A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 53

I hadn't planned on sleeping the whole way to the Hamptons. Especially not after Henris picked me up in his Audi R8 that hadn't seen him drive in forever. But I managed to fall asleep listening to the purring of the engine and Henris's ambient music on the stereo, instead of watching him all the time. it was only when the gravel crunched under my tires that I woke up, rubbing my eyes to try to understand what was rou me. The road was bounded by a strip of trees, behind which I could see a majestic fireplace. “You're not allowed to describe things anymore,” I said as we turned a sharp corner. The stone house stood in front of us, stretching out on a wide green lawn behind mini-gardens. To the side, a small garage contained a series of gleaming cars “A'summer house,” I teased him. “It's a castle” “Mh."Henris mumbled in response, parking the Audi behind an old white Mustang with ease. “A holiday home, I would sa “Palace?” “An emergency lane," he replied, opening the door of his car. I frowned as he walked around the car, tucking his sunglasse over the bridge of his nose, the house looming behind him, looking effortlessly like a Calvin Klein mannequin. He openec the door and held out his hand to me. “An alternative residence, perhaps.” “I", 1 announced, rising to his height, “I would absolutely hate you if you weren't so fascinated”. Henris smiled, soft curls covered his face. “Darling”, he mumbled, “so sweet today". He held out his hand to me, effectively interrupting my babbling answer, and led me down the paved path. On either side magnificent gardens decorated the lawn, while a marble fountain flowed quietly in front of us. Despite its size, the house was actually more welcoming than its modern penthouse. I felt more at ease than usual when slammed the key in the lock and opened the heavy oak door. The walls were painted a soft cream color and the sunlight that entered through the floor-to-ceiling windows that occupied the entire length of the wall shone on the vases of fresh flowers. He tightened his grip on my hand and led me through the front door, which opened onto a vast open space, decorated wi warm colors and other flowers that filled the air with a welcoming and vanilla fragrance. “All right?” I stared at him. “Henris, it's wonderful. Really." “Good,” he replied, inspecting the part for a microscopic defect that, I am sure, does not exist. I had convinced myself tha there was no flaw in everything about Henris Steve. Except for the commitment thing. But this was no longer a potential problem since he knew the type of lipstick I was wearing. “Do you come here often?” asked suddenly. He shoves his hands into his pockets with a shrug. Not as often as I would like. Too busy. But when Gemma and my mom come, we usually stay here. They prefer it to the city." I smiled at him. “Really? How often do they come?” “Once or twice a year,” he said. He gestured to the large ladder on one of the walls. “You can take a look if you want. I just need to make a few phone calls and then we can make something for lunch.’ There was a moment of silence before his eyes widened and he retraced his steps. “No. That's not what I meant. I meant I going to make lunch and you're going to sit on the counter trying not to be in the way. I wouldn't want to burn down my humble abode.” He frowns at her elusive figure. “I think the correct term is castle!” The upstairs of the house was even more comfortable than the downstairs. There were a few smaller rooms, what seme: to be a makeshift cinema, and even a personal library hidden in a corner. The only thing that seemed to be missing was a bowling alley. “You don't have a f*****g indoor bowling alley," I blurted out, as soon as he got back into the house, having finished his work calls. “Why am I keeping you around?” “My charming personality.” he said impassively. “I think it's more your cooking skills." Henris stooped down to kiss my forehead as he walked past me, pulling me behind him with my hand in his and someho managing to type something on the phone with the other. I followed him into the kitchen and stood on the granite countertop. it was natural that Henris ignored all my offers of help and that he took things from the fridge, obviously believing them suitable for preparing something. He moved quickly and efficiently, cutting things here and there before adding them to pan, then pushing something into the oven. Most of the time I sat looking at him, my legs dangling over the edge of the counter, and I tried to hide my affectionate smile when Henris spread flour on his cheek. If I hadn't been completely and totally in love with him before, I certainly would have been at that moment. I spread my legs when Henris came in front of me again, looking for something in the cupboards. “So, what are you doing “Pear and pomegranate with gorgonzola and champagne sauce, spicy chicken with red wine sauce and coffee, homemade mashed potatoes and chocolate cookies,” he replied simply, his eyes still scanning the spices. “Everything you said gave me champagne, red wine, coffee and cookies” I said, smiling. “It looks good” By the way, Henris hit me lightly with a towel. “A meal fit for a king." “You have the palate that goes with it!"l exclaimed. “Some people might mistake you for the real royal prince of England i you're not careful” Henris shrugged his shoulders. “It could make you a kind of Kate Middleton.” “Please,” I scoffed. “I am far from having enough grace for a confrontation.” “And I don't have the good manners to compare myself to the prince, but you still made the comparison,” he retorted. He stirred something in the pan