A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 761-770

Chapter 761

“No, I won’t. I’ve settled down in Yeringham.” Emmanuel shook his head as he

answered Sage’s question.

As expected, Sage’s face was evident with disappointment. However, he only

sighed and nodded to express his understanding. “I see. Mackenzie is a

beautiful woman. It’s understandable that you want to enjoy life after serving

the country for years.”

His heart fluttered at the thought of Mackenzie.

If only she weren’t Emmanuel’s wife, Sage would do whatever it takes to turn

her head.

After all, it was a rare chance to meet your dream girl throughout life.

Emmanuel wore a small smile on his face. Sage was indeed right about

Emmanuel couldn’t live without Mackenzie.

First of all, she was his wife. Secondly, he must depend on her to accomplish

However, he chose not to tell Sage about his mission for now. He can think

whatever he wants.

“Did you find Claudette’s body?” He took the initiative to ask.

This matter had been weighing on his mind.

“No.” Sage shook his head and explained in detail, “We almost think

something supernatural is involved in this case. There’s a valley at the

bottom of the cliff to the south of the Lenoir Residence. The nearest river is

more than one hundred yards from where Ms. Lenoir fell. However, we just

couldn’t find her body around the valley. Besides, we spent days searching

the cliff by drone, but we found nothing. Absolutely nothing. Ms. Lenoir seems

to have disappeared into thin air. We can’t determine the nature of the case

without a body. It’ll soon become a cold case.”

Emmanuel frowned as he listened.

-After a while, he finally asked, “Is it possible that someone took her body and

erased all the traces before the police began the search?”

Sage answered with a serious expression, “We considered such a possibility.

But if someone indeed did that, they would have to wait in the valley in the

dark and leave before the police went into the valley to search. Otherwise, we

would’ve bumped into them. However, we haven’t found any suspect in the

past few days.”

“That’s strange.” Emmanuel couldn’t wrap his head around the case, but he

continued anyway, “Knowing Magnus, he’s indeed capable of assigning his

men to wait in the valley in advance. But how did they take Claudette away

without alerting you?”

The more he thought about the case, the more uneasy he got.

He didn’t want to imagine what a hypocrite like Magnus would do to

Claudette if he took her.

He would be less worried if it were just a body. What if she’s alive? The

thought made Emmanuel shudder.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll continue the investigation,” Sage promised. What concerns

Emmanuel concerns me too.

“Emmanuel, did you have a beef with Magnus because of Ms. Lenoir? Are you

suspecting him for what happened earlier?” asked Sage.

“That’s right!” Emmanuel nodded. “Hubert isn’t smart enough to pull off

today’s incident. They must be able to take into consideration the variables

to plan this. Magnus is the only person who’s capable of foreseeing this.”

As he finished his words, the pair heard a call from the side. “Captain Payne!”

Both men turned around only to see Ashton running toward them.

She had a full figure. It was hard not to notice her curves when she moved.

She had the posture of a professional athlete, unlike any ordinary girl.

“What did you find?” Sage cut to the chase.

“Sir, the preliminary investigation reveals that the negligence of the

maintenance staff caused the accident. They kept missing the loosened

parts when they were doing maintenance checks. It was a total accident.”

Ashton’s answer made Emmanuel burst out laughing. It’s so obvious. The

mastermind behind the case shifted the blame to the maintenance staff.


Chapter 762

“What are you laughing at, you jerk?”

Ashton had become extremely sensitive to Emmanuel’s laughter. Whenever

she saw him smiling, she immediately felt like he was mocking her.

“Miss Ashton, are you being a bit too overbearing?”

Emmanuel chuckled. “Is it illegal to laugh secretly?”


Ashton’s hatred for Emmanuel had reached the point where she yearned to

snap as soon as he uttered a word.

However, a mere glance from Sage made her obediently put her hands


How frustrating it is to be unable to get back at someone I despised!

Emmanuel was determined not to stoop to her level and earnestly said, “Miss

Ashton, out of respect for Captain Payne, I will now share crucial information

regarding the three cases. Please listen attentively.”

As she caught his gaze, Ashton struggled to restrain her anger.

How does this jerk suddenly assume such an air of undeniable authority?

