A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 11

“Noras, are you sure it suits me?” Jace asked. The blue shirt made his eyes stand out and his dark jeans fit him perfectly. rolled my eyes as I ran my fingers through her hair, tousling it a little.

“You look great’. I blew. “For the hundredth time."

He stuck his tongue out at me as he stepped back to look in the mirror before leaving his room. I followed him into the living room, where he collapsed on the sofa. I lay down next to him, placing my legs on top of his.

“This dress is amazing,” he complimented. “Do you have any idea when Alice and Aaron will be here?”

“I told them to come at six, the takeaway should arrive by then," replied. There was a brief pause before I continued. “An Henris is coming for seven o'clock”

jace's head jerked up from the couch, narrowing his eyes that were fixed on me. “What did you say?”

“Uh, they should be here by six o'clock.”


“Is the takeaway supposed to arrive by then?”

“Noras!” He scolded me. I grumbled, resting my head in my hands.

“And Henris will be here at seven," I mumbled. I felt his gaze fixed on me and I slowly looked through my fingers. Jace looked both amused and angry with his bony arms crossed over his chest. “He invited himself”

“It was supposed to be an evening of pure fun just between the four of us!”

“Henris will be fine," I defended. “He doesn't even know we're going to a club. Chances are he won't even want to come wi us when he finds out,” I continued, frowning. “Do you see us as the kind of person who goes clubbing?”

“No,” he sighed. “Do as you like, Noras. But if I hear you f*+++g.."

“Jace!” screamed, throwing a pillow at him. He quickly dodged it, sticking his tongue out at me before running out of the living room. I heard him doing something in the kitchen when we rang the doorbell: “I'm going!”

I opened the door and welcomed Alice and Aaron with a hug. Aaron was wearing black pants and a white shirt with the sleeves up. Alice, for her part, wore a purple dress, short and sparkling. “You are superb!”

“You're not bad either, honey," Alice said, hugging me again. “I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight. Work has been stressful lately.”

“I know," I nodded, leading them to the kitchen where we found four glasses of wine already poured by Jace. “The state of Victoria is getting worse by the day. Maybe now that the parade has passed, she will be a little better

“I hope so.’ Aaron whispered.

We took our seats around the table, talking, laughing and making jokes about Victoria while waiting for our Chinese dinns to arrive. The doorbell rang and Jace ran to open it.

He came back with two paper bags full of food. The smell of fried rice and sesame chicken wafted through the apartment We all got up, ran to the food and fought for the spring rolls. I managed to get everything I wanted, and then I returned tc the table.

An enraged Aaron was sitting next to me, grumbling that Alice had stolen his nem. Soon after, a triumphant Alice and a smiling Jace entered. They all sat down at the table.

“Is everything all right, Aaron?"l teased him by taking a bite of my bun, making him jealous.

He turned around, glancing at Alice. “Everything would be fine if someone hadn't stolen my nem.”

“You weren't fast enough” said Alice, shrugging her shoulders. Jace smiles as he eats his rice, perfectly comfortable with I choice of food. We continued our dinner talking and drinking more wine. We agreed to leave around seven o'clock, about the time Henris would arrive.

I looked at my friends anxiously at the thought of Henris, almost hoping that he decides not to go out with us. I stabbed my fork aggressively into the chicken, almost imagining that it was her pretty face.

The laughter of my friends brought me back to reality and took me away from the thoughts of her curls, contradictory to her personality. “Noras, are you still with us?” said Aaron with a smirk.

I looked up. “I wish 1 wasn't here.”


I laughed. “Of course I want to be here."

The doorbell rang, making my heart race up my throat. I looked at Jace, in despair, who shrugged his shoulders and left no choice but to go open the door. It was only 6:30, of course I should have expected Henris to be early. I arranged my ha and pulled down the hem of my purple dress, then opened the door. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Henris was leaning against the door frame, dressed in a dark blue suit and a white shirt. He widened his eyes when he looked at me. Then they darkened and shrank. Nervously, I put my hands behind my back.

“Hello,” I whispered shyly.

