A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 701-710

Chapter 701

“Go to hell!” Ashton finally resorted to a last-ditch effort, shrugging her

shoulders and delivering a roundhouse kick to Emmanuel.


Her clothes, from the outside in, were torn to shreds by Emmanuel, who was

unfazed. He simply swatted her leg away with one hand.


Ashton landed on both feet, her top falling off due to her intense focus on the



Realizing what had happened, she let out a scream, hastily covering herself

with the remaining scraps of fabric. Yet, in just a fleeting moment or two,

Emmanuel had seen everything there was to see.

The color and contour were exceptional.

Nevertheless, Emmanuel harbored no inappropriate thoughts.

Undeniably, the woman possessed a fantastic figure. Notably sized, her

physique differed from that of an ordinary woman due to regular workouts,

radiating a sense of vitality.

Regrettably, he used to be a gynecologist.

He had seen enough of the female form to be as nonchalant about it as a

math teacher would be about geometric shapes.

Instead, his attention was drawn to the pattern on Ashton’s neck, which he

looked at more closely this time. He was sure he hadn’t made a mistake; it

was identical to the pattern on the Snake Master’s face!

“What’s going on? What happened?” Sage had just escorted two ladies out

when he heard the commotion and hurried over.

The three of them were momentarily stunned by the scene before them.

A man and a woman, their clothes in disarray, and Emmanuel was looking

grim, while Ashton’s face was flushed. It was quite a story-worthy scene.

“Ash, how did this happen?” Lexi rushed over to her cousin in panic. Even

though she was a talented woman, she couldn’t figure out how this

happened, even if she had ten brains.

They were in a police station, after all.

Mackenzie, on the other hand, glanced at Emmanuel’s clothes and had a

suspicion in her mind.

“Lexie, this man molested me! I’m going to kill him!” Ashton, covering her body

with her clothes, still wanted to attack Emmanuel.

“Stop!” Sage shouted angrily, thinking his subordinate had gone mad.

Emmanuel was the most straight-laced guy of the Wolf Warriors.

He molest you? If he really wanted to molest you, would you even have a

chance to resist?

“Captain Payne!” Ashton’s face bore an expression of injustice, yet she

reluctantly stopped her actions.

“We’ll be leaving then, Captain Payne.”

Just then, Mackenzie gently held Emmanuel’s arm and said coldly, “This is my

husband. I believe he wouldn’t molest other women.”



words stunned everyone present.

Sage stared at Emmanuel, momentarily speechless.

He had just been confident that his boss was a straight-laced man with no

interest in women, but who’d have thought he was already married?! Worst

of all, Emmanuel’s wife was the woman he had fallen in love with at first sight!

Wouldn’t that make her my sister-in-law?!

Ashton also thought Mackenzie must be blind. With her excellent conditions,

why would she choose such a sc*mbag?!

“Lexi, let’s go.”

Mackenzie didn’t care what others thought. She walked out arm-in-arm with


“Oh, yes… Ms. Quillen!” Lexi finally came to her senses, told Ashton to take

care, and hurriedly followed.

On the way home, Mackenzie was very quiet.

Emmanuel didn’t say a word either.

Lexi and Wally dared not speak out of turn.

The atmosphere was a bit strange.

It wasn’t until they got home to the Yociam Residence that Mackenzie finally

spoke coldly, “Emmanuel, don’t you think you owe me an explanation?”

Of course, she believed that Emmanuel would not intentionally take

advantage of Ashton, and in front of others, she had to spare her husband’s


Doubting one’s husband in public would only damage their reputation as a


Chapter 702

Mackenzie would not be so petty. But as Emmanuel’s wife, having witnessed

such a situation, she needed to get things straight.

“Mackenzie, she ripped the suit you gave me!” Emmanuel related with a trace

of frustration in his tone.

Seeing his slight grievance, Mackenzie curved her lips into a barely

noticeable smile, feeling inexplicably pleased. Huh, to think this dumbo cares

so much about something I get him.

“So, you decided to rip her clothes in return?” Mackenzie asked, amused.

“No, she ripped her own clothes. I just wanted her to apologize to me, but she

refused!” Emmanuel explained, still feeling somewhat upset.

In that instance, that woman probably didn’t think she did anything wrong

and even thought that he had harassed her instead.

Mackenzie smiled gently. “Never mind. I’ll get you a few more suits another


“What? Still sulking?” Mackenzie asked curiously.

For the first time, she saw this man acting like a child, in need of her comfort.

“I’m delighted you’d buy me clothes, Mackenzie, but… this is the first suit you

got me. I plan to get it mended!” Emmanuel said earnestly.

