A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 711-720

Chapter 711

Meanwhile, Emmanuel drove the Gomezes in his Maserati to the Serenity


“My, Mr. Lowe, this car of yours must be quite expensive.” Edith knew the least

about Emmanuel. He appeared so easygoing when he came over to theirs

that she thought he was just an ordinary boy. Little did she expect him to

drive such a luxurious car.

“Well, I don’t really know the price. The car isn’t mine. I’m just the driver, haha…

Emmanuel responded with a candid smile.

Rhea, sitting in the passenger seat, liked this side of him. During her school

days, she had encountered numerous guys who loved to show off, especially

when borrowing someone else’s car-they would act all high and mighty.

Emmanuel, however, was different from those guys.

“By the way, Rhea, there’s something I’d like to ask you.” Emmanuel, who was

driving leisurely, decided to discuss his cousin’s matter.

“Oh? What about?” Rhea was secretly stealing glances at Emmanuel’s profile

when he suddenly started talking to her. She quickly turned her face away

and blushed.

“Well, it’s about my cousin, Ryder…” Emmanuel briefly explained the situation,

even mentioning the part about pretending to be Tia’s boyfriend for a day.

He wasn’t going to be direct and ask Rhea if she’d be willing to go on a blind

date with Ryder. Instead, he wanted to learn how to help Ryder get closer to


“Oh, this isn’t too difficult!” Rhea, wanting to play the role of a love guru for

Emmanuel, had been reading quite a few books lately. She immediately

offered advice, “Since she willingly asked you to be her boyfriend, it means

she has feelings for you. Just try to find opportunities to ask her out and invite

your cousin as well. This will give them a chance to build a connection.

“Of course, you have to be subtle in how you ask a girl out, or else she might

sense your intentions and become reluctant to come. But don’t worry. I’ll give

you a detailed strategy when I get back tonight!”

Emmanuel was immediately boosted by her suggestions. Even though this

might consume a fair amount of his time, he couldn’t disregard the fact that

Ryder was like a blood brother to him.

Soon after, the four of them arrived at Serenity Resort,

They had reserved VIP Suite 888, but the one guiding them to their room

wasn’t the head manager Eleanor, but rather a female receptionist.

Upon reaching the entrance of Suite 888, they noticed a commotion.

“Please don’t get upset just yet, Mr. Verkade. I’ll immediately talk to the guests

who reserved this room and ask them to cancel their reservation!” Eleanor

appeared slightly flustered, trying to appease Jonathan Verkade with a


However, Jonathan maintained his usual arrogant attitude, “Why even bother

asking? Just tell them their reservation is canceled. As for what happens next,

you figure it out.

He had just boasted earlier. If he couldn’t get in this very moment, he would

be utterly humiliated.

“We don’t have such a rule in our restaurant, Mr. Verkade. I beg you to let me

communicate with them first. It won’t take much time,” Eleanor persisted in

upholding the restaurant’s protocols, just as she had before. After all, she

knew who paid her salary.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Taking Tia’s feelings into consideration,

Jonathan decided to give Eleanor five minutes. If it were before, he would

have already started a physical confrontation.

“Okay!” Eleanor immediately dialed a number.

Rhea had just arrived at the corridor in front of Suite 888 when her phone


“Hello, is this Ms. Gomez?” Eleanor got straight to the point. “I’m sorry, but

because we have another guest who wants Suite 888, would you consider

switching to another room?”

“What? That’s not possible!” Rhea immediately refused. Her family and

Emmanuel had arrived on time for their reservation. Why should they accept

a last-minute change?

Emmanuel had even witnessed the scene at the room entrance and couldn’t

help but furrow his brows slightly. Why is Tia and her mother with a rascal like


“Mr. Verkade, I’m sorry, but the guests declined,” Eleanor apologized to

Jonathan with a bitter smile.

“D*mn it! You incompetent fool! You can’t even handle something so small!

Get lost! I’ll handle it myself!”

Chapter 712

As expected, Jonathan exploded in anger, snatching the phone and loudly

threatening Rhea, “Listen up! I am Jonathan of the Verkade family in

Yeringham. I’m going to consume in Suite 888 tonight. You’ll switch with me if

you know better. I can even give you a tip. Otherwise, you’ll face the


Rhea’s mood instantly soured!

She had intended to make up for her failed cooking by choosing the VIP Suite

888 to treat Emmanuel. However, the restaurant first convinced her to

change her reservation, and now she was being threatened.

