A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 54

After spending two whole days getting out of bed limp just to eat and take a shower, plus the few times we took a dip in

the Jacuzzi, it was painful to get back to the real world. It's not that I didn't miss my apartment, with its creaking floors an

its roommates? I didn't know if any of them had admitted yet that Lous lived there).

it's just that I would have preferred to spend the rest of my life listening to Henris pronounce words, soft and slow, like

“darling” and “I love you” or “don't even think about getting dressed, Noras”. So maybe I was a little bitter when I found

myself walking up the stairs of the apartment after leaving the Hamptons, Henris just a step behind me.

I burst into the hall shouting “Honey, I'm home".

There was a few moments of silence. Then, “I hope you brought birthday presents!”

“Damn it," I mumbled, turning on my heels to look at Henris, my finger pointing accusingly at his chest. “I told you so. I to

you so. Louis Tomlinson is a birthday bitch of the month. Hurry up, we have to get out of here. Turn around while we have


Henris looked up at the sky and walked past me, completely ignoring my warnings about Louis and his constant reminde

of his birthday. With a little grunt, I crossed my arms indignantly and followed him into the living room.

Jace and Louis were sprawled out on the couch. Several cups of tea and coffee, and probably alcohol, were placed on the

coffee table, next to a huge package of papers that seemed to be the script for a show and a portfolio from the last photc

shoot at work.

My light-eyed best friend got up from the couch in a second and rushed into my arms. “Noras! How was your weekend?”

“Good,” I whispered into the scruff of his neck. “Very, very good."

“Details. Now, of course."

I looked over his shoulder and towards Henris. “Tomorrow at work."

“Work is for work"Said Jace, hitting my shoulder lightly.

“When did we, in fact, work on this work?”

“Sometimes we go to meetings.'He insisted, swinging his hand in the air. “It doesn’t matter, talking about work bores me.

We haven't been out in, like, a while. We're probably breaking records. So. We're going out tomorrow night. I've already

planned it"

“Tomorrow is Monday, Jace. We are active adults or something like that. I don't want to arrive with a super hangover at


Jace gave me a look. My God, when did we get so old? You are so welcoming and everything with Henris. Stop it."

I was convinced that my eyes would come out of their sockets when I saw all the things in our apartment that were relate

to Louis. We had, literally, a snapshot of the Tomlinson family hanging on the wall, just below Louis's framed diploma.

“Louis lives here”I said in disbelief. “Don’t get me started on our living situation. Might as well get Louis to pay the rent


Jace looked confused. If he had not been my best friend and the reason why I, in one way or another, managed my

transition to the adult world in recent years, he would certainly have been defenestrated from our balcony. “It makes no

sense. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?”

I tapped it between the eyebrows. “Yeah, okay. I'm going to sleep at Henris' place.”

“You can start calling me housewife when you explain this to me," I replied, pointing to the Tomlinson family photo prouc

displayed on our wall. Jace gave me a thumbs up as I headed to my room to pack a bag. With a lot of clothes. Because

Henris said I had room in his closet.

Ten minutes later, I managed to fit half of my belongings into a small travel bag and I returned to the living room to

announce that I was ready to leave. At that moment, Louis managed to train Henris to repeat jokes with him

So, while the two men were reading the script, Jace and I sat down with two glasses of wine and discussed everything anc

nothing. And I realized that even if we weren't comfortable in a jacuzzi, the real world wasn't that bad.

The mornings were the worst. Mornings were at the top of my list of the five most hated things of all time, blessed numbe

two. Number one was a mixture of iced coffee and the smell of insecticide spray. But number two, mornings were my owr

little hell

Except when Henris's alarm clock rings Marimba very early, the mornings seem to go a little better. Because Henris was

curled up next to me, still half asleep and lethargic, his cheek bearing the imprint of the pillow and his hair pressed to or

side. The mornings dropped to the third position.

He kept his eyes firmly closed and touched his phone screen until it stopped ringing, then pressed his cold nose against

my collarbone and moaned slightly. His free hand pushed me from the base of my back, bringing me closer and closer to

him, until we were pressed against each other.

Mornings plummeted under Kidz Bop and ended up in fourth place on the list of the five most hated things of all time.

Then - it was impossible that he did not know what he was doing — Henris opened one of his green eyes and addressed r

with a slow and gentle smile.

