A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 781-790

Chapter 781

Emmanuel arrived at Terence Group a little before 6 p.m. only to learn that

Mackenzie had already gone home.

He was puzzled. Is she okay? This has never happened before.

With a hint of worry, Emmanuel hurriedly drove home.

Upon opening the door, he found Mackenzie slouching on the couch, her

beautiful eyes half-closed, seemingly asleep.

Emmanuel felt a pang of heartache.

After being married for over three months, this was the first time he had seen

her looking so tired.

Concerned that she might be uncomfortable sleeping like this, Emmanuel

gently tried to lift her up to put her back on the bed.


To his surprise, Mackenzie was still quite awake. Just as he placed his large

hand on her shoulder, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Chapter 781 Wash Her What?1

Seeing her vigilant look, Emmanuel felt a bit embarrassed and quickly

explained, “I only meant to carry you to bed.”

Mackenzie’s gaze became even more alert in response.

Only then did Emmanuel realize that his words could be interpreted

ambiguously, so he further explained, “What I mean is, I wanted to carry you

to bed to sleep. The position here is not comfortable!”


Feeling that Mackenzie was still giving him a strange look, Emmanuel started

to feel a bit frustrated. How did this turn into such a misunderstanding?!

“That’s alright. I won’t sleep anymore.”

Mackenzie knew that he didn’t mean it that way; she just thought he was a

fool. Has he really never considered sleeping with me?!

“Okay then, if you’re too tired, you should wash up and go to bed early.”

Emmanuel let go of her shoulder and expressed his concern.

Suddenly, Mackenzie remembered that Wally helped her bring in the bag of

Chapter 781 Wash Her What?!

peaches earlier and had left it on the table.

Having just been dozing off and now feeling a bit thirsty, she asked,

“Emmanuel, can you help me wash the peaches?”


What?! Emmanuel thought he was hallucinating. What did Mackenzie ask me

to help wash?! Has our marital relationship progressed to this point?

“What’s wrong? Can’t you?” Mackenzie sat up and lazily stretched her waist.

The curve of her figure was like a deadly weapon, capable of destroying

anyone’s composure.

“Um… Is this really okay?” Emmanuel, who was impervious to any woman’s

charms, suddenly became nervous as if he had been electrified. His entire

body tensed up.

Is she testing me?

“What’s wrong? Don’t you want to?” Mackenzie looked at him, her eyebrows

slightly furrowed.

“I… I do.” Emmanuel could only nod and unconsciously swallowed.

Seems like Mackenzie’s serious about this. Is she so tired that she doesn’t

even have the energy to wash up?

Mackenzie thought he had seen the bag of peaches, so she stood up directly

and turned around, saying, “I’ll go brush my teeth first, then!”

She had a bit of an obsession with cleanliness. After dozing off for a while, she

would brush her teeth before eating.

“Wait!” Emmanuel quickly stopped her.

“What’s the matter?” Mackenzie turned to look at him.

Every single moment with this woman was a beautiful scene.

“How do you usually like to wash? Do you want to use the bathtub?”

This being his first time with Mackenzie, he thought he couldn’t afford to be


Chapter 781 Wash Her What?

“I… I do.” Emmanuel could only nod and unconsciously swallowed.

Seems like Mackenzie’s serious about this. Is she so tired that she doesn’t

even have the energy to wash up?


Mackenzie thought he had seen the bag of peaches, so she stood up directly

and turned around, saying, “I’ll go brush my teeth first, then!”

She had a bit of an obsession with cleanliness. After dozing off for a while, she

would brush her teeth before eating.

“Wait!” Emmanuel quickly stopped her.

“What’s the matter?” Mackenzie turned to look at him.

Every single moment with this woman was a beautiful scene.

“How do you usually like to wash? Do you want to use the bathtub?”

This being his first time with Mackenzie, he thought he couldn’t afford to be


Chapter 781 Wash Her What?!

Mackenzie paused for a moment. Being as smart as she was, she

immediately understood that Emmanuel, the big fool, had misunderstood.

He didn’t see the bag of peaches, did he?

She had thought about clarifying right away, but upon second thought, he

decided to see if this man had the audacity.

“No need for the bathtub!” said Mackenzie as she revealed a smile that was

both teasing and mysterious before striding away gracefully.


Chapter 782

Emmanuel’s heartbeat was completely thrown into disarray!

