Zodiac Academy 4: Shadow Princess
Shadow Princess: Chapter 27

I was perched on the top of Mercury Chambers which gave me a view towards Fire Territory. Anxiety was winding around my insides like barbed wire as I searched the skies for any sign of Darius returning after he’d flown across campus, looking like he was in the middle of a hunt.

A roar tugged a breath of relief from my lips and I caught sight of him flying back toward Ignis House, his golden wings shimmering under the winter sun. I swung my legs over the edge of the building, sliding down a drain pipe at high speed before shooting off across campus.

I pulled up short outside Ignis House, gazing up at the sky as I beat him back here. Darius soared above me, shifting just before he reached his window to land inside.

I shot around the side of the building as the sound of students chatting headed this way. Darius’s room was at the top of the structure and it probably wasn’t a great look for me to go strolling through the common room and into his bedroom. I took a deep breath and leapt up, gripping one of the thin crevices in the glass panes that made up the immense building and pulled myself higher using my Order strength to scale the wall. I soon made it to his window, jumping smoothly inside and hearing the shower running from the bathroom. I pulled the window shut and moved closer to the raging fire which was burning in the hearth, casting a silencing bubble around his dorm.

I tugged my Atlas from my pocket, finding a message there which must have come through just moments ago.



I want to see you too, where are you?


“Right here,” I called to him and the shower shut off. A second later he appeared in sweatpants, his hair wet and his eyes flaring with some dark emotion. He had scratches and bite marks lining his skin and my brows pinched in surprise.

“What happened?”

He grunted, then lifted a hand to heal them without a word.

“Where have you been?” I asked, my throat tight, not voicing what I really meant. I needed you.

Darius was as stiff as a brick wall and as he dipped his head, I realised something was wrong. Really fucking wrong.

“What is it?” I dashed forward in a blur, resting my hand on his arm. My skin had prickled and hurt a while ago, though not seriously enough for me to be concerned, but now the Leo tattoo on my inner arm was pulsing uncomfortably.

He locked me in an embrace and my heart pounded harder as I clutched him against me, the bond between us drawing us together and making me ache.

“Roxy,” Darius growled in the deadliest of tones.

I slowly released him, stepping back. “I should have guessed.” He shook his head marginally, the tension in his body making me worry. “What happened? Did you hurt her?” I asked carefully, wondering if I needed to go and find her.

“No. I mean yes… but not like that.”

“Like what then?” I pushed.

“We fucked,” he spat like he was saying he’d killed her.

“By the stars, Darius.” The stress rolled out my body in a flood. “Well that’s great, now you can drop all of this pretence.”

“Pretence? What fucking pretence, Lance?” He shoved his way past me, throwing himself down on the bed and tucking a hand beneath his head as he blew out a long breath.

“I mean, you and her, this whole ridiculous feud you’ve been so focused on. Now that you’ve both finally given in to what you really want, maybe-”

“Maybe nothing. When we were together I felt so connected to her, like our souls were trying to tear their way free of our flesh to press against each other. It wasn’t just good, it was completely overwhelming, I swear I can still feel the imprint of her skin against mine and taste her kisses on my lips…” He trailed off like he didn’t even have words for it and I began to wonder if he might really be able to understand about me and Darcy. Because he practically could have been describing the connection I felt with her and I was beginning to hope that he wouldn’t be angry with me after all, that he might even be able to see where I was coming from. “Then after we’d been together, she kissed me like… I dunno, like she meant it. Like it wasn’t just sex and she felt the same way that I did and I thought that things had changed between us…for all of about ten seconds anyway,” he added hopelessly.

“But they hadn’t?” I asked with a frown.

“Not for her apparently.”

“How can you be sure of that? Did you even talk to her, or-”

“She looked me dead in the eye and said it,” he growled, anger rising in him so fast that I wasn’t sure what to say. “I hate her more now than I did before I screwed her.”

“What?” I asked in confusion, moving towards him and dropping onto the end of the bed.

