A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me
A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 9

He led me to his modern apartment while I looked around. All the supplies were the latest fashion and shiny, the only colors that decorated everything were black and white. Huge windows overlooking the New York skyline.

“Do you like it?" He asked with a smirk, already knowing the answer.

“Uh, is that a question?” I said, raising my eyebrows. “It's really very pretty."

“Thank you. More wine?”

I nodded with a satisfied air at the idea of having more alcohol in the body, and therefore more audacity to face Henris Steve. He expertly opened a bottle, pouring a glass to each.

He stared at me while I sipped a little. “Is it okay?"

“It's great. You have good taste when it comes to wine. Maybe we should invite you to Wine Wednesday” I joked.

“Come. I'll show you around.” He ordered, ignoring my comment.

I timidly took the hand offered to me, holding my glass more firmly with the other hand. He showed me the ground floor, an open space with a lacquered kitchen, a living room and a full bar. I nodded, impressed by the bar, and he rolled his ey at my behavior.

We turned the corner, running down the stairs. “I thought we were already on the top floor?”

“No. This floor does not have an elevator to access it, for security reasons.” He explained it while we were going up. Each piece was more impressive than the previous one. An office, a library, a guest bedroom, two full bathrooms.

“Won't I have the privilege of seeing the master bedroom?” I asked as we walked back to the stairs, leaving the last door the corridor closed.

“So anxious to get into bed, Noras. Please, control yourself” She gave me a smirk.

“l was not... just wanted to see her” I stuttered, blushing with embarrassment.

“It was a joke, Noras."

“Oh.” I smiled at her, seeing her eyes soften. He smiles at me slightly before resuming his walk and going down the stairs. our hands remained intertwined the whole time, mine slightly sweaty with nervousness, hers cold and soft.

He led me to the leather sofa and I sat down next to him. He leaned his elbows on his knees, looking at me intently. I returned his gaze, trying to figure out what to do with my hands, finally deciding to bring my glass to my lips, finishing the wine.

This time, when Henris smiled, dimples appeared. A deep laugh escapes from his lips and he shakes his head slightly. “Are you kidding me?” I asked, pouting.

“You are really embarrassing.’ He replied with a smirk.

“lam not.”

“You are.”

“tam not!” I insisted.

His expression became rigid. “Don't argue with me, Noras. It's really childish.”

“Why are you doing this?” I replied angrily. He fixed me with an annoyed look and I managed to continue even under his oppressive gaze. Thank you, wine. “Why do you go from playfulness to meanness in half a second?”

“You go from cute to boring in half a second. This is only justice.’

“Do you think I'm boring?” I blew. “Why am I here? Take me home, please.”

“Did you just ignore the fact that I think you're pretty? Stay.”

“You said the same thing last time, Mr. Steve. And now you're an asshole again!” I complained. He took the glass from my hands, placing it on the small black table next to his. He took me by surprise by taking my hands in his and coming up to me, staring at me angrily.

“Call me Henris. And I'm not trying to be a jerk, Noras. I want you to stay.”

“I don't care what you want." I replied angrily.

He gritted his teeth, suddenly putting one of his arms around my back and the other under my knees, bringing me to his lap. I tried to move but he held my wrists still, waiting for me to calm down. I gave up and blew, giving him a bad look. “Don’t be rude. And I know you want to stay. I don't understand why we are arguing?’

“We are arguing because you are bad. And much too physical.”

“You like it when I touch you. You have goosebumps.” He whispered, sliding a hand along my leg. His eyes fixed on my pal thighs where, of course, goosebumps were visible. I silently insulted my treacherous body and moved on her legs. A cold expression returned to her face. “Are you uncomfortable?”

“Can we have a normal conversation?” I complained. “Please?”

Steve stared at me emotionless in response. I returned his gaze, trying not to break contact. After a long moment, he leaned against the back of the black leather sofa, taking me with him against his chest. The smell that seemed to accompany it everywhere comforted me.

“I'm not used to this, Noras,” he whispered. I put my head against her neck, moving on her legs to make myself comfortable. His huge hands stretched out on my back. “Stop moving." He ordered.

“Sorry” I whispered shyly.

“What do you want to talk about?”

“I don't know. What do you do for fun?”

“I have no time for fun, Noras. I am working." He said irritably. Here is CEO Henris again.

I closed my mouth to his comment. “Are you telling me that you never have fun? Really, Henris?"

There was a long silence. I played with the gray buttons of his suit jacket, waiting for him to answer me. His deep breaths were the only audible sounds in the room. “That was the first time you called me Henris."

I jokingly gave him a light blow on the chest and got up, smiling at him. He had an amused expression on his face. One of his curls fell on his forehead and I raised my hand with the intention of putting it back in place, when he suddenly movec lowered my arm, muttering under my breath a “Sorry”.

“It's okay,” he sighed. “It's just that I'm not used to this, Noras."

He nodded, giving me permission. With a sigh, I tried again, maintaining eye contact. Hesitantly, I ran my fingers through her curls, putting the lock back in place. He gritted his teeth when I pulled my hand out.

“You have no idea what you are doing to me” He said in a low voice. His fingers squeezed my lower back and my leg, givir me chills down my back.

