A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 28

I stared at them expressionlessly until Jace’s warm hand took mine, bringing me back to reality. “Noras,” he said softly. “I

thought you told me he wouldn't be seeing anyone else.’

“He said so.’

“Oh. Come on, let's get out of here and go to a club."

“If we leave, he will see me”

Jace sighed, twirling the remaining pieces of sushi on his plate. “So? Are you going to wait here until there are no more?”

“That's the plan. shrugged my shoulders. “Unless you find something better.”

“Yes, I can. You get your sexy little ass out of here without even looking at it” He said. I narrowed my eyes in his direction

and his posture fell. I would never be able to just walk past Henris Steve. He was probably going to either follow me or

ignore me completely, and I didn't know which would be the worst. “All right. We're going to sneak out the bathroom

window. Isn't that what we do on a bad date?”

“I think so.'l whispered. “But these jeans are too tight to fit through the window. Can't we just wait, please? Let's order

some more Saki shots and have a long evening with best friends.”

With a slight nod of confirmation, we sealed the deal for this evening, which included sitting in a corner of the restaurant

for another hour and a half, promising me not to turn around and find my heart in several small pieces while Jace

continued to talk about Louis.

Finally, he sighed with relief, paid the bill with a nod and we left the restaurant as quickly as possible with takeaway

packages in hand. The journey home was silent. I had nothing to say and my roommate, knowing me, knew that I didn’t

want to talk.

When we finally got home, I threw my phone at Jace. “Keep it. He will write to mel mumbled, shaking my head. Her blue

eyes followed me as I dragged myself to my room.

“rll wake you up tomorrow. I love you!"He said.

“I love you too."

it was as if my bed was calling me and 1 threw myself on it without bothering to change, 1 put myself under the covers by

pushing my face into the pillow. I tried to focus on the thoughts of Jace, work and that great Marc Jacobs bag that I wante

so much, but all I could see was Henris's stupid face.

THE NEXT MORNING, Jace had to throw me out of bed and drag me into the shower, in which he talked to me the whole tir

while I was washing. On the way out, I found an outfit ready on my bed with a steaming cup of coffee and a bowl of


“Now Noras."He started as I was putting on my printed shirt. “I know you're sad and everything, but I don't accept that

you're like that for an asshole. Got it?”

“Yes, I know. Understood. Can we go now?"l whispered. He rolled his eyes and we walked out of the apartment, finding

ourselves in the cold New York air. It was starting to get pretty cold, so much so that you could see the breath coming out

of our mouths forming a little white cloud, so of course Jace and I pretended to smoke like the mature adults that we are

“You know, today we know if we have the promotion or not” Jace remarked as he walked.

“What do you mean by “we find out? We absolutely did it. Our article had the effect of a bomb."

jokingly, he hit my hip with his with a smile on his face. “Shut up, Noras. We need a little suspense in our lives. Let's

pretend that, for an hour, we weren't the best employees in the world and that we didn't have a sense of style that make:

you want to”

“All right. You still have my phone, right?”

“Yes. And no, you can't have itl opened my mouth and he quickly pressed his index finger to my lips, shaking his head.

“And no, 1 won't tell you if he called you or sent you a message, so don't even try."

I gave him a bad look trying to look angry, but knowing that he was doing it for me, my anger disappeared in thirty secon;

We entered the building with a bright red nose and went upstairs.

The meeting with Victoria to review our article was scheduled for 9:30 am, which left us an hour to go back and forth in m

office nervously pretending to work. If we were promoted, we would have bigger offices, a raise and an apprentice as an


“Do you realize that I made us dress the same on purpose?”Jace smiled after what seemed to be his 50th visit to my offic

He showed his purple bow tie matching my skirt of the same color. “We are like a powerful couple now."

“Im a little embarrassed, but I also think we look cool. We should do this every day.”

He raised his eyebrows, turning to me with an incredulous look. “Really? I"

“Damn, no."

