A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 771-780

Chapter 771

“H-How is Tommy?” For a moment, Abellyn couldn’t be bothered to get back

at Ryder. Tommy might not be Ryder’s flesh and blood, but he was her flesh

and blood. Even tigers wouldn’t eat their cubs, let alone her!

“You wicked woman! If anything happens to Tommy today, I will kill you! Get

out of here!” Ryder forcefully pushed Abellyn away.

Abellyn fell to the ground, looking panicked and trembling all over. After a

while, she hurriedly ran into the house to see what had happened to her son.

Just as they entered the house, a Maserati quickly arrived at the entrance.

Emmanuel hurriedly got out of the car and rushed in. “Ryder, how is Tommy?”

he asked anxiously. He treated Tommy like his own son, and their bond was


After barging into the house, he noticed that Abellyn was also there.

“Emmanuel, you’re here at last! Hurry and take a look at Tommy. He seems to

have eaten something wrong or been poisoned. He’s been vomiting and

sweating profusely!” Ryder explained the situation to Emmanuel while glaring

fiercely at Abellyn, clearly suspecting she was involved.

Abellyn trembled all over, not daring to argue with him for a moment.

Emmanuel glanced at her but didn’t say anything. He rushed to Tommy’s

side. “Tommy, how are you? Can you speak?” he asked. When he failed to get

a response, he quickly took Tommy’s pulse and lifted his eyelids to examine

his symptoms. After a thorough examination, he looked at the vomit on the

ground and couldn’t help but frown.

It was obvious that Tommy had a worm planted on him. Although Emmanuel

had some knowledge in this area, he couldn’t be considered an expert. For a

moment didn’t know what kind of worm it was.

“Emmanuel, what’s wrong with Tommy? Is his life in danger?” implored Ryder

while coming over immediately.

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“Don’t worry, Ryder. Tommy will be fine!” Emmanuel quickly reassured him,

hoping to ease his cousin’s mind. It was clear that the other party didn’t want

to kill Tommy. They must have some other purpose for planting the worm on

him, so they wouldn’t let him die. Because of this, he was confident of saving


“Alright, then. Do you need silver needles, Emmanuel? Save Tommy just like

you saved me back then!” Ryder-quickly pleaded.

Emmanuel nodded, but his gaze suddenly darted outside the window.

There was no one outside the window, but it seemed like a gust of wind

stirred up the dust from the ground.

“Emmanuel, what’s wrong?” Ryder asked again nervously.

“It’s nothing, Ryder. Help me open the window and let some fresh air in!”

“Oh, okay!” Ryder went to open the window.

After Emmanuel glanced outside again, he picked up the silver needles and

performed acupuncture on Tommy.

Chapter 771 He’s Really Something

Outside the window was Blake, who thought, Could Emmanuel have

discovered me despite my ability to move stealthily? No wonder Magnus

hasn’t been able to kill him despite several attempts. He’s really something!

Not wanting to keep Emmanuel from saving his own son, he decided to slip

away first.


After nearly an hour of acupuncture, Tommy’s complexion gradually returned

to normal, and the symptoms of fever and sweating disappeared.

After finishing the treatment, Emmanuel was drenched in sweat from


“Emmanuel, is Tommy alright now?”


Chapter 772

Ryder had been standing aside nervously. He dared not speak just now for

fear of disturbing Emmanuel while he was performing acupuncture.

Behind him, Abellyn also looked at Emmanuel in awe. If Ryder had half the

looks and one-tenth of the capabilities of his cousin, I wouldn’t have cheated

on him with another man back then! Humph! It’s all because this old man is

useless! It’s not my fault that I cheated on him! What kind of woman would

want to spend her life with a useless man?

Emmanuel didn’t know the thoughts of the two behind him. “Well, he should

be fine now! Ryder, go make some chicken soup for Tommy!” he instructed.

“Alright, I’ll do it!” Only then did Ryder let go of the worries in his heart and

breathed a sigh of relief. As he turned around and saw Abellyn, anger surged

in his heart again. “Say it, Abellyn! Did you do something to make Tommy

suddenly fall ill?”

