
“Here it is.” Elena smiled, opening the door to my guest room. I smiled politely at her and stepped inside.

It was a large room with a queen size bed, two end tables, a fireplace facing the bed with built-ins on either side, a sitting area with a couch, recliner, and large coffee table, and two doors. Elena opened the first door and revealed a grand closet with built-in storage, a floor length mirror, and a cushioned bench in the center. The second door led to a grand bathroom with a double vanity, clawfoot tub, and tiled shower.

“This is a very grand room, Elena.” I was astonished that their guest rooms were this elaborate.

“We kept the packhouse small which allowed us to make each room elegant and grand.” Elena smiled.

“Well, thank you. I appreciate you letting me into your home.” I returned the smile.

“I wanted to talk to you about my sons, Maizey.” Elena sat on the edge of the bed, “I know that this all must be very confusing and overwhelming for you, especially with Archer being home now.”

“It is a lot, but I think that I’m handling it okay.” I tried to assure her and myself at the same time.

“I think you are handling it brilliantly, dear, you are quite strong for all that you have gone through. I just want you to know that Archer isn’t all that he seems. Both of my eldest sons were once the same. The same sweet smiles, kind eyes, and compassionate hearts. Archer gaining his wolf at 15 changed him. He gave up on himself. He thought it was easier to become the monster that everyone saw him as and he gave into it. I think you can be the one to make him see that he isn’t the monster he pretends to be.” Elena sighed, looking at me with a pleading expression.

“I know there’s good inside Archer, I can feel it. I’m willing to give him a chance if he’s willing to give himself a chance. I’m not afraid of the monster inside people, Elena, there’s darkness in everybody, I have darkness inside myself. Hunter is teaching me how to breathe again, how to feel again, and I’ll never be able to thank him enough for that. The least I can do is help his brother.” I sat down next to Elena on the bed and smiled at her.

“You’re sweet, Maizey. You should know though that you don’t have to thank your mate and you don’t owe your mates anything. The matebond is selfless and beautiful. All you have to do is give yourself over to it and everything else will work itself out.” Elena pats my hand lovingly.

“I never really had a mom.” I said suddenly. Elena frowned and I saw tears swimming in her eyes.

“Hunter told us what happened, I know you were very young when she passed away.” Elena was careful with her words.

“Even before that she wasn’t very motherly. My brothers were the only parental figures I ever had.” I sighed.

“Well, you have a big family now, sweet girl.” Elena kissed my forehead and hugged me closely.

“Thank you, Elena.” I smiled, hugging her back, “How’s your baby?” I asked, looking over her stomach. Elena smiled brightly.

“Very good, thanks for asking! I can’t believe that I’m doing this again at my age.” She chuckled, rubbing her stomach, “I mean, I am almost fifty.” I felt my eyes widen,

“You look great!” I said honestly. She didn’t look a day over 35. Elena laughed,

“Werewolves age slower, they are more youthful. It’s not quite immortality, we will age and die eventually, but it’ll take longer.” Elena explained and I felt sick. I started to panic but Elena soothed me, “You don’t have to worry, dear. When you’re marked by my sons you’ll gain that same youthfulness. It’s a gift from the Moon Goddess to ensure that a werewolf doesn’t have to live without his mate, even if she’s human.” Elena added quickly.

“The Moon Goddess?” I didn’t know what that was.

“She’s who we worship, she created the werewolves and she gives us our mates. Hunter didn’t tell you about her?” Elena seemed surprised.

“He said there was a lot I needed to know but he wanted to take it slowly so as to not overwhelm me.” I was starting to see why.

“Oh, well yes, I can see how that makes sense.” She frowned, looking guilty.

“It’s okay, Elena, I appreciate your honesty. Can you tell me more about her?” I asked curiously.

“Minds well now,” Elena huffed, frustrated with herself, “Her name is Selene. She created the werewolves a millennial ago to be the perfect being. She created them to be strong, agile, fast, with heightened senses; they were to be the premiere being all so they could protect what was theirs. She created the wolves to be good enough to deserve, cherish, and protect the fated mates she also made for them. Sometimes those mates were werewolves, sometimes humans, fae, vampire, witch, and any number of species,

“She wanted all of her children to find love, happiness, and peace. That’s why she created the wolves in the first place, to provide love to all of the species. She takes great care when she selects her mates and when she matches a wolf to a soul. Her wolves are immortal beings who are sent to inhabit a mortal body. When the mortal body dies, the soul of the wolf goes back to her until she can find another body to connect them with.” Elena’s expression was blissful as she described the deity wolves believed in.

“That sounds beautiful.” I’ll admit, it also sounds like a bedtime story wolves told their children.