“I really think it's cool, though."He complained. I tried to hide my horror.

“Maybe if there were twelve of us."

“How about we do it instead, say, once a week?"

I bit my lip, thinking. “Once a month? And no one needs to know that this is done on purpose.”

“All right”

We were laughing like crazy trying to decide which day of the month we were going to dress the same when there was a

knock on the door and Alice came out with a smirk. “Victoria is ready to see you.”

Although she was 20 minutes early, Jace and I obediently followed her out of my office and towards the much larger one i

Victoria, where our boss was sitting cross-legged, reading a magazine. He didn't look up at us, just giving a vague nod to s

on the leather chairs in front of his desk.

“So, you two."He started, taking out the folder with our article. “This article is really interesting."

Given the tone of her voice, none of us could guess if she had said it positively or negatively. I moved nervously in my ch:

while Jace gave him a little smile and a nod. Our CEO flipped through the pages a little more before turning his attention


“It seems to me that even if you still have a lot of things to work on, for example your maturity, you are both ready for th

next level. I am officially promoting you both to the editorial staff, as deputy co-editors.”

I wrinkled my nose in confusion. “Co-assistants?”

“We work better together, as this project proves."He explained in an annoyed tone. “So you will work as a team from now

on. Your offices will be gathered in Room 30A. Now, start the transfer. I want it to be over within the day. Now you have ar

assistant. Her name is Sophia.’

Jace and I thanked her as much as we could before taking our leave, looking up at the sky with her brown eyes, and we le

the room laughing excitedly. Jace put a rabbit on me, doing tricks on himself to celebrate while I kissed the tip of his nos:

several times, trying not to scream.

“We're officially hired, damn it”"l screamed under my breath. He started walking towards my office with me still in his arm

“We are adults now, we are no longer apprentices and we have an assistant who can bring us coffee all day and print stuf

for us”.

He settled me on my office chair and began to clap his hands with a satisfied air. “I know! Oh my god, what color should v

use for our office? I was thinking about a big glass table in the middle, where we will work, white walls and chic elements

“I love it. What about the old framed photos on the walls? And a bulletin board! A sofa. Light pink?”

“Little genius”. He paid a compliment. “Ok, let's go find the 30A and start moving. Where is our assistant? Shouldn't she h

us? Damn it, Noras, we don't have to worry about breaking the coffee machine anymore!”

We jumped for joy and kissed before leaving my old office and moving up one floor to the new, larger and more modern

one. It was already painted white with dark parquet floors. One of the walls has three large windows that let in a lot of


Jace was sitting in the middle, on the floor, in disbelief, while I looked outside, our new view showing the beautiful Upper

East Side. Little people were walking below us.

“Jace and Noras?"A little voice said. We both turned around and found a young girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes I

the doorway, holding an iPhone and a leather folder. “I'm Sophia, your assistant. You need help putting your stuff here,


Exactly. But seriously, how old are you? There's no chance you're over 20. No chance”Jace shrugged his shoulders.

She gave him a slight smile and slipped a blonde lock behind her ear. “Uh, yeah. I am 19 years old. I've only been an

apprentice for a year”

He frowned. “So you're going to help us take our things here? And will you bring us some coffee?”

“I think s0."He laughed. Jace and I congratulated each other, amused our new assistant and dragged her into the dance tc

our old offices. We found some old carts, usually used to move large quantities of clothes, which we loaded with our


One by one, all our belongings were taken upstairs and piled up in front of the door of the new office. We ended up

sending Sophia to get us a table in one of the reserves and she came back twenty minutes later, followed by two men fro

the journalism department who brought her the table.

“Damn, you're good."l mumbled, watching them carry him into the room. “How did you do that?”

“Soft eyes and a muzzle He shrugged his shoulders. “I also found some chairs that would go very well with the table, can

bring them up?”

I gave her a proud smile and nodded. I think we're going to get along really well, little one. Bring the chairs. And a latte to

skim milk. Please.”