“Firstly, Magnus Zelinsky pushed Claudette Lenoir off the cliff. The person you

should be investigating is Magnus Zelinsky, not me. If not, you’ll never crack

the case. Secondly, the poisoning incident at the restaurant was aimed at

  1. It was a bizarre and deadly combo. The poison was introduced into plain

water, with the source traced back to Jonathan Verkade. As for how to

proceed with the investigation, that’s up to you! Thirdly, today’s Ferris wheel

incident was no accident. Hubert Verkade even took shots at me. It was a

premeditated murder. Of course, whether you can nail such a big shot like

Hubert Verkade, that’s up to your capabilities!”

After Emmanuel finished speaking, he gestured to Sage as he was about to leave the amusement park.

“That infuriating guy, who does he think he is? Sooner or later, I’ll bring him to

justice!” Ashton muttered angrily, but Sage overheard her.

Sensing Sage’s frigid gaze, Ashton felt a shiver run down her spine as if she

had fallen into an ice cellar!

Why does Captain Payne stand up for that guy Emmanuel so much?

“Ashton, listen up. These three cases are now entirely under your

responsibility. If you can’t solve them within three months, you’ll hand over

your badge and gun! Got it?”

“Ah, Captain-”

Ashton was secretly shocked. However, when she met Sage’s resolute gaze,

she could only bite her lip lightly and salute, “Yes, I pledge to complete the


Then, Sage also departed.

Left alone, Ashton let out a long sigh.

Before she could relax, her private phone rang again.

“Hello, Dad!”

Ashton answered the call, and her tone differed slightly from her usual

tough-girl image as she showed her girlish side.

“Ash, is your work progressing smoothly? You promised me you’d get

promoted to Inspector Grade 2 this year!”

“Dad, I’ll definitely succeed!”

Laughter echoed through the line. “I’m not hoping for your success. I just want

to let you know that your brother has decided to lay low. He insists on having

you come back and inherit the Summerton family business. Remember what

you said: if you can’t get promoted this year, then you’ll obediently return

home and take over the family business!”

“No! I don’t want to!”

Ashton reacted with agitation.

The Summertons, a prominent business family in Yeringham, were known for

their commercial prowess. However, the younger generation of this family

stood out for their strong ideals and personalities.

Among them was Lexi Summerton, Ashton’s cousin, an undeniably hacking

genius. Rather than assuming the mantle of CEO in her family’s company,

Lexi chose to be an executive assistant in Yeringham.

Her brother, Tyler Summerton, was even more idealistic. He chose to be a

photographer, traveling around taking pictures, displaying no interest in the

business world.

Then there was Ashton, driven by an unyielding passion for justice and a

resolute determination to fight evil with her abilities, aiming to bring

righteousness to the world.

While her cousin and brother’s aspirations seemed more straightforward to

attain, Ashton’s dreams soared to lofty heights.

What should she do now?

She would be in big trouble if she couldn’t solve these three cases within

three months. How could she even think about a promotion?

Ashton was nearly driven to frustration. Am I destined to suffer the tragic fate

of going back home to inherit a multi-million family business?

Chapter 763

On the road in Yeringham, Blake was still driving his decade-old Corolla,

following behind a Maserati.

“Haha, Magnus, seems like your plan has failed again, huh? You’re truly a

failure. You can’t even kill an enemy after so many attempts!”

At his teasing, Magnus’ lips curved into a faint smile. He held neither anger

nor dismay.

Yet, within his eyes, a glimmer of intrigue sparkled-a light hinting at

something more.

‘From my earliest days up until now, I have never encountered such a

enacious opponent. It’s rather interesting!”

Magnus pushed his glasses and grinned.

Haha, I’ve seen this scene play out in movies and novels. Usually, after the

ntagonist’s defeat by the protagonist, they utter such lines to salvage their

pride! Magnus, I’m starting to believe that you’re akin to an antagonist, and

your lifespan might not be all that long!”

“Enough of that. Focus on your driving. If you keep talking like this, we might

just see the end of our friendship!”

Magnus pretended to be slightly angry.

Blake continued to laugh heartily. It was a novel sight to witness Magnus in

this state. While not quite an expression of exasperation, the fact that

someone could get him to this point of frustration was rather amusing.

He was curious to meet Emmanuel and see what kind of character he was.

Meanwhile, inside the Maserati, Ryder tightly gripped the steering wheel, and

his palms were sweaty.

He hadn’t driven for so many years, and now he was driving a Maserati.

Moreover, the woman he liked was sitting in the passenger seat. How could

he not be nervous?

“Mr. Lowe, why are you sweating so much? Is it hot?”

Tia sensed that something was off and offered him a tissue to wipe his


Unbeknownst to her, each wipe only seemed to produce more sweat.