Of course, she was aware of the power of the Verkade family in Yeringham,

but what place did Jonathan hold in that family? How dare he use their name

to intimidate her?!

Her anger temporarily rendered her speechless.

Jonathan, on the other hand, mistook her silence for fear and grew even

more arrogant. “If you know what’s good for you, say you’ll change the

reservation. No one can take what I have laid my eyes on!”

At that, he looked at Tia with a triumphant glance. However, the young

woman only felt a strong aversion. If she were to become involved with a

man like this, not only would she lack security, but she would also feel afraid.

However, Marianne was wholly pleased, for she believed having a son-in-law

like Jonathan would ensure no one would dare bully her family.


Just as Jonathan was at the height of his arrogance, someone called out to

him from behind.

Jonathan’s smile instantly froze at the sound of the familiar voice, and he a

sense of foreboding quickly crept up on him.

He turned around, and sure enough, Emmanuel, the Great Demon King, was

right there.

“E-Emmanuel? What… What are you doing here?”

Jonathan’s smile stiffened as he quickly stepped back, his back against the Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

door of the suite.

His drastic change in demeanor rendered Marianne stumped, and Rhea felt

the same way. She couldn’t believe someone so arrogant acted like a mouse

encountering a cat when seeing Emmanuel.

Is Emmanuel that scary?

“I’m here to eat, and you’re in my way,” Emmanuel said nonchalantly.

However, Jonathan’s legs were trembling with fear! The scene’ of him

previously being choked and lifted off the ground by Emmanuel in this

restaurant replayed in his head. It was a nightmare that haunted him.

“Is… is this your reservation?” he asked in a quivering voice.

“Naturally! Are you going to snatch it again?” Emmanuel asked.

“What? No, no, no!” Jonathan waved his hands hastily. “I-I have no intention of

doing that, haha. I was just asking!”

“What are you still standing there for, then? Good dogs don’t stand in the

way!” Emmanuel’s gaze turned icy.

Jonathan immediately scurried to open the door for them, rendering

everyone present flabbergasted!

Marianne felt regretful even more so. Why can’t this man be my girl’s real

boyfriend? Ah, how great would that be! Besides, that woman next to him isn’t

any better than Tia.

“Emmanuel, let’s go in!” Rhea said to Emmanuel with a smile, delighted

beyond measure.

This was true masculine dominance! No need to resort to clawing and

growling like Jonathan; true authority emanated from within.

“Sure.” Emmanuel nodded and turned to Tia. “Would you like to join us for a


Rhea was momentarily stunned. So, this is the Tia that Emmanuel had just

mentioned? What a coincidence!

Chapter 713

“Um…” Tia certainly wanted to have dinner with Emmanuel, but she glanced

at Rhea.

What a young and beautiful girl, and she seemed so gentle, a proper lady!

In contrast, she was just a kindergarten teacher from an ordinary family. How

could/she compete with her?!

“Maybe not. I’m here for a blind date today!” Tia, feeling a bit inferior, declined


At the wedding, although she saw Mackenzie call Emmanuel, she wasn’t

certain she was his wife. They didn’t seem like a couple, more like a superior

and subordinate.

Now that she saw Rhea, Tia was even more convinced that Rhea was

probably Emmanuel’s woman.

Emmanuel and his girlfriend were having dinner with her family; what

business did she have interfering?

“Alright then.” Emmanuel cast another glance at Jonathan and let out a silent

sigh. He thought it would be a shame if Tia really ended up with Jonathan.

However, it was her choice, and he had no say in it.

Both groups ultimately sat down separately for their meals.

Jonathan was upset that he couldn’t get the Suite 888, so he just gave up

and found a random table to eat at.

He was no fool; he had already interpreted the look in Tia’s eyes. It seemed

like she had some kind of fascination with Emmanuel, that demon king.

At the table, Marianne tried her best to play matchmaker.

Though she also thought that Jonathan was far inferior to Emmanuel and his

earlier behavior had been quite dismal, he was still a wealthy young man,

after all. Marrying her daughter to him would ensure a comfortable material


Jonathan, in a bad mood and not interested in wasting time, grabbed Tia’s

hand directly. “So, how about being my girlfriend? Let’s go on a date tonight. If

it goes well, I’ll arrange our engagement soon.”

A clichéd proposition, his plan was to get intimate with Tia tonight no matter


Tia wasn’t naive. She could see right through his intentions.

She quickly withdrew her hand and shook her head. “We’re still not familiar

enough with each other yet. Let’s take it slow.”