“Hello, baby."He whispered. And mornings weren't even on the top five most hated things of all time list anymore, by the


I moved a loop that had fallen on his face. “Your hair is growing”

Henris stuck out his lower lip. “Bad.”

“Nuh-uh,” I sighed, playing with the lock. “I like it. They look very long. You're cuter.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I'm not cute, Noras.”

“There you are, Mr. Steve, where you are completely mistaken.”

He frowned again, biting my jaw slightly before rolling out of bed, naked except for a pair of tight boxers and the various

tattoos on his skin, he stretched, raising his arms above his head with a yawn. Mornings are no longer on the list of the 2(

worst things.

After we got dressed, Henris came downstairs to start his day.

I quickly put on my makeup before following him, wearing my black heels in one hand and my gifted Louis Vuitton in the

other. Even before entering, I could hear noises coming from the kitchen, and the view that greeted me once I crossed the

threshold was one of the most beautiful things I had seen in a long time.

Breakfast was already on the table, toast with bacon and eggs. A cup of tea was placed on one side and a cup of creamy

coffee on the other. And to top it off, Mrs. Jennifer was trying to move Henris' feet off the table as he tried to move the

microphone away from the phone so that his laughter wouldn't be heard by anyone on the other side of the receiver.

And so, mornings have suddenly been ranked in my list of the five things I prefer.

Jace was already leaning over the gray table in the middle of our office, his lower lip between his teeth as he fixed the

stacks of papers on the surface. He didn't move a millimeter when I rushed into the office; the only sign of recognition he

gave was to point to a stack of papers on the other side of the table.

“Wow,” I said happily. “And hello to you too, my love!"

He sent me an annoyed look. “Victoria wants to kill us, I think”

“And what's the matter with that again?”

The sound of his hand hitting the table made me wince. A few papers lifted under the impact and fell on the floor, which

only added to the stress of Jace, who then collapsed in his swivel chair with a groan.

I immediately put my coffee on the table and positioned myself behind him, massaging his shoulders. What should we d

And what is the closing date? And do you think I should go get some Kahlua to spice up our coffees?”

He turned his head towards me. “I prefer Irish whiskey in my coffee, thank you."

“A more than respectable choice."l recognized. “Now, talk to me. What should we do today?"

“Well, first of all, we need to meet with Aaron to talk about what he is writing. Then one of us has to find the right

photographer, and then we have to do something to make sure that we are all on the same page regarding the spring

space.’He moaned again dramatically to finish.

I used the tips of my fingers on her cashmere-covered shoulders while I was thinking. “Good. What did you think of Alice"

play? And Sophia said something about finding a photo that could go with a freelancer’s article? We have a wallet


“More things to do! Perfect!”

“shut up”I reply with a frown. “Let's call Sophia so that she can have some Irish whiskey on the way. I'm going to meet

Alice, you're meeting Aaron. You're the best with people, so find the photographer while I look at the portfolio we already


There was a moment of silence. “I think Henris influences you."

An affectionate smile was drawn on my face. “I take it as a huge compliment.”

“I knew you would."He joked as he got up. “Now, we just have to finish all this shit before tonight, because we're going to

dancing whether you want to or not. Text Sophia about the booze. Eeeee, breaki Not the coffee machine! I'll see you at


That said, he slammed his little fist against mine and left the room. The door closed with a click behind him and I gathere

my cse to go finish my share of shopping before lunch. While the hectic days were the ones I usually ended up stressing

about and hiding from Victoria, they were the ones I lived for.

The days when I could do my favorite job in the world, right next to my favorite person, sipping Kahlua and coffee, carryir

the most beautiful bag that the love of my life had given me, were definitely the best days.

A: Henris Steve, 5:23 - tonight, go out with everyone! come with us, please

From: Henris Steve, 5:24 ~ When and where?

A: Henris Steve, 5:24 - write to jace/ liam for the details, I'm incompetent sorry x

From: Henris Steve, 5:25 - OK. Nia won't leave me alone, so he'll probably join us. Are you okay with that?

A: Henris Steve, 5:26 - only if he holds the alcohol well? see you :)

From: Henris Steve, 5:26 - It shouldn't be a problem. I love you xx

A: Henris Steve, 5:27 - I love you too x

The iPhone flew across the room from my wardrobe and landed expertly on the bed in my apartment, now forgotten, a

movement that I had perfected months before and that was the most athletic thing I could do in my entire life, probably.

