Luna's POV

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It's been almost 4 days now and I've only just heard from Jess this morning. Which is quite normal, normally after a big night out she would disappear for a few days and always left me wondering where she was and if she was okay. She messaged this morning and asked to meet up for coffee tonight at our local cafe at 9pm after she finished work. That worked for me. I had a casual shift at the Cafe tonight. God what I wouldn't give for a regular job. Its' lucky that I get a steady amount of casual work at a few places, including dog walking, cleaning and the Cafe, otherwise...I may very well be without a roof over my head. I pack my bag for my shift, making sure I have a change of clothes to put on to meet Jess. I hated going out in my work clothes from the cafe, I always ended up covered in food and smelt like grease.

My shift started in an hour and I decided a leisurely stroll to work was just what the doctor ordered. The streets here are always busy during the day but by night they are a ghost town. It didn't make sense but I'd gotten used to it. So many people rushing past to get where they need to go, I just kept walking, listening to music in my earphones and skipping through my Spotify list to find a good song to listen to. I lift my head as I notice the crowd begin to slow and that's when I saw something I recognised. 2 bright, piercing green eyes that stopped me in my tracks. I tried to look closer and as quickly as they appeared, they disappeared again. Nah, couldn't have been. I'm just imagining it. I kept walking, only a few more minutes till I reach the Cafe. And there it is again, that feeling like someone is watching me. I pull my over the shoulder bag a little closer to my side and hurry my pace. Work is a safe space for me too. I knew the regulars and I knew my job and I did it well. Well, except for the occasional Karen who tried to start some trouble over something that I apparently got wrong that she ordered. I'm just lucky that George was a good boss and was able to settle the customers down quickly but never punished me for it. He was kind and caring and always helped me out, even occasionally slipping in a bit of extra cash with my pay to help me out. It was a shame that times are so tough and he couldn't keep me on permanent.

I push open the heavy glass door that led into the Cafe, greeted by Monika and Sally who are already waitressing and serving the customers, their shifts soon coming to an end. George is in the kitchen, I can see by the sweat on his brow and the expression on his face, it's been a hard day already. But he smiles and nods, " Hey Kiddo! Good to see you! Grab your apron and hop to it Miss.". I smile and laugh before heading out the back to the lockers, quickly popping my stuff away and grabbing my apron. Just a short shift for me today, but by the sense of urgency around here I say I'm going to be in for a long one.

My shift goes along as it normally does. Nothing out of the ordinary, just our regular customers, ordering their regular items and chatting about the same old things as always. George seems a bit more settled now that the afternoon dinner rush is over and is relaxing at the high bar with a coffee and today's paper. It's got to be close 8pm by now but as I don't own a watch I couldn't tell. "Hey George, once it dies down a bit, can I head off? Bronson is picking me up and we are heading out to the late session at the movies?". George turns his head to view the other waitress clearing a table by the door. His expression less than amused as he looks her up and down. She begin to taps her right foot and twirling her red curly hair through her fingers, attempting to make puppy dog eyes at him. "Come on George! I bet even Luna would love an early one!". George glared her down. "I know she wouldn't, hell if she could she would take your shifts off you as well. So I would have a long think about if you really want your shifts or I may just give them to her.". He was never one to put up with childish nonsense and was having none of hers tonight. "Sarah, if we don't get another customer in the next 10 minutes, you can go. However, Luna gets all your tips from tonight, choice is yours!". I let out a small giggle and could feel Sarah's eyes burning into the back of my head. Hey, he said it was her choice and we had done well for tips on this shift, I don't mind getting hers too. "Hey! Wait up! That's not fair! I've worked hard tonight and I deserve those even if I do leave early." George smiled and simply replied "Your choice.". Sarah huffed and stomped her feet as she continued to clear the table. Moments later, I could hear loud laughter and men's voices approaching. I turned to look out the front window of the Cafe, as a group of young men began to walk past, laughing and patting each other on the back. Obviously reliving a moment that had happened recently. The last one halts and reads the sign on the window. He then taps another on the shoulder and points up at the window. They then call the rest of the group back and make their way to the front door. "Looks like your date may be off Sarah!". The redhead spun around so quickly, I swear her head would have come off if she went any faster. "GOD DAMN IT! You know what. You can have my tips. I'm going. George I'm out! You and Luna can deal with this.". George just nods his head without even acknowledging her. She races out to the back room and exits with her bag in tow, pushing past the men as they entered the Cafe. "Wow! Slow down Miss! Let us take some of you in for a moment!" The men began to laugh, as she held her hand up at them and continued to push past. Yey! This is just what I wanted before we closed up. A bunch of drunken men to serve and wait on. I turned to George who gestured to me to attend the group. I head over and welcome them before seating them at one of our group settings. They all stumble their way to their chairs and only order a coffee. Except one, who orders a cupcake too, which the rest of the group find humour in and begin to tease him about. As I finish taking their order and begin to walk away, one of them grab my hand. "Hey don't I know you?" He asks, tugging my hand down harshly and I can feel the blood rushing to my hand. The one beside him backhands him hard on the shoulder. "Hey man, not here. You know that." He shakes him off and turns to continue with me. I try to pull away but he's quite strong for only having a slight grip on my hand. "I know you from somewhere. Even your scent smells familiar.". I manage to get his hand off me and snap "I'm sure lots of girls wear the same perfume as me. Its only Daisy by MJ.". The one beside him elbows him hard in the ribs, and he cowers over. "Sorry Miss. Must be it. Don't mind him. He's an idiot.". I am to eager to serve their coffee and cupcake and for them to get out. They pay their bill and leave a large tip of $200. I explain it must be wrong but the one who apologised said it was for the inconvenience of his idiot friend. Meh, I won't argue.

