Zodiac Academy 4: Shadow Princess
Shadow Princess: Chapter 12

I was lost to a daydream about last night as I changed into my bathing suit for Water Elemental class. I wandered after Tory into the lagoon where rippling blue light fell across us and danced on the high cliffs surrounding the pool.

I bit into my lip as I pictured the way Orion had pinned me down, the muscles on his body gleaming and his-

Washer’s hand landed on my arm and he stepped in front of me in a pair of tight red speedos. “Ooh naughty naughty, what are you thinking about I wonder, hm?” His hand sailed up my bare shoulder and flames flickered at the edges of my visions as he tried to push his power into me. Relief filled me when it didn’t work and I flinched away from him in disgust.

He frowned, glancing down at his hands as if he’d made some error. “Been practising your mental shields, have you?” he asked, obviously disappointed.

“Yeah,” I said brightly, loving my newfound Phoenix powers. “Guess you can’t affect my moods anymore, sir.” I shrugged then hurried away to join Tory in the warm water while she shot Washer a glare.

Geraldine waded toward us in her tight-fitting suit, her muscles on show and her large breasts bobbing as she moved. She tossed a lock of light brown hair over her shoulder as she arrived, a grin pulling at her mouth. “Well call me a Pegasus in paisley pyjamas, Darcy, did you just fight off professor Washer’s gifts?”

“Yup,” I said brightly. “Guess all that practising finally paid off.” I didn’t like lying to her about our Orders, but we didn’t have much choice.

“I can’t wait to see Max’s face when-” Tory started but she was cut off by the devil himself as he jumped into the pool beside us. Water sprayed over us and he smiled predatorily at Geraldine as he closed in.

“When you what, little Vega?” Max asked Tory, arching a brow.

“When you realise your swimming trunks are transparent,” Tory changed lanes with a smirk and Max quickly dropped his gaze to them, causing the three of us to burst out laughing.

He scowled as he looked up, folding his arms across the taut muscles of his chest. “Hilarious. Even if they were see-through, do you really think I’d have anything to worry about? Tell ‘em, Grus.” He glanced at her knowingly and she planted her hand on her hip.

“I don’t keep a fil-o-fax of floppy fiddlesticks I’ve cadoodled with.” Geraldine rolled her eyes.

“It wasn’t floppy,” Max huffed.

Geraldine waved a hand like she couldn’t care less and Tory and I fell into silent giggles. “Besides, Lady Petunia has danced with many courtiers this week. How on the moon would I even remember what your floppy spatula looked like?”

“It wasn’t floppy!” Max snapped. “And hang on a second, are you saying you’ve fucked a bunch of dudes since me? It’s only been a week!”

“I’m not going to stand here discussing how many breadsticks I’ve dipped in my honeypot since yours, Max Rigel. It’s none of your business.”

Geraldine turned to walk away and my lips parted as Max caught her arm to stop her. He moved into her personal space, lowering his tone as if he didn’t want us to hear. “Come on, you have to admit how good it was. Come to mine tonight so I can remind you.”

“I have a date with a fine gentlefae tonight. I expect he’ll see to Lady Petunia’s needs just fine.”

“Which Fae?” Max demanded.

“And why would I tell you that?”

“Because I’m gonna break his legs,” Max growled.

Darius started wading toward his friend and Max released Geraldine, running a hand down the back of his neck. He cleared his throat, nodding to the Fire Heir as he arrived.

Darius’s eyes flipped to us, clinging to Tory for several long seconds. Did he realise how obviously he was checking her out? His eyes were practically stuck to her cleavage.

Tory whipped her middle finger up between her boobs and Darius glowered and walked away again without a word.

Washer split the students into different classes and Tory and I worked side by side as he taught us how to create a wave by pouring our magic into the pool. We soon started to get the hang of it, sending out small waves across the surface one at a time.

“Very good,” Washer commented. “Now make a nice big wet one for me.”

I tried to school my expression but it was impossible not to wrinkle my nose around Washer and his gross ways of talking.

