Chapter 16 Unwanted Encounter

Hugo never thought he would see the woman who vanished four years ago standing before him once


Celia stood under the lights. She had a quaint little purse in one hand and a glass of red wine in the other. Her starry eyes shone brightly amid her beautiful face. Her pretty nose led down to a pair of luscious red lips that were curved into a faint smile. Her waist was as slender as it had been four years ago. Her bewitching curves were accentuated by her dark evening dress. She looked perfect.

She appeared in front of him again, and this time, she was even more beautiful than before.

“What’s the matter, Hugo?” Hugo’s senior lent a hand in wiping off the wine on Hugo’s suit.

Thankfully, the mark was not noticeable against his black suit.

Hugo didn’t process what his senior said. His breath had caught in his throat. Just then, Celia walked over to a man and spoke to him with a smile. The man’s arm hung loosely around her waist as he led her over to a group of people.

Hugo’s brows furrowed.

What’s her relationship with that man?

Is she married? Are they dating?

As soon as Celia left the balcony, she spotted Bryce who had just so happened to run into a few people from the same industry and wanted to introduce her to them.

Hugo’s piercing gaze trailed after Celia’s silhouette. He saw her coming to a stop in front of a few guests. She was like a crimson rose, drawing the eyes of those around her by simply standing there. Her smile never left her face.

He was even more infuriated by the young man beside her who was being so attentive to her. His displeasure flared up in an instant.

Alas, his mood was as sour as it could be.

The thought of the way she used to lie beneath him made him feel even more repulsed.

Meanwhile, Celia was on the receiving end of a series of compliments from the wealthy women around her. They showed genuine appreciation for her creations and hoped that she could create a personalized scent for them someday.

Celia was more than happy to oblige. Just then, a waiter sidestepped to avoid a guest, and he ended up spilling some red wine in the direction of Celia’s arm.

“Watch out!” Bryce quickly reached out and pulled Celina away.

Nevertheless, some of the wine got onto Celia’s arm anyway. She felt the stickiness and said. “Please excuse me while I head to the washroom for a moment.”

Do you need me to come with you?” Bryce asked gently.

Celia smiled. How are you going to come with me to the women’s washroom? Just stay here with Mrs. Landry and the others’


Celia was in the washroom for a short while. She took the opportunity to touch up her lips. There weren’t all that many people by the washrooms right now. Celia was lost in her thoughts and didn’t notice that the floor wasn’t completely dry. Her heels wobbled as she slipped.


Celia lost her balance and thought she was going to fall to the ground when all of a sudden, a large hand. caught her by the waist and pulled her into a warm embrace.

She was so startled that she had turned a little pale. She felt grateful toward the person who saved her, though the embrace felt a little too intimate for her liking.

“Thank you, mister…” Celia’s instinctive reaction was to thank the man.

However, when she looked up and saw the face in front of her…

Her mind went blank.

Why’s it him?

The man who saved her was the man she hated with every fiber of her being.

At the very next moment.

“Let go of me,” Celia demanded through gritted teeth.

If only I had a knife with me right now! She wanted to stab it right into his heart.

Hugo narrowed his eyes and sneered, “I did just save you.”

“As if I wanted you to. I’d much rather fall to my death than be saved by you.” Celia’s eyes flashed with utter resentment as her chest heaved.

Why did I run into him? I never want to see him again-ever.

Hugo’s eyes narrowed even further. “Say thank you.”

“You want me to thank you? In your dreams!” Celia scoffed.

She would never thank him, not even if he saved her ten thousand times.

Celia didn’t want to spend even a single second longer in his presence. She turned to leave but alas, the man grabbed her wrist.

“Who was that man beside you?” he interrogated curtly.

Celia flung his hand off as her eyes flashed with fury. “You have no right to question me about my life, Hugo.”

She stormed off at once. Her emotions were a mess.

It was a huge city. Why did she run into him of all people?


Her eyes pooled with tears. The very thought of him reminded her of the child he had mercilessly taken away. She carried the child for eight months, but the child didn’t even get a chance to see the world.

He’s a monster.

He deserves to rot in hell.

Celia wanted nothing more than to leave this place at once. She didn’t want to stay here any longer.

