A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 12

Henris smiled amusedly as he looked at Jace. “Yes, it is.” “I knew it," Jace exclaims, clapping his hands. “And now, back to the plans!” Henris raised his hand and immediately an exasperated waitress appeared at our table. She ordered three sets of shots and a few minutes later they arrived on our table. We each took three photos of the set, but Henris only took one. “Just one?” I asked, taking my first. “Only one” He confirmed. I rolled my eyes and downed the alcohol in one gulp. I made a face at the taste of the vodka th momentarily burned my throat, taking a few sips from my glass of champagne to get it down. “Do we have to water the alcohol with alcohol, Noras?” “You're not funny.” I whispered in response. I took the other two drinks, feeling the familiar sensation of alcohol flowing through my body. Jace got up immediately after finishing his third drink, begging us to go dancing. Aaron, Alice and I got up without hesitation and followed him to the dance floor. “Noras!" Henris's deep voice shouted. I turned around and found him still sitting at the table, looking at me intently. “Dor dance with someone else.” “Then you dance with me" “No.” I rolled my eyes, already planning to ignore his request. The decision to come with us was up to him and if he didn’t want to dance with me, I was having fun with someone else. Jace, exaggeratedly excited, dragged me through the crowd of sweaty bodies where I found my friends dancing like idiots. laughed and started moving my hips following the rhythm. Aaron squeezed me by the waist, pulling me close to him. As soon as he did, I felt the urge to turn to Henris. I looked over my shoulder, saw him staring intently at me and grabbed the edge of the table. He caught me looking at him and glared at me. “Stop it" He imitated it with his lips and in response I immediately moved away from Aaron. “'m going to order some more drinks." I shouted in his ear. I was going to need a lot more alcohol to be able to handle Henris all night. I walked briskly to the bar, ordering myself another shot and a cocktail. I lowered the glass and took the other drink with me to the dance floor, quickly joining my group. “Noras!" Jace yelled, throwing an arm around my shoulders and making me jump with him as I tried not to spill my cocktz “Jace!” I answered by screaming with laughter. We danced stupidly and after a few minutes he whispered something about a cute guy on the other side of the track. I winked at him and he walked across the floor. In the meantime, I finished my drink. At that moment, I began to feel the effects of the alcohol that I had consumed during the evening. Alice and I danced around Aaron, making him laugh with us. He raised his arm and I took a step under it, doing a pirouette and not tripping over anything, falling into someone's arms. “Hit” I smiled at her, a little lost and confused. “Thank you for saving me!” The pretty blond boy smiled at me as he took me by the waist. “Do you want to dance?” I laughed in his arms and started moving my hips following the rhythm, throwing my head back. He moved expertly again me. 1 put my arms around his shoulders and when the song changed, we slowed down our movements in sync. “You are a very good dancer” I shouted in his ear so that he could hear me. He approached. “You too!” Smiling, I turned so that my back was against his chest. I raised my arm, stroking the back of his neck, continuing to move His grip on my waist intensified and I could feel his breath becoming more frantic on my neck. I closed my eyes with the feeling of the bass running through my body. suddenly he let go. “Sorry, man. I didn't know.” He said in a start. I sulked, turning around and seeing him staring at a poi over my shoulder. He walked away with quick steps and I turned around. “I told you not to dance with someone else.” said Henris, annoyed, holding out his hand for me to take it. I stared at him, crossing my arms over my chest. “I feel like this is your problem.” “Noras, no.” He warned me. He took a step towards me and this time I took his hand and, reluctantly, let him guide me through the crowd on the dance floor. When we returned to the table, he sat down and motioned for me to do the same. “No I shrugged my shoulders, shaking my head. “Yes.” “I'm going to go dancing. I didn’t ask you to come tonight.” He sulked, clasping one hand to the other. “You didn't ask me, but I came anyway. Stay with me" “No.” “Don't be difficult, Noras”" I stuck out my tongue at him childishly and went back into the crowd. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw that he was furious, that he was running his hands through his hair and that he was looking at me. I winked at him and picked up the first boy I met, a brown one a few centimeters shorter than me. “Do you want to dance?” I mumbled. The man immediately began to rub against me. He was dancing horribly, but I didn’t care. I was way too drunk and I knew it would make Henris furious. Not even ten seconds later, the man was pushed away from me and Henris's arms grabbed me by the waist. “Mine.” He mumbled, giving the man a bad look, who intimidated by Henris' look, ran away apologetically. I gave Henris a smirk, hugging him by the neck. “Oh, so now you want to dance?” He grabbed me aggressively by the hips, pressing me against him. Her forehead against mine with curls that touched my head. But from the look in her eyes, I understood that I should not dare to move. He took a breath before speaking. “Don't ever do that again." He said in a hoarse voice. In response, I stood up on my toes and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Surprised by this gesture, he moved slightly. “sorry,” I laughed. “Drunk”. “I know," he sighs with a slightly less gloomy look on his face. “Now come back with me to the table.” “We are dancing!” I groaned. To prove my point, I started moving my hips against him. I brought her face to mine, pressing our foreheads together. His gaze intensified. He squeezed my hips one last time before letting me go. I took a confused step back, pouting. “Why aren't we dancing anymore? I was having fun." Henris came closer and I felt his lips close to my ear. “Dance for me." He ordered. I was staring at the ground while everyone was moving around us. No one seemed to want to get close to Henris, probabl because of the death stares he was throwing at everyone. “What do you mean?” I whispered shyly. He gave me a smirk, running his tongue over his lower lip and walking away from the crowd. “I'm going to sit at the bar. Dance for me. Just for me" “Now?” “Now.” I watched him walk away from me in silence. His curly head higher than most people made him easy to follow. He sat dov at the bar, we handed him a beer and he turned around. His green eyes looked for me in the crowd. When they finally found me, he smiled grimly, raising his beer. I gave him a bad look, walking towards him, moving closer be in his field of vision, and I started dancing. If I hadn't been so drunk, he could never have persuaded me to do it. I kept my gaze fixed on him while he watched me move rhythmically. He drank the beer slowly, looking at me the whole time. With languid movements, I raised my hands i the air, turned around and let my head fall back, letting the music move me. When I turned back to him, he was no longer sitting at the bar. I saw, however, the half-beer in the same place. Then he appeared in front of me, his eyes wide and his hair tousled. “Let's go." He whispered. “I've been to prom...” “You need to learn the difference between saying and asking. It wasn't a question. Let's go." He repeated in a cold tone. I could read the determination in his eyes, realizing that there would be no point in replying. “At least let me warn Jace” I sighed. He gave me a brief nod, authorizing me. He took my hand, letting me guide him through the crowd. I found Jace dancing with a blond boy. I took his arm and told him that Henris and I were leaving, whi brought a smile to my ears. He was really having too much fun to care. Henris practically dragged me out of the club. When we got out, we found James waiting for us at the car. Henris got into the back seat with me, his eyes fixed on me. “At my place or at yours?” “twill not sleep with you. I replied, annoyed. I caught James smiling through the mirror, letting out a little laugh. He immediately made his smile disappear when he realized that his gesture had not gone unnoticed. Henris was anything bt amused. “Always thinking about sex, Noras. I was just wondering where you would like to sleep.” I blush, turn around and put my forehead against the cold glass. “By me!" I sighed. A few minutes later, the car was parkec in front of my building. We climbed the stairs quickly, hand in hand. Henris looked at me, amused, fumbling with the keys, I gave up out of frustration and threw them to him. He quickly inserted them into the lock and opened the door, turning on the lights as we entered. I immediately went to the kitchen. “Food?” I asked, already warming up leftover Chinese. “No thanks," he replied briefly. “I thought we could do something better” “Better than eating?" I feigned surprise. I turned my gaze away from the microwave, bringing it to him with a hand on my