Pfft! Mackenzie couldn’t help bursting into laughter.

Her smile was enchanting!

Emmanuel felt his wife’s beauty truly shining through at that moment. He

silently thanked his ancestors for letting him marry such an enchanting


“Sure, do as you please!” Mackenzie brushed off his intention to repair the

clothes. After their conversation, her mood became notably brighter!

“How’s the case? Will those people still trouble you because of the Lenoir


“They probably won’t anymore.”

When it came to the serious matter, Emmanuel reverted to his usual

demeanor, “Taking down Black Bear was an act of self-defense. The one

responsible for killing Claudette is Magnus, and her body hasn’t been found


“Not found?” Mackenzie was slightly taken aback.

She knew the Lenoir family’s villa better than Emmanuel and immediately

said, “Although the cliff is high, it’s not over a river, and it’s relatively flat below.

If Claudette fell, there’s no reason they wouldn’t find her!”

This time, it was Emmanuel’s turn to be taken aback. “Mackenzie, are you

implying that Claudette might not have fallen?”

Mackenzie nodded in affirmation.

A glimmer of hope flickered in Emmanuel’s eyes, but it quickly dimmed.

If Claudette was in good health, there might be a chance for her survival.

However, in her near-death condition, even if she was left somewhere

midway, she would still be a goner.

“Alright, let’s take solace in the circumstances.”

Knowing what was going through his mind, Mackenzie comforted him, “We

can mourn her at the Lenoir Residence once the police find her.”

Emmanuel sighed deeply and nodded without a word.

In Polperro, a TV show was being recorded.

The show, titled ‘Super Brain’, featured dozens of the nation’s top academic

scholars and social elites.

The heavyweight guest of this episode was none other than Magnus Zelinsky!

An exceedingly difficult question left all the contestants stumped.

This question demanded a 5-star reasoning ability, coupled with a 5-star

memory capacity. Even the spatial and computational skills required were

rated at 3 stars!

“Ladies and gentlemen, since no one has managed to conquer the

challenge, how about we invite the esteemed Magnus to give it a try?” The

host suddenly altered the program’s flow in order to build the atmosphere.

“Sounds good!”

“We’re all for it!”

“Is Magnus truly the genius he’s reputed to be, or is it just an empty

reputation? We’ll see based on his performance this time!”

“I’m so excited!”

Amidst the cheers of the live audience and contestants, Magnus, wearing an

elegant smile, took the stage.

The time limit for the question was 40 minutes. Magnus, however, took just 18

minutes to solve the puzzle.

“Alright, next comes the moment of truth, our validation!” The host exclaimed,

and the tension in the room was palpable as everyone held their breath.

Chapter 703

“Validation successful!”

As the host shouted these words, a wave of shock rippled through the room.

Soon after, a deluge of praise inundated the scene, akin to waves crashing.

“My God!! Mr. Magnus is so smart! Is he an alien?”

“He actually managed to solve a problem like this!”

“How on earth does his brain work? He must be the smartest person on this


Amidst the chorus of praises and astonishments, Magnus wore an

expression of tranquility, his demeanor humble, as if he didn’t consider

himself particularly extraordinary.

“Mr. Magnus, everyone says you are the smartest person on Earth. What’s

your take on that?” The host quickly handed him the microphone, prompting

an interview about his current feelings.

“I just happened to be able to solve this problem. There are many remarkable

individuals in the world, far smarter than me. I can’t possibly accept such a

title!” Magnus responded modestly while pushing his glasses up.

His response, again, received a round of applause from the audience.

The more he declined the title of the world’s smartest, the more people

believed he was the pinnacle of intellectual prowess.

After the recording of the program concluded, Magnus left backstage.

A group of journalists immediately surrounded him.

“Mr. Magnus, we’ve heard about the unfortunate passing of your Princess

Claudette. Is that true?”

“Mr. Magnus, how are you feeling now? How can you still manage to spare

time for a show?”

“How do you plan to avenge your princess?”

A string of questions surged toward Magnus.

His face filled with sorrow, and two clear tears streamed down his cheeks.

In the next moment, he removed his glasses and wiped away his tears but

was too choked up to answer.

“Clear the way! Clear the way!”

“Mr. Magnus won’t be giving interviews today. Thank you!”

A group of bodyguards quickly came to escort him, blocking the journalists. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

and guiding Magnus away.

With tears still in his eyes, Magnus stepped into his private car.

There was only one chauffeur in the car, with a strange haircut and oddly

unattractive features!

Grinning, he spoke, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth. “Haha, Magnus, you

can wipe your tears now!”

Magnus wasn’t angered; he smiled and asked, “What brings you here, Blake?