“She tears me apart normally, but now I’ve let her in, I’ve gone and given her more pieces of me to chop up.”

“Come on, it can’t be that bad.”

He looked up at me with a scowl like I didn’t know anything. Like I was so fucking clueless.

“Do you have any idea how much I want her? How much it feels like I need her sometimes? It’s like she’s burrowed her way beneath my flesh and taken root in the depths of my soul. I hunger for her and ache for her and for the briefest moment, it felt like maybe she felt the same. Like all the anger and hatred between us had just been covering up everything else we desired. Like just maybe I could have something good like that, something pure and honest and just…mine.” He released a breath like the weight of the whole world was on his shoulders and for a moment I couldn’t find the right words to offer him. Because I did know how that felt. When I was with Blue, it seemed like nothing else even mattered. And when she looked at me like I was the only man in the world for her, it made me feel complete and happy in a way I couldn’t put into words. I couldn’t imagine how I would feel if she rejected me, if she pushed me away despite the passion that blazed between us.

“Are you sure she meant what she said? I’ve watched the way she is with you, I’ve seen the feelings she tries to hide-”

“Don’t,” he breathed. “Please don’t try and give me hope when I know there is none. I’ve never met anyone like her. She doesn’t care about who I am or how much power I hold, she’s not interested in my money or my family or anything like that. I was an idiot to think that she might have seen something else in me though. There is nothing else.”

“That’s not true,” I growled. “She’s a fool if she can’t see everything else you have to offer.”

“I might crave her, Lance, but I despise her because of it. It’s like she holds my heart in her fist and squeezes it just for fun. I wish the Vegas had never come back here. I wish they were still lost in the mortal realm and we could all be saved from the fucking hell of their company.”

A snarl rolled from my throat on instinct. “Take that back.”

Darius sat up with his own growl in response and his hand clutched firmly around my arm. “Why? What difference does it make to you? The only thing you’d lose out on if they weren’t here is a regular blood Source.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I snapped, rising from the bed and beginning to pace. Darkness curtained my vision and a void opened inside me. “You know, if you pulled your head out of your own ass for once, maybe you’d realise that the best thing in the world just happened to you.”

“You can’t be serious?” he scoffed, standing up as fire flashed in his eyes.

“Wake up, Darius!” I barked. “If you get over this bullshit hatred you think you feel for her, you’ll realise she’s not only perfect for you, but her and her sister are the best fucking solution to your father we’ve ever had.”

He gaped at me, silence stretching through the air and ringing in my ears.

“You can’t be suggesting…” he trailed off, shaking his head like he refused to believe my mind would even go there.

“Share the throne,” I demanded, my voice filling every space in the room. “Share it and all your problems go away.”

“No,” he gasped, looking at me like I’d betrayed him. But I hadn’t. He just couldn’t see what was staring him right in the face. “Who the fuck do you think you are suggesting that after everything we agreed before you went to get them from the mortal realm?”

“I know what we said back then. That we agreed the best thing to do was to make sure they could never rise to power. But that was before we knew them. Before I realised that they might be just what Solaria needs,” I insisted.

“When I told you what me and the other Heirs had agreed to do to them, you swore you would stand by me. No matter what. We agreed that I had to do anything it took to make sure they didn’t threaten my position. To make sure that they didn’t interfere with our plans to eliminate my father,” Darius snarled and shadows swirled in his gaze.

“Things change, Darius,” I growled. “We never could have guessed that they’d hold the power they do, the strength of character, they’re Phoenixes for the stars’ sake! They will rise to power whether you agree to it or not! I’m only suggesting that you consider allowing it to happen united rather than waiting to find out which of you will end up crushing the others!”

Darius stared at me like he didn’t even know who he was looking at and I bristled in anger as he refused to even try to understand what I was saying.