Jace looked amused and smiled when the phone landed next to him. “Good throw or bad throw?”

“Good,” I said cheerfully, looking in the closet. “I will write to you or Li for the details. Can you help me find a good outfit,


“Did you think I was only in your room to spend time with you?"He said he was surprised. My lower lip came out more th

the upper one in a pout as he got out of bed and approached me, passing an arm around my waist with a smile on his fa

“Ym just kidding. I'm here to see you naked. Being gay was just a plan all this time."

I pinched her side. “Louis will be devastated. At least wait until his birthday has passed to tell him the news.”

“Yeah,” he laughed. “By the way, tell me that you have already bought her a gift or that you have at least thought about

what you are going to give her!”

“I felt like it was you who bought the presents, then I signed the card while you weren't looking and that's how it was fror

both of us. We have a system.”

He got upset and pulled a navy blue dress out of the wardrobe. He wrinkled his nose and threw it on the floor next to the

pile that I had already started. Let's talk about my boyfriend. We can't give him the same gift. This is a new situation.”

“It's not,” I insisted, ignoring her eye roll. “Will there be a birthday party? Or can we just combine it with Christmas?”

Jace raised his head at the same time he put his hand over my mouth, his eyes wide as he looked around the room. “Don

say those words again. I swear to God, Noras, that he will kill you if you only dare to think about this idea.’

I violently removed my hand from my face. “I think I should have known that.”

“You should have." He agreed and let me go. “Put on this black dress with these golden shoes. Or, I'm going to get ready ai

try to get Louis to wear something other than these old Vans.'He frowned at the idea. “Maybe I could buy her some new

shoes for her birthday.”

We had barely set foot on the sidewalk of this icy New York that James supported me with his elbow and held the taxi do

open for me. I looked at him in surprise when he gave me a real smile. “Good morning, Mrs. Wish.

“Hi, James,” I greeted him, “Are you coming with us?". Do some body shots on Henris?"

He looked at me seriously. Absolutely not. I'll accompany you upstairs, where Mr. Steve and the others are. Mr. Horan

insisted on booking the VIP area”

Next to me, Louis burst out laughing and snatched me out of his hand, dragging James and I towards the club, behind hin

and Jace. “Shit, I don't know who this Horan is, but he seems to be my kind of guy."

“Ym sure you will enjoy his company,” James comments without emotion. “This way, Mrs. Wishe."

He led us into the modern building, beckoning the three bouncers with a miserable wave of his hand. We barely caught a

glimpse of the first floor when we were pushed into an elevator.

All the noises disappeared when the doors closed. James was staring at the door and looked suspiciously like a statue.

Then Louis burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world, then the doors opened and the VIP room


The music was just as loud - if not louder — than downstairs, but the atmosphere was completely different. The men in

suits and the women in bright dresses move around each other, managing to dance with glasses in hand and with as muc

class as possible.

Louis grabbed me by the forearm as we were following James and trying not to get lost in the sea of well-dressed people

and neon lights. “Christ, it's like a whole new world Henris is our Aladdin and we are all his little Jasmine.”

“If only he had a flying carpet,” I shouted in response, my lips glued to his ear. “Maybe that's what we can get him for you


I stammered something else about his birthday when I started looking for Henris and that Horan who had apparently

become his best friend.

I didn’t even realize Henris was in the room until he stood in front of me, red lips and bright eyes. “Here you are," he said

slowly. “Come with me, they are all in the back.”

james seemed to have disappeared from our side as we followed Henris. As soon as we emerged from the forest of danci

bodies and clouds of smoke, we were greeted by a hug from a small blonde creature in a ridiculous mint-green suit and a

cigar hanging from his lips.

He punched Henris on the shoulder, then turned to me and placed a kiss on each of my cheeks, almost jumping to his fee

“Noras,” he says happily, exhaling a cloud of smoke from his lips at the same time as the words, “I've heard so much

bullshit about you! Would you like a drink? It's all on me tonight, baby."

Surprised, I took a step back from the blue-eyed bombshell. Behind him I could see Liam and the rest of our friends

looking at us with smug smiles and glasses of champagne. “I'm going to have a drink, I think”I answered weakly.

