A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 27

After these words came out of his mouth, around 21 o'clock, he took my hand and led me back into the crowd of guests, ignoring my protests and my questions with a firm nod. The evening was spent drinking, dancing and meeting new peopl whose names I forgot the next morning.

Around 5 o'clock in the morning, several hours after leaving the room to spend time with Gemma and the others, Henris and I, with an unsteady gait, entered his mother's house and climbed the stairs laughing the whole time. We collapsed or his bed, taking off our formal clothes and fell asleep as soon as our heads touched the pillows.

Then, at 6 a.m., Henris’s alarm clock rang. I screamed into my pillow and fell out of bed, still stuffed, trying to turn it off. Henris sat with a confused expression on his face watching me jump around the room half naked trying to find his phone “Noras, turn it off” He said sharply.

“What do you think I'm trying to do? I"

He let himself fall on the bed and pressed his palms over his eyes, trying to wake up, letting out a yawn, absolutely adorable.

“Left pocket of last night's suit”

I pulled out my phone and turned off the alarm clock before throwing myself on the bed next to him again. His strong arr wrapped around my pelvis and he turned to me, forming the spoon position and began to leave kisses on my shoulder, h bare chest against my back.

“We must get up” He mumbled.

“What? Why?"

“Our flight is in an hour, Noras."

“Change it, OKAY?"I grumbled, snuggling up to him. He sighed, letting me know that he would not heed my prayers. Please?”

“I can't. I have a meeting.”

So, at 6:15 in the morning, after an hour of sleep, Henris and I left London after saying goodbye to his sister and making f promise to visit us soon. I could barely stand when we arrived at the airport; only Henris's arm around my waist and the soft kisses placed on my forehead allowed me to hold on.

The whole flight was useful to catch up on lost sleep. I fell asleep on one of the small leather sofas while Henris settled comfortably on a recliner next to me. The only time the staff woke us up was to eat, which I refused grumbling after a gag reflex.

The next time we woke up was when the plane landed, the descent being visible through the small windows of the black jet. We left the plane hand in hand and our bags on our shoulders, in a state of obvious hangover. Or, at least, I was. Hen: managed not to look like it. As always.

“What time is it here?” I asked when we entered the airport.

Henris looked at his watch. “Five o'clock in the afternoon. James and I are going to take you home.”

“Noras!"My head turned from the handsome man next to me to my best friend, about ten meters away, with a hand on hi hip and a big smile on his handsome face, his usual bow tie around his neck and a dark cardigan to complete the look. I ran, not very gracefully, to Jace and jumped on him, hoping that he could catch me on the flight.

He laughed, managing, with some difficulties, surprisingly, to catch up with me, I hugged him, kissing him all over the fac My best friend felt like home and comfort, the two things I desperately needed right now. After a few seconds, my weight became too heavy for his little body and he let me go with a proud smile.

“You idiot!" I screamed, passing my arms around his neck and hugging him. “Damn, I missed you."

“How could I not miss you? We have so much to do, so much to say. .... You're going to die, Noras, you're absolutely going diet”

“You were straight all this time and it was just a ploy to see me change?"l joked.

He twisted his nose and pretended to move his imaginary hair behind his shoulders. “Ew, let's not get excited now. We ha a reservation at the Saki in about 30 minutes, so grab your bags and let's get out of here."

I smiled with satisfaction and I freed my best friend from my grip to turn around and fall directly on Henris Steve who wa holding the bag that I had abandoned when it was time to reconcile with Jace. Smiling shyly, I took my leather bag, put it my shoulder and he smiled at me.

“So distracted, Noras."He scolded me. Jokingly, I pushed him, hoping that he would take my hand, leading me to him, and sighed when he did. I wrapped my arms around his muscular torso, covered only with a black cotton T-shirt.

“Um, I guess we're going to see each other soon?”l asked, resting my head on his chest to avoid eye contact and awkward greetings. Her laughter echoing in her chest encouraged my embarrassment to grow.

“Yes, Monday. You will come to me.”

“Ask nicely."

His muscles stiffened under my touch and he let go of me, all trace of adoration having disappeared from his face in an instant. I looked at him with an embarrassed air, not at all prepared for his change of mood.

“/ll see you on Monday."He repeated in a slow and tense voice that made me want to hide behind Jace.