He had thought that, at most, Mackenzie would ask him to help her with

preparing a hot bath, but now she wasn’t even using the bathtub. She’s

serious about wanting me to scrub her, ahem, doesn’t she?

Just thinking about the scene made his blood boil…

Good heavens, Mackenzie must actually be sick and not just tired today! She

looks quite unwell!

Since she had demanded his assistance, he could only comply.

While Mackenzie went to brush her teeth, he entered the bathroom, adjusted

the water temperature, and prepared the shower gel and bath sponge.

Thinking that in a little while, Mackenzie would be standing before him,

completely nude, asking for his assistance with her bath, he found his heart


He wouldn’t have dared to even dream of such a thing before.

Today, I can finally openly appreciate wifey’s beautiful body…

Is she also planning to do something else after the shower? Has Grandpa

pressured her to get pregnant sooner again?

His racing heart gradually became even more chaotic.

Emmanuel walked somewhat absentmindedly out of the bathroom and ran

straight into Mackenzie.

“What’s wrong? You seem a little off,” she said with a slightly mischievous

smile, her long eyelashes curved upward playfully.

“I… I’m fine. I’m ready to help you with your shower!” Emmanuel actually

couldn’t meet his wife’s gaze, and his focus kept shifting.

“Do you need such formal preparations for washing peaches?” Mackenzie

suddenly pointed to a bag of peaches on the table in the living room. “I

meant washing those peaches. Where did your mind wander off to?”

Emmanuel continued more fluently, “Ms. Quillen, you are my legal wife. Isn’t it

normal for a husband to misunderstand what you said just now?

“I’ll say it straight, Ms. Quillen. You have a great figure, delicate skin, and most

importantly, there’s an inexplicable allure about you that attracts me. I enjoy

admiring your body, and I crave your touch, okay?! Is this answer


Mackenzie furrowed her brows and stared icily at Emmanuel. How dare he! I

can’t believe he sair such shameless things to my face!

If it were someone else, Mackenzie would have slapped him across the face

and cursed him for generations to come. However, there was a strange

flutter in her heart right now.

Emmanuel was being so candid that she found herself avoiding his gaze.

Emmanuel really wanted to take advantage of the situation and pull his wife

into the bathroom to help her shower. But his courage slowly dissipated, and

with a red face, he said, “Since the water temperature is already adjusted,

Mackenzie, you go ahead and shower. I’ll wash the peaches for you!”

Chapter 782 Yes, I Want To Help You Shower!

Mackenzie snorted coldly, turned her face away, and remained silent. Her

heartbeat slightly accelerated.

Just when I wonder if he’d dare pull mé into the bathroom.

But in the end, Emmanuel didn’t dare to do it, passing by her side instead.

“Coward!” Mackenzie muttered under her breath and coldly walked into the



Emmanuel face-palmed, deeply regretting how he could’ve uttered such

words just now. How dare I actually tell the Ice Queen that I crave her body?! I

must be out of my mind! You’re supposed to be a straight-laced guy,

Emmanuel! How can you have such thoughts…

Chapter 783

“Jaxton, a man should speak with more decorum, especially when

addressing his wife!” Sebastian immediately scolded his son.

Jaxton looked sullen but dared not disobey his father.

Jennifer’s gaze, on the other hand, was even more ominous.

Her priorities were different from those of the men. She did not involve herself

in the Oatley business and only cared about her position within the family.

Now that Sebastian was praising Roselynn so highly, and considering that her

son was planning to bring Roselynn back, as the mother-in-law, would she

have to live according to her daughter-in-law’s whims? No way would she

accept that! sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

As for Jessica, she remained silent. While she didn’t look as displeased as

Jennifer, her expression was still icy.

Roselynn’s palms began to sweat upon seeing the family, and she forced

herself to face them with a smile.

Chapter 783 The Oatleys’

dden Visit

“Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Oatley, what brings you guys here? Please come in!”

Alessandra, as the host, could only invite the Oatleys inside first.

“Hello, Mrs. Lowe. Sorry for the intrusion!” Sebastian maintained his dignity and

spoke politely to Alessandra.

Meanwhile, the Oatley siblings nodded casually and went straight inside.

As for Jennifer, she didn’t even spare Alessandra a glance.

In her eyes, a rural woman like Alessandra naturally had a class barrier

separating them. She had no interest in associating with such women.

The Oatleys’ visit on this day was due to Sebastian’s pressure and Jennifer’s

desire to resolve her son’s marriage.