“Go change,” he immediately ordered in a cold tone. “Now.”

“I like this dress," I complained. “Jace said that it suits me well"

“It's fine with you if you want all the guys we meet to grope you,” he said, annoyed. “You can't go out like that. Go ahead. Change.”

“Who are you, father?" I replied, keeping my gaze on the ground. “I dont want to change.”

He took my chin with his hand, lifting my head to meet his gaze. He pulled me closer to him. “Noras, I swear to God that i you don’t change, I'm going to f**k you right now against the wall. I don't want other men to look at you."

All I could do was swallow and nod. He removed his hand from my chin, passing his arms around my waist, holding me against his strong chest. I took him by the shoulders, standing on tiptoe. Her safe and warm embrace. That was my favor part of Henris.

He took a step back, bringing his hands back to my shoulders, his eyes were shining now. “You tied your hair,” he observe running his fingers over my neck. His cold hands on my skin. “And when you change, don't cover the brand.’

“You said you liked it when I tied them upI said in a low voice. He smiled, walked past me and entered the apartment, ignoring my “waiting”. Grumbling, I followed him, not ready to introduce him to my friends. Not at all.

I turned the corner, finding four confused looks. Henris quickly picked himself up, pointing a finger at my friends. “I thought it was just going to be you and Jace."He said. The way he clenched his teeth, I could see how angry he was.

Aaron and Alice continued to look between Henris and me with confused eyes. “Uh, Henris, this is Alice and Aaron, Alice and Aaron, this is Henri."

“Yes, I know,” Alice replied, before blushing with embarrassment. “I mean, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Steve.”

He shifted his gaze to the guests. It's a pleasure for me too. Noras needs to change now. Excuse us."

He took my hand as he walked past me, dragging me with him. I almost had to run to follow him, ignoring the curious loo of my friends. “Henris!"l caught him as he was slamming the door of my room. “It was rude.”

He turned to me, blowing, with his back straight. It was unexpected. Where are we going tonight? And choose something else to wear, now.”

I rolled my eyes as I turned to my wardrobe and started searching through the huge amount of clothes. “I don't know abe you, but we're going to dance I whispered.

I heard her quick steps coming towards me and I caught my hand on a black skirt. Her chest pressed against my back anc she stretched out her arm, removing my hand from the black fabric. “No skirts,” she ordered. “Anyone could touch you while you're dancing."

Walking away from him, I pulled out a pair of shorts with black and gold details and a black tank top. 1 lifted them up to show them to him. “Are you all right?” 1 asked in a sarcastic tone.

He gave me a smirk and stooped down, placing a kiss on my cheek, taking me by surprise. “I like that. I'l wait outside yo door.”

Henris quickly left my room, closing the door behind him, leaving me to change. I got dressed, put on black boots and lef the room. I found him leaning against the opposite wall. “Let's go." He ordered, taking my hand. I sighed and followed hin into the kitchen, wondering why he was leading me into my house.

Jace, Alice and Aaron stopped talking the moment we walked in. Henris tried to hide his annoyed expression. He sat dowr and put his arm on the back of my chair. “So, which club are we going to?" He asked calmly.

“Uh, element.” Aaron answered in a lower voice than usual, and I knew immediately that his goal was to sound louder in the presence of Henris. I sent him a sorry look and he replied with a nod.

“Why have you changed?” Alice asked curiously.

Henris's arm tightened on my shoulders and I looked at him confusedly. “Uh, I wasn't comfortable.” I whispered. I wasn't sure why I decided to lie. I think it's because I didn't really want to admit that I was following his orders.

“All ready to go?" Jace suddenly asked.

A chorus of “yes!” answered and we all headed for the door. I made sure my phone and some spare bobby pins were in m black purse and headed out. “Jace, can you call a taxi?” 1 asked, locking our door.

“ll call my driver” Henris answered for him. I turned around, rolling my eyes.

“No, Henris, we're going to take a taxi. Don't worry.”

“Ym going to call my driver, he repeated, glancing at me. Everyone seemed to be uncomfortable. I bit my lip, trying to ave an argument.