heart. “Tell me more” “Are you provoking me, Noras?” I smiled at him playfully, taking off my shoes. “I am not able to be patient and wait for the food to warm up.” “Are you able to run?" “Run?” I repeated, confused. He leaned over the counter with a cold look, behind which I could see a spark of amusement. When he spoke, his voice came out like a sigh. “Run.” With a little cry, I ran around the kitchen counter, hearing his footsteps quickly following me. I ran around the couch, turning with him to the other side. The obstacle separated us while he looked at me with a swaggering air. “Are you provoking me, Steve?” I smiled at him, continuing to walk to stand on the opposite side. “Oh no, Noras," he replied. Her green eyes are funny like I've never seen them before. “Can't you see that I've already won “You didn’t win!” I protested, pointing to the sofa to prove my theory. “You haven't got me yet." I watched the intimidating man slowly remove his jacket and run his hand through his hair, never taking my eyes off him. “You said you weren't patient enough to wait for the food to heat up. And now look where you are” “Yeah, I'm trying not to be attacked by you." I answered. But since all my attention was focused on the handsome man in front of me, I didn’t notice the wall I ran into. I laughed at my mistake, but I quickly stopped when I realized that his body was imprisoning mine against the wall. My heart leapt into my throat at his familiar smell. He put his hands on the wall next to my head, tilting his head to the side with an amused smile. “I won” He sighed. Then, he pressed his lips against mine, easily passing his tongue between my lips and into my mouth. One of her hands came down, clutching my waist and pressing her pelvis against mine. His other hand grabs me by the back of the neck, bringing me as close as possible to him. A growl crossed his lips as my hands passed over his torso, the intertwined behind his neck. “Noras"She whispered against my mouth. I had never heard my name sound so perfectly before this moment. A soft groa escaped me in response. His hand left my hair and he stepped back, running his tongue over his lower lip. I watched him carefully, my heart racing, trying to control my breathing. I felt like I was going to faint at any moment. But didn't seem affected. The only mark left on him by the kiss was his collar slightly removed. I could only roll my eyes, annoyed by his perfection. “You should sleep,” he whispered. I approached and put on his collar in response, looking up at him shyly because of my small size, hoping for another kiss. Henris gave me a look back. “I'm serious.” “All right" I huffed in frustration, tapping him lightly on the shoulder with mine as I walked past him. I followed quietly to my room, where I threw myself on the bed without bothering to change. “Aren't you going to change?” “Go away." “Are you angry with me?” He asked. “t am drunk and tired. Go away” I grumbled, pulling the covers back over my head. I heard his light footsteps on the floor the room and then the blanket was moved from my head. Her green eyes fixed on me. “See you soon, Noras.”" “Il don’t care” Her smile disappeared. “Don’t be rude. I know you want to see me again too.” “You are conceited.” “I think you like this part of me." “I'm trying to sleep.” 1 said it was boring. He gritted his teeth and got up, leaving my bed. I got comfortable as he stared a me despondently. “See you soon.” He repeated, angry this time. He raised his eyebrows, as if challenging me to give the same answer as before. I pressed my face into the pillow, avoiding his gaze. “see you soon”I grumbled. He left, closing the door behind him, and the breath I was holding came out. Even if I hated to admit it, I too was looking forward to seeing this controlling and passionate company CEO again. And, fingers crossed, als the playful side of him that I had seen just before. Damn him and his stupid Gucci suit. Lying in bed, I imagined a little Jace in one of Henris's great costumes. I laughed uncontrollably at the idea, then I laughed even harder at the idea of Henris trying to slip into Jace’s little suits. I sent a message to Jace, trying with all my might to write normally. The phone vibrated with an answer while I was falling asleep. I would read it the next morning. I knew that I would probably regret my drunken actions the next morning, because at that very moment I was too tired to think about it, and because the images of Henris's lips, reddened by the kiss, were too pleasant for me to regret. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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