A Moment in Destiny
Chapter 450 Bleeding Again

What on earth did he want to do?

Leila's gaze was cold, had he ignored what she had said a few hours ago?

"Go back immediately, who are you to live here?" Leila was furious.

"I, why can't I stay here? I've bought this place, it's not like I robbed it!"


"You're really angry, Leila. Don't be angry, be careful of our baby!" He said without having regard to Miss Spencer's stunned expression at the side, and Arthur's shocked expression as if he had just met a ghost.

Vincent continued to pester Leila, his always stony face was instead gentle as ever at this moment, the gaze of his dark eyes was filled with gentleness and adoration that could be felt.

"My god! Such infatuation! But if you're so infatuated, why did you divorce?" Miss Spencer exclaimed, sighing over the fact that there were no reporters now. If a reporter had taken a shot of this scene of great affection, who knew how many people would be touched by it?

"Vincent, we're already divorced!" Leila finally burst into anger. Her tone was cold, as she glared furiously at Vincent who was smiling gently. That confident and calm face made Leila suddenly realised that she was like a woman who was throwing a random tantrum, while he was the one being tolerant and calm.

"We can still remarry; you know that I didn't really mean to divorce you. I'll announce to the public immediately that we are getting married." Rubbing Leila's hair affectionately, Vincent's deep gaze showed happiness, as if being able to adore her like this was such a joyful thing to do.

"What on earth do you want, Vincent?" Being provoked into anger, Leila flung away Vincent's wandering hands abruptly, "Can you not make a scene like a child?"

She could face his indifference and could face his deviousness. But when a cold, sharp and devious man was suddenly acting cute like a child, she really did not know what to do, thus she was angry. She found out that after getting pregnant she became easily pissed off, whenever she met him, she wanted to burst into anger.

"I just want to love you, adore you, accompany you and take care of you! Look forward to our child's birth with you!" To compensate for his mistake, he was really going to all ends, but his eyes were rather serious and determined.

"I don't need this!"

"How could you not need this? You need me, and the baby needs its father!" He was wrong and he felt regret beyond measure. He would never hurt her again and would never let go of her again. He would be like a piece of toffee sticking by her side until she came back into his arms.

Leila suddenly calmed down and watched Vincent silently, then she replied coldly, "Suit yourself!"

Leila walked outside and held onto Miss Spencer's arm, who was in shock. "Let's go, Miss Spencer!"

Miss Spencer turned back to look at Vincent, his black hair shone with the remainder of the sunset, his onyx-coloured pupils were deep. He pursed his seductive lips as the curve at the corner of his lips faded. Watching Leila's figure as she left, his pupils became even deeper.

As the night fell.

Vincent's body sunk into the couch as he listened to the laughter in the yard next door. The woman that he loved the most was next door and was still unwilling to forgive him, as he guarded this empty house alone. This was the first time that he wanted to drink voluntarily. He was always disciplined and did not prefer alcohol nor women, but today he really wanted a drink, his heart ached too much!

As he emptied the drink, thick and spicy sadness shot through his insides, piercing his heart and going into his lungs. Not only did his woes not subside, but they became heavier and heavier. Having one glass after another, he was still very awake, so he just took up the bottle of liquor and drank from the bottle.

The liquor flowed down slowly from his defined jawline that seemed like it was carven by a knife, the burning spiciness showering on his struggling emotions.

He lifted his head, laughing in desolation.

He was wrong!

One bottle of liquor was finished quickly, and another bottle became empty as well. He loosened his grip and the bottle fell to the floor with a clang. He felt that his head was starting to become heavy, but his consciousness was awake as ever. He stood up, his body stumbling as he walked outside.

Unknowingly, he came before Miss Spencer's door, reaching out and banging on the door with force as he shouted on the top of his lungs, "Open up, open up, open up! I want Leila! I want my Leila!" What on earth was he doing?

Leila was really feeling powerless, feeling extremely awkward, she hurried said to Miss Spencer, "I'm sorry, Miss Spencer, I've disturbed you!"

"Don't be, I can't even thank you enough. It's been boring recently, and I love to join in on the fun, I couldn't be happier with the free drama for me to watch! Don't ever apologise to me, I hate these words the most. I hadn't been courteous with you when I ate all that pollution-free food and drank that spring water that was by the courtesy of you, so what are you being so formal with me for?" Miss Spencer was rather quite open-minded, and instead showed her excitement for the drama.

Now Leila felt even powerless, why did she feel that Miss Spencer was still like a child in her sixties, wanting for more drama to happen?

"I'll go talk to him, do you want him to come in or for him to go home?" Arthur stood up, looking at Leila.

Really, Vincent was banging on the door in the middle of the night?

"Please tell him to go home, Arthur!" Leila pleaded.

"Alright! I'll go convince him, he was rather matured just now, why did he become childish again?"

"Open the door! I want my Leila... Leila..."

"Coming, coming, you madman! Why are you banging on the door? If you break the door, you're paying!" Arthur opened the door and the thick scent of alcohol overwhelmed him. "Urgh! Damn, how much did you drink? You're even trying to look pitiful?"

Once he opened the door, Vincent pounced over directly and hugged Arthur, shouting, "Leila...."

