A Moment in Destiny
Chapter 449 Green Food

Leila took out the cold drink from the refrigerator and placed it before Arthur. She opened the container and scooped it into a bowl with a ladle and passed it to Arthur. "Have some first! The weather's very hot today!" Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Arthur was still in doubt. Vincent had left just like that!

Damn it, damn Vincent!

Arthur cursed silently. To his surprise, Vincent had given up so easily.

But according to his understanding of Vincent, it should not have been so! He was the kind of man that would never rest until he got what he wanted, and had many extreme means that were ruthless, how would he possibly have given up?

Could it have been a plan for the time being?

Arthur pondered upon it as he ate, the cooling sensation entered his mouth and into his stomach, bringing a comforting feeling. "It's so tasty!"

Leila smiled; her smile had a bit of distractedness. She seemed absentminded as if she was in the rain or the fog. It made Arthur feel that his heart was aching as if it was pricked by a needle, her absentmindedness was probably because of Vincent!

Arthur sighed silently, as he freeze-framed Leila's face into his consciousness. Her beautiful long hair, her white t-shirt, her loose linen pants. Her tiny face had a gentle smile on it, looking very peaceful. This girl was wonderful, yet she was not his. Because she never was, so she would never be so in the future!

So, even if he tried very, very hard it never would be the case! Everything seemed like a dream, he was only having a dream.

His eyes locked upon her for a very long time. Sighing, Arthur lowered his head and ate.

Leila was behaving as if she had been petrified, being absentminded for a long while, thinking of something unknown!

"Huh?! Is Arthur here?" Miss Spencer surprised voice rang from the yard.

"Yes! Grandaunt is indeed psychic, knowing that it's me when you haven't entered the house!" Arthur called out from inside the house, "Yes, I'm here, here at your place to breathe in some fresh air!" "What psychic, you rascal? Do you think that I'm a god? Your flashy red Ferrari is parked at my gate. I'm not blind, can I not see it then?" As Miss Spencer said so, she entered the room. "The next time you come, rascal, drive a humbler car. With you parking at my door, if the thieves think that I'm rich and come to pay me a midnight visit, then I'm doomed!"

"What are you afraid of? Grandaunt, if a thief came, you could just allow him to steal. Give him whatever you have if only to preserve your life, if everything's gone, I'll take care of you. No matter how much he takes from you, I'll give you in double! You'll not be at loss!"

"You rascal, knowing only to be blindly generous!" Miss Spencer glared at him jokingly.

"You're back, Grandaunt? Come have some iced water, it will lower the heat and cool you down!" Leila passed over a glass of water.

"Alright! It's so nice! It's nice for someone to wait on me, once I'm back someone hands me water, this feels like a communistic society!" Miss Spencer jokingly exclaimed, "What more is there to want in such a life?"

"Surely, you're too easy to satisfy, Grandaunt?"

"Well, we ought to appreciate what we have!" Miss Spencer smiled as she nodded, glancing once again at Arthur while asking meaningfully, "Usually you come once a month, but this week you have already come twice, this is indeed rare!"

"Stop making fun of me, Grandaunt, I came to send you and Leila some food!"

"Alright! I won't make fun of you. Since today is Friday, you should probably not leave but wait until Sunday night to leave. Open the gate and drive the car inside, it hasn't been lively for so long at my place, and you can accompany me!"

"Well..." Arthur's gaze could not help but turn to Leila.

She smiled as well, feeling a little awkward. She felt that her arrival was disallowing Arthur from doing whatever he wanted, so she said immediately, "Yes, Arthur. Staying with Miss Spencer taking care of the flowers and tidying up the plants can calm down your mood!"

"Then I'll stay?"

"What are you so courteous for? You rascal!" slapping his shoulder, Miss Spencer winked and whispered, "I'm creating an opportunity for you, kid, hold on to it!"

Arthur froze and lowered his voice as well, "You've misunderstood, Aunt, Leila and I are good friends!"

"You useless thing, failing even before trying!"

"Don't use such big words, Grandaunt, I can't understand!"

"You're good for nothing, nice girls have to be snatched and not waited. Wait further and she would be another's!"

"Grandaunt, I think what is mine would surely be mine. If it isn't mine, even if I force it to be mine it wouldn't be mine!"

Seeing the two exchanging silently, Leila shook her head and sighed, and she went to tidy up the things that Arthur had bought.

A few hours after they had dinner, there was suddenly a knock on the door. "May I know if a certain Miss Leila is here?"

The three were cooling off under the tree in the yard, and all of them froze at this.

Miss Spencer went to open the door, while Leila and Arthur came along to the entrance. Leila saw that the delivery van was parked at the door. It was a four-wheel van, a container van.

A few words were printed on the door - Mind Castle.

Pausing, Leila was unable to recall at the moment until the delivery man asked, "May I know who Miss Leila is?"

"Well! I am!" Leila replied hurriedly, "You're from?"

"I see! Hello Miss Leila! About this, we came on the orders of Mr Kelly to send you some pollution-free food. Mr Kelly heard that you're pregnant and he said that food safety is an issue recently. We will be sending you fresh vegetables and fruits three times a day in the morning, noon and evening, as well as some spring water and the milk of cows and sheep! Mr Kelly told us to bring you his greetings, congratulations on becoming a mother!"

"What..." Leila was shocked.

Arthur was also intimidated.