“Are you feeling unwell? Let me turn on the air conditioning.”

Tia’s brows furrowed with concern. Given the early spring weather, the

temperature was nid. It was perplexing for Ryder to be dripping with sweat.

“Hehe, Ms. Franks, my dad gets hot whenever he’s around you!” Tommy’s

voice chimed in from the backseat.

“Hey, little brat, you’re always butting in. Get back in your seat!”

At Ryder’s suggestive comment, it was Tia’s turn to blush.


How can someone as well-behaved as Mr. Lowe utter something so subtly


The etmosphere become quite awkward for a moment.

Fake Tommy, the master of defusing tension, swiftly intervened. “Dad,

ach growing wont to eat something!”

Wxto be ever you are. That’s one thing you got from me!” Ryder playfully

XXX 79 80 bebe turning his gaze toward Tia with a noticeable hint of

Box 18 Fonks, how bout we grab a bite first? I-I’ll cover the bill!”

4300300ne son, a gave a nod of agreement.

Son Ye Mosers omiked in front of an ordinary restaurant,

The security guards and greeters at the entrance hurriedly walked over with

welcoming smiles when they saw such a luxurious car.

When they saw Ta step out of the passenger seat and Tommy hop out from

the book, they immediately assumed that the Maserati passengers were

From a wealthy family.

Little did they expect that the person who walked out of the driver’s seat was

a weathered-skinned older man. At first glance, he could be mistaken for a

seasoned farmer.

Upon closer inspection, one might conjecture he was, at best, a retired


This unexpected revelation prompted discreet murmurs among the

observers. “How can such a beautiful woman be with such an ugly man?”

“Surely, that man must be incredibly wealthy, right? Perhaps he razed his

hometown to construct an airport?”

“Thank goodness the kid doesn’t take after his dad!”

Overhearing these hushed comments, Ryder couldn’t help but feel


Back in the day, when he was with Abellyn, they were often compared to a

diamond in the rough. But now, with an even more significant age gap


between him and Tia, and Tia being slightly more attractive than Abellyn, he

was aware that if they pursued a relationship, the same kind of comments

would persistently bother them.

Tia also overheard these comments but kept her head down and brushed

her hair behind her ear.

“Hmph, what nonsense! My dad isn’t ugly!”

Tommy’s sudden outburst startled the crowd.

Just as everyone believed he was courageously standing up for his father

and defending him, Tommy’s focus swiftly shifted to the opposite side of the

scene, where an ugly man was getting out of a black Corolla.

“Look there! See how my dad compares to that unattractive guy. Is my dad

truly that ugly? That fellow over there is the real eyesore! Much uglier than

my dad!”

Chapter 764

Holy cow!

Blake found himself slightly overwhelmed as he noticed the collective gaze

aimed his way.

Who on earth did I rub the wrong way? I stepped out of the car, and now, I’m

being branded as ugly?

With a fierce glare, he locked eyes with Tommy and issued a threat. “You little

brat, have you no sense of manners? Has your father not taught you

anything? How can you speak so rudely? If you were my child, I would

definitely spank your little butt for sure!”

“Well, it’s true that you’re uglier than my dad!” Tommy retorted.

He even made a funny face before promptly seeking refuge behind Tia, using

her as a shield against the situation.


“I’m sorry about that! Kids have a knack for the unexpected. I’ll certainly

reprimand him once we’re back. My deepest apologies…”

Ryder offered a swift apology on behalf of his son as he bowed repeatedly.

“Blake, why are you getting so worked up?”

At this moment, Magnus also got off the Corolla and smiled as he said, “In

fairness, the kid isn’t entirely wrong. You are a tad uglier than his dad. Kids are

honest, you know, and that’s a fine quality!”

After enduring Blake’s playful banter over the past days, Magnus finally

seized the opportunity to strike back. A sense of revenge settled in.

Blake remained silent in frustration.

Attention shifted to Magnus, and gradually, a sense of awe spread through

the crowd.

There was an ineffable aura surrounding this young man-an inexplicable air

of presence.


His background seemed well-off, yet his attire wasn’t extravagant. Still, he

emanated a distinct air of superiority.

Donning glasses and carrying himself with a poised and gracious demeanor,

he nodded in acknowledgment to anyone who met his gaze.

When his gaze fell on Tia, she quickly averted her eyes.

Only then did Magnus and Blake proceed to step into the restaurant.