“All right," I sighed. “Call James."

He gave me a smirk as he pulled out his phone. “James? Come back. We need a driver,” he said coldly. He ended the call and smiled at us. “He'll be here in five minutes.”

I nodded and we went down the stairs to wait at the entrance of the building. Henris put his hand on my lower back and started a conversation in a low voice with my friends and I smiled when I saw that he was actually trying to be polite.

I tried to listen and participate, but I was constantly distracted by his sharp jaw, the way his lips moved when he spoke, and the way his hand gripped my hip every time his gaze landed on me. Her voice, full of an English accent, sounded mor authoritative than the other voices in the room.

“James is here” He said suddenly. We followed him outside and towards the black Range Rover. Henris took the front sea and the rest of us took the back seat.

“Hello James. I said cheerfully.

james gave a brief nod. “Good morning, miss. Wishe. Nice to see you again’

I smiled at him and noticed that Henris had his eyes fixed on me through the rearview mirror. I blushed as I bit my lip. He smiled at me, taking me by surprise when his dimples appeared.

“I saw it." Jace said softly in my ear, referring to Henris' smile.

I pushed his face away from me. “Go away.” I answered under my breath.

She laughed slightly, leaning her head against mine. “Henris and Noras want to get married...”

“How immature you are!”l said softly. Aaron and Alice gave us a confused look and I leaned on Jace’s thighs for an explanation. “We went out the other night."

Alice closed her mouth with her hand to avoid screaming. “Really?” She said.

I nodded and tried to hide my smile, turning my head to see if Henris was listening to me. Alice tapped me on the should “I can't believe you didn't tell me earlier”

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled, leaning back properly. The rest of the trip took place in silence, if not for the background music. Henris kept staring at me in the mirror, which made me nervous. To distract myself, I played with Jace’ hands.

We parked in front of a lighted club. “Thank you James!” I said as I got out of the car. Henris’ hand immediately rested on my lower back, guiding me towards the entrance. I could already hear the loud music and see the fluorescent lights.

The security guard's eyes widened, he immediately removed the rope that was obstructing the passage, when he saw Henris. “Mr. Steve, I didn't know you were coming here tonight." He said nervously.

“Neither am I,” he said formally. “Please, have my section cleaned up and prepared for us."

“Do you want your usual drink?” The man asked.

Henris shifted his gaze to me. “Do you like champagne?” He whispered. I nodded and he turned back to the bouncer, who was looking at me with curiosity. As soon as Henris noticed this, his attitude changed.

He raised his head and narrowed his eyes at the man, pulling me close to him. “We will take the usual. And if you watch i again, you'll be fired." He threatened.

Having said that, we intertwined our fingers and entered the club. My friends followed us. The bass of the music vibrated my body. I was looking forward to dancing and enjoying the night with my friends. And maybe even take advantage of the strong presence of Henris Steve, to which I was slowly getting used to.

We walked through the crowd and took a seat at a round table in a private area where a bottle of champagne was waiting for us. Henris poured everyone a drink and we had a toast to the evening.

I nervously sipped the drink, making an amused expression appear on Henris's face. “Nervous again, Noras. I thought we were past that point.” He teased me.

My chin fell to the floor in amazement. “Did you just tease me?”

“Maybe.” He replied by looking at me.

I laughed and pushed him: “I can't believe that the scary company CEO actually has a humorous side. Who would have thought itz”

“Don’t spread it, it would ruin my reputation.’ He smiled. I turned to my friends and I felt Henris drop a kiss on the top of my head. I leaned against him, breathing in his coconut essence, and he squeezed my shoulder in response.

Aaron and Alice still had a confused look on their faces at the fact that we were in a club with the man we had interviewe a few weeks earlier, but they seemed slightly more comfortable. “Anyone want a drink?” I smiled.

They all nodded with a satisfied air. Jace put his elbows on the table with a serious look on his face.

“For the shots, obviously yes. But more importantly: Henris Steve, is that a Gucci suit you're wearing?”

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