“Good!"He said explosively with his flushed cheeks and satisfied eyes. “Come on, everyone, sit down! I have another bottl

of champagne coming and three shots of tequila! This is how you live the Horan life, come on, you're really late!”

That said, he walked past me to where Louis and Jace were standing and wrapped them in an embrace. I was staring with

my mouth open in shock. On the other side, Henris smiled and made me sit between him and Liam.

I looked at them both, shocked. “Is this a real person or a fairy?"

Liam smiled happily. “This is Nia Horan, Rah, and I'm pretty sure I've fallen in love with him”He looked at Sophia askance

am definitely in love with him. Just so you know.”

His girlfriend solemnly nodded her head in agreement.

“Is that Nia Horan?" let go of the piece, turning around to look at it. The man had at some point put his green jacket on

Jace's shoulders and moved to sing a rap song for Louis. “I don't believe you.”

Henris put a hand on my shoulder. “You're going to like it, I think”

“will 1 like it?"I turned around to look at the businessman one last time. “I think that every person who meets him falls in

love with him. He seems so naturally lovable. I don't think he can hurt anyone.”

I threw up my hands to defend myself. “Tell me that you are not partially in love with him. Look me in the eye and tell me

that you don't like Nia Horan."

My boyfriend didn't even try to deny it. Instead, he held back a laugh and nodded to Nia and the other two guys sitting o

the couch across from ours, and that's when I realized that there were other people outside the little bubble of light that

was Nia Horan.

On the other red sofa, Perrie was clinging to her gorgeous boyfriend's arm while laughing with Liam's girlfriend Sophia. Al

my friends, apart from Jace and Louis, already had red cheeks and alcohol-tinted lips.

But judging by the way Nia was passing shots to anyone from a silver platter, I think I could see why. Thank you," I said

laughing as he placed one in front of me with a wink.

He burst out laughing. Then he started staring at me for a minute, still holding the tray containing a dozen shots in one

hand while tugging on his cigar with the other. We need one more, he finally said. It takes three. We're going to do this my

fucking way, and you're going to need three of them.”

“I need something to keep up with them, then. suggested, squinting, that he hand me another one.

Nia's blue eyes looked elated for a second. Then he stuck his cigar behind his ear and snatched the bright pink mixture o

of Henris's hand. “Here. Follow them with this.”

“I can't extinguish alcohol with alcohol”

He waved a hand in the air. “That's where the fuck you're wrong."

Then he walked over to Zayn and Perrie, taking more shots with them. It was obvious why everyone loved her. He was full

life and could manipulate a situation to his advantage, joy and kindness being completely natural characteristics for him

I shook my head affectionately before swallowing a drink, then I twisted my nose and hid my face against Henris’ shoulde

“Shit - it's - it's like pure alcohol”

“Nia likes to play hard or nothing."

“Yeah,” I coughed, took another, then slammed the empty glass on the table. “I understood.”

Henris ran his fingers gently over my shoulder. There was a look of pity towards me on his face that showed that he had

already been forced to drink shots of hard alcohol by the Irish boy. “You look very beautiful tonight. Did I tell you?”

“I don't think so," I smiled. “You are also very cool, Mr. Steve.”

“Do you agree that Zayn should come? Nia is right. Nia. And I know you had fun with Perrie the first time you met her. So,

it okay?”

I touched his knee with my thumb and coughed again because of the alcohol. Yes, of course. What does Nia say? Play har

or nothing?”

“It's quite fascinating, isn't it?”

As if he had heard us, Nia climbed onto the cubic table in front of all of us, clapping her hands resoundingly. Her eyes we

bright, full of strange ideas and her shiny bow tie was now undone around her neck. Behind him, strobe lights were

throwing rays at the people who were dancing. “The night is ours!”

Although it was a ridiculous thing to say, everyone raised their glass and cheered with joy, including Henris. I had a feelin

that if Nia told us that Ireland was going to run the world, we'd all take a hit and celebrate like it was the best thing that

ever happened.

“Thank you all for the invitation tonight’, he continued happily, “and I hope I can get you all drunk with overpriced

champagne”. Eee, I really want to dance.’ He jumped up from the table and inhaled his cigar. “Anyone want to dance?”

Because he was Nia Horan, everyone got up and followed him to the dance floor. Henris squeezed my hips and lifted me

gently from his lap. The whole party followed this ball of perfectly coiffed hair, this silk costume and this untouchable

energy on the dance floor without even thinking about it.