I’ve been asking my father for you, but he never agreed. Why did he agree

this time?”

The unattractive chauffeur, Blake Dotson, grinned and said, “Your dad sent

me to tell you Emmanuel Lowe is alive!”

What? Magnus was indeed slightly stunned!

Seeing his expression through the rearview mirror, Blake burst into laughter.

“Haha, I can’t believe it! Just a moment ago, a whole group of people were

praising how amazing you are, the ‘Super Brain,’ solving the world’s most

challenging questions. Yet, you can’t foresee your enemy could come out


Magnus smiled knowingly and remained unperturbed. “Enough teasing, Blake.

Don’t laugh at me anymore. I never claimed to be the smartest.”

“I’ve read novels; you can’t fool me!” Blake continued rudely. “You might put

on a humble act in front of the cameras, but deep down, you think you’re the


“Haha…” Magnus guffawed, which was a rare occurrence. “Oh, you

understand me the best, Blake! From now on, you’ll stay by my side. This time,

my father can’t refuse.”

“That’s not my concern. You need to convince your old man,” said Blake. “I’m

just here to take you back to see him. He’s given you a task. You have to

complete it within three months. Otherwise, the position of the heir might fall

to someone else!”

“Got it.” Magnus nodded. His relationship with Blake was more akin to that of

friends rather than master and servant.

After their conversation ceased, Magnus’ gaze gradually turned colder,

tinged with a trace of excitement. He mused, The Quillen family treasure that

nobody else can get… Watch me unearth it and claim it!

“This challenge… Hm, it’s much more interesting than those so-called tough

questions on ‘Super Brain’…”

The holiday was over, and the annual disaster drama starring hundreds of

millions of workers nationwide ‘Going to Work’ officially began.

Chapter 704

Emmanuel spent the past two days at home cooking for his wife and quietly

researching prescriptions for Sage while also waiting for Sage’s report on any

news from Claudette.

Meanwhile, his wife had officially resumed work that day, and there was still

no news from Claudette.

Mackenzie had suggested that he work at Terence Group and offered him a

position, but he hadn’t agreed yet.

Even though his marriage to the composed female CEO, Mackenzie, might

seem like a trope from some novels, he had never been involved in business

matters. Even if he were to join Terence Group, he wouldn’t be of much help

to Mackenzie.

Become a security guard, then enjoy a leisurely and pretentious life in his

wife’s company? Please!

Emmanuel didn’t fancy the idea, nor did he want to waste time on

meaningless endeavors, considering that he wasn’t short on money at the


Being a driver for his wife was an option, but it didn’t have to be an official job.

He also didn’t want people from Terence Group to say that he was living off

his wife, causing problems for Mackenzie.

Emmanuel planned to go out to buy some medicine this day when he

received a call from his mother.

“Manny, do you or Mackenzie know any girls who you can introduce to your


Emmanuel couldn’t help smiling wryly in response.

If he had connections, he wouldn’t have had to go through eighteen blind

dates arranged by his mother in the first place.

As for Mackenzie introducing potential partners to his Ryder? That was even

more far-fetched!

The women that the Ice Queen knew were from a completely different world

compared to Ryder.

“Sorry, Mom, none at the moment.”

“Sigh, I heard from Tommy that his father likes Ms. Franks. Can you think of

any way to help?”

Emmanuel was most afraid of getting involved in these matters. Last time, he

ended up acting as Tia’s boyfriend for a day just to help Ryder out.

If it happened again, he feared Tia would get too into character..

That said, he couldn’t outright refuse his mother’s request. So, he said, “I’ll give

it another try,”

After hanging up the phone, a person popped into Emmanuel’s head-Rhea


He had promised to visit the Gomezes during the New Year, and he almost

forgot about it.

It would also be a good opportunity to ask Rhea for advice on how to play

matchmaker for Ryder.

Wait a minute! What if Rhea’s single? Can I also try to introduce her to Ryder?

Emmanuel sighed. How did he, a man of 5 feet 49 inches, end up playing the

role of a matchmaker?

But since that was his cousin, he had no choice.

Originally, Emmanuel thought about calling Rhea, but then he realized that it

might be more appropriate to call Juan since he planned to visit their house,

Meanwhile, at the Gomez Residence, Juan and his wife were in their room,

discussing the matter of introducing a potential partner for their daughter.

Due to his dedication to medicine, Juan got married after turning thirty and

had his daughter in middle age. Now, as he was nearing retirement and with

his daughter still unmarried, he was indeed feeling a little anxious.

“Juan, are there any young talents in Beacon Hospital? As a father, you

should take the initiative to help our daughter find a match!”