She laughed and left, her bright blue dress fluttering behind her. For lunch, our table and chairs were placed in the cente

of the office and most of our belongings were on the shelves. We installed a billboard on one wall and several photos on

the others.

sophia chose colorful peonies as the centerpiece while she was gone to pick up lunch for us. As 1 was laying the flowers, I

realized that I hadn't thought about Henris Steve for almost two hours, which was almost a world record. We were eating

pizza, we were putting the finishing touches on the office when the phone rang.

Jace looked at him with an amused air. “We have our phone now. That's life!’

“What should I say when I answer?"l laughed. “Hello, this is Jace and Noras’ office. We're super cool and probably super

busy because we're famous’?

“Or like, “Hello, Jace and Noras office. We are sometimes professional but always stylish. Press the one key for more


“Oh, 1 like that. Or it could be: “Yo, bro, Jace and Noras in the mess...

“Oh my God."Sophia interrupted jokingly, walking past us to go to the ringing phone. “You are forbidden to answer the

phone. Always."

My roommate — now a partner at work — and I burst out laughing like children watching her answer the phone, rolling our

eyes. “Jace and Noras office, this is Sophia. How can I help you?”

Jace supported me with big eyes. “I think I love her"


“You're not a lesbian either.”

I hit his arm. “You don't even like women.”

We turned to Sophia who was looking at us with an amused expression and her arms folded on her chest. I raised my arn

as if to surrender, trying to hide my smile while Jace was bent over laughing.

She shook her head. “Sorry guys, already busy. And apparently, a very cool guy is here to see Noras and he's very upset tf

he can't find you."

My expression broke down and I looked at Jace who was already looking at me while Sophia was staring at us in confusio

her pale eyebrows furrowed. I started shaking my head frantically as 1 collapsed into my chair. I felt myself turn pale at th

thought that her lips would form a straight line when she saw me.

“Uh, do I have to send him back?"Sophia asked slowly.

“Good luck.I mocked. “Send for him."

Sophia left the room confused, leaving Jace staring at me with a worried expression. “You don't have to talk to him."

“He won't leave if I don't talk to him now. So the sooner the better”

“Great, girl"

We sat side by side at our new table waiting for the door to open. My heart was pounding frantically and my palms were

starting to sweat as Jace stroked my back trying to calm me down. The clock seemed to be slowing down. And then the

door opened.

A worried Sophia entered, followed by an attractive Henris. He was wearing a dark gray suit with a navy blue tie. Her

tousled curls were pushed back over her forehead, which made her look older, as did her frowning eyebrows.

Her emerald eyes quickly studied the people in the room before fixing on me, darkening. “Noras."She said deeply. My

stomach dropped at the sound of her beautiful accented voice. “What's going on?”

“Well, several things, in fact”I mumbled, staring at the floor and playing with my fingers. “We got a promotion and Jace ha

a boyfriend.”

“Noras.'I warned. I let out a light sigh and looked at Jace and Sophia, who were both staring at me with concern. After

giving them a brief nod, indicating them to leave the room, they walked out, leaving me with a furious Henris Steve.

As soon as the door closed, he approached until he was directly in front of me, a vision of perfection with his tight suit, h

hair back and his red lips. The smell that always seemed to be on his skin reached me, enveloping me and making my he

beat flat out, making me regret having sent back my little protector, in the form of Jace.

“What's going on?"He repeated.

“Uh, we also have an assistant now. Her name is Sophia.’

“Stop the bullshitHe said sharply. I looked up to look at him and found him with his jaw clenched, staring at me in his

usual intimidating way. “Why are you ignoring me?”

“Because you are a liar. And I don't want to talk to you anymore.'l blew.

“What the hells this?"

“I went out to dinner last night. With Jace. To Saki”

“So you were spying on me?”

“Really?"I mocked. “I saw you with Claire, after you told me that you wouldn't be seeing anyone else.”

“We are not in a relationship, Noras. I can see who I want. And not that you should care, but it was a business meeting.”

