Chapter 17 His Sleepless Night

Bryce frowned. Can’t this man see that Celia and I are together?

It’s not very polite of him to stand in between us!

Celia felt stifled by the atmosphere in the elevator. She had a keen sense of smell and detected the whiff of hormones emanating from Hugo. She felt the urge to cover her nose.

The scent reminded her of the nights he spent having his way with her. Right now, he was staring at her possessively.

When the elevator stopped on the first floor, Celia was the first to rush out. Bryce got the sense that she was fleeing from something. Why would she need to flee? Who is she afraid of?

Hugo stepped out behind them. His gaze trailed after the fleeing silhouette.

“Wait here for me, Celia. I’ll go and bring the car around,” Bryce said.

Celia stood at the entrance. The light from the chandelier made her look both innocent and alluring. The man behind her narrowed his eyes. She was no longer the same person she was four years ago. had her arms crossed as she displayed the cold, hostile side of her.

A deep voice rang out behind Celia.

“Is he your current boyfriend?”

Celia was in no mood to entertain a question from the man she detested.

However, she didn’t expect the man behind her to add tauntingly, “You’ve got pretty poor taste.”

His criticism of Bryce made Celia turn around and cast a baleful glare at him.

“He’s at least ten thousand times better than you.”

Hugo’s eyes flashed dangerously as his expression turned icy.

How dare she claim that another man’s better than me?


“Are you sure he can satisfy you better than I can?” Hugo sneered as he took a step forward. He had full confidence in his performance in bed.

Celia instinctively retreated as she fumed, “Stay away from me, Hugo. Don’t make me sick.”

At that moment, a car came speeding down the road by the hotel entrance. Celia was all dressed in black. and the driver didn’t seem to have noticed her.

The car came barreling straight at her.

Celia sensed danger and her eyes widened in shock, but she froze up and couldn’t even move a muscle. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A long arm wrapped around her waist and dragged her back in the nick of time, saving her from impending doom. She was held tightly against the man’s chest.

Celia’s heart was pounding She nearly got run over by a car.


However, when she saw the man who had pulled her into his arms, she reached out and slapped him without hesitation.

The pain made Hugo’s eyes turn even colder.

How dare she slap me when I just saved her?

His handsome visage took on an unpleasant expression.

“What makes you think you can hit me?” His voice was low and furious.

“Hit you? I could even kill you,” Celia clenched her jaw and retorted. Her eyes were filled with loathing.

Just then, Bryce drove up to them. When Celia spotted the car, she grabbed the door and got in before the car had even come to a complete stop.

Both men were startled.

Bryce quickly slammed the brakes. “Let’s go, Celia urged.

Bryce looked through the window and saw a pair of icy eyes staring at them. Hugo Spencer’s here too?

“Do you two know each other, Celia?” Bryce asked curiously.

“No,” Celia denied at once.

Hugo’s temper flared as he watched the car leave. It was his first time feeling this way in four years.

Back inside the car, Celia’s chest was still heaving a little. It had been a horrid night for her.

Why would I run into that b*stard in a city as big as this?

“Are you sure you’re alright. Celia?” Bryce asked worriedly. She didn’t look too good.

Celia took a deep breath, smiled, and shook her head. “I’m fine, really. I’m tired. Please take me home.”

The car stopped outside the apartment building. Bryce wanted to go up with Celia, but she rejected the offer. She wanted to be alone right now.

Inside the villa.

Jeremy was playing in the garden when he heard the familiar racket from the sports car. He immediately ran over with his ball. “Daddy’s home!”

The car came to a stop and Hugo got out. He saw the little figure running toward him and bent down with his arms outstretched to greet his son.

“Daddy!” Jeremy flung himself into Hugo’s arms and kissed his cheek.

Hugo’s emotions were a little complicated today. His son’s mother was back in town.

The sight of Jeremy’s adorable little face quelled some of Hugo’s rage. Celia’s face flashed across his mind. Jeremy shared a resemblance to her. In fact, upon closer inspection, he looked rather like her.

Hugo helped Jeremy wash up for the night. The little boy had spent the entire afternoon kicking the ball around, so he ended up falling asleep in Hugo’s arms at 9.30PM.


However, Hugo had a restless night.

It was 2.00AM and he was still tossing and turning in bed. He couldn’t fall asleep. Visions of Celia at the event earlier that night kept replaying in his mind.

After four years of not seeing her, he found her noticeably different now. She was no longer the weak and helpless girl she once was. She seemed to be covered in invisible thorns now.

Thanks to her, he finally had a taste of what it felt like to be slapped.

Hugo exhaled and slid an arm beneath his head. That woman had offended him, and yet, why was his body heating up because of her?

One specific thing had been vexing him for the past few years. He was an ordinary man with needs, Naturally, he sought out other women before.

However, each time another woman came near him, he would immediately feel disgusted. Therefore, he had been relying on himself to satisfy his urges for the past few years. Every time he did so, images of her -the memories of being with her-would flood his mind.

It was the drug that he used to soothe himself over the last few years.

Damn it.

When did she put a curse on me? Why am I suffering like this?

This was the reason why everyone thought he wasn’t interested in women. He had a problem that was hard to put into words.

Though, given enough time, he got used to it and it even became natural to him.

Furthermore, Jeremy didn’t like it when he had other women around him, and he didn’t want to become. someone that his own son detested.

Preoccupied with these thoughts, Hugo ended up getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. His desire for that woman burned even harder tonight than it ever did in the last four years.

He felt murderous. Was it a must for him to suffer in this manner when she was out of his life?

Morning came.

Celia didn’t rest well either. She had a nightmare last night, and the person who caused it was Hugo. The memories of the way he had tormented her four years ago were dragged up again last night. She felt furious and humiliated.

She despised herself for being so weak four years ago. Why did I let him treat me like that without ever fighting


Celia always believed that her mother wasn’t a bad person. Who knows? Maybe his father was the bad guy.

How much of a good person could Hugo’s father be when he’s such a b*stard? The more Celia thought about it, the angrier she got, and the more she regretted being so young and foolish as allow him to force her into making up for the situation through those means.

What she could never forgive was how that monster killed her child.


Celia’s eyes brimmed with tears. She wanted nothing more than the chance to kill Hugo herself.

Just then, Celia’s phone rang. She glanced at the screen and answered the call. “Hello. Who is this?”

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