“Hmm, Rhea is also studying medicine. It would be fitting for her to marry

another doctor.” Juan agreed with his wife’s suggestion and was about to

pick up his phone to arrange a blind date for his daughter.

Rhea had initially come to find her father and coincidentally overheard her

parents discussing the matter outside the room.

“What should I do? I don’t want to go on a blind date!”

Rhea’s face turned red again.

She had an introverted personality and disliked social interactions. In fact,

she had never been in a romantic relationship her whole life.

Previously, she had told Emmanuel that she had been in multiple

relationships, but it was merely a lie she made up to play the role of

-Emmanuel’s love guru.

The methods she taught Emmanuel for picking up girls were all things she

had learned from books.

If she were forced to go on a blind date with a stranger, she might as well just

end her own life…

Chapter 705

Rhea retreated to her room, feeling quite distressed.

She wouldn’t deny that she had developed for Emmanuel. That day at the

Lenoir Residence, she was captivated by his medical skills and courage.

It was something she had never experienced with any other man before.

She also knew that Emmanuel was married, but were feelings of attraction

something she could control? No!

Rhea was a proponent of not getting married. She had already decided that

if no other man could replace Emmanuel’s position in her heart, she would

just remain single. Being friends with Emmanuel was enough for her.

Now that her parents were forcing her to go on a blind date, she only had one

option: intentionally sabotage it!

Winning someone over was hard, but driving someone away? That was easy!

With this thought in mind, Rhea gradually calmed down.

Meanwhile, after discussing with his wife, Juan picked up his phone, ready to

contact the young man from Beacon Hospital.

As the hospital director, a simple phone call should be enough to make the

other party willing to come over.

However, just as he was about to dial, his phone rang.


Juan became visibly excited after seeing the caller ID.

He had invited Emmanuel to his home many times to discuss medical skills


“Hello, Emmanuel? Happy New Year! Are you finally free to come over?”

“Happy New Year, Dr. Gomez! If it’s not too presumptuous, I’d like to visit


“That’s wonderful! I’ll have Rhea cook up some dishes for you! Haha, not to

brag, but Rhea’s cooking is excellent! It’s no inferior to a fancy restaurant!”

“Well, then, thank you in advance for your hospitality, Dr. Gomez!”

“Haha, don’t mention it. I’m looking forward to your visit!”

Juan hung up the phone and immediately stepped out into the living room.

Coincidentally, Rhea walked out of her room as well.

“Rhea, I have some news for you. We have an esteemed guest coming over

shortly. You’ll surely be thrilled to see him. Prepare some of your signature

dishes and wait for him!” Juan said cheerfully.

“Oh…” Rhea responded reluctantly.

She was a well-behaved girl who wouldn’t go against her father’s wishes, but

the thought of cooking for a man she had never met before made her


Humph, it’s not like he’s Emmanuel! I’ll cook the most disgusting dishes and

“poison” you with them. See if you’d dare marry me! By then, he’ll surely keep

his distance! Hehe, I’m so smart, truly worthy of being Emmanuel’s love guru!

She couldn’t help chuckling to herself as the thought crossed her mind.

Seeing her reaction, Juan thought she had guessed that Emmanuel was

coming, so he didn’t say anything more, just smiled and said, “I’ll leave it to

you then. Do your best!”

“Yes, I will definitely do my best!” Rhea nodded, slightly excited.

She might be a well-behaved girl, but everybody had a mischievous side to

them, no?

Thinking about the upcoming prank, she inexplicably felt a bit excited.

Without further ado, she hurried downstairs to buy ingredients.

On the other hand, after hanging up the phone, Emmanuel immediately left

his place.

As he walked down to the parking lot, he sensed that someone was secretly

following him.

“Who’s there?!”

Emmanuel quickly turned around and followed the noise. However, when he

reached the stairwell, he found it empty.

Emmanuel didn’t believe he had made a mistake in his judgment. He could

only conclude that the person following him this time was much more skilled

than the one who had followed Mackenzie last time!

“Sent by Magnus?” Emmanuel muttered to himself, suspecting the

involvement of Magnus. However, he pretended to have made a mistake on

the surface, not wanting to reveal his vigilance further.

Chapter 706

Emmanuel got into his Maserati and headed toward the Gomez Residence.

Along the way, he noticed that he was being followed by another vehicle.

This time, Emmanuel deliberately drove slowly, allowing the other vehicle to

catch up. However, the pursuer maintained a certain distance, appearing

very professional.

Since the follower wasn’t willing to get closer, Emmanuel had to show off his

driving skills, quickly shaking off the pursuer.