We sent out a few bigger waves and Washer clapped his hands. “Good and when you’re ready you can do a big squirt like this.” He pressed his hands into the water and a wave crashed over Tory and I, making us both shriek.

My hair was plastered to my skin and water dripped from me in torrents.

“Yes…just like that,” Washer purred, taking in our soaked bathing suits before adjusting his tiny speedo and walking away toward Darius. He was bending forward in the water as he cast some magic and I almost called out to warn him.

Get up, idiot!

The second Washer’s hands landed on his hips he straightened so fast that the back of his head smashed into Washer’s nose. The professor stumbled back into the water and a laugh tore from my throat as his legs went over his head. Tory grinned and for a moment she shared a smile with Darius before they quickly turned away from each other.

“You like him,” I teased, poking her in the arm.

She tutted. “I despise him.”

“You think he’s hot though,” I said airily.

“Well who doesn’t?” she said then cursed herself for saying it.

“I wonder if we’ll ever get taught how to transplant personalities, then you’d be all set,” I said as I cast another wave across the pool.

“Yeah,” she said half-heartedly like she didn’t really want that and I frowned at her. My sister was too stubborn for her own good sometimes. She probably liked Darius just the way he was. Asshole personality and all. If he’d just apologise for all the shit he’d done to her and started trying to make up for it…maybe there was something salvageable between them. Or maybe I was just too optimistic for my own good sometimes.

“How are things going with Caleb?” I asked.

“You’re very interested in my love life this morning,” she said with a grin then knocked her shoulder against mine. “Anyway you never did tell me who the mystery guy was you were meeting on the Lunar Eclipse.”

I laughed nervously, dipping my fingers into the water again. Dammit, I wanted to tell her so bad. It was stupid that I couldn’t. Tory wouldn’t breathe a word to anyone. And after last night, it seemed like she’d bonded with Orion. At least a little bit anyway. But enough for her to not freak out the second I told her the truth? Probably not. She thought Orion was nearly as bad as Darius. She’d think I’d lost my mind.

I was saved from answering as Max suddenly sailed above the water on a wave as if he was surfing without a board, guiding himself along with his magic. He sped past us then circled Geraldine several times, cutting her off from Angelica as he gazed down at her with a seductive grin.

“Oh do stop being a giant mountain crack, Rigel!” she shouted then threw up her hands and cast an enormous wave which sent him flying and he disappeared under the water with a huge splash. He resurfaced with a roar of anger and the class started laughing at him as he drudged back toward Geraldine.

“I’m coming for you, Grus.” He pointed at her.

“Ooh I’m shaking right down to my leopard print pantyhose,” she said with an eye roll.

“You will be.” He stalked away and Geraldine waved goodbye to him just with her little finger. “Is that supposed to be a reference to my dick?” he snapped.

“I didn’t make any kind of reference,” she said innocently. “Though maybe you think it looks like your floppy frankfurter as you mentioned it?”

“It was not floppy!” Max shouted so the whole class could hear. Darius shot him a confused look and Washer drifted his way as if he could sense some emotions coming off of him that he liked.

Max headed away in embarrassment and I shared a look with Tory. It looked like Geraldine had him well and truly wrapped around the little finger she was still wiggling at him. And I really hoped he kept trying it on with her, because this was freaking hilarious.


Dear Miss Vega,

Your presence is required in my office immediately.

Failure to attend will result in a severe docking of House Points.



Principal Nova


I was frozen to the spot, reading and rereading that message as I sat in my room after dinner. It was nearly eight pm, so what the hell could she want to talk to me about?

My heart jack-hammered in my chest as I thought of the worst case scenario. But she couldn’t have found out about Orion and I. We’d been careful.

Were we really that careful last night though?

What if someone had seen us sneaking into his classroom?

But then why would she wait until now to call me to her office?

I pushed my feet into my sneakers, tugging on a coat over my uniform before slipping out the door.

Please don’t let it be about Orion. Please please please.

My hands grew clammy as I closed in on Pluto Offices where Nova’s office was located. I hurried along even though I wanted to drag my feet or even turn around and run for the hills. But I had to face this.