“Slow my foot!”

Jonathan slammed the table and was about to vent his anger on Tia when

he unexpectedly saw Emmanuel again.

In reality, Emmanuel was still worried that Tia would be taken advantage of.

After all, she was the woman his cousin liked, and Rhea also suggested that

he come out and take a look and break up their blind date if possible.

Otherwise, if Tia fell into Jonathan’s trap, it would be a heartbreak not only for

her but also for Ryder.

“What are you up to again, Emmanuel?” Jonathan frowned. “Have I bothered

you by eating here? Be reasonable. Let’s not make trouble tonight.”

He was clearly scared, yet he was trying to sound tough.

Unexpectedly, Emmanuel stared at him for a moment and then furrowed his

brows, saying, “You seem to be poisoned.”

Jonathan trembled slightly, then burst into laughter. “Don’t try to scare me

with that nonsense! I’m not easily frightened. You just want to scare me off

and ruin our blind date! It won’t work!”

One had to admit that this guy was quite the dimwit.

Emmanuel didn’t bother explaining further. His expression turned slightly

serious as he glanced at the people dining nearby.

After noticing many people’s expressions were off, he issued a stern warning,

“I’m not lying. Someone might have poisoned the restaurant!”

What? His words struck fear into the hearts of those who overheard. This was

no joking matter!

“Haha, an unemployed gynecologist trying to scare people with his words?”

Jonathan scoffed, thinking Emmanuel was just trying to mock him and make

him embarrass himself in front of Tia.

“Unfortunately, the Verkade family also deals in the herbal medicine

business, and I have medical skills. Even if I get poisoned, I can cure myself!

Don’t play tricks on-

Before he could finish saying “me,” his expression changed drastically.

What’s going on?

His stomach suddenly churned violently.


Jonathan clutched his belly and sat down heavily.

Witnessing this scene, the people around the restaurant began freaking out.

he restaurant?!


Chapter 714

In just thirty seconds, Jonathan’s face gradually turned purplish-blue, his

body started convulsing violently, his teeth chattered loudly, and his whole

body was drenched in a cold sweat. It was evident he was enduring

immense pain.

Emmanuel’s brows furrowed as he tried to figure out what was happening.

He had noticed the trailing earlier in the day; he should have shaken them

off. Could this poisoning be aimed at me?

“Ah! Someone really did poison us!” Screams started to erupt from the crowd.

Marianne and Tia looked at Emmanuel in horror. He predicted the poisoning

before anyone else! How could he have such capability?!

“Save me… Please save me!” Jonathan gazed pleadingly at Emmanuel, whom

he believed had a cure to this poisoning since he predicted it.

“Sorry? Save you?” Emmanuel feigned surprise. “Mr. Verkade, didn’t you just

say a moment ago that you could self-cure even if poisoned? Well then,

please start your performance!”

Jonathan felt like he was on the verge of death! He was in such excruciating

pain that it felt like his organs were being twisted. How could he possibly


He regretted being so arrogant earlier.

Indeed, those who act overly proud often end up in misfortune.

At this point, more and more people began collapsing, and in just a few

minutes, seven or eight people in the restaurant clutched their bellies and fell

in agony.

Meanwhile, those who weren’t affected by the poison were trembling in fear,

feeling utterly helpless.

“What’s going on?” The commotion in the restaurant quickly alerted Eleanor.

As the head manager, she immediately rushed over with her staff to assess

the situation, but even she had never experienced such a bizarre and

horrifying scene before.

Still, Eleanor drew from her work experience and quickly organized her staff.

“Call an ambulance!” she ordered. “And you! Go to Suite 888 and find Dr.


With that, A waiter immediately ran toward Suite 888.

Eleanor tried her best to remain calm, but deep down, she was also

panicking. She couldn’t understand how some of her customers had been

affected while others seemed perfectly fine.

Can it be that only those who ate a certain dish or drank a specific drink were


With this thought in mind, she quickly ordered, “You guys, gather all the water

and food on the tables!”

“Yes, Ms. Eleanor!” Several staff members immediately took action.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel went over to Tia and her mother to inquire about what

they had eaten and drunk earlier.

Amidst the chaos, he was the only one silently analyzing the situation.

Soon, Juan hurriedly entered the restaurant lobby.

Eleanor quickly approached him, saying, “Dr. Gomez, it seems that these

people are suffering from food poisoning.”

“I don’t think so!” Juan immediately denied her guess.

Eleanor was taken aback. Juan hadn’t even started diagnosing, and he had

already denied her speculation!