The spectacle unfolding at the entrance left the onlookers bewildered. A rural

farmer driving a luxury car with a beautiful woman for a meal while a

sophisticated young man arrived in an ordinary car with an unattractive

man? Such a scene sparked speculation among the bystanders.

“Well, Tia, shall we head in as well?”

Ryder felt very uneasy. He worried about any mistaken assumptions of his

financial status-after all, the Maserati was not his.


Tia took the initiative to hold Tommy’s hand as they entered together. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The interior of the restaurant was quite modest, the space manageable. All

the dining tables were arranged within a large hall.

Misled by their respective vehicles, the restaurant owner seated Ryder’s

group at a larger table and Magnus and Blake at a smaller one.

“Why the staring? Do you want to call me ugly again?”


Blake noticed Tommy’s gaze had been on him the whole time, so he playfully

bared his teeth and claws. “Let me tell you, when I was your age, I was even

fairer, more handsome, and cuter than you!”

“I don’t believe you!” Tommy responded innocently, “You’re not only ugly, but

you’re also a big bragger! My dad doesn’t do that. He’s more handsome than

you and way more honest. He admits that he’s not good-looking!”


Tia couldn’t hold back her laughter.

Ryder’s face turned red with anger. This bratty kid sure has a lot to say!

“Oh, you don’t believe me, huh? I’ve got a witness! If my words aren’t

convincing, just ask him!” Blake exclaimed excitedly, pointing at Magnus.

He was determined to win this argument against the brat.

Magnus innocently blinked his eyes.

“Hmph, he’s your friend, so he’d take your side! Anyway, you’re just uglier than

my dad. There’s no way you were cuter than me when you were younger!”

Tommy placed his hand on his lips and held his head high.

“Oh my, you’re driving me crazy!”

As Blake thought about how to turn the tables, his agitation grew to a point

where he began to scratch his head in frustration.

Without uttering a word, Magnus looked at him and smiled.


He was acutely aware that, in his earlier days, Blake had been regarded as

strikingly handsome, perhaps even more so than himself.

Unfortunately, Blake’s intensive training and indulgence in women made him

less appealing than the weathered-skinned elderly farmer seated across the


Chapter 765

“Blake, do you want to teach that kid a lesson?”

Magnus suddenly spoke up.

“Well, I’ve considered it, but bullying someone younger than us isn’t really the

high road, is it?”

Blake gritted his teeth.

Although he was ugly, he still held onto his pride.

With a stunning woman by the child’s side, how could he allow himself to

bully a child in her presence?

“There are numerous ways to impart a lesson. You’re not his father, so

resorting to physical discipline is out of the question. Nonetheless, teaching a

lesson doesn’t always mean spanking.”

“Oh, what do you have in mind? Are you suggesting a strategy?”

Blake’s yearning to impart a bit of discipline to Tommy was palpable.

His feelings toward Tommy weren’t rooted in dislike, but he refused to be a



There was no reason to be a doormat and endure bullying without retaliation,


“Give him a treat to eat.”

Magnus suddenly took out a strange little box.

At the sight of it, Blake was startled. “Magnus, have you lost your mind? This is

a witchcraft worm!”

“You do have an eye for things.”

Magnus smiled and explained, “This is the mind-controlling witchcraft worm

that I obtained after visiting an elder in the Mysticwood. It took quite a bit of

effort to get.”


“I bet it wasn’t just effort, but also quite a bit of money. right?” Blake stared at

the box curiously and asked, “Mind-controlling witchcraft worm? What’s it

used for?”

He was a master arts expert in the inner martial world, but he didn’t have

much understanding of witchcraft worms. He only knew that these things

were real.

“I’ve heard it can control a person, and of course, it can also make them fall

ill,” Magnus explained while maintaining his smile.

“Control a person? Doesn’t that sound a bit too fantastical? If something like

that really existed, it’d be quite over the top.”

Blake waved his hand dismissively, and his skepticism was evident.

“Haha, I’m not entirely convinced either. So, why not give it a shot this time? If

it makes the kid sick and imparts a lesson to him, isn’t that a good thing?”

Observing Blake’s hesitation, Magnus deliberately began to tuck the box

away. “If you’re uninterested, then let’s forget it.”

“Who said I’m uninterested?”

Blake swiftly grabbed the box and immediately followed up with a question

as he asked, “Are you using a child as a test subject? Isn’t that too costly?”

Even a fool would know that these witchcraft worms must be quite valuable.

Magnus, renowned for his astuteness and intelligence, was unlikely to

engage in something so reckless.