It probably wasn’t about Orion anyway. Maybe Tory had gotten the message too.

Why didn’t I message her, dammit? Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I cursed myself as I opened the door, heading into the atrium and following signs to Nova’s office through a stairwell. I’d never been to it before, but I’d seen her heading in here multiple times. I jogged up the brightly lit stairs, running my fingers along the golden railing while trying to convince myself this wasn’t about Orion.

I reached the top floor, rounding into the corridor and I stopped walking. Stopped breathing. Because Orion was standing there, anxiously scraping a hand through his hair. The second he spotted me, his face paled and he shook his head slightly in some signal. But god only knew what it was.

I moved toward him slowly, barely able to draw in breath as he rapped his knuckles against Nova’s door.

Please god no.

He’ll lose his job. Be power shamed. This will screw up his whole life.

I forced myself to walk through the door after him, stepping into the large room. It had dark red carpet, oak furnishings and a long window which overlooked Fire Territory in the distance. Nova glanced up from her desk, her fingers clasped together and a taut expression on her face. Every organ in my body felt like it was wrapped in barbed wire.

“Apologies to call you both here so late, but I’m afraid I have to follow protocol on a matter which has recently been brought to light.” Nova gestured for us to sit in the two chairs side by side in front of her desk, her eyes flipping between us like she was hunting for something. I kept my features neutral, waiting for her to explain and trying not to panic. But holy hell was I panicking. Orion could probably hear my pulse as loudly as his own.

Nova stood, walking over to a printer across from her desk and fishing something from the tray. She returned to her seat and every hair on my body stood to attention as she placed a photograph in front of us.

It was from last night. Orion was leaning in close to speak to me and there was a stupidly bright smile on my face as I gazed up at him under my lashes. Worst of all, my hand was resting lightly on his arm and before us was a line of empty glasses.

No no no no no no no.

Orion cleared his throat, picking up the photograph then tossing it back down with a breath of laughter – how is he freaking laughing right now?

“Yes I know it’s ridiculous,” Nova said with a tired smile and I looked to her in confusion. “But I’m afraid I have to hear it from both of you.”

“Hear what?” I blurted, breaking my silence and Nova glanced at me.

“An explanation for this.”

“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Orion drawled. “I got ambushed on my birthday by the Vegas. This one in particular.” He sighed like it wasn’t the first time and I caught on fast, dipping my head in embarrassment to play along.

“Apparently the waitress was paid off to get a few incriminating photographs of Mr Acrux last night,” Nova explained.

“Yes well, he was there. He was having a rough night and as you know about my situation with his father…” Orion trailed off and Nova nodded quickly.

“Of course, say no more,” Nova said. “I’m afraid the photographs of Mr Acrux have been released to the press already. The one of you and Miss Vega has only made it onto FaeBook so far as I’m aware, but you should do all you can to have them taken down as soon as possible. You know how rumours can escalate.”

“Of course,” Orion agreed.

“So Miss Vega,” Nova said sternly, shifting her gaze to me. “You followed your professor to a club? That’s very inappropriate, you understand?”

“Yes,” I said, keeping my head bowed low and feigning my shame.

“So why is a student taking such an interest in you, Professor?” Nova questioned him.

“Perhaps you should ask her that,” Orion said lightly.

“Miss Vega?” Nova pressed. “Would you like to explain?”

I took in a breath, ready to act as best as I could as a blush burned into my cheeks, helping my case. “I have a crush on him.” I cleared my throat, looking anywhere but at Orion.

Nova sighed, turning to him. “Well it wouldn’t be the first time, would it? Whatever will we do about that face of yours.” She tittered.

“I’ll try growing a thicker beard,” Orion taunted and I chewed the inside my cheek as I felt Nova’s eyes scraping over me.

“Perhaps a wife would be a better option?” Nova teased. “I think Professor Prestos is still single, maybe you should ask her out? You’d make a lovely pair.”

My insides squirmed and my hands tightened on the arms of my chair.

“I’m seeing Francesca Sky,” Orion said lightly and my jaw clenched even though I knew it was a lie.