Many people around had heard of Juan from Beacon Hospital. Learning that

he was a renowned physician and fortunate enough to have him present in

the restaurant, everyone felt relieved.

“Can Dr. Gomez diagnose a patient’s condition with just a glance?”

“If that’s the case, he’s truly amazing!”

“He really lives up to his reputation as the legendary physician of Yeringham!”

People marveled and whispered to each other.

However, Juan paid no attention to these comments. He quickly approached

the nearest person who had been poisoned, only for Emmanuel to warn him

with a frown. “Don’t touch him, or you’ll be poisoned too!”


Everyone was shocked beyond words. Emmanuel’s statement further

intensified the panic among the crowd.

Chapter 715

“Who’s that man?”

At this point, many people began speculating about Emmanuel’s identity.

He was the first one to suggest someone had poisoned the food, but how did

he know that before anyone had shown symptoms?


However, Emmanuel ignored the surrounding gazes and addressed Juan,

“Because you just drank the tap water from the restaurant as well. You

absolutely cannot touch the source of the infection!”

“What is this guy talking about?”

The surrounding diners started discussing fervently.

“If drinking tap water can cause poisoning, I’ve drunk it too!”

“Right, according to him, food poisoning can be contagious. Ridiculous!”

“Could this be a virus?”

Amidst the discussions, someone finally stood up and loudly questioned

Emmanuel, “Hey, who are you? Why are you obstructing Dr. Gomez from

saving people? Could you be the one who poisoned them?”

All eyes were focused on Emmanuel, like cold arrows directed at him.

“Shut up!” Juan rebuked them angrily. “Don’t spread baseless rumors! He’s a

prodigious doctor whose medical skills far surpass mine!”

“What?!” Everyone was shocked once again!

Juan had a great reputation in Yeringham, yet he now publicly claimed that

someone else’s medical skills were far superior to his!

Was he just being modest?

Then again, judging from his expression, he seemed to be serious about it.

Just then, Edith exclaimed in panic. “Oh no, Rhea just touched one of the


What?! It was Emmanuel’s turn to be shocked.

Just a moment ago, they had been dining in the same private room, and he

knew that Rhea had also drunk the tap water from the restaurant. However,

the young woman hadn’t heard Emmanuel’s warning, as because of the

urgency of the situation, she, as a medical professional, rushed out and

immediately checked on the condition of the poisoned person’s eyes to

assess the situation.

And now, her delicate body was trembling, her fair face turning

purplish-black in an instant. She collapsed to the ground with a thud. Her

situation was even worse than that of the previous victim.

“Rhea!” Emmanuel quickly ran over and shouted at Juan, “Those who have

drunk the tap water must not touch the poisoned individuals! This is a

combination of unusual toxins! It can be transmitted through skin contact!

“People who have drunk the tap water will store a certain toxin in their bodies.

This toxin won’t act on its own, but as long as it comes into contact with

another source of poison, the person will be poisoned. Moreover, the poison

will mutate rapidly upon transmission, becoming more intense!”

Once again, after hearing his words, everyone fell into extréme panic.

This unusual poison was no modern virus but an ancient poison. Emmanuel

had happened to come across related case details in the ‘Divine Valley

Medical Records. However, he had never dreamed that he would encounter

it in his life so soon!

Currently, the other poisoned individuals could still hold on. Although they

were suffering, they were not in immediate danger. Rhea’s condition was the

most severe, and she had lost consciousness in an instant.

Eleanor hurriedly followed Emmanuel to Rhea’s side.

He pressed Rhea’s acupuncture points, and she miraculously managed to

regurgitate the tap water she had just drunk!

Eleanor was astounded.

Having witnessed Emmanuel’s miraculous skills on various occasions, she

was now convinced that this man wasn’t just a prodigious physician; he was

a true deity!

Emmanuel paid no attention to her gaze and instead instructed her, “Ms.

Eleanor, this female patient won’t be able to hold on until we get her to the

hospital. Please quickly prepare silver needles and alcohol for me! Also, open

all the doors and windows of the restaurant to ensure ventilation!”

“Huh? Yes, right away!” Eleanor-snapped back to her senses and quickly

nodded in response.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Emmanuel first treated the first batch

of poisoned individuals. He extended two fingers and applied precise

pressure on their acupuncture points.

After a few consecutive moves, the poisoned individuals started vomiting out

the contents of their stomachs, and their complexions instantly cleared up.

“Wow, that’s amazing!”