Seeing his angry face, Abellyn instinctively stepped back. It wasn’t until her

big butt hit the door handle hard and got stuck between her buttocks that

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Chapter The Trouble is

ing Bigger

she had to stop. She replied in a panic, “Ryder, d-don’t you dare accuse me

without evidence! Tommy is my own son! Why would I harm him?”

“Humph! You’d better not!” Ryder gritted his teeth. He warned, “If I find proof

that it was you, I won’t let you off!”

“Y-you’re crazy!” Abellyn trembled all over. She retorted, “If I have any

grudges, they’re against you, you stud! Why would I have grudges against

my own son?”

Becoming furious at once, Ryder pointed at her nose and swore, “What did

you say? Who did you call a stud?”


Abellyn subconsciously wanted to step back. However, the room door wasn’t

opened yet, and the door handle was completely stuck between her

buttocks, leaving no room for her to step back.

“Humph! Stop spouting nonsense! Tommy is my own son! He’s not your son

anymore. Get out of here!” Ryder angrily drove her away.

Abellyn bit her lower lip hard. She yelled in agitation, “Ryder, don’t even think

about bullying me anymore! I’m not afraid of you now! I don’t have to live

according to your whims anymore! I brought Tommy’s biological father here


What?! Ryder was thunderstruck. He had chosen not to believe Abellyn’s

words all along, but who would have thought that she would actually bring

the man here today?

Emmanuel also stared at Abellyn. Judging from her expression, she didn’t

seem to be lying. If she had proof that Tommy wasn’t Ryder’s biological son,

he was worried that Ryder would have difficulty accepting it.

“Blake, where are you? Come here and meet your biological son, and tell this

useless old man that he’s raising someone else’s son!”

Luckily, no matter how Abellyn shouted, no one showed up.

“Alright, you crazy woman, stop causing trouble in my house! Get out!” Ryder

grabbed Abellyn’s clothes, opened the door, and forcefully dragged her out.

Abellyn kept calling for Blake, but that ugly man was nowhere to be found. He

never showed up, even after Ryder threw her out!

“How strange! Where the hell is that *sshole?” She sat down on the ground

with a puzzled expression. That ugly man specifically asked me to bring him

to see our son, but why did he never show up in front of them? What a

lunatic! Not only that, she also noticed that the black Corolla had

disappeared from the entrance-the man had abandoned her again.

Emmanuel didn’t care about Abellyn either. Ryder went to make chicken soup

while he continued to observe Tommy’s condition with many questions in his

mind. Who on earth secretly planted a worm on Tommy? Who was it that

was peeking from outside the window just now? I didn’t realize it, but

everyone around me has been targeted.

The trouble was getting bigger, and the enemies were getting stronger and

stronger. It seemed that he had to find help. Otherwise, he was afraid he

might be unable to protect so many family members with his own strength.

Chapter 773 Ruby Wants to Talk

Chapter 773

Ring, ring.

After a moment, Emmanuel’s phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, he saw that it was a call from Alessandra.

“Hello,/Mom, what’s up?”

“Emmanuel, where are you?”

“I’m at Ryder’s place. Tommy just had a little accident.”

“What? What happened? How is he now?”

Hearing his mother’s anxious voice, Emmanuel glanced at Tommy, who was

sleeping peacefully, and casually replied, “It’s nothing serious. He just ate

something wrong, but he’s fine now!”

“That’s good!”


Alessandra breathed a sigh of relief and then immediately said, “Can you

bring Ryder and Tommy to our house now? Ruby is here!”


Emmanuel was surprised. How did that woman end up at his house?

At this moment, Ryder just so happened to walk into the room with a bowl of

congée and overheard the conversation between Emmanuel and his mother.

“Yes, they came specifically to apologize in person. Ruby even said… She


Alessandra suddenly felt a little reluctant to repeat the words that Ruby had


Emmanuel had a bad feeling and quickly asked, “What did she say?”

She must have said something so cheesy and shameless that his mother felt

embarrassed just repeating it.

“She said… she really likes Ryder. She said since he has strong muscles, he

Chapter 773 Ruby Wants to Talk

must be very hardworking and physically fit. S-She really wants to… Well, in

short, she really wants to talk to him!”



Ryder was testing the temperature of the congee when he faintly heard what

Alessandra said. He ended up almost spraying congee all over Emmanuel’s


What did Ruby mean by “very hardworking and physically fit?”