After confirming that he had lost the tail, Emmanuel continued on his way to

the Gomez Residence, which made him arrive much later than the planned


Inside the Gomez Residence, Rhea had already returned from her shopping

with the ingredients.

Seeing the abundant ingredients she had purchased, Juan felt relieved.

Looks like Rhea’s going all out this time!

He had been worried about boasting to Emmanuel repeatedly that his

daughter was a great cook. He feared that if Rhea performed poorly, it would

be a blow to his bragging rights.

Moreover, after practicing medicine for decades, there were only a few

medical practitioners who could earn his admiration. A renowned physician

who could truly make him respect and admire them was a rare find.

Yet Emmanuel, despite his young age, had completely won him over with his

medical skills. He was eager to treat this young prodigious doctor well and

establish a deep relationship with him.

“Dad, I’m going to start cooking now!”

Rhea’s enthusiasm was evident as she headed into the kitchen to get busy.

Juan was quite pleased and smiled approvingly, saying, “My Rhea can not

only cook for the family but also dress classy! Wonderful!”

Rhea’s anger only grew stronger in response. Dad’s not selling me off to some

stranger just like that, is he?! Well, Dad, sell me off all you want. I’ll admit

With that thought in mind, she put even more effort into preparing each dish.

Not salting the vegetables was nothing.

Adding “half a gallon” of vinegar to the soup was her way of waiting for that

man to be overwhelmed by the sourness!

The ultimate bomb, of course, was her signature dish, shrimp and meat rolls!

She added a crazy amount of insanely spicy chili sauce into it. But then she

thought it wasn’t enough, so why not add a ton of spicy mustard as well?

It would be concealed inside the dish, after all. When that man took a bite,

he’d be in for a surprise.

Hehe, just thinking about that scene is exhilarating!

The mischievous devil inside Rhea was fully awakened, continuously

murmuring, I’ll make you suffer from the spiciness! I’ll make you suffer!

“Rhea, do you need any help? Can you handle it all by yourself?”

Rhea’s mother, Edith, worried that her daughter might be overwhelmed by

the tasks and came in to offer assistance.

“Ah! No need, it’s fine!”

However, Rhea blocked the doorway, triggered by the traditional virtue of

feeling guilty when doing something mischievous. She couldn’t let her mother

in when she was up to no good!

Edith thought her daughter was behaving a little strangely. But fortunately for

Rhea, Juan approached them just in time. He whispered in Edith’s ear, “Rhed

wants to impress her crush with her cooking skills. If you help her, and he

finds out that she didn’t cook the meal by herself, wouldn’t he think her

cooking skills are not genuine?”

“Oh, I see!” Edith understood instantly and quickly left with a smile.

Rhea finally breathed a sigh of relief. She closed the kitchen door and leaned

against it to calm herself down.

Hmph, Dad is too confident, isn’t he? The man I have a crush on is Emmanuel.

Does Dad really think the man visiting today can measure up to Emmanuel?!

She simply didn’t believe it!

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Juan hurriedly answered the door. Seeing Emmanuel, he laughed heartily,

“Ah, just when I thought you’d never visit, you’ve finally graced us with your


“You’re too kind, Dr. Gomez. I hope I’m not intruding.” Emmanuel smiled and

handed over some gifts he had bought on the way.

“Oh dear, you didn’t have to bring so many gifts. If people didn’t know better,

they might think you’re my future son-in-law, haha…” Juan continued to

laugh heartily.

Rhea, hiding in the kitchen, heard her father’s words and muttered to herself,

You might want him to be your son-in-law, Dad, but I don’t want him to be

my husband. Humph, bringing gifts on the first visit; he must be up to no

good! Just wait and see how I deal with you!

Chapter 707

“My, what a handsome young man! Please, come in!”

Edith came to the door to greet their guest. Seeing Emmanuel’s appearance,

she was quite pleased and enthusiastically said, “Juan often praises you in

front of me, saying that your medical skills are the best in the hospital! I didn’t

expect you to be so young. If Rhea could be friends with you, she’d surely

benefit greatly in the future!”

Emmanuel was a bit embarrassed, “Mrs. Gomez, you flatter me!”

In the kitchen, Rhea was almost nauseous listening to her parents’ words!

Wasn’t Emmanuel the best doctor at Beacon Hospital before? Who the hell is

this guy?

“Hmph, let’s see what you look like!”

Rhea was also a bit curious. She opened the door a crack and sneakily

peeked into the living room only to be stupefied, frozen on the spot…

What’s going on? How could it be Emmanuel?!

Even if she had ten brains, she couldn’t figure it out.

Didn’t Dad say he was introducing a doctor from the hospital to me?