“Oh, I do love that girl. She was such a bright student,” Nova said dreamily and I tried not to crack a tooth. Nova looked to me, leaning in closer. “I know it’s normal to get urges at your age. And your hormones must be going haywire.”

“I’m eighteen. I’m way past puberty,” I said firmly, disliking her patronising tone.

“Of course, but your Order has recently emerged, that can be just as unsettling, my dear. Have you dated anyone since you arrived at the academy?”

Is she seriously asking me this right now?

“No. But I don’t see how that-”

Nova cut over me. “Perhaps you should join one of the Order Mixers. If you find a regular mate, that can help to assuage some of these raging hormones.”

“Sure… I’ll think about it,” I said, forcing a smile and she nodded, seeming satisfied.

“Do let me know if you’re having any more issues. I can assign you a counsellor if you’d like?” Nova asked and I didn’t like the way she said issues. Like she really did think there was something up with me. Maybe she believed the rumours the newspapers were circulating about me talking to invisible crows.

It struck me that if I was really honest with her, the newspapers would say a helluva lot worse about me. Oh yes, Principal Nova, I should tell you that I am actually screwing the Professor currently sitting beside me, he’s also been giving me secret lessons to harness the shadows which my sister and I were given in a crazy-ass ritual run by one of the High Councillors. Oh and I’ve been hiding my Order form which could be the most powerful to emerge in a thousand years. Nothing to lose sleep over though, right?

“That won’t be necessary, thank you,” I said.

“Okay, you’re dismissed.”

I stood and moved toward the door, wanting to get the hell out of there.

“Oh and Miss Vega?” Nova called and I glanced back over my shoulder with my fingers perching on the door handle. “If I get word of you hassling Professor Orion again, the consequences will be most severe.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said, my throat tight as I slipped out of the door.

I was hot and cold, sweat beading on the back of my neck as I hurried down the stairwell, drawing in long breaths. I couldn’t help but be rattled. How was I supposed to keep seeing Orion after this? If we got caught, it would be game over. K.O. Freaking Armageddon.

I spotted a sign for a bathroom and followed it, rushing into the women’s and resting my hands on a sink as I tried to calm my nerves.

The idea of stopping things with Orion caused my heart to splinter and threaten to shatter into a thousand pieces. But what choice did we have? This was a warning. A turn back now sign with flashing lights ringing it and a blaring alarm which had been well and truly triggered.

I ran some cold water onto my hands, splashing it onto my too-hot cheeks. The door opened and a blur of motion made my heart jolt before Orion’s arm curled around my waist and dragged me into one of the toilet stalls.

“What the hell are you doing?” I hissed as he cast a silencing bubble and gave me a heated look.

“I can hear anyone coming a mile off, trust me,” he growled, his brows pinching together tightly.

I shook my head. “This is stupid, let me out.”

“No,” he snarled, gripping my shoulders to keep me in place. “You’re thinking about calling time on this.”

“What choice do we have?” I whispered despite the fact there was a bubble in place. But Nova was just upstairs – this was the definition of crazy!

“We’ll be more careful. We shouldn’t have gone out together last night.”

“I know, but Gabriel invited us so-”

“He’s reckless, but we can’t be. He doesn’t know what’s between us, so he didn’t think about the risk.”

“Lance,” I sighed, an ache building in my chest. “I can’t bear what would happen to you if we got caught. It would kill me to be responsible for that.”

“I’m responsible for my own actions,” he said in a powerful tone that sent a rush of electricity down my spine.

“It’s not worth it,” I said as tears burned the backs of my eyes. Was I really calling things off between us? It didn’t feel doable. Like the bond between us was made of solid iron.

“Yes it is,” he said, dropping his head to try and steal a kiss, but I turned my head so he couldn’t.

“This is crazy,” I half laughed, half choked. But I looped my arms around his neck, the need to be closer to him driving me insane. “If we get caught-”

“We won’t,” he growled. “I can hear everything around us. We’ll always be a step ahead.”