How did she know that?

What did she mean by liking “physically fit men?”

Emmanuel also felt goosebumps all over his body.

To him, hearing such cheesy words relayed by his mother felt both horrifying

and creepy!

“Well, Mom, let me discuss it with him.”


“There’s no need to discuss it. Since you have a car, just bring them over with


Alessandra’s attitude was firm.

She was worried that Ryder would not be able to get together with Tia Franks,

and she believed that Ruby was genuinely interested in Ryder.

In any case, she wanted to help Ryder resolve this issue about his marriage

status as soon as possible.

Even if Ryder did not like Ruby, he should come over to make it clear to her

instead of leaving her hanging.

“Emmanuel… can you still give me a ride to your house?”

Ryder was an honest person who respected his elders. Since Alessandra was

so determined, he could not refuse the instruction.

“What about Tommy?”

“I’ll ask the neighbor to help take care of him. He should be fine, right?”

Chapter 773 Ruby Wants to Talk

“He should be okay’

After Emmanuel said that, he thought momentarily and said, “Since you want

to meet Ruby, I’ll go with you. Be prepared. She’s not a good person!”

Ryder nodded.

He also wanted to cut this relationship off because he liked Tia.

Compared to Tia, Ruby was just a meddlesome woman, no better than

Abellyn. He did not want her.

Soon, Emmanuel drove his Maserati and brought Ryder back to the family’s


Before he even parked the car, Emmanuel was shocked to find a woman

standing by the door.

What was going on?

The temperature for that day was around 50 degrees Fahrenheit, yet Ruby

was wearing a sweet and short plaid skirt paired with black stockings while

her hair was tied up in twin tails. She even put on a style of makeup that

made her look so young that she was almost unrecognizable to Emmanuel!

She was in her thirties, yet she still insisted on dressing like she was eighteen.

Was she a demon?

Ryder did not have Emmanuel’s alertness and observation skills, and he was

also sitting in the passenger seat. Hence, he had yet to see Ruby.

Chapter 774

Ruby had been waiting by the door and could not help but sigh when she

saw the Maserati worth a few hundred thousand.

She believed that as long as she could capture Ryder’s heart, she could

demand 50 thousand for her bride price, along with a new car and a house.

Emmanuel had married a super-rich woman, so he would definitely have to

help Ryder out, right?

Hence, she had to perform well today and turn the tide.

“Ryder, you’re finally back!”

As soon as Ryder opened the car door, he heard a sweet and coquettish

voice call out to him.

When he looked up, he saw a woman dressed like a college student standing

in front of him.

“Y-You’re Ruby?”

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Ryder was momentarily stunned.

The change was too great!

Still, he had to admit that she had hit his weak spot!

As his parents had died early, he dropped out of high school and started

working to support himself.

Thus, his biggest regret in life was not being able to go to college and

experience the innocent love of dating someone who regularly walks around

in a school uniform.

Ruby’s appearance today suddenly made him forget how annoying she used

to be.

“Hey, how can you forget about me so soon?”

Ruby pouted and lightly smacked Ryder’s chest.


Chapter 774 She Will Do It

Back in the house’s front courtyard, Roselynn almost vomited when she saw


Emmanuel also got goosebumps all over and quickly led Ryder into the


Ruby held on tight to Ryder’s arm and greeted Emmanuel, “Manny, hello!”

Emmanuel frowned and said, “Just call me Emmanuel. We’re not that close!”

Ruby felt unhappy put still sweetly said, “Okay, Manny!”

Emmanuel did not know what to do with this woman and quickly walked into

the house.

Ryder’s face turned slightly red as he pushed Ruby away.

However, she kept moving closer while rubbing her chest against him, and,

being a man of a bit of tact, he did not know what to do.

It was the first time in his life that he had encountered such shamelessness!

She was acting even more shameless than Abellyn back then!

Although he said no, his body betrayed him.

Screw his bodily reaction…

After the two entered the house, Roselynn took the opportunity to pull her

little brother over and whispered in his ear, “I heard that she was the one who

taught Milani how to pursue you. Milani was so persistent. Now, this old vixen

is making a move herself. You must find someone to get rid of her!”

