Chapter 18 Looking Into Her

“Is this Miss Celia Stuart speaking? There’s a house under your maternal grandmother’s name that’s slated to be demolished so that the area can undergo development. We hope you can come and sign the paperwork.”

“Why is it getting demolished?” Celia asked in shock.

“Well, the authorities have determined that the old district is a danger zone due to the condemned. buildings, so it’s time to redevelop the place. Please cooperate with us.”

Celia thought about the old house. It was nearly forty years old and didn’t seem quite safe for someone to stay in, so she replied, “Alright. I’ll come over as soon as I can.”

When Celia’s grandmother died, she left the house to Celia, so Celia inherited the house. She wasn’t. pleased about the demolishment. She was upset because it was the only place that reminded her of her grandmother. She wished it could remain there forever.

Celia got up and got ready to leave the house. She didn’t head over to sign the paperwork at once. Instead, she wanted to pay a visit to the house and gather all the things of sentimental value to her.

Over at Spencer Group.

After dropping Jeremy off at school, there was only one thing on Hugo’s mind. Why did Celia come back to the country all of a sudden? Who was that man with her? What is their relationship?

How far have they gone? Are they sleeping together?

Either way, he had to find out why she came back to the country. After all, he was hiding a secret from her and he couldn’t allow her to find out about it.

What if someone at the hospital accidentally let it slip back then? She might’ve gotten suspicious. She would definitely try to gain custody of Jeremy.

No. I won’t let her take my son away. So, just to be safe…

Hugo needed to find out why she returned to the country. He wanted to know all there was to know about.


Immediately. At once.

Hugo made a call to his assistant Greg Jamerson and ordered the latter to look into Celia. He wanted the information by noon.

At 9.00AM.

Celia arrived at the old district. She took out an old key and used it to open the door. The breeze fluttered into the house and stirred up a cloud of dust. There was a strong stench of mold. Celia aired the house for a little while before heading in.

She froze at the sight before her eyes. The entire living room looked as if it had been ransacked.

Who would ransack Grandma’s house?

Celia gasped. Did a thief break into the house?




Her tears rolled down her cheeks as she saw the chair her grandmother always used to take naps in buried. under a bunch of items. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her grandmother was the only person apart from her mother who truly loved her!

All the items in the house held precious memories for Celia. She went upstairs. There were three floors in total, but the house was rather shabby now.

The second floor was a mess too with things strewn around haphazardly. Celia was furious. There’s nothing of monetary value in Grandma’s house anymore.

She went up to the third floor. The lock had been bashed in and the place was just as messy. Celia was fuming so hard that her chest ached.”

She bit her lip as she stared at the broken items littered across the floor. What could the thief have possibly stolen?

Next, she opened the door to her mother’s room. Her grandmother had kept the room in pristine condition in the past, but it was now covered in piles of old things too.

Celia half-heartedly picked up a few things as she walked over to her mother’s set of drawers. All of the drawers had been yanked out and the old documents that had been stored inside them were mostly lying around on the floor.

She surveyed her mother’s room to try and find her mother’s belongings. All of a sudden, the old painting. on the wall caught her eye. She vaguely recalled that there was a hidden compartment behind that painting.

Celia’s heart jolted with a spark. She went over and took down the painting. True enough, there was at wooden secret compartment behind it. She opened it up and saw a briefcase, as well as a photo album.

She was stunned and stood frozen for a few seconds, but at the same time, she was filled with hope.

After taking the items out, she was startled to find that things didn’t seem like they would have belonged to her grandmother.

First, she took out all of the contents inside the compartment. Then, she went down to the living room on the second floor. She set the briefcase aside and went through the photo album first.

It was full of pictures of Celia’s mother in her youth. Celia stared at the yellowing pictures of her mother as a child. They looked quite similar to each other. Even as a little girl, her mother had been beautiful.

When Celia got to the third page, she found her mother’s high school photos. There were quite a number of photos with another girl. Celia took the photo out to study her mother carefully before looking at her mother’s friend.

The longer she looked, the larger her eyes grew.

Although the girl in the picture seemed to be about fourteen, she looked rather familiar to Celia.

Why does it feel like I know her?

Celia continued to flip through the photos. At last, she found another picture of her mother with that girl. This time, they were both eighteen. Celia’s heart pounded in shock.

How could this be?




The young woman in the photo with her mother was none other than Pansy Coffman, Celia’s stepmother.

Celia flipped the photo over. Her mother had written the words ‘friends forever’ on the back.

Celia couldn’t come to terms with her newfound knowledge. Pansy Coffman was my mother’s childhood friend?

She kept turning the pages of the photo album. At last, she found her parents’ wedding pictures. Her mother was leaning against her father with a look of bliss. They seemed like a loving couple..

Celia closed her eyes. If Pansy was her mother’s good friend, why would she marry her father the year after her mother died? Why would she have brought along a daughter who’s only one year younger than me?

There were too many doubts and uncertainty in Celia’s mind-her mother’s death, the relationship. between her mother and Pansy, the reason why her father married her mother’s good friend, and that daughter who was one year younger than her.

If Yana Stuart is Dad’s biological daughter, does that mean Dad betrayed Mom when she was still alive?

Celia felt her heart clenching. Did Mom know about Dad cheating on her when she left?

Why did Mom and Hugo’s father get into an accident up in the mountains?

As Celia stood up, she accidentally knocked the briefcase and some documents spilled out.

She crouched down to pick them up and saw the words Celene Perfumery’ written on the first page.

Celia stared at the documents in surprise. It seemed to be company documents. After gathering all the fallen pages, she organized them and took the rest of the documents out of the briefcase.

She was stunned to see the words “Celene Perfumery Equity Agreement on the front of a stapled document.

Her breath faltered. She checked the signature on the back. It was her mother’s name. Is this an equity agreement for a perfume company?

Celia never knew about her mother’s professional life. She didn’t know what her mother worked as. Her grandmother rarely talked about her mother.

It was probably because it wasn’t easy to talk about the reason for her mother’s death. Her grandmother didn’t want her to be hurt.

Thus, as Celia looked at the agreement, her mind was completely blank. She didn’t know where her mother had got this from.

After reading through the agreement, Celia realized that her mother had a 30% equity share in a company known as Celene Perfumery. Her mother was also one of the company founders.

Celia took her phone out and searched for the company by name, but she didn’t find any information. There wasn’t a single trace of the company left online.

Was it simply a small registered company?

However, as Celia continued to organize the documents, a thought flashed across her mind.

Wasn’t Pansy running a perfume company right now? It was doing well enough to get listed on the stock market exchange.



Celia narrowed her eyes. Is Pansy Coffman’s company in any way related to the company my mother partly owned?

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