Instead, I raised my head, trying to copy her look, only to finally give up and fix the small scar on her eyebrow. “Then I'm busy.”


“Is it really that hard to ask a fucking question?”

He narrowed his eyes, shamelessly running them up and down my body until he reached the purple mark at the base of I neck. His hand moved closer, tracing it gently, making goosebumps appear on every part of my body.

“Mine.’He whispered before lifting my chin with the same hand, maintaining eye contact. “Are you coming on Monday?”

I decided to take advantage of our closeness and quickly pressed my lips to hers, murmuring a “yes” when I withdrew. He eyes brightened and her upper lip twitched, trying to hide a smile. The more time I spent with him, the more I noticed his movements to keep a serious expression.

His lips twitch, his eyes darken, or he grits his teeth slightly, so that it goes unnoticed, unless you notice it carefully. And. often observed his sculpted jaw, so it was easy to notice.

He gave me a last kiss on the hair before leaving, one hand already busy calling someone on the phone and the other carrying a folder full of printed papers, to return to the world of corporate CEOs. I watched him leave with a smile on my face, then turned to Jace, finding him texting on his iPhone with a smirk.

“Ready?"He asked me, slipping the phone into his pocket. I nodded and he offered me an arm that I took with a smile an so we walked through the airport, already talking about the trip.

“On the outward flight... started. I couldn't continue because my face flushed furiously and I started laughing in an embarrassed way. But Jace, knowing me better than anyone, could read my mind.

He tapped me on the arm with an open mouth and a smile. “Are you kidding? I”


“Noras, what the hell is this? You leave for two days and come back looking like some kind of s*x goddess? How is this possible? Where can I find a Henris Steve?”

My hip made contact with his playfully before we climbed into his little silver BMW that we found outside the airport gate Jace quickly pulled out of the parking lot and lightly sang any song that was playing on the radio as we headed to our favorite sushi restaurant, considered a temple for us.

I was salivating as we approached; the thought of my favorite sushi roll was almost too hard to bear after not eating for almost a whole day for fear of vomiting. I started bouncing in my seat when we pulled into the restaurant parking lot and before the car could come to a complete stop, I was at the door.

I put my hands on the desk in the entrance with a big smile. “We have a reservation for two."

“Name, please."The woman answered in a monotonous voice.

Uh, itll probably be under Jace. Or maybe Noras. Or maybe under Parker.”

The woman rummaged through the list before stopping on Jace’s name, highlighted it and pulled out some menus. I felt roommate's hand squeeze my shoulder and we followed the woman to our table.

I took my seat and Jace did the same, sitting across from me with a smirk. “You're a bitch?”

“It's not true!”l defended myself. “I have big news, though.”

“50 am I. You're starting."

I gave him a bad look when I opened the menu. “No, because it means that you think your news is more important than mine. I know you too well, Jace"

“Maybe."He said innocently before a huge satisfied smile appeared on his face. “Ok, well, it definitely is. Come on, you're starting!”

“Very well. Henris admitted that he likes me.”

“Oh, really?"Jace laughed at me. “I wouldn't have said it with the way his eyes follow your every fucking movement with fascination.’

My heart melted when I imagined Henris looking at me with a slight smile, his dimples displayed. The image quickly disappeared, given that Henris simply does not look. He stares at me, dazzles me, or maybe even makes small holes in m skin with his gaze. But he never looks with adoration.

“Stop itl grumbled. “Now for your news.”

“That's quite true. The man is completely taken..He laughed. The waitress arrived and placed our usual orders before disappearing again, leaving Jace practically hopping on the spot. “Ok, are you ready?”

“Like never before.’

He took a breath and put his hands against each other, then bent down as if to prove the seriousness of his “news. But, given that his last news was that he had reached 500 followers on Twitter, I didn't expect anything sensational. That's why burst out laughing when he proudly made his announcement.

“I have a boyfriend!”

I turned around in my chair, my hand on my stomach, to try to calm down. The waitress who served us the edamame orde gave us a bad look, while Jace's confused face made me laugh more.

“You... ace one... boyfriend?" said between laughs. Jace leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest defensively. His blue eyes narrowed in a way that is familiar to me, because Henris does this constantly.

“Yes. And it's lovely.”