Emmanuel bitterly smiled. “Where can I find an exorcist to deal with this


“Ask your love advisor!”

Roselynn reminded Emmanuel.

While Ruby forcefully brought Ryder over to meet her parents, Emmanuel

quickly called Rhea.

“It’s easy.”

Rhea answered the phone, sounding extremely excited. Her position as

Emmanuel’s love advisor was becoming increasingly secure!

“Call Tia and ask her to pretend to be your cousin’s girlfriend. If she agrees, it

means she won’t reject your cousin anymore. They might even actually start

dating. We’ll be killing two birds with one stone!”

“Great idea, but what if she doesn’t want to do it?”

While Emmanuel thought Rhea was indeed a genius in love matters, he still

had some concerns.

“Trust me. She will definitely agree!”

“If she disagrees, you still have me, right? I’m your most reliable backup!”

Rhea confidently said.

“Huh? My backup?”

Emmanuel was momentarily stunned.

“If Tia doesn’t agree to do it, I can play along for you!”

“Oh, I see. Okay. Thank you!”

Emmanuel could only treat it as a slip of the tongue from Rhea. He was

already a married man. Why would anyone want to be his backup? It was

better not to overthink.

He didn’t know that after Rhea hung up on the phone, her cheeks were

burning hot!

“Darn it! Why did I say something like that? I can’t let Emmanuel know that I

like him. Otherwise, it might be awkward when we meet in the future…”

Chapter 775

“Stop clinging to me. It looks rude!”

Ryder entered the room and pushed Ruby away again.

This woman was as sticky as sugar!

She might have no shame, but he still wanted to maintain his dignity!

“Ryder, you finally came!”

Just as he managed to push Ruby away, Belinda approached.

Alessandra, being the kind-hearted person she was, had already forgiven the

other party after they apologized. Hence, she was walking next to Belinda as



Ryder was not used to this. Last time, both Belinda and Ruby teamed up to

scold him like he was something found at the bottom of their shoes. Why

Chapter 775 Are You Dating Someone?

were they suddenly so nice to him?

He just did not understand it!

He did not get it one bit.

“Ryder, what happened last time was our family’s fault. When your mother

asked the matchmaker to approach us, we shouldn’t have been so


Belinda played along with her daughter’s act as she insincerely apologized to



As for Roderick, he smiled and went along with it. He did not care who Ruby

married as long as the man could afford the bridal price.

After all, their goal was to sell their daughter for a high price. It was fine as

long as they would not be suffering a loss.

“You were not wrong, though!”


Chapter 775 Are You Dating Someone?

Ryder straightened his back and said, “I am indeed ugly and not worthy of

your daughter, so…


“I don’t mind!”

Ruby did not give him a chance to refuse the offer. She walked over and

hugged his arm.

Based on her experience dating middle-aged men, she had already figured

out that although Ryder was a typical doormat, his self-control was far

inferior to Emmanuel’s!

She knew full well that Milani Zimmerman could not make Emmanuel fall

head over heels for her because she did not use her body effectively.

After all, a woman’s greatest weapon was her body, right?

She firmly believed that as long as she slept with Ryder, the older man would

definitely be infatuated with her.

Then, as long as she made good use of his relationship with Emmanuel and


his mother, she could easily get a bride price of 50 thousand, maybe even

500 thousand!

“Ah, I really don’t deserve you, Miss Zimmerman!”

“You should work harder then. I believe you will be worthy of me in the future!”

“I just can’t do it. No matter how hard I work, it’s useless!”

“In that case, I’ll accompany you and be your catalyst for change, okay?”

“Well… what exactly about me caught your attention?”

“See? You have self-awareness. You are down-to-earth and honest. Isn’t that

your greatest advantage?”

Listening to the conversation between Ryder and Ruby, Roselynn felt like she

was going to vomit again.

She also saw that her cousin was no match for Ruby’s wily ways. If he did not

have the help of an expert, he would be devoured in no time!

On the other hand, Alessandra was happy to see this. She had always known

that Ryder was a good man and that a woman would eventually be

attracted to him!

Although she knew that Ryder liked Tia, it would not hurt to have another


“Oh, I… Ugh.”

Ryder was still at a loss for words as he pushed Ruby away, not knowing what

to say.