"Please, can't you tell between a male and a female? I'm a man, stop hugging me! Damn, I'm not a transsexual! You smell awful, Vincent, go back to your house!" Arthur scolded, but he still held on to him. Leila stood in the yard, glancing at Vincent who was at the gate. He was indeed crazy to actually drink all that alcohol, she could even smell the scent of alcohol from where she was.

She forced herself to retract her worried gaze. This look of his made her feel sad and bitter out of the blue.

Although he was no longer a child, a man who was calm and collected like this was using such means to torture his own body. Did he not know that drinking when feeling sad was only going to worsen his sadness?

His stomach hurt badly, and a nauseousness dove upwards.

"Vomit outside!" Arthur held onto him quickly and pulled him out of the yard.

An uncomfortable sound of vomiting came from outside.

Miss Spencer lifted her gaze and snuck a look at Leila. "If you're worried, my child, you should go out to have a look!"

"Miss Spencer! I, I'm not, I'm going back to my room!" Leila did not want to go to take another look. Turning, she walked towards her room.

Miss Spencer sighed, shaking her head, but she did not say anything.

Arthur did not return for the entire night, and Leila was sleepless the whole night.

She thought that perhaps Arthur was keeping Vincent company, and had taken care of him the whole night.

Leila finally used the phone in Miss Spencer's home to call her mother's number at dawn, but when the call went through, her whole person froze. "What did you say, mum?"

"Leila, your father's condition has worsened again. He suddenly had another cerebral haemorrhage, it couldn't be controlled, and he sank into a coma entirely!"

"What... Mum, how could this be?" Leila was thunderstruck. "Mum, I'll come back now. Don't cry, it's alright, it'll be alright!"

Leila changed her clothes in a frenzy, why did her father have another cerebral haemorrhage?

Was he not already stable? Grabbing her bag, Leila walked outside and clashed with Miss Spencer with a clang.

"Oh my! Be careful, Leila! You're a pregnant woman, how can you be so careless?"

When she saw that Leila's face was pale, she instantly exclaimed, "What happened, Leila?"

"Miss Spencer, my father's sickness had gotten worse, I need to go back immediately!" Leila explained. "I'll leave first!"

"Wait, allow Arthur to send you!" Miss Spencer already shouted at the top of her lungs, "Arthur, come out, now!"

She called out a few times over the yard, and the sounds of opening and closing the door immediately came through on the other side. Then, Arthur and Vincent both appeared at the door at the same time. "What happened?"

"Leila's father's condition has gone worse. Arthur, you should send Leila back!" Miss Spencer ordered.

"His condition worsened suddenly?" Vincent was taken by surprise as well, "Don't worry, Leila, we'll go back together!"

"I'll start the car!" Arthur immediately opened the car door.

Leila did not look at Vincent but instead followed Arthur closely, and she slid into his car directly.

"Leila..." Vincent was hurt to see that she had ignored him. The hangover from waking up this morning was making his head ache badly, but for Leila to ignore him and get into Arthur's car made his heart ached even more.

Miss Spencer sighed and went to open the gate. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Vincent did not think twice and opened the back door of Arthur's Ferrari directly, sliding in, "I'll ride in your car!"

"What about yours?" Arthur raised an eyebrow.

"I was just drunk and it's unsuitable for me to drive!" He hurled his words at Arthur coldly. Vincent's gaze turned to Leila who was sitting in the passenger seat, as he comforted, "It'll be alright, Leila, don't worry! Leila did not respond, but suddenly her eyes teared up.

Arthur passed her a tissue and Leila thanked him, accepting it and wiped her tears.

Vincent saw that Leila's eyes turned red and suddenly did not know what to do.

Leila gritted her teeth, before the car started, she suddenly opened the car door and stumbled off the car. Once she got off the car, she felt dizzy, as if something was churning in her stomach. She rushed to the side and started vomiting.

"Leila..." Vincent was anxious, getting off the car to take a look at her.

After Leila vomited, she entered the car again, ignoring him.

Vincent could only follow her and re-enter the car, "Let's go, Arthur!"

"It'll be fine, Leila, the medical field is so advanced now!" Arthur stared at the side of her face, as he comforted her.

Leila was silent and did not speak for the moment. Afterwards, she finally replied calmly, "I know that it'll be fine."

For her to talk to Arthur and ignore himself, Vincent did not know what to feel at the moment. But his father-in-law was suddenly in critical condition and he had no time to think about this. He took out his phone and called President Lawrence.

"Hello, President Lawrence! This is Vincent!" He was calling from the back seat, "How is my father-in-law, Brian doing right now? Please get the best doctors to treat him immediately, I only want him to be alright, save him no matter the cost! You know that money is no issue!"

Hearing Vincent's call, Leila and Arthur went silent.

Arthur told Miss Spencer something and he drove the car out the gate, speeding towards F City.

From Arthur's memories, Leila had always been very quiet and strong. She always had a tolerant and gentle heart towards anyone, but this time she was really furious at Vincent.

But her behaviour like this that was never before seen, actually made Arthur's heart ached further.

Vincent was still on the call, "Alright, I see. Thank you for your effort!"

Hanging up the call, Vincent spoke calmly, "Don't be too worried, Leila. The doctors are rescuing him now, your sister and Charles are there as well. Be rest assured!"¶¶¶¶¶¶¶

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