before frowning and taking a little from the spoon, approaching it to me. “Try it” I indulged in the indulgence of Henris, who was looking at me with curious eyes and a small furrow between the eyebrow while waiting for my criticism. Even if it had been worse than the pumpkin muffins Louis tried to make a few weeks ago, I probably would have just smiled stupidly and asked for seconds. “Are you okay?’ he asked, his doe eyes and red lips, his cheeks flushed from the heat of the stove. And damn, if Henris Steve, looking at me like that, had asked me if wearing socks and sandals was “OK?", I would probabl have organized a cover photo shoot and insisted that this combination was the best trend of the season. “Solid ten out of ten”, I replied, “I would advise it". Henris mumbled and began to stir again. “I knew you only wanted food from me.” “How dare you accuse me of such things?"l exclaimed. “I also really like your cars.” “Shit,” he grumbled, slamming a hand on the worktop. Her green eyes rose to fix on mine, her mouth wrinkled to hold a smile. “And to say that I bought all these planes because I was sure that you were more of an aviation woman." I shook my head in mock disappointment. “Bad investment, Mr. Steve. It's a miracle that you can keep your business aflo: Henris lowered his attention to the mashed potatoes and smiled at me, sticking out his tongue, his forest-green eyes lt with amusement. Henris didn't even hesitate when I leaned forward to place a kiss on some of the tattoos on his shoulde simply because I wanted to. The Hamptons were definitely a magical place. As expected, the meal was as delicious as the little taste had suggested. Henris looked at me tenderly and made sure tha was eating enough. “Ym about to explode,” I said cheerfully. Henris leaned back in his chair, his arms folded. “I wouldn't like that very much.” “Bad,” I agreed, “Now what?" “Now you're in this fucking relaxation phase," Henris remarked with a frown, as if I was the one who dragged him here for the weekend and not the other way around. “I have a lot of movies and a Jacuzzi. The beach is also in my garden. So. We can do whatever you want. I rested my chin on my hand pretending to think. While all of these things would probably have been nice, 1 wasn't going let Henris act like that wasn't exactly what he wanted. “Hm. Relax. The movies, the jacuzzis, and the beach. Sounds like fu And also, s*x." Henris raised an eyebrow. “You must be gagged. Your mouth should be illegal” “Are you kidding me? Have you ever listened to half the shit you say? * 1 accused, giving him an annoyed look. “And to make matters worse, it's all British and authoritarian and all that. Shut up. You're the one who needs to be gagged.” “Fascinating,” he retorts impassively, rolling his eyes and wrapping his arms around my neck, pulling me to the other side of the table to kiss me. I kissed him hungrily, my tongue passing between his lips, grabbing the back of his head to bring him closer. it was when he pulled the back of my head slightly and made me moan that instinct seemed to take over. His hands mov from my shoulders to my waist, sliding under my thighs and lifting me up. I groaned and wrapped my legs around her hip to hold on. Henris never stopped kissing me as he narrowly avoided the edge of the kitchen table before pushing me against the wal his mouths hot and frantic. He pressed me against the door and pressed his hips against mine. “F**k,” he hissed, moving his mouth over my jaw until he reached my ear. “Where?” “The bed - I want the bed.” He groaned again, sliding his teeth along my skin, swearing under his breath when I pulled his hair a little more roughly. The fact that I was able to reduce Henris to mush is something I would have been happy about if I hadn't been beside myself. My head fell back against the door, hard enough to bruise. “I'm considering overriding the fact that you don't have a bowling alley," I sighed breathlessly, trying to maintain some illusion of consistency. Henris snuggled his head into my neck. “Good. I was starting to worry that I'd let you down.” “You are insolent today." “You are demanding today.” “The bed, please," I pouted. Which, okay. Things were definitely starting to get hectic in my mind, but I didn't have time to ask myself any questions because Henris would turn around and take my weight off the wall, stumbling into the sumptuous hall towards the back the house. By the time he managed to lay me down on the edge of the bed, my shirt had been lifted up to cover my torso, and Henri put it on with a little annoyed grunt until I understood the hint. Our mouths parted just long enough to get the shirt over my head, then we were together again. His hands ran over my chest, exploring it, before starting to kiss my neck and collarbone, stopping from time to time to b and suck on a mark on my skin that was fading quickly. I moaned into his neck, lifting up his black shirt. “You too," I whispered. It took another minute of groping and elbowing before Henris found himself shirtless under me, his naked torso tattooec and gleaming under the dim lights of the room. I slid a finger along the hidden mark in his collarbones, momentarily distracted. “Noras,” Henris breathed, his voice loud in the empty room. In response, I moved my lips to her jaw, sliding down her throat before biting and sucking the skin into my mouth. Henris tilted his head to the side to give me better access, which I interpreted as an encouragement to sink my teeth a little deeper, certain to leave a mark. The blood was already coming to the surface when I withdrew, leaving the skin a darker color, showing it with a bright smile. “That one will