“Do you have any idea how much fucked up shit I’ve done to them to make sure they never rise to claim the throne?” he demanded. “I’ve played my part in this, I’ve struck at them again and again, even when it tore me apart to do it, even when it’s made her hate me like she does! There’s no way she would ever forgive me for what I’ve done and it’s all because of what we all agreed and now you’re just backing out on it and leaving all of the blame on my shoulders because you hid behind your little teacher badge and didn’t do any of it! But you’re just as bad as me and you know it, the difference is, you can get away with all of it because none of the suffering caused to them was by your hand. You left all the dirty work to me!”

“Are you fucking serious?” I yelled back. “In what world did you get the impression that I was alright with Seth cutting off Darcy’s hair? Or you and Max almost killing Tory in that pool? When we talked about making sure they didn’t rise up, I never knew it would equal that kind of savagery!”

Silence rang out between us and we stared at each other like we were standing on opposite sides of some great divide. I’d never argued with him like this. Never disagreed so wholeheartedly. And I could feel the pain of this feud ringing right down to my bones through the bond we shared. It pulled at my core, unravelling me like a ball of twine and darkness fed on every part of me that came undone.

“Wow. I’ve always known that I couldn’t trust many people in this world, but I always thought you had my back, Lance. But maybe the only reason you’re here is that mark on your arm,” Darius spat bitterly.

“I’m your friend,” I snarled, my fangs growing as I pointed a finger at him. “Don’t throw that shit at me.”

Something snapped in his eyes and I knew he’d lost the plot. “You’re not, you’re just some asshole my father bound me to. You wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t, you’d be on the other side of Solaria living out some prissy Pitball dream.”

His words punctured something deep inside me and I tried not to be hurt by them, but it was no good. They sliced and teared at that piece of me I’d held onto since the day Lionel had bound me to him. The piece that still wanted that free life. I’d never once blamed Darius for that and we’d been friends long before I’d been forced to watch over him. And if it had never happened, I’d still have been there for him, I still would have given him this advice. Still would have helped him defeat his father, because I loved him like a brother.

“You’re deluded if you think that,” I said coldly, darkness sweeping through me as the shadows fed on the rage in me, multiplying it, making my insides burn.

“Well I must be deluded about a lot of things. Because apparently I thought you’d stand by me through anything. I thought you’d do anything to get me on the throne.”

“I’m not asking you to give it up!” I roared, my hands starting to shake with rage. “I’m saying you’re being too damn stubborn to see other options. The Vegas are more powerful than you. And I would take an educated guess that at least one of them cares about you. Don’t you see, Darius, this is the perfect time to make an alliance.”

Darius strode forward with the menacing gleam of his father in his eyes. “I wouldn’t align myself with them if every star in the heavens begged me to. I’d rather die than share a throne with the daughters of The Savage King. Or have you forgotten what he was responsible for?”

“They’re not like him and you know it,” I growled. “Are you like your father, Darius? Do you judge yourself by the standards he set?”

He didn’t answer, turning away from me and walking to the fire. Smoke was curling around his body and the temperature in the room was growing unbearable.

“What did you want to talk to me about anyway? I left my Atlas here so I didn’t get your messages.”

My mind turned to Darcy and my heart hurt thinking of everything she’d been through since Seth had discovered us. I needed to protect her. I had to pick up all the shattered pieces he had left in his wake. I couldn’t put into words the anger I held for that asshole. I’d tear his throat out and drink every drop if I could.

I sighed, a heavy weight pressing down on me. I observed my friend with a tug in my gut because for the first time since I’d known him, I wasn’t sure I could rely on him. Not for this. Not after he clearly hadn’t changed his mind about the Vegas at all. In fact, it sounded like he hated them even more than he had yesterday. It had gotten personal with Tory and now he couldn’t handle it. And if he thought I was betraying him by suggesting he share the throne with them, he’d think of me as even more of a traitor if I told him I adored one of them.

I remained silent for a long moment, warring with myself over what to do. If I told him and he flipped on me, he could make this worse. He could let Seth torture Darcy. And something told me that right then, he just might. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Nothing,” I muttered, moving to the window.

Darius glanced around with a taut frown. “You sent fifty messages, it clearly isn’t nothing.”