“Ryder, are you rejecting me because you think I’m not worthy of you?”

Ruby decided to take a step back to further her cause.

“No, no!”

Ryder immediately shook his head.

“What is it then? Are you trying to tell me that you’re already dating


Ruby looked at Ryder with a deadpan expression.

Her parents also subconsciously sneered.

They were depressed.

They agreed to cooperate with their daughter’s act because of Emmanuel.

They knew he had married into the Quillen family.

Why would they even consider Ryder, this old and ugly man, if not for that


Only if they were that blind!

Chapter 776


Ryder did not know how to lie. He was about to tell the truth when Emmanuel

suddenly walked in and said, “That’s right! My cousin has a girlfriend now.

Ruby, stop bothering him!”


The Zimmerman family was shocked!

Alessandra, on the other hand, was overjoyed and excitedly asked, “Ryder,

you have a girlfriend? Is it Tia?”

“Uh, well…”

Ryder could not lie to Alessandra. He opened his mouth but could not say


“Yes, Mom!”

Emmanuel walked over with a smile. “Tia agreed to date Ryder, and she’s

here to visit us now!”


Now, it was Ryder’s turn to be shocked. When did Tia agree to be his


The Zimmerman family was speechless. Fortunately, they had not voiced

their thoughts. Otherwise, they would have been embarrassed!

“Really? That’s great! Our family has been blessed!”

Alessandra was happier than anyone else in the room.

Of course, she knew that Tia was ten times better than Ruby.

“Hmph, since you have a girlfriend, we’ll take our leave! This is just a waste of


Roderick immediately stood up and left.

Belinda sighed and followed him while muttering curses at them.

What a masterful change of attitude!

“Dad, Mom, you go ahead. I’ll stay and meet my rival!”

However, Ruby would not give up.

This did not surprise Emmanuel. After all, Milani had been the same in the


Roselynn, on the other hand, remained calm and prepared some peanuts

and melon seeds so that she could watch the show.

Women named Zimmerman were quite extraordinary!

Even though Ruby knew the other person did not like her, she still shamelessly

pursued him. How could someone so shameless exist in this world?


However, after waiting for thirty minutes, no one came to visit.

Ruby laughed and said to Emmanuel, “Emmanuel, were you deliberately

testing me? You’re so annoying! I really like your cousin. Just let us get


Emmanuel rolled his eyes. If his cousin really married her, he would no longer

visit his cousin’s place!

“Alright, Ryder, no woman will come. Don’t be silly and date me instead. If you

don’t fall in love with me within two weeks, we can break up, okay?”

Ruby was confident. To conquer a man like Ryder, why would she need two

weeks? One night would be enough if she gave him a taste of her skills!

Just as she was about to grab Ryder, a woman walked from the front yard.

“Ah, Tia, you really came!”

Alessandra, who had been waiting anxiously, suddenly exclaimed in

excitement. She could not be happier!

Ryder could not believe his eyes!

“You… You’re Ryder’s girlfriend?”

Ruby did not expect it to be Tia.

Tia was her cousin’s best friend, right?

Was she willingly throwing herself at Ryder to deceive him and demand a

high bridal price and a house?

Hmph! Appearances could be deceiving. Tia might seem innocent, but she

was a schemer as well!


Tia did not verbally answer. She just nodded.

Even so, it was enough to make Alessandra bloom with joy like a flower and

exclaim, “That’s amazing!”

Ryder was petrified on the spot!


With his intelligence, how could he never have guessed that Emmanuel

brought Tia here to put on an act? He thought it was real!

3 mind nearly went blank.

rt man like him could experience


Chapter 777

“You… You’re lying!” Ruby, who had dated over a dozen boyfriends,

immediately exposed Tia. “How could you be interested in this ugly man?

Don’t think I don’t know Emmanuel called you to pretend to be Ryder’s

girlfriend, did he not?!”

Tia was secretly surprised. Milani’s cousin is indeed not easy to deceive!

Still, she pursed her lips and insisted, “No, I really am Ryder’s girlfriend unless

he doesn’t like me!”

“H-How could I not like you?!” Ryder, who had become blissful beyond words,

exclaimed instinctively.