I finally managed to calm down and talk. “OK, so this is your boyfriend for the week? Or is he your boyfriend for the week Or do you still have to break up with your current boyfriend, whoever he is?"I teased him, putting extra sarcasm on the word “boyfriend”.

Jace didn’t really have any boyfriends. Jace has had boyfriends with whom he “fell madly in love” through the bar, or the pub, or maybe by going to get his laundry and getting a number. Once she met a guy, he is known to me as her boyfriend. Even when I met some of his “bumps and bruises” some mornings, he called them his “little friends’, which made them r away. Although I'm not sure if it was the use of the term “boyfriend” or the fact that they ran away after I jumped into Jac bed to give him a hug and found two naked men. Both were possibilities.

“Noras.Jace groaned. “Did you hear me?"

“Sorry, what? I think our sushi is coming.”

He turned his head following my pointing finger. “Damn, you're right. Did you order the spicy tuna rolls again?”

No, I had the spicy crispy shrimp. I thought you ordered the tuna ones. You usually get them.”

The plates were served in front of us before we could continue the discussion about sushi. After a few minutes of exchanging buns and eating them quickly, Jace shakes his head and puts his hand on the table, annoyed.

“You distracted me with the f*****g heavenly sushi rolls! I need to tell you about my boyfriend. Like, my boyfriend. I mear we're dating and he’s really hot.”

I stuffed another sushi roll into my mouth and raised an eyebrow. “It's English” He continued. “What's going on with all these Englishmen nowadays? And he’s incredibly funny, and he has these F****g eyes, Noras, I swear those eyes kill me every time I see them.”

I nodded and motioned for him to continue. “OK, long story short: he's cool, nice and very romantic, we haven't even slep together yet.”

“Of course, all right."l said sarcastically. After Jace gave me a bad look, I offered him a scroll as a gift of peace, which he took with pleasure. “All right, all right. What's your name?”

“LouisJace smiled. “Louis Tomlinson.”

“Oh, what a fitting name he has! Is he a good boy? Is he going to the bathroom? Does he eat fish and chips?”

Oh, what an elegant name he has! Is he a gentleman? Does he eat fish and chips?"l teased him.

“Hey! Your man is also English, you little bitch. Keep talking like that and I won't make you breakfast for a week”

I put my hands up, surrendering and he smiled happily, running his hand through his brown hair before continuing to speak. We ate and maybe had 2, 3, or maybe 4 shots of saki while Jace talked about his perfect boyfriend, whom he couldn't wait for me to meet. Apparently he was also a Packers fan, so I decided it was worth it.

I was lost in my thoughts, pulling myself out of the conversation when Jace uttered the word “English” and brought my mind back to the handsome man I had to wait until Monday to see. I was burning up just thinking about how he said my name softly, his voice tinged with that damned British accent admitting that he was mine made my heart explode.

And that's why, when I heard his deep laugh, I thought I imagined it and welcomed him into my reveries. But when I hear it again, 1 raised my head in confusion, finding Jace who was still talking about this Louis.

“Jace! I said under my breath, interrupting her during “and her a*s is COS-*

He rolled his eyes. “Am I going into too much detail for your innocent ears?”

“No, damn it, look! Look behind me. Is Henris here?” I whispered. I was too afraid to turn around for fear that he would catch me spying on him. Jace leaned to the side, his dark cardigan falling off one shoulder as he searched for our favorite restaurant until his eyes widened.

“Damn it, Noras! The suit he’s wearing is crazy! Ask him if I can borrow iti" Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I came up to him, across the table, and I hit him on the arm. “You're an a****e, is he alone? Like, should we hide or go ta to her?”

“Um.” Jace whispered, biting his lip. “It's uh, it's with this woman. The one who came to the office, whom you don't like. Tt bomb with the clutch. Carlie, maybe?”

“Claire?” I said it was boring. Jace nodded slightly and returned to his seat. “Cover me."

Jace having checked that Henris was not looking, I turned around and found him, as Jace had said, as handsome as ever i an incredible dark blue suit. His hair was gummed and freshly washed; he looked completely fresh instead of coming bac from a country where the time Zone is different.

He smiled brightly at the beautiful blonde in front of him. And then I stopped breathing when he put his hand on the tab and she took it gently, interlacing their fingers in a way that showed how familiar they were with each other.

So maybe it wasn't mine after all

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