“You don’t know that. We weren’t last night.” I clawed a hand into my hair, anxiety tearing through my limbs.

Orion sighed, leaning in to speak into my ear. “I can’t stop, Blue. I know it’s fucking insane. But I’ve stopped caring about the consequences. This thing between us gets stronger every day and I can’t fight it…can you?”

I inhaled at his words, the pounding of my pulse all I could hear in the pause that passed between us. The answer was obvious. It would be almost impossible to let go. It was as if the stars themselves were pressing me into his arms, holding me there and refusing to let go.

“I could try, for your sake,” I said. It would hurt like hell, but if it saved him from the fate of being discovered I could do it.

“I don’t want you to. In fact, I forbid it,” he ordered and I rolled my eyes.

“Come on, Lance. Do you really think we can get away with this forever?” I breathed.

He locked his arms around me, crushing me to his chest. “You know…that’s the first time you’ve admitted you want this to have a future.”

I swallowed down the lump in my throat. Orion had made so many strong gestures toward me, but I’d been afraid of doing the same. Because deep down, I’d been terrified of facing the possibility of us ending. Every day was a gamble. And how long could we really carry on like this without being found out?

“I’m just so afraid that the second I tell you I’m all in on this, the sky will come crashing down around us,” I said.

His fingers brushed the base of my jaw as a primal look entered his dark gaze. “Well say it and let’s see,” he said with a challenging smile playing around his lips.

I brushed my mouth over his in a feather light gesture as I gave in to my most desperate desire. Him. “I’m all in.”

He winced, looking up at the ceiling as if expecting it to fall down. “Hm, nope the sky is still intact.”

I slapped him on the chest and he released a low laugh before touching his lips to mine. It felt like a promise, one sealed by the stars themselves. It burned all the way through me and stole my breath away.

“We’ll be more careful,” he said as I stepped back, figuring we should probably leave this bathroom.

“No more public appearances,” I agreed and he unlocked the stall to let me out, barring my way before he opened it.

“You go on ahead.”

I nodded, stealing a final kiss before slipping out of the stall and heading into the corridor.

My heart was working overtime as I made it outside, taking in a lungful of fresh night air to calm my nerves.

I didn’t know what the future held, but I hoped the heavens were on our side. I really didn’t want to regret the decision I’d made, but it hadn’t even really been an option to call things off. We were in too deep with each other and the universe seemed to be conspiring to keep us that way. I just hoped that meant the stars were on our side and would help keep this secret from ever coming out.

I soon reached The Wailing Wood and a shiver crept up my spine at the silence that greeted me. There were no students walking around. It was almost nine and curfew would kick in soon. My eyes played tricks on me as I caught shadows moving in my periphery. But every time I turned my head towards them, they were gone.

Just keep walking, there’s nothing out here.

Except maybe a Nymph. Or a hungry Fae in their Order form. Or the Heirs.

Yeah, okay maybe I need to quicken my pace a bit…

I brought fire to my fingertips to illuminate the path and the tingle of my magic soon stole away my nerves. I was getting more and more confident with my powers every day. And even though I wasn’t allowed to show my Order form, I sure as hell would be getting it out if a Nymph jumped me.


I swivelled toward the breaking twig deep in the wood, upping my pace again and encouraging the fire to bloom in my hands.

A dark shadow stepped onto the track up ahead and I sucked in a breath, raising my hands to defend myself.

Seth’s chiselled features came into view under the light of the flames in my hands and a smirk hooked up his lips. “Hey, babe.”

He strode toward me and I kept my palms raised, glancing over my shoulder to check I wasn’t being circled by more Heirs.

“You know it’s not normal to lurk in a forest after dark, right?” I said and he released a low chuckle.

“It is for me.”

“Some people would call that creepy,” I pointed out, lowering my hands half an inch but not enough to let my guard down.

“Others would call it sexy,” he mused and I couldn’t fight the small laugh that escaped me.

“You’re deluded.” I recalled the last time I’d seen him in the dark at the Lunar Eclipse party. He’d seen Orion and me together, but he’d been so drunk I figured he’d forgotten most of that night anyway.