Emmanuel is no longer a doctor at Beacon Hospital, and Dad knows he’s

married, so why is he setting me up on a blind date with Emmanuel?!

She felt like she was losing her mind…

“Shoot. What do I do?!”

Rhea quickly closed the door and paced in the kitchen.

She had no idea that it was Emmanuel who was coming, and she

deliberately made every dish into a culinary disaster. The scene of

Emmanuel eating it later would be quite a spectacle…

Ugh! Just thinking about it made her want to hang herself!

In the living room, Emmanuel’s ears were sharp enough to hear the sound of

the kitchen door closing. He asked, “Is Rhea busy in the kitchen?”

“Haha, yes!” Juan laughed heartily. “I’ve said many times that when you come

to my house, you must taste our delicious food. Rhea wouldn’t dare to be


“Mr. Gomez, you’re too kind. It seems that I’m in for a treat today!” Emmanuel

responded politely, standing up to go into the kitchen to help serve the food.

“Oh dear, you’re a guest. How can we let you do these things? Please sit

down. We can manage.” Edith quickly stopped Emmanuel.

Emmanuel, however, responded with an approachable demeanor, “I cook at

home as well, Mrs. Gomez. Besides, you’re our elders. It’s only right that we

young ones handle the work!”

“Haha, alright! Truly a man with both talent and character!” Juan gave

Emmanuel a thumbs-up.

He had long admired this young man, Emmanuel. It was just a pity that he

discovered him too late. If he had realized it earlier, how great would it be to

marry his daughter to him?


Emmanuel pushed the kitchen door open and walked in.

“Ah! What are you doing?!” Rhea, who was holding two plates of food, ready

to “destroy the evidence,” was startled and jumped.

Emmanuel was also taken aback by her reaction. Why did it feeNike she

wasn’t cooking but taking a bath and he suddenly barged in?

“Rhea, I came to see if the dishes are ready.” After recovering from his

surprise, he started to approach.

“No! They’re not ready! Get out quickly!” Rhea quickly turned around, shielding

the plates as if protecting a treasure.

Emmanuel was puzzled. She was quite normal except for blushing easily the

last time I saw her. Why is she acting so strange today? Doesn’t she use to

welcome my visits? She was so enthusiastic before.

“Aren’t these all ready?” Emmanuel didn’t try to grab the plates she was

holding but instead walked toward the other dishes in the kitchen.

It had to be said that Rhea’s cooking skills were truly impressive. Although she

deliberately messed with the flavors, the appearance and aroma of her

dishes were top-notch.

Of course, Rhea knew in her heart that if she didn’t make the food look good,

no one would even try to eat them. How could she play her little trick then?

However, she never dreamed that the one who would finally come to her

house would be her crush.

“Ah, don’t touch that!” Seeing Emmanuel about to take the dishes out, Rhea

screamed in panic once again.

Chapter 708

Emmanuel was truly at a loss with her!

Turning around, he saw Rhea’s face was flushed like she had a fever.

“Are you okay?” Emmanuel approached her with a frown, wanting to observe

if she was down with some kind of illness.

On the other hand, Rhea became even more flustered and quickly turned


“What is up with you, Rhea, screaming and shouting in there?!” Juan, upont

hearing the commotion, also walked into the kitchen.

Their family placed a lot of emphasis on manners and education. He couldn’t

recall ever teaching his daughter to behave like this, nor had he seen Rhea

acting so strangely before.

“Alright, let’s bring the dishes out together. We can discuss it during the meal.

We don’t want to be rude to our guest!” Edith also came in, picked up the

dishes, and walked toward the living room.

Juan also grabbed a plate and followed suit.

Although Emmanuel felt that something was off with Rhea, he didn’t say

anything further and also went out with the dishes.

“I’m doomed…” What was supposed to be a chance to showcase herself had

turned into a mess because of her stupidity.

How would Emmanuel think of me later? Will he think that our whole family

was bragging?

“Rhea, what are you standing there for? Come out!” Juan shouted from


Reluctantly, Rhea stepped out with her cheeks flushed and head lowered. It

seemed like tears were about to fall from her face.

Emmanuel found this woman to be a bit inexplicable. Every time he saw her,

she seemed stranger than before. Truly, the world was a vast place with all

sorts of characters.

“Here, Manny, have some soup first.” Juan enthusiastically served Emmanuel

a bowl of soup.

“Thank you.” Emmanuel wasn’t being reserved either. After thanking them

with a smile, he picked up the spoon to take a sip.

“Ah, don’t!” Rhea screamed again. The decibel level was high enough to send

shivers down her parents’ spines.

“Rhea, what’s wrong with you today?” Even Edith was starting to get annoyed,

and she couldn’t fathom why the young woman was behaving so strangely

this day.