Chapter 716

“Is that guy a martial arts master from another era? Are there really such

extraordinary people in this world?”

The scene was filled with exclamations.

A plot that could only be found in novels was now happening right before

their eyes. None of them could believe it!

Juan was also astonished on the side, watching intently like a novice student.

This was a long-lost technique of acupuncture, the true essence of

traditional medicine.

Emmanuel was focused on saving people and paid no attention to these

voices. He was soon drenched in sweat from exhaustion.

Tia quickly approached, intending to wipe his sweat, but inexplicably

collapsed in front of Emmanuel with a thud.

“Tia!” Emmanuel quickly checked her condition, and it was almost identical to


How can this be? Has she also become a secondary carrier of the infection?!

“Mr. Lowe, here are the silver needles and alcohol! Wait, what happened to


Eleanor personally brought a box of silver needles and alcohol to Emmanuel,

only to discover that her cousin had also fallen unconscious on the ground!

“Please take them into the room for me!”

With the situation urgent, Emmanuel instructed Eleanor and then held Tia

with one hand and Rhea with the other, entering Suite 888.

Eleanor followed suit.

“I need to treat them separately. Could you please close the door and make

sure no one disturbs me?” Emmanuel’s presence at this moment was so

commanding that it left no room for disobedience.

To have a collective poisoning incident in the restaurant was a matter of

great responsibility for her as the restaurant manager. If there were any

casualties or injuries, she would be held accountable, not to mention that Tia

was her cousin!

“Heh, being a doctor does have its perks!”

“Closing the door to the room and treating two beauties alone… Oh, how

scandalous and alluring that scene must be!”

“Tell me about it! Unrestrained indulgence… Oh, just thinking about it makes

me weak!”

Some men in the restaurant whispered to each other. After all, they had

imagined scenes like this or had seen similar scenarios in online videos. And

since both Tia and Rhea were attractive women, their imaginations ran wild.

Emmanuel, having been a gynecologist before, had no such vulgar thoughts

as those of ordinary people.

To treat Tia and Rhea in private, indeed, he would need to remove their

clothes for acupuncture.

Tia, dressed in a dress for the blind date, was relatively easy to undress. Her

dress was lifted straight up, stopping just below her chest. Surprisingly, she

was wearing a red and white silk lingerie set with panties that resembled a

thong. It looked quite provocative, contrasting her usual gentle image.

As for Rhea, she was wearing a pair of shark pants on the bottom, which

didn’t need to be taken off, and a white buttoned-up cardigan on the top.

Emmanuel removed her cardigan to reveal that she was wearing a snug

thermal undershirt. Lifting the undershirt, her bosoms were constrained

tightly by its double elasticity. Concerned about her breathing, Emmanuel

simply took it all off.

Rhea’s inner garment was pure white, giving off an icy demeanor similar to

that of an aloof beauty.

With that, two fair bodies were presented before his eyes just like that.

Afterward, using a technique known as the “Nine Yang Finger Pressure,” he

forced the contents of their stomachs out. Though a single poisoning incident

could endanger their organs, as long as the toxins were promptly expelled,

there would be no immediate life-threatening danger.

In the case of a second poisoning, where the toxins would have entered the

bloodstream, silver needles were required to extract the toxins from the

blood, cleansing it.

While Emmanuel was attending to the two young women, an alarm sounded

outside the restaurant.

Police cars and ambulances arrived almost simultaneously at the Serenity


“We’ve received a report that there has been a poisoning incident at the

Serenity Resort!”

“Listen up! All men to the left, women to the right, line up quickly!!”

As the entrance door swung open heavily, a woman led the way inside.

Surprisingly, at the forefront was Ashton Summerton, the newly appointed

Level 3 Inspector in Yeringham.


Chapter 717

Although Ashton had a fiery temper, her leadership skills were top-notch.

Her team members were quick and efficient, their momentum unstoppable,

swiftly taking control of the scene.

The restaurant’s patrons were so frightened that they dared not make a

sound, obediently following the orders.

Seeing that all the doors to the private rooms were open except for Suite 888

Ashton furrowed her brows and coldly demanded of Eleanor, “Who’s in there?”

Eleanor was a bit displeased with Ashton’s investigative style but maintained

a stern expression as she replied, “Mr. Lowe is currently providing medical

assistance to two women inside. It’s not appropriate to open the door.”

“Mr. Lowe? Not appropriate?” Ashton quirked a brow and clenched her teeth

in response. “What’s the full name of this Mr. Lowe?”