I went to move past him, but he caught my arm to halt me. His grip was gentle but it still sent my heart into a haywire beat.

“Let me go,” I said firmly, staring up at him. He released me, giving me an innocent look.

“I just need your help with something,” he said, releasing a dog-like whine. “Please?”

“What?” I narrowed my eyes.

He sighed, glancing away. “You clearly don’t want to be a member of my pack. I guess a part of me hoped you’d come around to the idea, but…” He shrugged one shoulder and I drew back a step.


“So, just challenge me and I’ll kick you out of the pack. I’ll get it done quick, you just have to cooperate.” His brows raised hopefully and when I didn’t answer, he caught my hand in his grip with a pleading whimper. “Come on, Darcy, my pack won’t come back to me until I get rid of you. Please do this. I can’t be alone anymore. You don’t want to be with me, so let me be with them. I can’t stand it anymore.” He shifted from foot to foot, pushing a hand into his long hazel locks, a look of desperation flashing through his gaze.

My throat tightened at the sight of his pained expression and though I kinda liked the idea of torturing him a while longer after what he’d done to me, I also wasn’t going to stoop to his level.

“Fine,” I sighed. “I challenge you, Seth.”

A baying howl rang out from the trees, then another and another, the voices filled with a keen excitement. I backed up in alarm, looking for that pitiful expression that had been there just seconds ago, but it was gone. Replaced by a cruel, demonic smile.

“Well thank fuck for that,” he growled and my hackles rose.

I retreated another step and my back pressed to a warm body. I turned sharply, gasping as I found Seth’s pack standing there in Fae form, shoulder to shoulder. They moved swiftly, circling around me and penning me and Seth between them.

“What are you doing?” I snapped, my pulse racing and my survival instincts kicking in hard.

“Turfing you out of my pack,” Seth answered.

“We want our Alpha back!” Frank crowed from the front of the line, his muscular arms folded in front of his chest. “We’ll have him as soon as you’re gone.”

“So just kick me out already,” I demanded, fighting to keep my voice level. “I don’t want to be his Omega anyway.”

Seth pulled his shirt off and reached for his belt, tugging it free while his dark eyes remained pinned on me.

My mouth dried out and I glanced around at the wolves as they started to strip down too.

“You’ll be out of the pack in a minute,” Seth explained.

“What are you gonna do?” I hissed, trying to hold my nerve as the pack started shifting into their giant Wolf forms.

“I’m rising to your challenge… it’s probably gonna hurt, babe.” Seth kicked off his shoes and I stared at him with anxiety burning through me.

I moved to the edge of the circle, making my fire flare to scorching flames and trying to force my way through. I hit a magical barrier and stumbled back, fear dripping down my limbs as I turned to face Seth.

Seth sneered. “You can’t leave until you’ve fought me. So fight me, Omega.”

A chorus of howls rang out behind me and a shudder rolled down my spine.

I couldn’t run. I couldn’t hide. I had to fight.

I bit back the rising lump in my throat, digging for my courage as I planted my feet.

Seth dropped his pants then leapt forward, shifting in mid-air so his huge white Wolf form ripped free of his flesh and landed before me on four enormous paws. Panic slithered under my skin, but I held my ground, refusing to show how afraid I was.

I could shift. But then he’d see what I was up close. I’d risk Lionel finding out if Seth suspected anything.

Shit shit shit.

I raised my hands and the flames in my palms reflected in his huge brown eyes as he started circling me. The pack snapped their teeth, barking and howling intermittently, the noise setting my nerves on edge.

I’d fight him as Fae. If he was in his Order form, at least he couldn’t use magic. But if he was going to kick me out, didn’t I have to lose this fight anyway?

I didn’t have time to figure that out as he lunged at me with a snarl ripping from his throat.

I conjured a wall of earth to shield myself, jumping backwards, but he smashed through it like it was made of paper. His teeth were bared and ropes of drool clung to them as he raced toward me.