Rhea was at a loss for words to explain herself.

Juan, on the other hand, gave her an exasperated look before turning his

attention to Emmanuel, only to find the young man’s expression was far from


“What’s wrong? Does it not taste good?” Juan asked nervously.

“Well… the flavor is quite unique…” It was all Emmanuel could say to be polite.

Fortunately, he had honed his willpower in the Northern Region, so even

though the soup was so sour that his bile was rising, he still managed to

swallow it down with a stiff upper lip.

“Try the green’s, then. Rhea has a unique ability to turn ordinary ingredients

into something magical. Even-vegetables can become extraordinary!” Juan

served Emmanuel a piece of the vegetable.

“Don’t eat it-” Rhea was about to scream again, but this time before she

could make a sound, Juan shot her a stern glare that forced her to swallow

her words.

When Emmanuel took a bite, he immediately looked like he was tasting

something bland and inedible!

“What do you think? Isn’t it quite unique?” Juan laughed heartily.

“Hehe, it is indeed unique…” Emmanuel didn’t lie, offering a wry smile in


“Haha, that’s great!” Juan finally breathed a sigh of relief, casually serving

Emmanuel a shrimp and meat roll, and proudly said, “Try Rhea’s signature

dish. I guarantee you’ll never forget it for the rest of your life.”

“Okay.” Emmanuel nodded and was about to take a bite.

Honestly, he had lost all expectations for Rhea’s cooking. He had no idea what

the tastes of Juan’s family were, but out of politeness, he had to eat this

shrimp and meat roll.

“Don’t eat it!” Rhea, realizing that Emmanuel was about to consume the dish

snapped back to reality and dashed toward him without hesitation.

Chapter 709

Unfortunately, Rhea was a step too late. Emmanuel had already taken a bite.

“Rhea, what on earth are you doing?!” Juan could no longer contain his anger

and reprimanded, “You’re usually so well-behaved, why are you acting so

outrageously today, especially in front of an honored guest?!”

Rhea paid no attention to her father’s scolding. Seeing that Emmanuel had

actually taken a bite, she quickly rushed to get a glass of water.

And then it happened!


Emmanuel spat out the food he had just consumed. Good heavens! What

lethal dark cuisine is this?!

While cooking might be an art, Rhea seemed to be aiming for manslaughter!

Emmanuel thought to himself and wondered whether she was working for


Emmanuel realized that, even if he had thought about countless possibilities,

he could never have imagined that Rhea would help Magnus kill him.

“Emmanuel, w-what’s wrong?”

Juan and Edith also realized at this point that something was off. What on

earth had Emmanuel eaten? He seemed as if he were about to breathe fire!

“Mom, Dad, move away quickly!”

Rhea quickly pushed her parents aside and placed a large glass of water in

front of Emmanuel, urging, “Drink some water quickly!”

At this moment, Emmanuel felt that even if she had poisoned the water, he

would have to drink it. Being poisoned to death was better than being spiced

to death!

Fortunately, the water wasn’t poisoned.

After downing a full glass of water, he finally felt a little better.

Juan finally realized the problem too. He tasted all the dishes his daughter

had prepared and immediately spat them out after taking each bite.

“What is the meaning of this, Rhea? What are you trying to do?!” Juan hit the


Rhea’s face was already as red as a heated pan, and she stammered for a

long time before finally mustering a few words, “I… I didn’t know t-that

Emmanuel was coming! I thought you guys had arranged a blind date for


Oh, dear! Juan held his forehead, not knowing what to say.

Emmanuel was speechless as well. It turned out he had become a

scapegoat for someone else’s blind date plan.

Alas, blind dates had really “tormented” many young men and women.

“Quickly prepare some normal dishes then, Rhea!”

“Rhea, then quickly go and make some normal food!” Juan couldn’t vent his

anger properly, so he raised his voice and ordered his daughter.

“Alright… I’ll see what’s left in the kitchen…” Rhea hurriedly rushed back into the


“Emmanuel, I’m truly sorry! Sigh, how did things turn out like this?” Juan also

felt very apologetic and embarrassed.

“Haha, it’s fine!” Emmanuel knew they had no ill intentions, so he didn’t take it

to heart. He waved his hand and joked, “Indeed, this taste is truly


“We-” Juan hesitated for a moment but then burst into laughter.

“Unforgettable is good! Unforgettable is good, hahaha…”.

Rhea listened to the conversation outside, and her cheeks remained as red

as apples.

After checking the kitchen and realizing that there was nothing left, she

lowered her head, her hands folded in front of her, and she shyly said as she

walked out, “Emmanuel, I’m sorry, there’s nothing left to cook at home. Should

we go out to eat instead?”

