
That little tiny ball of red hair and hazel eyes actually had the nerve to yell at me. Me? My 6 foot 8 inch, 250 pounds of pure muscle self. I felt my entire ego shatter when she stormed away from me, Ryder was hysterical in my head. He was rolling around laughing harder than I’ve ever heard him in my life.

“What’s so funny, dipshit? She yelled at both of us.” I snapped at him.

“No, she yelled at you. She doesn’t even know me yet. Man, she looks like a twelve year old girl and she just shit all over you. I love her.” Ryder was in tears from laughing.

“You love her? Well that’s good because she hates us.” I huffed.

“Nu-uh, she hates you.” Ryder said.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re a blood thirsty beast and now you’re acting like a giant whimp for this girl.” I growled.

“She’s our mate, I’ve been waiting for her since you were 15. She’s the reason I’m always angry and on edge, I needed her. I wasn’t supposed to wake up until you were 18, instead I woke up 3 years earlier which meant 3 extra years without our mate stuck inside a punk ass teenager. That pissed me off. You being around any other female pissed me off. She’s ours and you better not fuck it up.” Ryder snapped at me.

“Too late for that, I think. Your reputation has already fucked it up.” I sighed.

“Then fix it, asshole.” Ryder slammed the mindlink shut, refusing to talk to me.

I grumbled to myself as I walked back down the mountain. Hunter’s wolves kept eyeing me hesitantly like they weren’t sure what to think of me. One of them walked up to me and I vaguely recognized him.

“Do you want some clothes….Alpha?” He mumbled, not sure how to address me.

“You look familiar.” I said, snatching the jeans from his hand.

“I’m Miles, Hunter’s Beta.” He said. Right, Miles and Toby were Hunter’s best friends growing up. Naturally, they became his Beta and Gamma.

“You don’t have to call me Alpha, I’m not your Alpha.” I said.

“You are an Alpha.” Miles shrugged.

“Do you know Maizey well?” I asked Miles, desperate for some insight on my mate.

“A little.” Miles shrugged, “We haven’t had much time to get to know her since Hunter’s been avoiding her for almost three months.” He looked at me sideways.

“Right.” I grumbled. Of course they all hated me because I kept their Alpha away from their Luna.

“I know she’s not afraid to speak her mind but she always looks surprised afterwards and she hates conflict. I can tell she has a really kind heart, she’s just afraid to show it. She’s ridiculously smart. A couple of pack members have gotten really close to her and they love her. Melody is her best friend, I think.” Miles took pity on me.

“Melody? My sister?” I felt guilty for not knowing my siblings. I’ve never even met most of them.

“Yeah.” Miles nodded. We arrived at the bottom of the trail and the pack had a couple of blacked out SUVs waiting.

“Do you want a ride back to the packhouse, Alpha?” Another familiar face walked up to me and I assumed this was Toby.

“I guess.” I mumbled.

I was dreading the moment where I would have to reunite with my family. I knew how much my behavior and absence hurt them, especially my mother. I pushed all those feelings away over the last decade and half, all of my feelings really, so I could be the best warrior possible. It paid off, I was set to take over the Warrior pack from Alpha Sal. Now, that was all up in smoke because of my tiny mate. I would have to answer for my past behavior and fix all the emotional barriers I had built, or I would need to remove myself from my mate’s life and leave her to Hunter.

We pulled in front of the packhouse and I realized that absolutely nothing had changed. I slowly walked up the steps and entered my childhood home. I breathed in deeply, all of the familiar scents of my family members filling my senses and calming me. I walked towards the kitchen and was surprised to see that everyone was already in the dining room.

“Archer?” My mom stood from the table with tears in her eyes. She was immediately in front of me with her warm hands on my face, “Is that really you?” She was crying and I was uncomfortable.

“It’s really me, mom.” I mumbled. She gasped and threw her arms around me. I returned the hug, hesitantly at first, and then held onto her tighter. I didn’t realize how much I had missed my mother until right now.