“Well I’m just a traitor now aren’t I, Darius, so why would you care what I have to say?” I shot out of the window before he could reply, acid sliding through my veins and greasing my lungs.

I didn’t stop running until I got back to Asteroid Place, slowing to a halt outside my chalet.

“Pizza?” Gabriel’s voice startled me and I glanced up to find him sitting on the roof of my house with his wings spread and a pizza box in his hand. No one but a Harpy could sneak up on a Vampire. “I thought we could watch the game together.”

“Game?” I muttered in confusion.

He jumped off the roof, landing gracefully beside me with a frown. “Orio, are you ill? Starfire are playing the Red Suns in the league!”

Shit. Pitball. And not just any Pitball. It was my favourite team playing their rivals. I’d forgotten all about it. It was the first time in years I’d almost missed a game.

Gabriel cocked his head. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah.” I cleared my throat, putting on an expression that didn’t say the world was ending. There was nothing else I could do now anyway. I needed a new plan to fix this mess, but a Saturday afternoon with my Nebula Ally watching Starfire destroy the Red Suns sounded like an escape I sorely needed. Especially with the shadows lurking so close. If I didn’t distract myself from them soon, it was going to be nearly impossible not to give in to their call.

I led Gabriel around the side of the chalet and unlocked the door before pressing my hand to the door to disable the magical locks too. I heard Washer singing just beyond the door of his own house behind me and quickened my movements.

“Come on, come on,” Gabriel murmured.

I swung the door open and had one foot inside when Washer called out to us. I groaned internally, turning back to face him and finding his leathery orange body staring back at me. The yellow speedo he was wearing left nothing to the imagination. And as hard as I tried to avoid looking at it, I swear it was trying to catch my eye.

I didn’t have much time for anyone in this school, but I had to make small talk with the faculty if I didn’t want Nova pulling me up on being a miserable asshole who ‘brought the mood of the academy down a notch’.

“Oh hello boys,” Washer said brightly. We might have been a hell of a lot younger than him, but boys we were not.

“Brian,” I said politely, tipping my head to him as I let Gabriel inside to put some distance between him.

“I was just popping to the pool for a dip.”

“I can see that,” I said dryly.

“Won’t you join me? Gabe is already half naked I see,” Washer said keenly, eyeing Gabriel’s heavily tattooed chest.

Gabriel spread his wings defensively. “Not for swimming.”

“Can’t I convince you?” Washer swung his hips and I didn’t know what the hell he was trying to achieve. If it was to make my balls jump up inside me then he could have a gold fucking star.

“We’re gonna watch the Pitball game,” I said.

“Oh…well I’ll just dunk my dipper then come join you.”

“Er-” He strolled off before I could finish that thought and I growled under my breath, figuring this day couldn’t get any worse.

I shut the door more sharply than intended and a crack splintered up the middle of it.

“What’s up, man?” Gabriel frowned.

“Just girl stuff,” I sighed, knowing I had to give him something. He wouldn’t let it drop otherwise.

“Francesca?” he asked, though something in his tone made me think he didn’t suspect her.

“Yeah,” I lied because who else could I fucking say? Linda from accounts?

“Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked.

“No,” I said, moving to the kitchen and taking out a bottle of bourbon and two glasses. I headed to the couch where Gabriel had banished his wings and pulled on the shirt which had been tucked into his jeans.

He flipped open the pizza box on his lap and held it out to me. My stomach felt like a lead ball so I waved him off, pouring a double – alright a triple – shot of bourbon and taking a large swig. I’d laid off of the day drinking a lot recently and I knew exactly who that had to do with. I’d even laid off of the night drinking for the most part. But now the world felt like it was about to fall out from under my feet and I couldn’t go to the one person I wanted to in the whole world and drown myself in her sweet company.

So I turned to my old friend Mr Bourbon. He’d been there for me through Clara’s death and all the bullshit years after. He took away the terrors that clawed into my dreams at night. He listened to me ramble about the past and didn’t talk back. Didn’t even comment, just rolled down my throat and placed me in a semi-coma.