“Emmanuel Lowe!”

Though displeased, Eleanor had to cooperate with the investigation.

“What? That jerk again!” Ashton instantly turned furious. “I order you to open

the door immediately!”

“I can’t do that!” Eleanor stood her ground. “Even if you’re in a position of

authority, you must respect people’s privacy. Mr. Lowe might need to undress

the patients to treat them!”

Tsk, tsk!

Outside, the crowd stirred again.

Thinking about the alluring scene inside, some men couldn’t help but let their

imaginations run wild.

Two beauties at once!

“Enough with the nonsense! Open the door! Can you bear the responsibility if

Mr. Lowe is the poisoner and he escapes? Hmph!” Ashton’s anger resonated

in a thunderous roar.

Eleanor’s resolve was no match for Ashton’s, and she could only step aside


With that, Ashton lifted her foot, ready to kick open the locked door.

“Don’t!” Juan cried out in alarm, his voice urgent. His daughter was in there!

However, his desperate plea couldn’t stop the hotheaded Ashton.


An unexpected scene unfolded. The door suddenly swung open from the

inside just as Ashton was about to kick the door open.

Caught off guard and due to the momentum, Ashton lost her balance and

ended up in the arms of the man inside.

“Captain Summerton, are you alright?” Emmanuel, expressionless, gently

pushed her away.

“D*mn it!” Ashton was beside herself with rage. She had just unexpectedly

embraced the man she despised the most in front of everyone. Not only that,

it wasn’t her who pushed him away, but he who pushed her.

On what grounds?

She was a Level 3 Inspector, and yet she had to be mortified like this?!

“Get out here! Was it you who poisoned them?” Ashton, furious, shouted at

Emmanuel, almost losing her composure.

-Pfft! Emmanuel couldn’t help but laugh. His laughter sounded unbearably

harsh in Ashton’s ears.

“What the hell are you laughing at, you jack*ss?!” Ashton was so infuriated

that she grabbed Emmanuel by the collar.

“I’m laughing at you!” Emmanuel gently brushed her hand away and said

sternly, “Based on normal reasoning, who would believe that a poisoner

would stay at the scene to save everyone after poisoning them? Do you think

criminals have nothing better to do in your mind?”

Pfft! The crowd sniggered.

Emmanuel’s serious words unexpectedly had a humorous effect. However,

despite laughing, these people were still afraid of Ashton’s authority, so they

quickly forced themselves to stop, which looked quite comical.

Ashton’s delicate face turned as red as if it were on fire, and in a fit of anger,

she drew her gun and pointed it at Emmanuel.

Chapter 718

Everyone was stupefied.

Eleanor was also taken aback, wondering if this woman had lost her mind.

“Is this the only trick you know for handling cases?” Emmanuel showed no

fear. Instead, a hint of disdain laced his face. “Also, this is called abusing

power for personal revenge!”

“You! You-” Ashton was so furious she almost pulled the trigger.

Fortunately, her two subordinates approached to placate her.

“Captain Summerton, calm down!”

“There are many people watching, so be careful not to get suspended for


Ashton knew that too, but she just couldn’t swallow her anger.

“That’s enough, Ashton! You’re being unreasonable!” Juan scolded as he

approached her.

“Mr. Gomez, why are you here?” A trace of panic laced Ashton’s eyes while

being scolded by the renowned physician of Yeringham.

Juan Gomez not only saved her father’s life before but also treated her

illness. In her heart, she had great respect for this renowned physician of


Juan snorted coldly in response. “I’ve been with Emmanuel all day today, and

I can vouch for his innocence. Moreover, if it weren’t for Dr. Lowe’s timely

intervention, everyone here would have died by now! As the captain of the

third division, instead of enforcing the law impartially upon arriving at the

scene, you’re making things difficult for the hero. Is this how you should


Hot-tempered Ashton had been scolded by Juan to the point where she

didn’t dare to utter a word, resembling a little girl who committed a mistake.

She slowly put away her gun but continued glaring at Emmanuel resentfully.

Why did it seem like every time she was bullied by this man, someone would

stand up to protect him? Did she owe him something in her past life?

Her behavior rendered Emmanuel speechless. Before, he had only heard the

phrase “well-developed limbs, simple mind” to describe certain types of men.

Now, he realized what it meant to be busty but brainless…

It was obvious she had replaced Deon as the captain of the third division

through her physical skills and bravery. However, this would be as far as she

would go with her intelligence.