I slowly shook my head to try to recover. I was going to need another coffee. And, although I didn't want to admit it,

Henris's lips on mine and an apology.

“ am also used to holding hands with my business partners. Absolutely normal. Really, Henris."l said without expression. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“What have you been doing? Did you sit and watch us interact? Pathetic, Noras."

“I didn't look at you, you bastard. Actually, I tried to avoid it because it hurts, OKAY? You're a liar”

“We were just having dinner. I didn't lie, Noras. We were having dinner and you are acting irrationally and immature.”

“You were holding hands!"

She ran her hands through her hair, letting the curls go in different directions and her expression full of exasperation.

“Claire is a big part of my life but she’s just a friend. Now will you calm down and answer your f*****g phone?”

“I don't believe you. whispered. I could hear the hesitation in my own voice. He slowly lowered himself, resting his hand

on the arms of the chair until his face was a few inches from mine and his minty breath brushed my cheeks.

“We don't have a relationship.’

“I know. said, staring at him. “Don’t talk to me like I'm a child.”

“Then don't act like one.”

“Could you stop being rude for a single second of your life?”

His eyes closed at my words, as if I had hurt him. “Noras, please. Do you believe me or not?”

“I don't know" said softly. “I don't know what to believe with you. Damn, Henris, I don't even know how to be when I'm w


“You are exactly what I need, Noras. That's the only reason I keep dealing with your frustration.”

“I don't even know if that's a compliment or not."l grumbled.

He burst out with a deep laugh that made me shiver, then he kissed me. His lips were soft and unhurried; it was very

different from the kisses I had already received from him, but I would not have hesitated to receive them more often.

“Stop itl whispered as he backed away. “Stop looking at me and kissing me when I'm trying to be angry. Which I should k

considering you're a real a**+e."

“Come to my house tonight.”

“I have other plans. I'm going to meet Jace’s boyfriend.”


I gave him a furious look, backing up with the chair, which made him smile and bring me back to him so that our knees

touched, like the tips of our noses. He's still cold because of the outside. “You're not coming.”

“I would bet the opposite.”

“You won't come."l huffed, trying to step back again.

He stopped the chair easily and smiled. “It would not be difficult to find you. In fact, you're probably going to dinner at

your place so that you can observe her new boyfriend and be as awkward as you want."

I screamed silently, he laughed again and stood up, but not before planting a kiss on the corner of my mouth that made

want more. Standing in front of me, he was adjusting his dark tie with an incomprehensible expression on his angelic fac

“Vll be there at seven o'clock. I guess it's the right time.”

“You can't come. I didn't invite you." said it was boring. He moved closer, pulling his hair away from my neck. “Don’t touc!


“Don't be rude and don't lie. You want me to touch you wherever I can, almost as much as I want. I'll be there at seven.’

“No.l whispered. Thoughts of his hands on my thighs and his lips lightly caressing the base of my neck took place in my

mind. “No."

He laughed, making his dimple appear and melting my heart before running a finger over the almost disappeared mark o

my neck. He walked away, his hands in his pockets, and once at the door, he turned his head, looking at me coldly.

“I'll see you tonight, baby."

“Henris, I swear to you..."

The door closed before I could finish my protest, leaving me biting my lip in frustration. He would show up, despite my

protests, be rude and kiss me just because he knew he could do it.

Jace and Sophia came back a few minutes later to find me looking out the window, frowning and cheeks still red with ang

sophia looked at Jace in confusion, who replied by shaking his head slowly muttering a “You have no idea’.

They continued to stare at me while I looked out the window to assess the situation. I could cancel dinner and upset Jace

or let Henris come and upset Jace, or lock Henris out of the house and take care of him later. None of the options seeme:


“Well,” I joked. “We will definitely have to take a trip to the liquor store before we go home”. Looks like dinner is now for


I sighed in exasperation and Jace tried not to laugh at me, which caused the new apprentice to hit his arm. “Henris Steve.

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