Gabriel hadn’t been around much since he wasn’t from around here. Plus he had his hands full back home. He had his own shit to worry about and I didn’t wanna put this on him. I couldn’t put it on him anyway. Oh by the way, Noxy, I’m screwing a student and now one of the Celestial Heirs has found out and is blackmailing us over it. Also, I have the Fifth Element and I practise dark magic on a regular occasion. I’ve been teaching the Heir of the scariest motherfucking Dragon on the whole planet how to wield it too. Nothing to worry about though, right?

Sometimes, I thought prison was probably a star-chosen fate for me.

I switched the TV on and turned it up as it showed a pre-game interview with Ryan Luxian. He was an Airsentry and a fucking legend. I’d looked up to him through all my years at Zodiac Academy. I could remember the days I’d wanted to be like him, but I couldn’t remember how that felt anymore. Where those dreams had lived was now just a hollow space that bled from time to time.

Gabriel slung an arm over the back of the couch as he devoured his second slice of pizza and turned to me. “So are you going to talk about it or will I have to make you?” He cocked a brow and I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t want to bore you with my personal life.”

“That’s what Nebula Allies are for. Besides, if anyone has had girl drama, it’s me.”

“Too right,” I couldn’t help but agree. “But this is different. It’s not like what happened between you and Elise.”

“Okay then, answer me one question and I’ll let it drop.”

“Fine,” I said, sipping my bourbon again.

“Is it on the same level of fucked up as what I went through?”

A ball rose in my throat. Gabriel had been through some serious shit. My situation was bad, maybe even just as bad, but I simply couldn’t go into it. “No, Noxy. It’s not. I’ll figure it out.”

“I’m here for you, whatever it is.” The intensity of his gaze made me shift in my seat. Sometimes it felt like he could see right into my soul. I almost considered opening up to him, but he’d be in serious trouble if it all went to shit for me. The FIB would question my closest friends, bring them in for Cyclops interrogation. I couldn’t implicate him in it. I wouldn’t even have considered letting Darius in on it for the same reason, but now that Seth knew…

Fucking Capella.

The game kicked off and I was glad of the distraction as we fell into watching it. I’d finished two glasses of bourbon by half time and was already filling my third. Everything felt a whole lot better behind a veil of alcohol.

“Yes – go on Nakimos! Run him down!” Gabriel shouted and I tried to muster the energy to join in. It was a close match and a really great game, but my mind just kept slipping back onto Blue. I realised I hadn’t told her about Darius’s answer yet and maybe that was because I didn’t want to disappoint her. I slipped my Atlas out of my pocket, finding a few anxious messages from her and guilt pricked my gut.



Sorry, Blue. Darius can’t help us.



What happened??



I’ll explain when I see you next.

I’m sorry…I’ll find an answer I promise.



We’ll find one together.



I’ll come stay with you tonight.


I pictured her wrapped in my arms, her body moulded to mine while I tried to get enough of how good it felt to be that close to her. The thought brightened my mood a little, but her answer sent my happiness skittering away again.



It’s too risky to come here. Seth could come looking to get some evidence.

I’ll see you soon xx


I groaned but it was lost to the noise of Gabriel shouting a line of curses at the TV.

Soon? How soon?

My heart sank as I realised it wasn’t going to be easy to spend a full night with her again. I tried to drown away the misery of that thought with another mouthful of bourbon, but doubted it would work that quickly.

Gabriel turned to me, looking baffled. “Did you not see that?”

“Huh?” I murmured, my eyes still on my Atlas.

“The Red Suns scored two Pits in a row. Holy shit, Orio, you must be in love with this girl because I’ve never seen you ignore a Starfire game.”


I had a physical reaction to that word which felt somewhere between an aneurism and an elbow in the gut. I’d never been in love. And I’d only cared for so many people in my life. I could count them all on one hand. And if I was being entirely honest, I only really needed three fingers.

I spluttered something incoherent and that was just great because Gabriel looked like he’d hit the nail on the head.