Tia’s face immediately turned red, and she lowered her head, her emotions


Even Ruby, thick-skinned as she was, felt awkward right then. She was


desperately pursuing this ugly guy, yet he openly declared his affection for

another woman in front of her!

Naturally, she couldn’t accept such an outcome.

“What did I tell you, Ryder? Divorcing Abellyn was definitely the best decision

you’ve ever made!” Roselynn, who had been watching the drama, thought

she had her time’s worth when she looked at Ruby’s shocked and angry


Good thing I didn’t go shopping today. The drama at home is even more

entertaining than the melodramas in the movie theater!

“Um… I, well…” Ryder scratched his head happily, still unsure how to respond.

If he hadn’t been driven to the edge of madness by Abellyn, he wouldn’t have

divorced her in a fit of anger.

When he divorced her, he had already accepted that he would never be

attractive to women again and prepared to be single for the rest of his life,

but who’d have thought that two women would fight to be his girlfriend this

day?! He didn’t even dare to dream of such a thing!

“Can you finally give up now, Zimmerman? Aren’t you leaving? Stop

Chapter 777 Expose Her

pretending. We all know what you’re thinking!” Roselynn tore down Ruby’s


Lo and behold, Ruby burst into tears. “W-Why would I pretend? You guys

came to me, asking me to come for a blind date and a potential marriage.

How can you humiliate me now that I’ve come voluntarily?! Sob… You’re all

bullying me!”

The tactic was indeed effective. Alessandra immediately scolded Roselynn,

“Watch your mouth!”

Then, she quickly apologized to Ruby, “I’m sorry, Ruby! Indeed, we have

arranged for you to meet Ryder for à blind date, but it didn’t work out, did it?

Since it’s over, and Ryder is interested in Tia… We can’t force feelings too…”

Roselynn reluctantly accepted her mother’s explanation. Sure, Alessandra

was a bit of a pushover, but she still knew her rights from wrongs.

“I know, but I just want to be friends with Ryder! Is that also not allowed?!”

Ruby continued using the door-in-the-face technique. Being a master of

love affairs, how could she not make out Tia’s expressions?!


Chapter 777 Expose Her

Regardless of this woman’s motives, she’s definitely not Ryder’s girlfriend! I’m

going to stay here and expose them one by one! Hmph!

“Of course you can! The more friends, the better!” Alessandra, being her usual

kind self, said unsurprisingly.

Rendered speechless, Roselynn returned to her room. She worried she would

puke if she continued looking at the woman.

“Well then, I’ll go cook. You lovebirds have a good chat!” Ruby pretended to be

nonchalant, even deliberately creating an opportunity for Tia and Ryder to be


Hmph, fake couple, the more space you have, the easier you’ll be exposed!

Emmanuel didn’t quite get what Ruby was up to, but he did support giving his

cousin and Tia a chance to be alone. It was a hard-won opportunity, and he

hoped Ryder would make the most of it.


With that in mind, he led his mother, who still looked a little clueless, away.

When Alessandra saw her son’s expression, she immediately realized. “Oh, oh,

there are so many guests today. I’ll buy some groceries. You two talk!

In the blink of an eye, only Ryder and Tia were left in the living room.

“Um… Please sit, Tid. Shall I peel an apple for you to eat?”

Ryder was a bit stiff, feeling beyond nervous even though he hadn’t done

anything yet.

He even felt that his hands were superfluous. Seriously, where do people

usually put them?


Chapter 778

Tia had been keeping her head down, not looking at Ryder.

She really didn’t want Ryder to misunderstand.

In that case, why did I still agree to play his girlfriend? Ah, what was I


Ryder also sat down, keeping a distance of a few feet from Tia.

Then, he thought he wasn’t behaving right. What’s the matter with you,

Ryder? You’re a grown man, and Tia had come all the way here. So, why are

you behaving like a wuss?!

He thought about quietly scooting closer, but then he withdrew again. Would

Tia think I’m trying to make a move?

Alas, back when he was with Abellyn, he never felt this way. They got married


in a whirlwind and became husband and wife-what couldn’t they do


However, with Tia, he felt a desire to get closer mixed with a fear of it.

Is this possibly love? He felt somewhat bashful. He was already a

36-year-old man with an independent child, yet he was only now

experiencing his first love. What a joke!

