
Two days later and Maizey was finally feeling well enough for Hunter and I to leave her with our family. We needed to integrate Paul and find her brothers. We left Maizey in the care of my mother and Melody while Hunter and I took to the cells.

“We get the information out of him, whatever it takes.” I told Hunter as we approached the prison entrance.

“I haven’t tortured someone in to long.” Hunter agreed with a grime smile. I have to give it to my twin, he had a taste for vengeance and violence that I did not foresee. I hadn’t given him enough credit over the last few years. He was a formidable Alpha.

Hunter’s Gamma was with our mate and his Beta was with us in the cells. We excused all of the guards to the front of the prison. We wanted Paul to feel alone during the interrogation. Miles stood guard in front of Paul’s cell while Hunter and I stalked inside.

“So the Alphas are finally ready to grace me with their presence.” Paul was noticeably weaker, having been denied food and water since trying to kill our mate two days ago. But, his large ego and pumpice attitude was still in place. That would have to change.

“You won’t be smiling soon.” Hunter snarled at Paul before grabbing him by the neck and throwing him up against the back wall.

I came over with a set of silver chains, wrapping one around each of his wrists. We attached the chains to two hooks on the back wall so Paul was dangling just off the ground. He spit in pain as the silver burned into his flesh. Hunter punched him in the gut and he heaved forward, straining further against the chains.

“Tell us where Nick and Matt are.” Hunter ordered. I hovered behind him, just waiting for my chance to intervene.

“Dead.” Paul answered simply. We knew that was a lie.

“Don’t offend us with lies.” I replied coolly. He showed his hand when Maizey yelled at him. He admitted to wanting his sons to take over his so-called rogue army. There was no way he had them killed.

“Fine. Not dead. But, barely alive.” Paul shrugged lazily, climbing back up to his feet.

“I asked where they were, not how they were.” Hunter punched Paul in the face and I heard his jaw break. Paul spit blood onto the floor and laughed with red stained teeth.

“I thought you two were supposed to be the great Alpha twins. Haven’t you hunted them down already?” Paul was toying with us.

“We know they’re close.” I stood beside my brother with my arms crossed over my chest, “Your rogue stench told us that much.” Paul frowned at that.

“I’m not a rogue.” He spat.

“You have no pack, you are a rogue.” Hunter replied simply.

That riled Paul up. He thrashed against his chains and I took the opportunity to show him his place. I grabbed a hold of his chains and yanked him towards me, straining the silver clasp around his wrists. Paul’s eyes widened at my bare hands which gripped the chains.

Warriors taught themselves to be immune to the effects of silver by slowly ingesting it over the course of many years. I’ve been injected with silver since I arrived at the pack when I was 15. I barely noticed its sting anymore.

Paul screamed in my face as the silver burned into his skin. Ryder shifted my hand into a claw and dug his nails into Paul’s chest. Ryder shredded his shirt and made four equal lines across his chest, covering him in his own blood. Paul cried out again just as we released him swinging back towards the wall.

“Where are Matt and Nick!” Hunter roared in his face using the Alpha command. I watched Paul closely, remembering how he ignored Hunter’s command earlier. He flinched as he struggled to ignore it again.

“How can you ignore an Alpha’s command?” I asked curiously, momentarily distracted from our mission.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Paul laughed.

Ryder and I had about enough. I lunched at him again, slamming him against the wall as my fists grabbed a hold of what was left of his shirt. I gathered all of my strength and power, pulling his face just an inch from mine, I spoke with a viscous voice,

“You will answer me.” Ryder spoke through me in a calm, level headed tone that was even more terrifying than when he yelled. Paul’s face contorted with pain as he tried to deny me, but he failed.

“I am Paul Vanhill. The son of the exiled Alpha of the Blood Haven pack.” Paul answered in a shaky voice.

“Blood Haven? Wasn’t that the wicked pack in Michigan?” Hunter asked me and I nodded.

“It was one of the first decrees of the new royal order to take out any packs who went against their new humane laws. Anyone who partook in slavery, tortore of their pack members unjustifably, arranged and forced marriages, blood sacrfices, and basically everything else that Blood Haven did. Any Alphas who refused to conform to the human laws, were exiled and their members dispersed to neighboring packs.” I explained.

“My father was wrongly exiled and his life was destroyed. He was murdered by rogues and I was left abondened, forced to change my name and cower in fear with those blood thirsty vermon. I was waiting patiently for the day when I met a high ranked she-wolf and could continue my Alpha bloodline. Instead, I got a human mate and three shitty human kids.” Paul grumbled.