“I...um... is your hair soft?”

The young leader let himself go a little. He bit his lip while thinking. “For fun, I make love. Or I play golf”

“I won't have sex with you,” I whispered, blushing. “And I suck at golf”

He smiled at me, the opposite reaction to the one I would have expected. “I know. And that doesn't surprise me."

I made an awkward nod of the head by way of answer. She bit her lip again, and when she spoke, her voice seemed force “You are the first woman who has not cried or slept with me in the first ten minutes I met her”

“Not even your employees?” I asked, turning my head to avoid meeting his gaze.

“They fall into that fucking category, Noras,” he says annoyingly, running his fingers through my long hair and pulling at tf ends a little, which makes me look up to meet his. “Are you still afraid of me?”

“alittle” 1 admitted.

“Good. You probably shouldn't come on another date with me.”

“Who said I was coming?” I joked, a small yawn escaping my lips.

“I wouldn't have given you a choice” he said with a smirk, looking me straight in the eye. “You're tired. Come on, you can sleep upstairs.

That said, he got up, putting one hand under my knees and the other behind my back, lifting me up effortlessly. He carrie me upstairs, ignoring my protests by rolling his eyes and slowly placing me on the floor in front of the guest room.

“'d rather go home. I mumbled anxiously.

“No. A driver will take you home tomorrow morning. It's late.”

I pursed my lips to avoid yelling at him, knowing that arguing would be useless and would only make him more angry. He tilted his head to the side, as if he was waiting for an irritated answer from me. The moment was ruined by the vibration his phone.

“Steve!"He replied. He gritted his teeth, irritated by the person on the other end of the line. “Never call me after 8 a.m., except in an emergency. I told you I'd be busy tonight.”

His deep voice was cold and firm. There was another pause and his hand grabbed me by the pelvis, holding me close to him. “I don’t mind that. I specifically left instructions not to be contacted for five hours. You're fired.”

That said, he put the phone back in his pocket in an irritated way. I watched him cautiously approach to open the door behind me. I opened my mouth to speak and I got a bad look.

“No." He warned.

I nodded, sticking my tongue out at him. He frowned at my playful gesture. “I'll get you a shirt

He turned around and his long legs carried him away. I entered the guest room, sank into the soft bed and immediately took off my uncomfortable heels, sighing with relief.

“Better?” Henris's low voice joked. Another yawn on my part answered him.

“You should have told me that you were uncomfortable, Noras."I scolded, placing a white T-shirt and underpants on the bed and walking away. “You will tell me next time, yes?"

“Yes! sighed.

He nodded briefly before heading for the door. He stopped, his broad shoulders tensed as his hand grasped the handle. I stood still, having a little debate with himself, before turning to me.

He approached me with a gloomy air. I held my breath as he lowered himself, bringing his face to the same level as mine. felt his breath on my cheeks and I closed my eyes. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Now I'm going to kiss you, Noras."


“It wasn't a question."He growled in my ear. I stood still. One of his hands grabbed my waist, the other my neck.

Her mouth was on mine in a second. I stood there, unresponsive, her lips pressed firmly against mine, praying for a reaction. With a groan of frustration, I bit my lower lip.

“Kiss me." He ordered with an intense sigh and a cold look.

This command was all I needed to get out of my state of shock. Without hesitation, I put my lips on his, pulling him from the lapels of his jacket, bringing him closer to me. His hands ended up in my hair, pulling slightly. His teeth went through my jaw until they reached my neck, then finding a sore spot, which surprised me.

smiling against the warm skin of my neck, Henris pushed me back onto the bed, letting his body fall on mine, supporting himself with his arms. I ran my hands over his muscles, feeling them under pressure, letting out a little moan when he started sucking on the skin at the base of my neck.

The cuteness only lasted another second before he bit me again, sucking me harder and then running his tongue over it, making sure to leave a mark. I pushed him weakly to my chest in protest, but he growled into my neck and I gave in.

His mouth finally finished its assault and he lightly kissed the bruise, quickly pulling himself off the top of me. He got up and straightened his suit before turning his gaze to me. He took me by surprise when he pulled his hair away from my ne to reveal the mark.

“It suits you well. Don't hide it” He ordered, with a labored exhalation. Her eyes darkened as she looked at me. Still lying on the bed, with reddened lips and tousled hair. He ran his fingers through his curls, now tousled.

“A driver will take you home in the morning. Feel free to shower and change here. I will provide you with clothes.” He said coldly.

Without waiting for an answer, Henris Steve left the room, slamming the door behind him as he passed. I lay down on the bed, trying to calm my heart, which was beating fast, threatening to burst out of my chest.

After regaining normal breathing, I took off my dress, replacing it with the shirt that Henris had left for me. The fact that i smelled like him was enough to give me butterflies in my stomach. I sighed in annoyance, knowing that her cologne probably cost more than my entire wardrobe.

I was also slightly annoyed by the big purple mark on my neck, but I would have forgiven him because, when he wasn't horribly demanding or rude, Henris Steve was actually charming. Not to mention that he is extremely attractive and that kisses incredibly well.

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