Sure enough, Magnus’ smile turned deeper. “Of course, I have a clever

approach in mind, but I can’t reveal it just yet. Consider it a playfully

mischievous prank!”

“Haha, fine then!”

Blake thought that using this method to teach a little brat a lesson was quite


After all, it was said that words could stir up trouble, and illness could enter

through the mouth. Allowing the child to fall ill once would likely discourage

him from making fun of others’ appearances in the future.

At this moment, Ryder and the rest paid no heed to the interaction between

Blake and Magnus. Father and son were engrossed in sharing a meal with


Collectively, they found themselves hoping that she could become a part of

their family.

In truth, Tia harbored no romantic sentiments for Ryder, despite his valiant

rescue earlier in the day.

Nevertheless, most women tended to be emotional beings. Sensing the

genuine concern his family held for her, she knew that marrying Ryder would

likely mean she’d be cherished and cared for.

“Hehe, little brat!” Blake’s voice suddenly interjected, momentarily disrupting

the trio’s meal.

“What’s up? Mr. Ugly!”

Hey, Tommy, don’t call him that!”

Chapter 766

Blake pretended not to be angry, but a mischievous thought was already

brewing in his mind.

D*mn it, calling me “Mr. Ugly?” I will make you eat something buggy then!

Blake smiled as he placed a grilled chicken wing in front of Tommy and

remarked, “Back in the day, I was genuinely cute and handsome, just like you!

Seeing you reminds me of myself, so I thought I’d treat you to a grilled

chicken wing.”

He wasn’t lying; the kid did resemble him when he was young.

However, Ryder and Tia thought he was just joking. How could he boast of his

youthful charm when his current appearance contrasted so starkly?

Tommy loved eating grilled chicken wings the most and was already

salivating at the sight.

“But how can we accept it? Maybe we shouldn’t—”

Chapter 766 A Mischievous Scheme


Ryder, driven by his straightforward nature, hesitated to receive a favor from

a stranger.

“Hey, let’s consider it as making friends since we’re all in the ‘not

conventionally handsome’ club. Besides, these kiddie snacks aren’t exactly

our cup of tea!”

Blake patted Ryder on the shoulder and adopted a familiar tone.

“Dad, I’m really craving it!”

Tommy licked his lips. Their table was mostly filled with main courses, and he

wasn’t particularly fond of them.

“Well… alright, thanks!”

Ryder expressed his gratitude.

“Haha, no problem! Let’s just consider it making friends!”

Blake patted Ryder’s shoulder once more and glanced at Tia before walking


Such a striking woman! What a shame if he doesn’t make an effort to pursue


After returning to their table, both men watched Tommy polish off the

chicken wing. They couldn’t help but reveal mischievous smiles.

“Are you full? Let’s go!”

Magnus stood up smoothly and left the restaurant.

No one suspected cnything strange. After all, the two of them arrived at the

restaurant in a Corolla.

“Magnus, did you come specifically to play a trick on that kid? You must be

setting up some scheme, right?” Blake teased again, “When the time comes,

this move will certainly make an impression. And if it remains unnecessary, it

won’t be a loss. After all, nobody else knows.”

Magnus merely grinned in response. “Isn’t it always better to be prepared?

Nobody dares to claim a hundred percent certainty, but if you don’t plan

ahead, you’ll undoubtedly find yourself empty-handed when the moment


“Haha, you’ve got a point! Historically, even those ancient strategists devised

tactics like these, didn’t they?”

Blake agreed with his point this time and added, “Suddenly, I’ve got an urge

to head somewhere. You can stay put and get picked up by the Verkade

family’s Lincoln. It’s more comfortable.”

Magnus was left utterly flabbergasted.

This guy clearly doesn’t take me seriously, does he?

Nevertheless, Magnus shook his head and got off the car.

Blake wasted no time either as he drove straight to a nearby destination:

Phoenix Haven Spa.

“D*mn it, seven years have passed, and this place is still up and running?

They must have some serious backing!”

As Blake spat in disgust, he got out of the car and looked at the place where

he used to have fun.

“I wonder how those girls from the past are doing now.”

Curiosity about a particular woman tugged at him. Given that she was only in

her early twenties then, she should still retain her attractiveness, right?

The next moment, he suddenly froze, and his eyes widened with


Abellyn walked out of the gate of Phoenix Haven Spa with resentment and

cursed, “What a piece of junk! How dare they say I’m too old, not skilled

enough, and don’t fit their current style! Bah! I don’t even care to work at such

a place!”