A scream escaped my throat as I darted sideways, shifting my magic to use air instead and pulling a tight shield in around me. Seth collided with it and the force sent me flying to the ground. I slammed into the mud, rolling onto my back as Seth placed his huge paws on the bubble of air which surrounded me.

The pressure of his weight made the air buckle and I threw up my hands with a yell of effort to keep it intact.

He tore at it with teeth and claws and I gasped as he broke through.

I winced, willing my magic to protect me. Instead of the slice of Seth’s claws, I felt his weight crash into a soft tangle of vines encaging my body.

He started shredding them with his teeth and I sank my hands into the earth, willing more and more to grow while shuffling backwards along the ground. Moonlight spilled through the holes as Seth ripped it to shreds, hunting for me under the mass of greenery spewing from the mud.

I slipped out of the tunnel, leaping to my feet and the pack started barking. Seth was in a frenzy as he ripped and tore at the mass of vines caging the ground and I knew I only had seconds to act.

I ran forward with adrenaline chasing away my fear then dove onto his back, propelling myself with air magic. He reared backwards immediately and I conjured a vine into my hand, latching it around his throat and willing it to tighten.

He snarled furiously, whipping his head sideways and catching my leg between his powerful jaws.

I shrieked as he wrenched me from his back and I crashed into the earth again, pain ricocheting up and down my spine. My leg was bleeding and fuck did that hurt.

I groaned, pushing myself upright but Seth leapt onto me, pinning me down with his giant paws. The full weight of him pressed onto my chest and something cracked, drawing a pained groan from my lips. His teeth were bared as he leaned into my face, drool dripping onto my cheeks as I sank deeper into the mud beneath him.

“No,” I choked as another sharp crack sounded from my ribs.

I reached up to his face, clutching his furry cheeks between my hands and his snarling expression softened. His pupils dilated and a soft whine escaped him.

Fury bled under my skin as his claws ripped into my flesh and I poured fire into my hands, letting it tumble from my veins in an explosive wave.

Seth screeched with pain, rearing off of me and rolling in the mud to try and put out the flames which flared along his fur. Pain drilled into my body and I clutched my sides, trying to get up, but every movement caused a bolt of agony.

The fire fizzled out in my periphery and Seth padded toward me once more, rage pouring from his gaze. I conjured vines to slow him down but he broke through them like twigs, diving over me. Fear crashed over my heart as he locked his jaws around my throat.

Panic took hold of me and time seemed to slow. I drew in a breath of horror as he half lifted me off of the ground, his teeth nearly piercing flesh.

“Stop – it’s over!” I shouted. “You win!”

He lowered me down to the ground in an instant and I winced as pain exploded through my ribs. In a heartbeat, Seth was at my side in his Fae form, kneeling in the mud, completely naked, his expression dark.

He leaned over me, sliding his hands under my top while I tried to push him back, but I was in so much pain it felt like I was about to pass out.

Warmth spread over my wounds and I took a long breath as the agony slowly subsided. Seth leaned closer, his hair falling around me in a curtain as the last of my injuries healed over.

“You just had to submit. It didn’t need to be this way.”

“You didn’t tell me,” I spat, venom building up in my gut.

“You had to figure it out for yourself,” he sighed with a genuine look of remorse which confused the hell out of me, then he knocked his knuckles against my cheek before getting to his feet.

He shifted back into his Werewolf form and raised his head to the moon where it peeked through the canopy above. The sound of his howl was echoed over and over again as his pack surrounded him, nuzzling his sides as he took his position at the head of their line. Then he charged away into the trees and paws thundered across the ground as his Wolves followed him.

I pushed myself upright in the mud, shivering as the adrenaline drained from my body and the cold took its place instead.

I started walking back to Aer Tower, my uniform half shredded and totally caked in mud. For some strange reason I didn’t feel that angry at Seth. Maybe it was the remorse in his eyes after it was over. Or maybe it was that I knew on some base level, that this was the way of Fae. And I was starting to realise there would always be fights like this, especially when it came to the needs of our Orders. It was our nature. But I just hoped the next time I was faced with an opponent, I’d come out on top.


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