“Emmanuel, regardless of your grudges with Verkade, human life is

paramount. Please save him too!” Juan pointed at Jonathan and pleaded

with Emmanuel.

As the director of Beacon Hospital, while his medical skills might not be on

par with Emmanuel’s, his ethical standards were highly regarded.

Ashton looked surprised again. “Mr. Gomez, do you really need to plead with

him? Can’t you save him yourself?”

With a sigh, Juan said, “I’m helpless against this type of poison. Emmanuel’s

medical skills are ten times better than mine!”

Gasp! Ashton gasped, her eyes wide with astonishment as she stared at

Emmanuel. However, due to her preconceptions, even if Emmanuel’s medical

skills were remarkable, she wouldn’t admire him. Instead, she would double

her suspicions and believe that he was the poisoner and that his act of

saving lives was just a ploy!

“Em.. Emmanuel, please… save me…” Jonathan, who was curled up on the

ground, also hurriedly begged Emmanuel for help. He was in excruciating


Emmanuel glanced at him, unable to hide his disgust. He really wouldn’t want

to save Magnus’ lackey if Juan hadn’t pleaded for him. Moreover, he even

suspected that this poisoning incident was related to Jonathan.

Still, he ultimately spoke up, “I can save you, but how much are you willing to

pay me for saving your life?”

“I-” Jonathan was about to explode with anger. This b*stard saves others for

free but demands money from me?!

“Ten… Ten thousand! I’ll give you ten thousand… Is that enough?”

With his life in someone else’s hands, Jonathan had no choice but to submit.

“Ten thousand?” Emmanuel responded as though he had heard the joke of

the century, then looked at the poisoned scion with disdain. “Hadn’t you

acted all high and mighty in front of the VIP Suite 888? Is your life only worth

ten thousand?”

He deliberately said this to make Marianne give up her plan to continue

pushing her daughter to this guy.

If he’s only willing to spend ten thousand on his own life, how much can you

expect him to spend on your daughter?!

As expected, Marianne became very disappointed in Jonathan.

Jonathan didn’t know Emmanuel’s intention and thought Emmanuel was

intentionally mocking him. He cursed Emmanuel in his heart, wishing him

impotence but a thousand descendants.

But no matter how angry he was, he had to humble himself. “I-In that case…

Dr. Lowe, how much… would you be willing to help me for?”

Emmanuel immediately raised a finger. “Ten million. Feel free to consider at

your convenience whether you want me to save you or not.”

After all, it was Jonathan’s life at stake, so Emmanuel was not in a hurry at all.


Chapter 719

Jonathan once again cursed Emmanuel’s ancestors in his heart!

This son of a b*tch isn’t trying to cheat money off of me but to make me


Alas, he was out of options.

He’d lose everything if he lost his life!

Therefore, he had no choice but to swallow his pride and reluctantly agree.

Emmanuel didn’t use the same method as before, but he instead delivered a

series of heavy blows directly to his chest.

Then, without bothering to disinfect the silver needles, he poked him a few

times, and that was it.

Eleanor and the others were dumbfounded.

This young man was a Verkade, yet he had become someone else’s

punching bag! Worst, he had to pay Emmanuel ten million for it!

Only Juan shook his head in amazement. Spectators saw the fun while

experts saw the technique.

Though every punch Emmanuel delivered seemed random, he actually hit all

the precise acupoints.

This was the technique of acupressure therapy in traditional medicine

How did Emmanuel, so young, learn such exquisite medical skills?

“The poison is neutralized. Stand and pay up.” After giving Jonathan a good

beating, Emmanuel ordered him to get up and pay.

Everyone was once again dumbfounded.

Ashton snorted again, voicing everyone’s thoughts. “You b*stard, you call this

detoxifying? You’re clearly trying to murder! Has anyone ever cured someone

with their fists? There are so many witnesses this time. I’d like to see how

you’ll deny it!”

“Captain Summerton, please refrain from making baseless accusations if you

don’t understand.” Emmanuel was not polite to her at all. “My fists helped him

expel the poison. If you don’t believe it, see for yourself!”

Ashton gritted her teeth and looked at Jonathan, and so did everyone.

Sure enough, the next moment, they saw Jonathan vomiting out black blood,

which emitted a foul stench.

His bluish-purple face gradually returned to its normal color.

“Stop playing dead!” Emmanuel waited for him to finish vomiting, then kicked

him mercilessly and said, “If you dare to deny it, I can not only save you but

also kill you!”

Jonathan gritted his teeth, but before he could respond, Ashton suddenly

aimed her gun at the back of Emmanuel’s head.