“Ah!” Ryder suddenly let out a cry of pain. His attention was so scattered that

he accidentally cut his thumb while peeling an apple.

“Ryder, are you okay?” Tia quickly sat down next to him, without the hesitation

of a man like him.

“It’s… It’s nothing, just a little scratch!” Ryder put his thumb in his mouth at

once, using the age-old method to stop the bleeding.

Tia was a bit speechless. Still, she quickly stood up and said, “I’ll go find.a

band-aid for you!”

Just as she was about to go find one, Emmanuel had already come out and

handed her something.

Chapter 778 The Angle Is Just Right

It was a band-aid!

“T-Thank you!” Tia felt nothing out of the ordinary when facing Ryder just now,

but now that she saw Emmanuel, her heart started racing.

“Could you help my cousin?”

“Okay.” Tia nodded at Emmanuel with an enigmatic feeling before turning to

sit beside Ryder.

Emmanuel, satisfied th.. the two moved closer, disappeared again.

While Tia carefully tended to Ryder’s wound, her racing heart calmed down.

“Ryder, on the other hand, was nervous and stiff. He caught the fragrance of

orchids in Tia and found it rather pleasant.

“Ryder, can you help me with something?”

Just as the atmosphere was becoming incredibly romantic, a call from the

kitchen broke the spell.

Chapter 778 The Angle

“Oh, okay!” Ryder, being the sincere person he was, jumped up as if

compelled by his helpful nature.

But very quickly, he thought it wasn’t right, and he said to Tia while scratching

his head, “I… I’ll go help out in the kitchen.”

“Okay…” Tia just nodded without any hint of jealousy.

Ryder didn’t think much about it and walked straight to the kitchen.

The moment he entered, his body, which had just relaxed, immediately

tensed up again, harder than pure steel!

Ruby opened the gas cabinet and bent down to inspect the gas tank. Her

posterior was facing Ryder, swaying it sideways accidentally on purpose.

She was wearing black stockings and a short skirt, and the angle was just

right. The breathtaking view inside was unexpectedly revealed to Ryder.

“It seems like we’re out of gas. Can you help me change the tank?”

Chapter 778 The Angle Is Just Right

Ruby acted as if she had no idea that her secret was being scrutinized by a

man. She continued to twist the gas bottle from side to side.

She wanted to escalate the scene.


Chapter 779

Ruby suddenly turned around, and Ryder was so startled that he quickly

turned away, flustered.

The image earlier was etched in his mind.

D*mn it! What if she realizes I have reacted? It would be absolutely


“Ryder, are you okay?” Ruby feigned oblivion and sashayed over.

“Oh, n-nothing!” Ryder quickly adjusted his angle.

“Why do you have your back faced to me then? Are you afraid of me?” Ruby

smirked playfully, her confidence growing even stronger.

Men, they all liked passionate women who took the initiative. Especially she

knew her advantages well. She might not be stunningly beautiful or tall, but

she was ample in the right places.

“I… I’m not afraid!” Ryder quickly turned around.

Ruby szed him to a suggestie smie powing on her lips.

Why are you suecting so much? let me wipe it for your Ruby casualy puled

outofssue and wiped Riders smest.

20 to need real Ricercs renous for a moment. He wanted to pusa

ber away but occidentally did it too forcefuly

201 Ruby deliberately fell down, starting Ryder, who instinctively red to

Ruby also took the opportunity to hug his mast

Ws Zameron, are you are you okay?” Ryder had no idea about the

conniving woman’s intention and apologized eamesty, Tim sorry, I didn’t

mean for

Lice did he know that To had dready come over upon hearing the


She stood behind Ryder, silently observing the scene.


At this moment, she was standing behind Ryder, quietly watching this scene!

“It’s okay. Thank you, my hero!” Ruby intentionally nipped at Ryder’s earlobe

intimately to express her gratitude.

“No… No problem!” Ryder was still unaware of what was happening behind

him. He released her when Ruby had regained her balance.

Suddenly, Roselynn appeared, pointed at Ruby, scolding her angrily, “You

shameless woman, get out of my house! This household doesn’t welcome


She couldn’t tolerate Ruby intentionally seducing her cousin and ruining his

chances with Tia.