probably stay there for a while. Not very professional, don't you think?” Henris's eyes immediately darkened. He straightened up in his seat and took hold of my lips with ease, moaning somethi that sounded like “you're fucking trying to kill me," as he pushed me on my back and crawled over me, stopping to suck a small bruise on my hip as he unbuttoned my jeans. “Naked,” I whispered, fumbling with the zipper of Henris' pants until he sat down and pulled my hands away with an annoyed growl, getting rid of his jeans and black underwear while he motioned for me to do the same. I fumbled with my tight jeans, I loved the way Henris’ eyes narrowed and fixed on my hips when I slipped it on. “Hurry up,” he says, his voice confident and demanding. I stuck out my tongue and he obviously lost all patience on this one because he turned on me again, pushing my pants all the way with the help of his feet. He grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to him and placing himself between my legs, my thighs wrapping around his hips. Keeping my eyes on me, I blushed and squirmed under him while he lined up. “Ok?’he whispered. “Yes,” I nodded, and reached out to touch her neck, my thumb brushing the dark bruise I had left moments before. Henris eyes closed and he leaned back to rest his forehead against mine before pressing and penetrating for the first time in weeks. “Oh my god". Her arms shook when I put my hand on her shoulder and pressed my finger into her tense muscles. We stood still for a minute, taking deep breaths in each other's mouths, while I moved my legs higher against his hips, and he gripped my hij to better orient them. “Fuck” he moaned, kissing me again as he pushed hard. He began to move his hips regularly, pushing me in a slow, harde and deeper movement, each moan escaping from my lips in the form of waves of pure pleasure. I wrapped both my arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer until our noses collided. Our mouths clashed with each thrust, our hands clenched on each other's skin as if we depended on it. Henris was always open like that; lips parted, emotions brilliantly spread over his face, flushed and beautiful. “Oh my God,” 1 huffed, my fingernail scraping along his spine, enough to leave a mark. “Damn it, Henris." It was so nice, so warm and so perfect and Henris was biting my lips, pressing sweet expletives on my skin. My hips lifted meet his without rhythm as Henris continued to move inside me. “My God," he gasped, “you are so... Oh, my God, you're freneg perfect” Henris's thrusts started to lose pace as I passed the edge under him, shaking as my vision turned black, white, red when I let go. I felt like I was shaking and collapsing when Henris calmed down, uttering another expletive before coming and collapsing on top of me, his lips immediately searching mine. our vision slowly normalized, blurred and confused, blurred with stars. I massaged Henris's neck while we breathed into each other's mouths, too exhausted to do anything but lie on top of each other with our breasts fighting incessantly. Naturally, Henris was the first to regain his composure, as he always did. He placed a trembling kiss on the corner of my mouth. “Forgiven for not having a bowling alley?” I wasn't quite sure how to respond to this, other than yelling at her face so adorable and frustrating, so I preferred to weakly hit her chest. Henris maneuvered to get out before letting himself fall next to me, spreading his long limbs on the expanse of the large bed. “You are forgiven,” I whispered darkly as I moved to settle on his chest, resting my chin on the butterfly tattoo, my ankles hanging under the sheets. Henris's hand danced on the sweaty skin of my stomach, the cold metal of his rings irritating r skin. Her warm hands finally landed on my waist. “Are you relaxed now?" I whispered under my breath. “Hm, yes. What about you?” “Yes,” he said slowly. He removed a curl of sweat from his face. “I want to talk to you.” “Then talk to me. You can tell me anything you want,” I whispered, grabbing her fingers, fascinated by the way the tips of my fingers reached the first joint against hers. Really, every part of Henris was fascinating: he could talk for business hou and I was speechless. “What do you want to talk about?” Her tongue came out to pass over her lower lip. “My father left when I was a little girl” Which, okay. It was really very fast and unexpected. I hid my surprise by pressing my face into the warm palms of his han while I gasped for an answer. “I'm sorry.” “It was... different,” Henris said. “We never had much money. Enough but not enough without my father's constant source income "Henris's mouth turned into a cruel sneer. “I started working when I was fourteen, maybe fifteen. I've never stopp since. I put my Lips on one of his silver rings while I was thinking, sliding kisses on his knuckles and imagining little Henris struggling with textbooks in the back room of the bakery, pen marks on his hand and flour on his face. “You wanted to tal care of your mother and sister, didn’t you?” Her hand rested on the bare curve of my back. “When he left, people always came to tell me that I should be the man of the house. To be a big boy. That's what I did. And then I turned 18 and I got this scholarship to New York and my mother forced me to take it. She made me leave." “Thank god you did it. Look at you’, I said softly, “you are amazing’. He frowned. “I came home one Christmas, as a surprise. I used to send money that I got from doing an internship and I pi a little aside every month so that I could visit them. I came home and they had turned the fucking lights off because mur had used everything