“Well, you can’t hide behind the Alpha bloodline for long. Your pathetic wolf will bow to real Alphas soon enough.” I shoved him backwards again, releasing his shirt.

“Your sons have no wolf in them, the rogues will kill them once they realize you’ve been captured. If you care at all about them, you’ll tell us where they are.” Hunter was trying to appeal to his humane side. I wasn’t sure that he had any.

“The rogues will sense their Alpha bloodline.” Paul replied but his confidence was shaken. I raised an eyebrow at Hunter, wondering if his plan would work.

“In humans? No, that’s not how that works.” Hunter shook his head. I stepped back and let him take the reins of this integration. Fear flashed in Paul’s eyes.

“Where are they?” I pushed my Alpha command again and so did Hunter,

“Tell us now.”

“Ten miles from here, inside the Oconee forest. There’s a rogue camp using a wildflower field to cover their scent.” Paul answered in defeat. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Hunter and I said nothing as we stormed out of his cell and slammed it shut. Miles secured him inside and followed after us. Hunter ordered his guards to return to their posts as we left to update our mate.

“We’re going to bring them home right now, princess.” Hunter kissed Maizey’s forehead, wrapping an arm around her waist lovingly. I stood in front of them, looking on with jealous eyes.

“You’ll bring them back?” Her eyes landed on me.

“I promise.” I said without thinking. I hesitantly stepped forward and Hunter moved out of the way. Maizey took a step towards me and grabbed my arms, pulling me closer.

“Bring you and Hunter home safe, too.” She ordered me and I smirked,

“I promise that, too.” I said. Her eyes lingered on mine and she started biting her bottom lip. I quickly learned how much that single action turned me on.

I brought my hand up to her face, tucking a loose red curl behind her ear. She licked her lips and I took that as a sign to move in. It wasn’t our first kiss, but it was our first real kiss. She closed her eyes just as our lips brushed against each other. She leaned in closer and I deepened the kiss. Her arms went around my neck and she pressed her body against mine. I resisted the urge to moan at her touch. Hunter cleared his throat and I knew he meant to say that it was time to go.

I pulled away and smiled at my breathless mate. She was bright red and her eyes were swirling with lust. I gave her one last peck before dropping my hand and stepping away. Hunter chuckled at us and went in for a kiss of his own.

“Uh-oh, we left our little mate speechless.” I smirked, slapping Hunter on the back. Maizey sprang to life then, rolling her pretty little eyes at me.

“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” I playfully growled at her,

“Yes.” She shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Oh, wait until I come back, little Luna.” I purred, placing my hand against her cheek briefly before Hunter and I left.

Hunter and I burst into our wolves as soon as we hit the grass. The rest of the wolves we chose for this mission followed suit. Miles and Toby were staying behind to protect Maizey. All you could hear was the thunderous sound of paws against the ground as we stormed through the forest. We covered ten miles in less than 10 minutes, easily finding the rogue camp by following the overly obnoxious floral smell of the wildflowers.

We burst through the field, not even bothering with stealth. Hunter and I were eager to get this over with. Watcher snarled at the unsuspecting rogues, and Ryder did the same. It didn’t take long until we had the rogues incapciated, whether they were dead or handcuffed in silver. This time, we were taking survivors if they chose to surrender. We weren’t about to beg anyone for their cooperation.

Hunter and I followed a familiar scent, one that was so close to our mate’s that it almost hurt. We figured it was her brothers’. We tore through the flap of one of the large, tan tents and saw two men laying on cots. Their ankles were chained together and to the wall so they couldn’t leave. They rolled over and sat up as we entered, looking at us with fear. They were clearly being starved and were in rough shape, but alive and uninjuried. Hunter shifted and the boys recognized him.

“Hunter? Where’s our sister?” The elder one asked.

“She’s at home, she’s safe. Come on, we’re getting you two out of here.” Hunter reached down for the chains and grunted when his skin sizzled upon touching the silver. He looked over at me and Ryder huffed. He gave me control and we shifted. The boys’ eyes widened.

“This must be the twin.” The younger one clearly didn’t like me very much.

“Archer. Pleased to meet you.” I grunted in greeting, ripping the silver chains from around their ankles.

“How come you can touch that?” The younger one asked.

“Silver doesn’t bother me.” I said.

“This is Nick and that one is Matt.” Hunter introduced us. The older one, Matt, jumped up first and offered me his hand. I shook it, eyeing him curiously. Nick walked past me giving me the side eye.

“Nicky is a little less subtle than I am.” Matt chuckled.

“Let’s get out of here.” Hunter said, nodding towards the door. He and I both shifted back into our wolves so we weren’t walking around naked in front of our future brother-in-laws.

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