As she continued her tirade, she suddenly looked up and noticed an

ugly-looking person staring at her.

“What are you looking at? Never seen a beautiful woman before? Head home

and ogle your own lady!”

Abellyn was in a bad mood and unleashed her anger on Blake with curses.

Blake wasn’t offended. He walked over and stood in front of her with a hint of

excitement. “Abellyn, is that you?”

At his words, Abellyn’s body trembled slightly.

After looking closer at the ugly man before her, she frowned and asked, “Who

are you?”

Chapter 767

“Don’t you recognize me? I’m Blake, your Casanova!” Blake said excitedly.

This time, Abellyn trembled and stared at the man in front of her in disbelief.

Even though he had revealed his identity, she still couldn’t believe it!

Blake continued, “I was drunk that night, and you washed my feet for me.

Then, while you were doing so, I took you in my arms and insisted that you

wash my hair. The next day, I woke up and realized that we didn’t use any

protection, so I gave you 7,000. Have you forgotten all of that?”

Boom! Blake’s words struck Abellyn like a thunderbolt, causing her to stagger

and almost lose her balance. “It… Was it you? How could it be you?” She

remembered that the man who had gotten her pregnant back then was a

good-looking man-not necessarily a stunningly handsome one, but

definitely not ugly. Her son became more handsome after he was born, and

she became more and more worried, afraid that the honest Ryder would

eventually find out about this. But no matter how she had everything

considered, she never expected that the man who had slept with her back

then would turn out to be even uglier than Ryder! What on earth is going on

here? If someone were to ask me now who Tommy’s biological father is, I

probably wouldn’t be able to answer!

“It was me!” Blake should have explained it in more detail. He just held Abellyn

and asked excitedly, “I heard that you had a son afterward. Is that true?”

“It’s none of your business!” Abellyn felt uncomfortable looking at his ugly face

and pushed him away before turning around to leave.

However, Blake took another step and blocked her way. “How is it none of my

business? I left back then because I didn’t know you were pregnant. I’m not

that kind of irresponsible man, you know. I love you and all other women!” he

replied earnestly.

Abellyn knew he was telling the truth. Back then, she had deliberately washed

his feet because she had heard about this Casanova guy. She knew that he

was usually stingy but generous toward prostitutes, casually tipping them



That very night, she had deliberately not used any protection because she

wanted more money. In the end, she got what she wanted! 7,000 was a

considerable sum of money seven years ago, considering the prices of

things at the time.

But now, she regretted it. Because of that one silly night, she ended up losing

her entire life. With her looks back then, she could have found a better

husband than Ryder, and she wouldn’t have gotten kicked out of her home

for cheating. “I should’ve had a happy family. It’s all because of you! You

b*stard!” she yelled, wanting to vent all the grievances and pain she had

suffered during this time on the man in front of her.

Blake stood there without moving, no matter how she whacked and scolded/

him. To him, the blows from her were so weak that they wouldn’t even be

considered a scratch!

“Get lost, you ugly b*stard! Don’t even think I’ll ever be with you again!” swore

Abellyn after she was tired of beating him.

The next moment, however, she was stunned; he unlocked his phone and

showed his account balance. One digit, two digits, three digits, four digits, five

digits… Oh, my God! He actually had millions in his bank account!

“Tell me where our son is, and I’ll give you 1 million, okay?”

As soon as he said that, Abellyn felt like she had been struck by lightning. 1

million?! Wouldn’t that make me an instant millionaire? I would no longer

need to find ways to serve men to make money! At the thought of this, she

willingly threw herself into his arms, pretending to be angry and coquettish.

“You b*stard, why did you only show up now? Do you know how miserable my

life has been?”

Hehe, this woman! Blake laughed. Just a moment ago, she said she wouldn’t

be with me, but after I said that one sentence, she willingly threw herself into

my arms, huh? However, instead of mocking her, he asked again, “Where is

our son?”

Abellyn wasn’t stupid. She first took out her phone and showed the QR code

for payment.

Chapter 768


Good thing that this guy showed up today, or I wouldn’t have been able to

afford my phone bill! she thought.

Ring! ‘1 million has been transferred to your PayPal account.’

At the sight of this message, Abellyn’s face lit up with relief. I can live a

comfortable life at last! Humph! Ryder, you b*stard! I’ll make sure that you

regret everything!

“Hurry up and take me to see my son!” urged Blake loudly.