My father walked over and was watching me from behind mom. I pulled her away and stepped up to him.

“Father.” I nodded curly at him, unsure of how to react with the man who was my Alpha when I left home.

He was the one who told me that I would never be a good Alpha and that I was failing as a brother and a son. He told me that he didn’t even recognize me when he sent me away.

“I’m glad that you’re home, son.” He smiled and it knocked the wind out of me. He offered me his hand and I shook it sternly.

“My little mate brought me home.” I admitted. I heard my mother squeal behind me,

“I’m so happy to hear that, Archer!” She was bouncing beside me.

Movement behind my father caught my attention and I saw three figures who I didn’t recognize. I knew right away that they were my siblings. We all shared the same dark hair, strong features, and green eyes. I was sure the girl who looked to be the oldest was Melody, who was five the last time I was home. She hesitantly walked forward, eyeing me like I was a specimen under the microscope.

“Archer?” Her voice sounded exactly like Mom’s.

“Melody?” She cheered up at the fact that I remembered her name and smiled. I was shocked when she hugged me, “I told Hunter that you would come home and love Maizey just as much as he does.” She mumbled over my shoulder.

“You did?” I pulled away and looked at her strangely.

“Yup. I’m the smart sister. Winter’s the moody one.” She motioned towards the other young girl in the room. Winter had a sour expression and dark eyes that matched my own scowl.

“Winter?” I looked at her. This must be the middle of my younger siblings, she should be about 15 now. Winter waved but made no effort to move towards me.

“And this is Zane, he’s ten.” Melody grabbed the youngest boy by the shirt and drug him over.

“The youngest.” I mumbled to myself but Melody laughed, shaking her head.

“Not anymore.” What? I looked back at Mom and realized her swollen stomach for the first time.

“You’re pregnant?” I had no idea.

“Yes, due in two months. I was waiting until the baby was born to write to you.” Mom smiled.

A sweet aroma filled the room, it smelt like the most beautiful flowers and the sweetest berries. I turned around and stiffened as my little mate strolled in on Hunter’s arm. I was immediately jealous of Hunter.

“Maizey!” My mother squealed even louder than when she saw me. She threw herself at Maizey and grabbed her from Hunter. Something told me this was the first time Maizey has met the family.

“Hello?” Maizey was frozen, looking very uncomfortable as she stiffly hugged my mom back.

“This is my mom, baby.” Hunter dislodged our mate from Mom’s grip and pulled her back to him. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Maizey. Oh, you are so pretty!” Mom was already planning her wedding and baby shower, I knew it. Dad walked up then and greeted Maizey politely,

“I’ll echo my wife’s statement at a more manageable volume,” Dad chuckled and Miazey smiled gratefully, “I’m the boys’ father, Wesley. The over excited woman here is my mate, Elena.” Dad smiled at Maizey and took her hand, kissing it gently. Maizey blushed and I felt something strange building inside of me.

“You know Mel, of course.” Hunter led Maizey through the room. She smiled at Mel who took her hand and squeezed it, offering her some comfort, “My youngest sister, Winter.” Hunter motioned towards Winter who actually smiled at Maizey.

“You’ve caused a lot of excitement around here.” Winter laughed, but Maizey was frowning. She seemed embarrassed, “Which is a good thing. It was dreadfully boring before.” Winter clarified and Maizey smiled again.

“And my youngest brother, Zane.” Hunter nodded towards Zane whose face was white and his eyes were huge.

“Hi, Zane.” Maizey smiled and Zane’s mouth dropped open. He jumped on Maizey, hugging her tightly around the waist,

“You’re so pretty!” He squealed. Maizey laughed and I clung to the sound. Goddess her laugh did things to me.

“Thank you, Zane.” She smiled, hugging Zane back.

“You should be my mate!” Zane was actually glaring at Hunter who was holding back a laugh.