“You are skeptical.” Elena smiled at me, “Of course you are, you’re a scientist. I suspect religion is not high on your list of priorities.” I shook my head,

“You’d be right.” I said, “But, I believe in Hunter and if he believes in this Moon Goddess then I’ll try to understand.”

“The only thing you need to understand is how much we do believe in her, how much both Hunter and Archer believe in her and the matebond. They believe that Selene created you specifically for them, for them to protect, love, and cherish. It’ll help you understand how much you mean to them, how precious you are to them, even when they cannot show it properly.” Elene said.

“Thank you, Elena.” I stood up just as the bedroom opened. Elena stood as well and we both greeted the intruder.

“Archer,” Elena gripped her son’s arm and smiled, “I’ll leave you two.” She smiled at me again and left.

“Hello, Maizey. May I come in?” Archer avoided my eyes.

“Yes.” I mumbled, stepping to the side so he could walk past me. He closed the door and I suddenly got nervous.

“I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier today. That was uncalled for.” Archer said with his back turned towards me. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I appreciate your apology.” I said. Archer turned around and we locked eyes.

“Are you afraid of me?” He asked, his eyes narrowing on me.

“I….I don’t think that you’ll hurt me.” I mumbled.

“I would never hurt you.” Archer’s eyes were glued to my face, setting fire to my body.

“Hunter said that you wanted to take me away.” I voiced my deepest fears. Archer’s frown deepened.

“That was wrong of me. I promise that I’m not here to steal you away from my brother.” He said so passionately that I believed him.

“Then why are you here?” I asked. Archer took a few steps forward then, when I didn’t retreat, he closed the distance between us. He touched my arm with his hand and a shiver ran up my spine.

“To share you with Hunter. I want to make you mine just like you are his.” Archer’s body was arched over mine as he looked down at my face, my eyes were level with his chest so I had to crane my neck back to see him, “I want to win you over.”

“You have a lot of work to do.” I smirked at him and that seemed to set him off. He leaned down and shoved his face against my neck just like Hunter used to do.

“Hunter did that when we first met, too. Why?” I asked, feeling embarrassed. Archer’s nose rubbed against the stop Hunter said would bore his mark, only on the opposite side of my neck.

“Your smell is the strongest here and it calms my wolf.” His breath blew across my skin.

“What do I smell like?” I asked curiously.

“Like flowers and berries.” He mumbled.

“Hunter said that, too. I wonder what kind of flowers.” I said thoughtfully.

“Hmm. Daisies, lilacs, and….rosemary.” Archer said confidently, pulling his face away to meet my eyes.

“How do you know?” I laughed in surprise.

“I’m good with smells.” He shrugged, seeming bashful all of the sudden. He tucked a loose curl behind my ear, “You really are the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Hunter’s description didn’t do you justice. Not that, that’s his fault. I don’t have the words to describe you either.” he purred. I felt myself blush.

“You’re just being nice.” I sighed and Archer’s face contorted.

“I’m not often nice.” He said plainly, “But I am always honest.” He cupped my face in one of his hands and I saw his eyes flash to black.

“What is your wolf’s name?” I asked.

“Ryder, my little mate, and he belongs to you.” Archer said, his face moving closer to mine.

“He likes me?” I squeaked, feeling a little weary of his bloodthirsty wolf. Archer blinked and paused in his advances.

“He loves you.” He stated.

“I thought he wouldn’t.” I mumbled and Archer picked up my chin so I was looking into his eyes.

“Why would you think that?” He asked.

“Hunter said that you got your wolf early and that he was….not nice.” I picked my words delicately.

“That’s true and putting it nicely. Ryder is a dick but all he’s ever wanted is to find his mate. He’s been insufferable because he didn’t have you. Now, he’s as content as a puppy.” Archer chuckled and the sound warmed me. It started deep in his chest and contorted his face. It was almost like the sound was unnatural to him.

“Can I talk to him?” I asked hesitantly.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. As much as he loves you, he’s still an animal and his only instinct right now is to mark and mate you.” Archer’s jaw twitched like he was struggling to keep calm. “He won’t hurt you, little mate, but he might mark you without consent. He’s possessive in that way.”

“Oh.” I mumbled.

“When Hunter is around you can meet him. He’ll be more contable around another Alpha.” Archer offered and I cheered up a little at that.

“Okay.” I smiled, “Where is Hunter?” I asked, surprised that he let Archer alone with me for so long.

“I’m pretty sure he’s in the hallway.” Archer smirked just as Hunter crept into the room.

“Guilty.” Hunter smiled shamelessly, strutting over towards me and kissing my cheek.

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