“Alright, I’ll take you to see him right away, okay?” replied Abellyn. With money

on hand, she could do anything, let alone take him to see Tommy. I’d love to

see the look on Ryder’s face when that b*stard finds out that he’s been

raising someone else’s son for six years!

On the other hand, after Ryder finished his meal, he quickly sent Tia home.

Then, he drove his Maserati to Yociam Residence, where Emmanuel was

already waiting at the entrance.

“Emmanuel, thank you so much for today! I’m so happy!” said Ryder. He was a

man who couldn’t hide his inner feelings, and his happiness was evident. At

last, I understand what kind of joy it is to be with the woman I love! Although

he used to spoil Abellyn in the past, that feeling was definitely not the same

as today. It was as if Tia were his first love!

Before Emmanuel could respond, a Bentley also pulled up at the entrance to

Yociam Residence.

Sitting in the car, Mackenzie could already see Ryder’s excited face through

the car window.

The next moment, the Bentley’s door opened.

“Good evening, Ms. Quillen!” Ryder immediately greeted Mackenzie with a

smile, bowing slightly in a somewhat humble posture. He knew that he

couldn’t even compare with a speck of dust in front of his cousin’s wife.

Mackenzie would’ve disdained to greet a man if it were in the past. But now,

she actually nodded to him before looking at Emmanuel. She asked, “How

much longer are you two going to chat?”

Before Emmanuel could respond, Ryder hurriedly replied, “Ah! I’m heading out

right now and won’t disturb you anymore. Bye!” After that, he quickly took

Tommy to hail a taxi on the side of the road.

“How about I take them home first?” Emmanuel said to Mackenzie.

“I have something to talk to you about. Let’s have Wally take them home,”

Mackenzie replied.

“Alright, then. Thank you for that.” Emmanuel thanked Mackenzie on behalf of

his cousin.

However, Mackenzie glanced at him casually, saying, “Let’s go inside.”


The two of them walked into the residential area and returned home.

Mackenzie sat right down on the sofa. Despite looking slightly tired, she first

asked with concern, “I’ve heard about the Ferris wheel accident today. Is

everyone okay?”

Everyone is fine, but Jaxton got injured!” Emmanuel answered as he made

tea for his wife. It was Roselynn who told him that Jaxton had gotten injured;

he had gotten kicked while saving the man.

“Good to hear that!” Mackenzie nodded slightly. Then, she continued, “I

wanted to talk to you about the Oatleys. They showed up at our company

today, looking to collaborate with the Terence Group, but I was too busy

today and didn’t have a chance to meet them, so I had my secretary

reschedule the appointment!”

Emmanuel wasn’t stupid. After placing a cup of tea in front of her, he

immediately asked, “Are you going to decide whether or not to collaborate

with them based on the actual relationship between my sister and Jaxton?”

“You’re not so dumb, after all,” replied Mackenzie, confirming it tacitly.

༣ ག།

Chapter 769

“I’m also scratching my head over this for my sister,” Emmanuel replied

slowly, but he didn’t continue. Instead, he advised, “Here’s some tea to relieve

fatigue. Mackenzie, why don’t you finish this cup of tea first?”

Mackenzie glared at him with a cold expression. Still, she followed his advice

and took a few sips of the tea.

Only then did Emmanuel continue speaking. “My sister and that guy have no

feelings for each other anymore. She wants a divorce, but my mom is dead

set against it!”

“So, that’s how it is. Then, there’s no need to collaborate with the Oatleys!”

Mackenzie immediately made the decision.

Emmanuel said seriously, “Mackenzie, thank you for caring so much about my

family, but when it comes to business matters, I hope you’re still making

decisions in the best interest of Terence Group.”

“Humph! Do I need you to teach me how to do things?” Mackenzie pretended

to be aloof. In reality, she had always been like this. When did she ever learn

to be worldly-wise after getting married?

Knowing her character, Emmanuel wasn’t angry at her response. In fact, he

even found it kind of cute. “Mackenzie, why don’t you take a hot bath and

relax for a while?”

“I got it. Don’t nag at me like my dad!” Mackenzie seemed impatient, but deep

down inside, she felt that this kind of life wasn’t bad at all. “Oh, by the way!”

She was about to go to the bathroom when she suddenly turned around and

said, “I’ll find some time to talk to your mom about your sister’s situation. She

might listen to me!”

Emmanuel’s face lit up at once. He and Roselynn were Alessandra’s children;

sometimes, she might not really understand when he discussed these

relationship matters with her. However, if Mackenzie was willing to talk to her,

she might be able to persuade her! “Thank you, Mackenzie!”