to pay for Gemma's university.” His hands stopped and he continued to stare at the space behind me, never making the eye contact he usually insisted o making. His jaw contracted several times before he spoke again. “So I dropped out of school. I had a few connections thanks to my shitty job, 1 got a crazy loan, and I ran away with it. I had to take care of them.” I stared at him. I was staring at Henris Steve, a 24-year-old fucking millionaire, owner of one of the most successful companies in New York, the most determined man I've ever met. Henris Steve who was so caring that he felt the need to take responsibility for what he loved; who never opened his mouth to complain about it. “You're really amazing," I repeated, my mouth hanging open in admiration. “My God, I am so in love with you. Do you knoy how amazing you are? Your family - I've seen it - they love you so much. I know that they greatly appreciate everything y have done for them.” Henris's eyes finally settled on mine, flickering suspiciously. I had to do it. 'm not a saint, Noras. Especially since I practically stopped talking to them to get everything up to speed. just emails and checks. I needed to control everything. needed it. Damn, I had to..." I practically threw myself into his arms, stopping with my nose a few centimeters from his. “You don't have to take care o everyone around you. You don't have to do this if it means you have to burn out. You have to take care of yourself now, y know? You're amazing. You're the best person I know. Henris, you've done enough.” “I'm not,” he said abruptly. “Don’t say it like that. I hate that.” “And I hate that you don't think it's true” Henris looked at me carefully. “I hate that you won't let me take care of you." My mouth stayed open. “I hate that you keep thinking it's your responsibility,” “I hate that you think I'm doing this like it's an obligation."said Henris slowly, running his fingers over the bumps in my spine. “I hate that you don't understand that I want to do this because I love you. That I said I love you for a month, Nora “I hate it when you start bitching about something and your voice, like, slows down and it's nice and then it's hard to be angry” Henris stared at me for a very long time before parrying. “I hate that you don't realize what I just said.” “Yeah, because you're talking low and you... oh."I blinked when I looked at him, still half naked and lying under me betwe the white sheets. “Jesus Christ. You just - you did it. Oh." The world did not fall apart as I expected. I widened my eyes and looked around for a sign of the impending apocalypse, but the world had not turned into a black hole. I was almost sure I was on the verge of the aneurysm, but everything was fine. I closed my eyes and tried to stabilize my breathing. “You could just - you'd mind saying it again. Say it again.’ “This is not the time to order things, Noras’ “I swear to God, Henris Steve..." “I love you,” he said. “I hate the fact that I am completely in love with you. I hate the fact that I can't spend a day away fre you. I hate the fact that now, lets say, I like coffee. I hate not having full control over every aspect of my life, and that's fir with me. And I love you." Henris pushed his nose against mine and I didn't rest. I vaguely realized that I hadn't spoken for a good three minutes, except to cry out in disbelief. I was still trying to understand what he had said, totally upset. I had to resolve to put my cheek against his stomach to hide the redness of my face and avoid his curious gaze. “Now you are definitely forgiven for not having the bowling alley.” Henris was not amused. “Noras." “I focused on one of the silver rings he was holding in his hands and tried to fit it to the size of one of my fingers, which i much smaller. The choice was between doing that or screaming with joy, and I wasn't sure Henris would appreciate the second option. “It's just that. It was really unexpected and now I don't really know what to think about it” “I suppose we could make love again.’ The silver ring slipped perfectly on my thumb. I showed him with a wide smile, ignoring the way my heart was beating fas in my chest like a puppy in love. “I love you. Thank you for inviting me to your palace for a relaxing weekend. Which, I'm beginning to understand, was a tactic to put me to bed. Besides, I'm keeping this." “Does it work? I love you too." I looked at Henris in disbelief. He was still sweating and blushing under me, his lips swollen and his eyes half closed. He was absolutely handsome like that, and combined with his hoarse voice and affectionate words, it was enough to make n breathing stop. “You are not half as charming as you think." “And you're still a terrible liar," Henris said. I cursed myself in silence as he put his hand on mine, fiddling with the ring th now adorned my finger. “I think so, at any rate. I love you." “I love you too," I replied, then I got up forward to press my mouth against hers in a murderous kiss, because in that moment, nothing could be more perfect. There were probably at least a hundred messages from Louis in my phone reminding me of the rapid approach of his birthday, and he was sure that the temperature was dropping below zero outside, and Henris was laughing at my enthusiasm between two kisses, but everything was a little perfect, We may have been hiding from some problems in the Hamptons, but I was in love with the powerful and caring man who was under me, and for some unknown reason that I had not yet understood, he loved me too. So, already everything was little perfect. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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