The room instantly fell into an eerie silence.

Ashton sneered, “Emmanuel, finally let it slip, didn’t you? Your target for

poisoning was indeed to kill Jonathan. Otherwise, why would you save

everyone else but him just now? If I hadn’t arrived in time, you probably would

have let him die from poisoning, right?”

Gasp! The crowd gasped in shock again. The captain’s speculation wasn’t

entirely impossible.

However, Emmanuel wasn’t afraid despite knowing Ashton would actually

shoot him. He looked back at her and suddenly smiled. “Your imagination is

impressive, Captain Summerton. Unfortunately, I don’t think being the captain

of the A team suits you well. Why not consider becoming a suspense


“You rascal, do you really think I wouldn’t dare to kill you?”


Ashton angrily released the safety on her gun.

“Summerton, stop your nonsense! Put the gun down now!” Juan shouted in

anger at once.

Her two subordinates, too, rushed over to intervene.

Regardless, Emmanuel remained unfazed. “Captain Summerton, I suggest

you get your mental health checked.”

“What?!” Ashton hadn’t actually intended to fire her gun. However, the man

kept challenging her patience with his life.

It wasn’t an insult. Emmanuel calmly explained, “Your quick temper and easily

getting angry are signs of excessive stress. Your excessive self-esteem and

inability to handle stress or accept unwanted truths are indications of a

serious psychological disorder. I advise you to seek medical attention as

soon as possible.”

“Ah! I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you!!”

Chapter 720

Ashton nearly went insane at Emmanuel’s comment.

“Stop!” At the critical moment, Juan shielded Emmanuel with his own body.

“Mr. Gomez!”

She finally calmed down when she looked at Juan in surprise.

She couldn’t understand why all the people she respected so much

respected Emmanuel.

First, it was Finlay. Now, it was Juan.


Juan pressed down on her gun-holding hand and scolded, “Is this how you

handle cases? Don’t disgrace your father!”

His words hit her sore spot.

to her father.

She handled every case well in the past, which was why she was promoted

to the rank of Level 3 Inspector at the young age of 24.

However, she had been bullied ever since meeting Emmanuel. Her vessels

felt like they would burst in anger at any moment.

I hate him so much!

While Ashton was entangled with Emmanuel, Jonathan got up and ran away.

Everyone was stunned because he was on the brink of death just a moment

ago. Yet, he could run as fast as lightning!

One shouldn’t underestimate a debtor. Not even an athlete could catch up

with Jonathan.


Emmanuel wanted to stop him, but Ashton blocked him and wouldn’t let him

“Emmanuel Lowe, don’t think about sneaking away. I think you’re the biggest

suspect in this case. Come back with me for further investigation.”


“Sorry, I’m busy.” He showed no courtesy at all because he felt that she was

doing it on purpose to tick him off. “If you really want to solve the case, show

some respect. Maybe I can give you some key information then. If you insist

on handling the case by involving your personal feelings, I’m afraid I don’t

have time to spare for you.”

“You!” Her face turned crimson.

“Alright, Ash, calm down. I guarantee with my life that Emmanuel is not the

poisoner! Stop making a fuss!” Juan gave another cold shout.

She clenched her fists and snorted coldly before heading to the crime scene


At this time, Rhea and Tia also came out of the private lounge.

Emmanuel wanted to leave to avoid Ashton’s antics, so he decided to take

the Gomez family home.

Tia’s blind date was ruined because Jonathan ran away to avoid his debts.

She was very grateful to Emmanuel. If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t have a

clue about how to deal with her mother.

Emmanuel and the Gomez family got into the Maserati and left. Tia stood still,

unable to take her eyes off them for a long time.

“Tia, if you really don’t want to get married, just be Emmanuel’s mistress.”

As soon as Marianne finished, Tia was shocked. “Mom, w-what are you talking

about? I do like Emmanuel, but I’m not the kind of woman with a twisted

sense of right and wrong. How could I be a homewrecker? Besides, even if I’m

willing to do so, Emmanuel might not think the same.”

Marianne agreed with her daughter. Although she liked money, she was just

speaking off the cuff.

What kind of mother would advise her daughter to be a mistress?

“If only Emmanuel had brothers.” Marianne sighed again.

Tia flinched because she was aware that Emmanuel had a brother. On top of

that, his brother seemed to like her.

Tia’s mind was a mess for a moment. Could she really marry his ugly brother

just because she liked Emmanuel?

This is absurd!

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