked clean, as his hair was neatly tied up in a French braid, his teeth and tusks were brushed and taken care of, and his purple with golden ceremonial dress, was without any wrinkle, tear, or stain.

Most Orcs that I have come to see, were dirty, had broken tusks, muddy hair and wore torn clothes. This man here in front of us, was the complete opposite of any Orc mentioned in history!

With the primal instinct of defending his Queen, Nicolai instantly fired a few icy bolts towards him. But his efforts were futile, as the Orc avoided each and every single one of them. Then Nic tried to create a shield around him, to prevent the Orc from attacking me. Yet once more he jumped away and avoided the spell.

How could he be so fast? So well advanced in battle and known in the mages power? He must know what spell Nicolai was trying to cast, as he anticipated Nicolai’s every movement.

This was no ordinary Orc, this sophisticated look of his body and his skill to avoid those spells, must mean something! But the only Orc who could ever possess such a knowledge, to be trained properly, and with the ability to withheld his anger, to not return the favour of what Nicolai showed him, is only five years of age right now! Not this man! This man is about thirty, maybe slightly older. So, how was this possible?

While Nicolai continuously used his spells upon the strange man, I tried to read his mind. But what I read in there, was completely unexpected. He was talking to me, while avoiding incoming attacks, he kept his sight focused on me. He knew I was going to read his mind!

As I kept on reading, listening to what he had to say, I couldn’t respond. His appearance was both astonishing as fearful as well. Apparently he was supported by the Goddess, as she made this all happen. She had pushed him through time, as the moment we live in, was in this Orc’s past. He is the same boy, only older.

But I was wondering how he felt about what had happened in his past. Well, actually the time before he was born. Was he going to accept what had happened? Was he going to accept that I couldn’t do another thing, other than what I did in that cave? Does he know that I felt, still feel, remorseful of the actions that followed during that brief moment? There isn’t a day that goes by, that I don’t think about that moment. Thinking if there could have been another way to end that day, instead of ending the lives of his parents.

“Nicolai stop please.” I asked him, but he kept on continuing.

He frowned and confusion clouded his mind.

“Nicolai please listen to me.” I now stood in front of Nicolai, looking him in his eyes. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I have done something terrible, and if this Orc wants his revenge for it, then let him.”

“What are you talking about? You are my Queen, I’ll never let him hurt you!”

I shook my head, tears falling from my cheeks. As I stepped backwards, and asked Nicolai to not do anything, I finally turned around to face the Orc. The Orc that I have come to know, through his mind.

“Thraka, you have my deepest respect. I am sorry that I had to do, what I did in that cave. Please accept my life, to be placed in your hands, to do with it, what you want with it. I understand and will accept any consequences of my actions.”

“Emily no!” Nicolai screamed. He wanted to cast more spells, and pull me away, but I put a shield around Nicolai and turned my focus to the Orc in front of me again.

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