As soon as she came out, she searched for Bryce. Bryce noticed how pale she got after her trip to the washroom.

“What’s wrong, Celia? Are you feeling unwell?” Bryce asked in concern.

“I’m fine. I want to leave, Celia said before she proceeded to head for the door.

“Wait up! I’ll give you a ride. Bryce hurried after her. He was worried about her safety.

Celia was so flustered that she nearly ran into a couple. Bryce swiftly stopped her just in time and apologized to the couple on her behalf.

Hugo came out of the washroom just in time to witness this scene, and his expression grew even stormier.

Look at how intimate they are. What else could they be if not lovers?

Just then, his phone rang so he answered it. “Yes?”

“When are you coming home, Daddy?!” A child’s voice rang out.

“I’ll be home very soon.”

“Okay. I’ll be waiting!”

Hugo hung up and marched toward the exit.

Celia was standing by the elevators with her arms crossed. She was consumed by the emotions welling up inside her. Bryce’s heart ached at the sight of her looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

“What on earth happened? Tell me. Did someone hurt you somehow?” Bryce asked softly.

“It’s fine. I just ran into someone I hate.” Celia took a deep breath to calm herself down. She didn’t want Bryce to worry about her.

At that very moment, she sensed an intimidating aura approaching them. She looked up and her beautiful eyes flashed with hatred yet again.

Damn it! Why’s it him again?

Hugo had a hand in his pocket as he stared at the man and woman waiting for the elevator. He approached like a hungry lion that had locked in on its prey.

Bryce noticed someone coming over and took a look. He was startled by what he saw.



The business and finance magazines lauded his business accomplishments many times now. They called him the alpha wolf of the business industry.

His very existence proved the unfairness of fate. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Not only was he one of the richest men in the world, but he was also extremely capable and incredibly handsome to boot.

Celia narrowed her eyes. She tried her best to overcome the shock of seeing this man. As soon as the elevator doors opened, she was the first to head in.

Then, she immediately tapped away at the close button to stop that man from entering the elevator. Bryce was taken aback. What’s Celia doing?

However, just as the elevator doors were about to close, a hand reached out and the doors opened up again.

Celia felt a ball of flame building up in her chest. She was severely uncomfortable.

Hugo purposely stood between Celia and Bryce. He drew himself to his full height and carried himself with an air of sophistication.



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It’s not very polite of him to stand in between us!

Celia felt stilled by the atmosphere in the elevator. She had a keen sense of smell and detected the whiff of hormones emanating from Hugo. She felt the urge to cover her nose.

The scent reminded her of the nights he spent having his way with her. Right now, he was staring at her possessively.

When the elevator stopped on the first floor, Celia was the first to rush out. Bryce got the sense that she was fleeing from something. Why would she need to flee? Who is she afraid of?

Hugo stepped out behind them. His gaze trailed after the fleeing silhouette.

“Wait here for me, Celia. I’ll go and bring the car around, Bryce said.

Celia stood at the entrance. The light from the chandelier made her look both innocent and alluring.

The man behind her narrowed his eyes. She was no longer the same person she was four years ago, She had her arms crossed as she displayed the cold, hostile side of her.

A deep voice rang out behind Celia.

“Is he your current boyfriend?”

Celia was in no mood to entertain a question from the man she detested.

However, she didn’t expect the man behind her to add tauntingly, “You’ve got pretty poor taste.”

His criticism of Bryce made Celia turn around and cast a baleful glare at him.

“He’s at least ten thousand times better than you.”

Hugo’s eyes flashed dangerously as his expression turnel icy.

How dare she claim that another man’s better than me?

“Are you sure he can satisfy you better than I can?” Hugo sneered as he took a step forward. He had full confidence in his performance in bed.

Celia instinctively retreated as she fumed, “Stay away from me, Hugo. Don’t make me sick.”

At that moment, a car came speeding down the road by the hotel entrance. Celia was all dressed in black and the driver didn’t seem to have noticed her.

The car came barreling straight at her.

Celia sensed danger and her eyes widened in shock, but she froze up and couldn’t even move a muscle.

A long arm wrapped around her waist and dragged her back in the nick of time, saving her from impending doom. She was held tightly against the man’s chest.

Celia’s heart was pounding. She nearly got run over by a car.

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