“I remember when I first realised I-”

“Don’t,” I cut him off. “Stop right fucking there Noxy. I’m not in love. I’m just…in trouble.”

“Same thing,” he pointed out and I smirked.

The worst thing about denying it was that it felt like a lie. Which wouldn’t have been the most terrible thing in the world if we hadn’t been in this current shitstorm of a situation. Loving her felt like a promise of a future. And I couldn’t give her that promise.

Gabriel thumped his knuckles against my shoulder with a dark look but before he could say anything, a knock came at the door.

“Coooey!” Washer called and my insides coiled into a tight knot. “I’ve brought nibbles! I made some of my famous chocolate covered balls this morning. They melt in the mouth like an orgasm.”

“For the love of all the stars,” I growled.

“We should ignore him,” Gabriel said and I nodded.

“I can see you in there.”

I jolted as I spotted him at the kitchen window, cursing myself for leaving the blind open. His naked chest was pressed to the glass and as he stepped back, he left two nipple marks on it.

“Argh, how am I supposed to clean that shit?” I grumbled.

“Water magic and a rag on a long stick?” Gabriel suggested and I snorted a laugh.

I got up with a sigh, pulling the door open and Washer walked into my house in nothing but his speedos. He must have dried himself off with his water magic but that didn’t explain why he was going around like that in the middle of winter. He had a bowl of the aforementioned chocolate balls that I wouldn’t be touching with any part of my body, least of all my mouth. He placed them on the table, bending right over in Gabriel’s face and making him shrink back into his seat at the sight of his tanned ass.

I dropped back onto the couch, expecting Washer to take the armchair but no. Of course he didn’t.

Washer wiggled his way between us then flung his arms over the back of the couch and spreading out so his armpit hair was almost touching my shirt.

Yep. Fuck no. I’m out.

I stood up, heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I was kind of regretting the bourbon. I didn’t want to drink while Blue needed me. The least I could be for her right now was sober.

I spotted Washer’s hand reaching up to touch Gabriel’s hair and shot a tiny, controlled gust of air magic at it so his finger strained as he tried to close the distance. “I bet your wife has licked every one of those tattoos, hm?” Washer asked.

“You talk about my wife like that, you lose teeth. Any more questions?” Gabriel asked sharply.

“Just one…” Washer purred. “Are the rumours true about you…do you really share that svelte body with other-”

Gabriel ripped Washer out of his seat, slamming him down on the coffee table with a snarl. “What did I just say?” He held a fist to Brian’s jaw and I folded my arms to watch the show.

“A-apologies,” Washer stuttered and Gabriel slowly dropped his hand.

“Get out,” he commanded and I flicked my finger to wrench the front door open for Washer to leave.

Gabriel released him, dropping back on the couch as Washer scrambled to his feet.

“It was just a question.” He pouted innocently.

“Goodbye Brian,” I said flatly and he rolled his eyes.

“You’re such a spoil sport, Lancey. We could have so much fun together. All three of us could. Our new boy has obviously experimented, haven’t you Gabe?”

“OUT!” we barked at the same time and Washer scurried out the door. I tried my best to ignore the way his speedos had slid firmly up his ass crack, but the stars were not on my side today. Maybe put that in my horoscope next time, yeah? A little bit of a heads up would save me weeks of nightmares.

I headed directly to the bowl of chocolate balls Washer had brought, carrying them to the trash and dumping them straight into it.

“Is he always like that?” Gabriel asked, wrinkling his nose.

“Sometimes he’s worse.”


I eyed my couch, making the mental decision to buy a new one.

“Want to help me burn a couch?” I asked and Gabriel grinned at the idea, a spark of mischief entering his gaze.

“We need a fire Elemental, why don’t you ask Darius?”

“No,” I grunted, my heart twisting. “I’ve got a fire crystal.” I headed to the kitchen drawer to fish one out and Gabriel gave me that look again which said he could see right through me.

“Don’t ask,” I begged of him.

“I won’t,” he said sadly. “But when you’re ready to start talking, Orio. I’ll be waiting.”

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