With a sigh, Juan forced a smile at Emmanuel and said, “Emmanuel, you’ve

been through quite an ordeal today! If you don’t mind, shall we go to the

Serenity Resort for our meal?”

Emmanuel’s expression dimmed slightly at the mention of the restaurant.

It was after having a meal there that Claudette had taken a bullet for him,

but now, the young woman was no longer around.

Chapter 710

“Emmanuel? What do you say?” Juan called out again.

Emmanuel finally came back to his senses and smiled lightly, “Ah, let’s go


“Great, Rhea, quickly reserve the best private room!”

“Okay, Dad!” Rhea quickly tried to make amends.

Meanwhile, at the Serenity Resort, Tia followed her mother to the entrance.

“Tia, don’t play any tricks on me today. This Mr. Verkade is a genuine scion of

a wealthy family, much more impressive than someone like Richie Unger. If

he takes an interest in you, you must engage with him. Do you understand?”

Marianne’s tone was stern.

Tia looked aggrieved and helpless.

The last time Emmanuel posed as her boyfriend, she did feel happy the

entire day. That memory would stay with her for a lifetime. Unfortunately,

what was fake could never become real.

Earlier this day, her mother brought her cousin Eleanor to her place to meet

her ‘boyfriend.’ However, how could Tia dare to ask Emmanuel to pretend

again? As a result, the lie was exposed in an instant.

Marianne was both angry and anxious. She scolded and berated her

daughter, never expecting that her daughter would dare to deceive her like

this. Little would Tia know that she had worked so hard to set up a date with

the Unger family!

Fortunately, Eleanor was there to persuade her, which calmed Marianne

down. The latter also took the opportunity to ask Eleanor to introduce a good

match to her cousin.

As the manager of the Serenity Resort, Eleanor often interacted with the

upper echelons of Yeringham society and knew quite a few wealthy young

heirs. However, those who were willing to set up a date were few and far


Under pressure from her aunt, she finally contacted Jonathan, thinking that

wouldn’t be a big deal, right?

Jonathan, a playboy, would, of course, not refuse an opportunity with a

beautiful woman. So, he immediately arranged a blind date at the Serenity


When Tia and her mother arrived, Eleanor did not directly lead them in but

waited at the entrance. She knew Jonathan’s character well. He liked to act

superior. If they waited inside for him, he would certainly be dissatisfied.

Fortunately, they didn’t have to wait long. A Porsche pulled up at the


Seeing the car, Marianne was elated. It was indeed much more impressive

than Richie’s so-called luxury.

As Jonathan stepped out of the car and saw Tia’s figure and appearance, he

was quite satisfied. She had a charm comparable to Eleanor’s and an added

touch of innocence.

However, Tia wasn’t pleased. Jonathan seemed like a reckless young man,

and his actions indicated a history of excessive indulgence.

“Mr. Verkade, you’ve finally arrived! We’ve been waiting for you for quite a

while!” Eleanor quickly greeted him enthusiastically. After all, Jonathan was

her regular customer and had provided her with many benefits.

“Haha, let’s go to Room 888!”

Jongthan didn’t take advantage of Eleanor that day since his target was Tia.

He hoped that he could get Tia to voluntarily undress for him this night-that

would be satisfying. So, he had to put on a show of wealth right then because

women were all materialistic, weren’t they?

As expected, Tia remained silent while Marianne exclaimed, “Oh my, Mr.

Verkade, you’re so generous and accomplished at such a young age! I’ve

heard that reserving Room 888 isn’t cheap.”

Jonathan laughed, “That’s nothing. Whoever becomes my woman, I’ll bring

her here to spend every day without a problem.”

Marianne was even

impressed, and she discreetly pinched Tia’s hand,

signaling her to be a bit more proactive.

However, Tia felt a strong aversion and murmured in a low voice, “Anybody

can brag. We haven’t even made a reservation. What if we can’t afford the

bill today?”

Jonathan immediately turned grim, feeling that this beauty wasn’t giving him.

due respect.

Eleanor knew his temper and quickly apologized in a low voice, “Mr. Verkade,

my cousin is a small-town girl. She doesn’t know how wealthy young men of

the upper class can be. Please don’t take offense.”

At that, Jonathan pretended to be magnanimous. “Haha, I will let her

experience the life of luxury today, then. I’ll crawl my way out of here if we

can’t get into Room 888 today!”

Men tend to boast in front of beautiful women, especially when they’re trying

to impress them. And in Jonathan’s eyes, booking Room 888 on short notice

shouldn’t be too difficult for him.

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