She forward, intent on forcefully dragging Ruby out.

“Ah, Roselynn, what are you doing? Let go! What have I don’t wrong?” Ruby

deliberately cried out in distress.

She was half a head shorter than Roselynn, and there was no way she could

Roselynn was furious but could only stomp her feet and run out.


Emmanuel was also helpless. He knew his mother and cousin were naive and

couldn’t see through Ruby’s tricks.

Chapter 780 Pick Up the Wifey!

Chapter 780

His sister was genuinely exasperated.

“Alright, Manny, please send Ruby home first.”

Alessandra, though kind-hearted, wasn’t naive. She clearly knew which

woman to support for Ryder.


Ruby initially didn’t want to leave, but when she heard Alessandra asking

Emmanuel to send her home, he knew that her chance of riding in the

million-dollar Maserati had come.

It was Mackenzie’s car, after all.

“Sure!” Emmanuel and Ruby responded almost simultaneously.

Then, Ruby smiled at Emmanuel and said, “We’re so in sync!”

However, Emmanuel just snorted and walked away.

The situation would’ve undoubtedly left any woman embarrassed, mortified




even. Unfortunately, Ruby had already abandoned all pretense of dignity long

ago, so she wouldn’t feel embarrassed at all. In fact, she excitedly chased

after Emmanuel.

While she was busy taking various selfies in front of the Maserati and even

getting ready to open the door to sit inside for a photo, Emmanuel coldly

asked, “What are you doing?”

“What am I doing? Getting in the car, of course!” Ruby was stumped for a

moment, then immediately approached Emmanuel and drew circles on his

chest with her finger. With a seductive look on her face, she said, “Or maybe

you’d like to do something else with me, and I’m willing. Just drive the car to a

more secluded place. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

Hmph! Emmanuel swatted her hand away and pointed to the taxi slowly

approaching from the other side. “You’ve got the wrong idea, Ms.

Zimmerman. I promised to send you home, but I didn’t promise to personally

drive you back. I’ve already paid for that car, so you don’t need to pay again!”



Chapter 780 Pick Up the Wifey!

smirked triumphantly.


Even though she didn’t get to ride in the Maserati or establish a good

relationship with Emmanuel this day, she had already confirmed that he and

Ryder were entirely different types of men!

Ryder might be honest, but he certainly wasn’t as controlled and disciplined,

especially when it came to desires of the flesh.

“Emmanuel, watch how I use him to squeeze out your money!”

Meanwhile, Emmanuel was hesitating about whether he should go home or

not. He was worried that he might unintentionally become a third wheel

between Ryder and Tia. Moreover, he was well aware that Tia had a favorable

impression of him, and his presence would not be conducive to their

developing relationship.”

Bah, I should just go and pick up wifey early!

Since everyone assumed he was taking Ruby home, Emmanuel decided not

to go inside.

Chapter 780 Pick Up the Wifey!

On the other side, Mackenzie had just finished a meeting and returned to her

office. She rubbed her temples, feeling a little mentally exhausted.

At the door, Lexi gently knocked it while holding an exquisite bag in her hand.

“Come in!” said Mackenzie softly without lifting her head.

“Ms. Quillen, you’ve been in meetings all afternoon. You must be thirsty.

Luckily, a supplier sent over a bag of peaches. Shall I clean them for you to

soothe your throat?” Lexi raised the bag in her hand.

Mackenzie glanced at it expressionlessly, then sighed under her breath and

said, “I can’t eat right now. Put them in my car and ask Wally to drive me

home early. I’m a bit tired.”

“Alright, Ms. Quillen!” Lexi quickly nodded and went to make arrangements.

She knew why Mackenzie was so exhausted. Terence Group had been

-dealing with too many things lately.

Suppliers were terminating their contracts one after another.

Chapter 780 Pick Up the Wifey!


Ignacio suddenly transferred his shares to the second-largest shareholder of

Terence Group. Now, the latter was using his majority ownership to

constantly oppose Mackenzie within the company.

Mysterious enemies hiding in the shadows keep making moves, and Terence

Group is facing internal and external challenges. Even though Ms. Quillen has

been handling things very well and hasn’t made any mistakes, she must be

mentally exhausted dealing with all this!

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