I kept my grip on the back of Louis's shirt with one hand and the other was in Henris's grip as we passed through the croy

like a little train, with Nia as the engine. It only stopped when we found ourselves in the middle of the crowd and started


Henris extended an arm towards me with a big drunken smile, almost immediately. “Just me"He said softly, lowering his

head to rest his forehead against mine. “just dance with me’

“As difficult as it will be...”

He smiled in response, placing a kiss on my shoulder before pulling away from me. He left me confused and hurt for a

moment before taking my hand and raising it, making me spin on the spot and grabbing me once our breasts met, my blz

dress swirling around my pale legs as I moved.

After that, time seemed to pass without measure, with the exception of the shots that a bright-eyed and always present \

passed us from time to time. The rhythm of the bass beat against my chest and the lights illuminated all the bodies arou


And there was always Henris, with long wet hai, shiny skin, who tilted his head back and laughed every time he passed

under our joined arms. “Damn, I love you,” he shouted, his hands running over my abdomen and grabbing the sections of

my dress. “You look beautiful, baby."

I leaned my head back, on his shoulder, feeling the sweat running down my neck. “I love you.”

Shadows of blue, green, red, passed over the intense features of Henris. In the background, Louis and Nia are laughing, J

is twirling Sophia under his arm, Perrie and Zayn are in their own little world. Then there was Henris. There was always m

and Henris.

“We are leaving”. He whistled, passing his lips over my skin. “Just, f**k - let's go. Now. Let's go."

“Now."he said in a low voice. Henris put his arm around my waist and pulled me away from the moving bodies before I

could protest again, eyes down on the ground and determined, the wet white shirt almost revealing the intricate patterns

in black ink.

I looked over my shoulder, desperately, and I saw Nia Horan looking at us with an amused smile on her face, smoke comi

out of her mouth and a pretty girl attached to him. He took a big swig of his beer before closing only one eye in a slow

blink, then turned around laughing.

We didn't even reach the penthouse in the elevator until Henris was there, pressed against me, sweating and panting anc

everything I wanted. His hands touched the length of my dress before he made a sound of frustration and pushed his

pelvis against mine.

My God, you are so... I've been craving for you all night,” he growled, biting my shoulder.

The doors rang and opened. Henris let out an irritated growl, not even giving me time to think before putting his arms

under my thighs and pulling me up. With trembling fingers, I tried to unbutton his shirt as he staggered into the apartmes

causing us to hit the white wall of the entrance. A painting crashed on the floor next to us.

The next day, I would probably have a bruise where I would have hit my head, but that was the least of my worries when

Henris raised the hem of my dress to the level of my hips, his lips never leaving mine.

“Quick,” I whispered against his mouth. “Quick, my God, quick.”

He grunted once more and pulled his wallet out of his pants pocket. There seemed to be no order in his search, the greer

notes were flying towards the ground before he finally pulled out the bundle of money, making me laugh against his skin.

“OK,” he says softly, putting the condom back on. His hands were shaking as he moved to support me against the wall, hi

warm, vodka-infused breath caressing my cheek. “Shit, okay."

Everything disappeared from my mind except Henris who pushed, again and again. He was pressed against me in every

conceivable place, Henris was hot and sweating. My fingers dug deep red lines into his skin as I pulled him closer to me.

“I love you! growled, my teeth clashed with hers insistently. “Henris, please, I love you."

His movements continued. “I love you so much.”

With each movement, I felt closer and closer, an extreme pleasure running through my back, and it wasn't long before I lo

all control at his touch, my skin blushing as I gasped against the skin of his neck, trembling and breathing his name.

Henris swore once, loudly, before his abs twisted under my hands and he stopped. A faint growl escaped his lips as he to

lost control, the veins in his neck becoming visible and his fingernails leaving crescent-shaped imprints on my hips. “May

we should take a shower,” he hissed.

My lips passed desperately over his shoulder. “I need time to recover.”

“/ll take you upstairs too,” he said softly. “We can do it if we really put our mind to it."

We ended up committing really, really hard. And, honestly, if the rest of my days were to be filled with as much alcohol, lo

and laughter as the one that has just passed, I wasn't sure there would be anything else I would want to get involved in.

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