“Humph!” Mackenzie turned around coldly in response to his words of thanks.

Why is this idiot being so polite?

Mackenzie coming out of her room.

“What’s wrong? You don’t look right!” Mackenzie immediately noticed that

something wasn’t right with Emmanuel.

“Ryder said that Tommy suddenly got possessed and is vomiting severely

now. His life might be in danger!”

“What? That’s so serious!” Mackenzie was also surprised. “How could this

happen all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know either. I have to go over to take a look. I won’t be able to drive

you to work!”

“Okay, just go ahead!” Understanding the seriousness of the situation,

Mackenzie let Emmanuel hurry to Ryder’s place.

On the other hand, Ryder was still at a loss for what to do after hanging up

the phone. After pondering for a moment, he quickly boiled some water and

then trotted outside, wanting to prepare a set of silver needles for Emmanuel

first. Unexpectedly, just after running out of his house, he came face to face

with the black Corolla he had seen at the restaurant yesterday. He didn’t stop

or think much about it; instead, he continued running toward the pharmacy.

“Huh? How come it’s that ugly man from yesterday?” Blake thought it was too

much of a coincidence when he saw Ryder. At the same time, an inexplicable

bad feeling rose in his heart.

Chapter 770

“Have you seen him before?” Abellyn, sitting in the passenger seat, also

looked surprised.

“Haha! I happened to run into him before I met you yesterday. We even ate at

the same restaurant!” Blake laughed.

“Oh,” replied Abellyn with a strange expression without saying anything else.

In her heart, today was the day she would show off in front of Ryder. She was

now a millionaire and had found the man from years ago. When Ryder came

back, she would start showing off!

Blake didn’t care about her thoughts and quickly followed her instructions to

arrive at the Lowe residence.

“The front gate is locked. If you want to see your son, you’ll have to wait for

that guy to come back!” Abellyn got out of the car and toyed with her

fingernails, clearly not considering something like breaking in forcefully.

However, Blake was different. He just wanted to see his son as soon as

Chapter 770 Harming

possible. And now, his heart was beating fast! Don’t tell me that the little brat I

planted a worm on for calling me ugly yesterday is actually my son!

Noticing that Blake didn’t respond to her, Abellyn turned around to see what

he was doing. To her surprise, he had disappeared. “Blake… Hey! Where is he?”

Blake jumped over the Lowe residence’s wall without a sound, forcefully

breaking into the house. As soon as he landed, he heard groans of pain. The

bad feeling within him grew stronger and stronger. Naturally, his heart

started to throb involuntarily: D*mn it! Could I have harmed my own son so


“Aaaah!” Tommy let out another blood-curdling scream in the room.

Blake quickly approached the window and saw Tommy half-slumped by the

bed. His face was purple and pale with dark circles under his eyes, and he

was vomiting desperately. Because he had vomited so many times, his

stomach was empty. He was also throwing up green gastric juice. He looked

extremely miserable like his life was hanging by a thread.

“My son! Oh, my son!” Blake was overwhelmed with anguish and regret. I’m

Chapter 770 Harming His Own Son


the one who caused my son to suffer like this! “D*mn it! Magnus, that son of a

b*tch, said it would just be a stomachache! How did it turn out like this? I’m

going to kill him! Ah! He’s gonna get me killed!”

Blake cursed Magnus viciously and then slapped himself hard all of a

sudden. “No! I’m such an idiot! How could I do something so stupid? What a

fool I am! I’m such a big fool…”

Slap! Slap! Slap!

He didn’t know how to help his son, so he could only slap himself across the

face, making each slap louder than the last, swelling his own face in hopes of

making himself feel a little better. But how could he feel better about this? His

son was going to be killed by his own hands!

Just as he was about to break into the room, there was finally some noise

outside the door.

“Abellyn, why are you at the door to my house again?” Ryder had returned

with the silver needles. When he saw Abellyn, his face darkened on the spot.

“Hehe! What do you care if I’m here? I came back today to piss you off!”

retorted Abellyn with deliberate smugness while raising her chin.

“So, it really was you who did it! I’ll kill you, you shameless b*tch!” Ryder

slapped Abellyn’s face then and there.

Abellyn was stunned for a moment. Covering her face, she turned her head

and was about to scold him, but she saw him pointing at her nose and

yelling, “Did you secretly poison my son? Are you trying to kill him? What a

wicked woman you!”

Abellyn instantly turned pale with fright, looking confused. “W-What?”

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