“GIVE HER TO ME!” Ayinthur roared massively with almost black eyes.

“What the hell do you mean! She is my daughter!”

“I don’t care! She belongs to ME!”

I gave Iris to Cirilya, and pushed her behind me. I walked forward, trying to motivate Ayinthur to walk backwards, towards the exit of the shelter. He took a few steps back, but then moved his head forwards, to try and reach Iris.

“Get back Ayinthur! You are not going to see her, until you explain to me what is going on!”

Again he dove forwards, mouth open, to try and grab her again. I forgot all of my exhaustion and hit the side of his face. In surprise he lifted up his head, and started to form a breath of fire, to be unleashed within the shelter.

He was going to incinerate all of us in here! Only because he wasn’t thinking clear, and was only focused on Iris. What the hell is wrong with him!

I had yelled to Kaden, to teleport him and Tyler away, which he instantly did. Kaden couldn’t take us all, as he isn’t powerful enough to do that. And if I would’ve asked him to take Iris away, I wouldn’t know where Ayinthur would be going. It was better for his big body to stay here, where I know he would be staying.

I had to do something, because his fire was almost ready. I have never done this, but there is no other way. My powers can be completely controlled by me, ever since I was aware of them again, so I started the Mages Fury and created a shield, large enough for us to be underneath, for as long as the breath of fire would last.

He unleashed his hot flames, and it took a lot of my energy to keep the shield strong and up. I had to send up more energy continuously, because Ayinthur’s lung capacity was larger than I expected. It only took about ten seconds, which isn’t long, but for a scorching hot fire, to make us instantly sweat and breathing heavily, it feels like the ten longest seconds ever. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

When he was done, my fury took over.

“You were going to kill us all! What is wrong with you?”

We were still standing in the shelter, in the back, and Ayinthur was blocking the entrance with his large body. I have to get him out of here, and find out why he is being like this. So, again I stepped forward, trying to motivate him again to get back. I wasn’t afraid of him, but I was afraid of what he might do to Brock, Cirilya and Iris. Because another one of those same fire outbursts, will drain me from my energy.

“She is all I got! And she is MINE!” Ayinthur roared again.

“She is here! Why are you so obsessive?” I asked him.

This is getting nowhere, he just keeps on roaring that she is his, yet I don’t understand what he means by that. He is still keeping his mind blocked, so I still can’t read what he is talking about.

And I never took the chance all these weeks to ask about those strange comments of him either. Mentally I hit my head, for not taking the time to talk to him about it.

He had said that he won’t fail his kind, and that he would do anything for the fate of Zenora. And I got the faint feeling that his obsession for my daughter had something to do with that too.

I was done with his growling towards us, and his anger pushing us inside the shelter, wasn’t comforting either. I again used my Mages Fury, lifting myself up from the air, and using a shield around Ayinthur to push him outside.

“Cirilya, Brock, take Iris outside and stand close to the castle’s wall! I’ve got something to do about this overgrown crocodile!” I roared.

Ayinthur roared as well, and he fired a fireball against the inside of the shield that was surrounding him.

My anger took over now, and I was done with his stupid behaviour. When we were outside I had released the shield and hovered back a bit, to not be close to one of his claws. He launched himself towards me with claws stretched, ready to maul me from existence. He was acting out of sheer compulsion, not being able to think reasonably.

I moved sideways and he landed above the shelter. And all the rocks, stones, and boulders caved in, making the shelter a heap of mess now. When standing on top of the rubble, he let out a massive roar and breathed fire once more.

“GIVE ME WHAT IS MINE!” He roared again.

“GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON!” I roared now.

“She is my promised!” He sighed.

“Your what now?” I asked in confusion.

I let my Mage’s Fury subside and landed firmly on the ground again.

“What do you mean, your ‘promised’?” I asked him with real interest.

My anger was gone for the moment, and he seemed to be open for answering my questions. He took a few minutes to calm himself. It looked like, he was using everything he had within him, to get his breath to turn to normal again. Then he looked towards the place where Brock and Cirilya stood, with my baby girl.

“I wasn’t entirely sure at the beginning, but when the Goddess said that I had found what I was looking for, my feelings got confirmed.” He started, while walking down from the rubble and making its way towards me.

“I was always drawn to you, in a strange way. Somehow I wanted to be close to you, but I never knew why. You know you have that same feeling too. You even said once, that you almost felt like my sister, even though that wasn’t really the correct name for our relationship.” He said calmly, at which I nodded.

“Since you are Human, and I can’t get inside the castle, there was no way to constantly stay by your side. It hurt me to be apart from you, but there was no other choice. So, each time that I have left here, I searched for a different place to hibernate safely for a few months, until my heart couldn’t endure it any longer and forced me to see you again.” He explained.

I knew we had a close bond, but that it was this severe, never came into my mind. Bending my knees, I sat down on the ground and Ayinthur laid down as well. He sighed deeply, before continuing his story.

“But when I caught the egg, and held her in my claws, the feeling of why I had to stay with you, transferred to the egg. Instantly, I got the feeling to never want to part that gorgeous egg, to protect her forever and keep her safe for the rest of her life.”

“Okay, that is sounding rather cute, but why do I have a strange feeling about what you are saying?” I asked him.

“Alright, I’m going to start at the beginning. Please let me finish my story, before you become angry again.” He said and I frowned. He was the one that got angry in the first place!

"Us Dragons, have always been hunted for our scales, and since we weren't with many to begin with, our numbers soon became even less." He said.

He started talking about how his parents had gotten captured by Victoria, and how they were tortured for years, and getting their scales ripped out from their bodies, until they no longer could endure the pain and suffering. To stop the torture, his father had killed his mother, his father's own lover, by breaking her neck, and then he died from the sorrow of losing her.

Then, when Victoria was done with them, she started to scour the planet, to find him and his sister. After a few months, she had successfully captured his sister, and then told Ayinthur to trade his life for hers. Unfortunately he was stupid enough to believe her, and so Victoria killed his sister and then kept on torturing him.

Ayinthur took a breath, and while my eyes were teared up by this awful story, I was still waiting for him to explain his obsession towards Iris.

“Ever since my sister was born, we began to search everywhere to find the dragon that was promised to her.” Ayinthur said.

“Why? And promised by who? What is the meaning of that?” I asked him.

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