"Oh, my word!" Miss Spencer was even thunderstruck.

"Mr Kelly? Is he Reggie Kelly?" Leila suddenly recalled the castle that Vincent had brought her to last time.


"How does he know that I'm here?" Leila exclaimed quietly. It would be Vincent, it must have been him who had asked Reggie to do so. Vincent who had left without a word must have been planning this!

Leila did not know how she should feel about it.

"Is there anything for me?" Miss Spencer asked the delivery man after her shock.

The man laughed, "Yes! The portions that we are sending over is enough for ten people! If you can't finish it, you can give it to the neighbours as well!"

"How long are you sending for?" Miss Spencer asked again.

"About this, Mr Kelly had said that we would be sending until Miss Leila has given birth to her child! If Miss Leila plans to have a second or third child, he will supply fully as well!"

"My god, Leila. Just give birth, after having this child you can have another one, you can keep having children until I pass away. Then I wouldn't have to worry about food anymore! Could this be a free lunch as the legend says?"

"Miss Spencer..." Leila shook her head in exasperation.

"Stop joking, Grandaunt!" Arthur stopped Miss Spencer while watching all of this with scepticism. Could Vincent be behind this?

Leila told them, "Please thank Mr Kelly for his good intentions on my behalf, but I don't need these. You can take it back!"

"But this cannot be, Miss Leila! Our Mr Kelly had said that if we can't deliver these, we will have to lose our jobs. You wouldn't bear to see us losing our jobs, right?"

Leila shook her head helplessly, "I don't want you to lose your jobs, but I..."

"You don't have to be so polite, Miss! Quickly unload!" The driver told the worker, and the two of them went to unload.

In her exasperation, a large pile of things was unloaded. There were fresh strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions. The milk of the cows and sheep were in the thermal box, and there were also two large pails of spring water, beef and mutton!

"My gosh!" Miss Spencer exclaimed again. "This is even more than those in the supermarket! I can stop selling flowers now and open up a supermarket! This pollution-free food is super expensive!" "Grandaunt!" Arthur shook his head in amusement. "What's this, you dare to accept these things without knowing how it came by?"

"Could it have been poisoned?" Miss Spencer raised her eyebrows and suddenly she blinked as she came to a realisation, "Could it really be poisonous, to harm us? To harm Leila?" "Grandaunt!" Arthur rolled his eyes helpless, feeling only the difficulty of communicating.

"It's impossible then! I too feel that it's impossible, who would come to harm us out of having nothing to do? Have you got a delusion of being harmed? Really, I don't care anymore, even if I die, I would eat this You can relax, I'll try everything first, I won't let your precious Leila die of being poisoned!"

"Grandaunt! I have issues communicating with you, it's hard!" Arthur exclaimed helplessly.

"Then shut up and wash these tomatoes for me, I'll try to see if they're poisonous!"

Leila was flustered as she watched them unload, the more she refused the harder they worked to unload instead. Finally, she gave in and watched as they leave after moving everything into the house. At this moment, a van delivering furniture also drove into the alley.

Miss Spencer frowned and glanced, as the furniture delivery stopped at her gate.

"Could it be for us?"

The three were stunned.

At this moment, the furniture delivery men came down from the car carrying a new bed, a new couch and other assorted furniture, and walked towards the house next to Miss Spencer's house. Then the neighbour next door opened the door at this moment, as a low voice rang, "Move all of these in and carry the ones inside out. Take them away and throw them wherever you want!"

"What..." Arthur exclaimed. "Vincent!"

He moved and began to run towards the house next door, and indeed he saw Vincent who was giving out orders in the yard. "My God, it's really you?! Have you gone mad?" Vincent turned to give Arthur a fully confident smile, "Yes, I plan to stay here for a while!"

"Vincent, you're planning to drag things out?" While Arthur was shocked, he was also deeply impressed by Vincent's actions and determination at the same time. He was indeed a man of extreme means; Leila could not have been his match.

"Yes! Until Leila's willing to follow me home! Or else I'll stay here and be neighbours with her! I'll protect my wife and child here every day!" Vincent's tone was deep, showing his determination.

Touching the fringe on his forehead, Arthur frowned so hard that his eyebrows were entangled, as he smiled in exasperation. Seeing that Miss Spencer and Leila had come by, he glanced at Vincent who was in the yard once more.

"Is it really Vincent White? The legendary wealthy merchant of F City?" Miss Spencer raised her head to take a look, and she exclaimed, "My Arthur is already good looking enough, but this man looks even better! Leila, is this the man who had wronged you?"

Unable to answer Miss Spencer, Leila patted her hand and rushed in. Staring at Vincent, she began to reprimand him quietly, "What are you doing?"

Vincent reached out and hugged Leila, who dodged aside quickly. He then shouted to the men carrying the furniture, "Careful, don't hit anyone!"

Leila was shocked, she had rushed in just now and had forgotten to dodge from the men and was almost knocked into. Luckily Vincent had grabbed her, while she heaved a sigh of relief, she also left Vincent instantly.

"Be careful, Leila!" Vincent's low and magnetic voice was filled with the intent of sucking up instead at this moment. Vincent had shifted from his usual cold and indifferent demeanour, as his attractive lips curved into a smile. His large hands pulled Leila over directly, protecting her with care. He even shook on her arm in an attempt to act cute. "You didn't follow me back, so I could only buy this place. We will be neighbours from now on!"

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