“I’m sorry, Zane, but I already have two mates and that’s more than enough.” She pats Zane on the top of the head but my heart was soaring because she acknowledged me as her mate.

“They don’t deserve you! They’ve been mean.” Zane growled. Maizey pulled him and way and crouched down so she was eye level with him,

“You’re right, they haven’t been very nice. But, I think they’re going to start now, they just needed an extra push.” She smiled, looking back at Hunter who was grinning at her.

“What if they don’t!” Zane whined.

“Then, I’ll come back for you.” She promised Zane and his face broke into a huge grin. He was definitely holding her to that promise, but I wasn’t about to let her go.

“Okay!” Zane laughed. Hunter came up behind Maizey and helped her up as Zane ran away laughing.

“He’s always going on about how he never wants to find his mate. I think you just changed his mind.” Hunter chuckled in Maizey’s ear, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

“He’s sweet.” Maizey smiled. She glanced up and her eyes met mine. I felt a warmth spread over my entire body and I couldn’t help but smile at her. She looked shocked but smiled back.

“Maizey, dear, are you okay?” Mom walked over to Maizey and inspected her closely for any injuries.

“I’m okay.” Maizey put on a brave face and Mom saw right through it.

“I’m happy that you’ve decided to come stay with us. You’ll be safe here. When Hunter said you were coming, I got to work on preparing the guest room.” She smiled. Maizey looked panicked.

“Mom, I told you she’s staying in the hotel.” Hunter sighed and Mom frowned.

“No daughter in law of mine is staying at the hotel. I know you don’t want to stay with Hunter yet, Maizey, and that’s okay but you’ll be safer staying here. The guest room isn’t even on the same floor as the Alphas.” Mom was speaking with her no nonsense tone.

“Thank you Mrs. Greyback.” Maizey smiled, caving.

“Nonsense! Call me Mom or Elena if you prefer.” She waved her hand, smiling, “Let me show you to the guest room.” Mom pried Maizey away from Hunter who literally growled at our mother. She rolled her eyes at him and drug Maizey out of the dining room.

The guest room was on the second floor, in the very back of the house, with the rest of the extra rooms. My siblings and I grew up on the second floor while our parents lived on the third floor where the Alpha and Luna quarters were housed. The first floor had the living room, kitchen, dining room, rec room, and the Alpha and Luna offices. Although, most official meetings took place off site in the office building.

Hunter walked over to me wearily.

“You really upset her earlier.” He said, glaring at me.

“I know, I’m sorry.” Hunter stumbled when I apologized. He probably thought I wasn’t capable of saying the word, “I need to figure out how to talk to her and reign in my anger.” I sighed.

“You….yes, yes you do.” Hunter looked shocked.

“Ryder thinks her yelling at me was hysterical.” I grumbled.

“He does?” Hunter knew my wolf as a violent, bloodthirsty demon. Not someone who laughed at being scolded by a tiny redhead.

“He said that he’s been waiting for our mate to soothe him and not having her is why he’s so angry all the time. He’s obsessed with her and I’m pretty sure that if I screw this up he won’t ever talk to me again.” I laughed without humor. Hunter was looking at me like I was crazy.

“You’ve got a long road ahead of you, brother.” Hunter smirked.

“I know, I know. Obviously controlling her is out of the question.” I grumbled and Hunter started laughing hysterically like he was privy to some inside joke I didn’t know about.

“Yeah, you could say that. Don’t make decisions for her, don’t assume you know her answer or opinion on something, don’t use any phrases that make it sound like you’re deciding for her. Basically, say everything with a question mark at the end and you’ll be good.” Hunter said.

“Noted. So, don’t be me.” I shrugged.

“Oh, I don’t know, you two have something in common. She has a certain darkness inside her that she’s trying to fight against and so do you. You just have to show her your softer side.” Hunter’s tone turned serious and I nodded thoughtfully at his advice.

“I don’t have a softer side.” I grumbled and Hunter rolled his eyes at me.

“She is your softer side, dumbass.”

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