After they leave, George has me help him finish cleaning up and lock up the Cafe. It's about 10 to 9 now and if I hurry I can still meet Jess. I duck into the back room and grab my stuff before quickly changing and dashing out the back door, waving goodbye to George as I run down the street to our regular coffee shop. I knew she would be there already and I was eager to hear what the hell happened to her the other night and why she felt the need to ditch me again. I know I was used to it, but at the same time I don't think I will ever be. It's just what always happens to me.

I get to the coffee shop and Jess is sitting at the window and almost bounces through it at the sight of me. She's waving her hands and gesturing for me to come in. I walk in and she flings her arms around me before spilling all the details of the other night. Including going home with some random she met and not leaving their house for another 2 days. Said they continued to drink and fool around together and it was the best time. As she was talking, I noticed she was slightly paler than normal. I put this down to recovery after a 3 day drinking binge and noticed that although we were inside, she was still wearing her jacket and scarf, even though it was very warm in here and I had already taken mine off. "Hmmm....thick jacket and hiding hickies from me!". The colour dropped further from her face as she began to stutter, "Oh yeah...umm....that's it. I guess we got a bit carried away.". She nervously giggled and turned to sip her coffee. We continued to talk about the other night and how pissed I was that she ditched me, about the handsome stranger and the creepy ride home. "Well sounds like that was an adventure for you, Little Miss Never Leaves the House!". I nudge her, making her almost snort out her coffee through her nose. She laughs and wipes up the mess. "So, ummm... when you seeing Mr Hickey again?". Her body tensed and turned to me. "Ummm...I don't quite know. He just said he will see me around, so I guess we will see.". Her face showing she seemed kind of heartbroken at the thought she may not see him again. Must have been some night for her to get over her ex so quickly. Wish I was that lucky to get swept off my feet like that.

A couple hours later, after chatting some more and catching up on the goss from everything that has been happening, we say our goodbyes and head home. She literally lives 10 minutes from here but me, a good 40. But as I said, I've walked home alot from here, and it's a good neighbourhood mostly. I begin my walk home, no different to any other night. At night I don't listen to my music, I don't like the thought of someone being able to sneak up on me and after my experience the other night, I don't think I'll be lucky enough to get rescued twice in one week. I always carry a can of pepper spray in my bag for protection. George gave it to me when I first started working at the Cafe, to keep me safe. My work shoes had steal caps in them, not that you could tell as they looked like normal slip on black shoes. I felt pretty safe walking but ever since the other night. Since seeing those shadows and hearing that growl, I can't shake the feeling that I keep having. That someone is following me.

I turn the corner onto a dark street. All of the street lights are out and even all the lights in the buildings are out too. Must be a power out. I keep walking, a little more hastily than before. I don't like the dark, when a creak crackles through the air loudly behind me. I pause for a second and all is still and silent. I continue to walk and hear another sound.....a footstep....oh God.....not again. I hear another footstep and an eerie chill races up my spine before going to the extremities of my body, feeling as if I'm slowly being set on fire. I continue to walk and the footsteps are growing faster, not just one set but several. They are getting closer and it seems like my legs won't go as fast as I want them to. Then, within a flash of a second, I feel a sudden hard and sharp pain on my left arm. "I said I know you from somewhere....well now I know.". I am slowly surrounded by the group of men from the Cafe. Each of them pale with bright blue glowing eyes that are magically magnificent and mesmerising in every way but at the same time terrifying. The panic in me rises as the one who has my arm, takes another step towards me. "See boys, we don't need the club to have fun and we don't have to worry about getting disturbed right here.". My heart begins to race and pounds so hard I'm sure it's going break my rib cage. The other men began to laugh bar the one who stopped him in the Cafe . Taking a step towards me. I reach into my bag and grab out the pepper spray and begin to spray the closest ones. Them all laughing hysterically as I do. "You'll regret that Missy!" A tall, slender blonde haired man says to me. The next thing I felt was a large rush of wind beside me before hearing a deep, low growl that served as a warning. The men froze in their tracks and roared at each other. The next thing I knew the one with my arm was flying backwards through the air and crashed into a pile of rubbish. I felt like my head was beginning to spin as another figure appeared beside me. "I believe the lady said to leave her alone.".

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