If Roselynn continued to dare put on airs, Jennifer, as the mother-in-law,

would not tolerate her anymore.

After the Oatleys entered the house, Alessandra quickly instructed, “Roselynn,

chat with your husband’s family while I make some tea.”

Chapter 783 The Oatleys’ Sudden Visit

and never liked to be taken advantage of. “You’re not treating me like a

daughter-in-law but rather a servant!”

“You-how dare you!” Jennifer almost raised her hand. In her belief, no

daughter-in-law could defy their mother-in-law like this.


Jennifer’s reaction toward Roselynn’s attitude was driven not only by the fact

that Roselynn didn’t take Jaxton seriously but also because she believed that

her son’s injury at the amusement park was caused by this woman.

Moreover, her son had been bedridden for days, yet as his wife, Roselynn

hadn’t visited him even once. Is this even right?!

“Jennifer, be polite!” Sebastian quickly stopped Jennifer, then smiled at

Alessandra. “Apologies, Mrs. Lowe. My wife is just too concerned about our

son, so her mood isn’t the best after seeing him injured.”

“Oh, is Jaxton alright?”

Chapter 784

Alessandra finally showed concern. He was her son-in-law, after all. She

should’ve shown concern earlier.


“It’s nothing, just two fractures.” Jaxton’s expression was peculiar; not exactly

angry, but it seemed like he was deliberately showing a certain demeanor.

As they said, a strange tone!

“Hmph, it’s all because of your daughter that my son got injured!” Jennifer

couldn’t help but get angry again. “The Ferris wheel incident, Jaxton jumped

to protect her, and that’s how he ended up with fractures!”

Hearing this, Alessandra looked confused. It was a different version from

what her daughter told her.

Roselynn was even infuriated. When her mom asked about it earlier, she had

spared Jaxton by not revealing the details. She had only mentioned that

everyone was fine and that she and Jaxton had jumped separately. Who

would’ve thought that this shameless man would claim that he got injured to

protect her?!


No wonder Jennifer is so hostile. It’s all because of this shameless b*stard!

Seeing Roselynn’s fierce gaze, Jaxton instinctively lowered his head and

quickly said, “Mom, actually, my injury has nothing to do with Roselynn…”

“Enough, don’t defend her anymore!” Jennifer was still boiling with anger, and

she exclaimed, “I know you like her, but marriage isn’t just about love. It can’t

be one-sided all the time! We’ve come today to clarify things!”

After a pause, she glared sharply at Alessandra and demanded an answer,

“We demand an answer today, Mrs. Lowe. Should this marriage continue or


“Well…” Alessandra naturally wanted her daughter’s marriage to last forever. It

would be embarrassing if they divorced after only two months of marriage.

That said, she didn’t want to pressure Roselynn too much. She could only look

at her daughter with pleading eyes, leaving the decision up to her.

Roselynn gritted her teeth and confronted them directly. “Don’t think I don’t

know you’ve been waiting until now to confront us because you want to use

Chapter 784 Mackenzie Shows up

The family of four shivered simultaneously.

This inherent aura of the aristocracy was something they couldn’t contend

with as members of a small family.

“Mrs. Oatley, are you suggesting that my family should seek favors from

yours?” Mackenzie’s expression and demeanor were so chilling that it

seemed like she could freeze the Oatleys over.

Jennifer, who had been confident just a moment ago, was now as timid as a

quail and dared not speak. She had spoken out of impulse earlier, but she

knew full well that the camel’s bones were still bigger than those of a horse.

How dare she boast in front of Mackenzie, the heiress of the Quillen family?!

“No, no, no, Ms. Quillen, please don’t misunderstand!” Sebastian quickly smiled

and explained, “Women don’t know better. I will reprimand her when I get


He thought this would win some favor with Mackenzie. Little did he know that

Mackenzie became even colder. She furrowed her brows slightly and

questioned, “I am also a woman, so are you implying that I also don’t know

Chapter 785

Mackenzie emerged from the bathroom with slightly damp hair and smelled


As she stepped into the living room, her eyes fell upon the clear glass bowl

filled with peaches.

Casually, she casually picked one up and took a small bite.

Her graceful manner of eating was truly elegant, and her chewing motion

was a sight to behold.

Emmanuel couldn’t help gawking at her.

His wife, in her nightwear, had a remarkably alluring figure, something that

even he, a former gynecologist, found hard to resist.

Despite sharing the same physiological structure as other women, there was


something about her that seemed slightly different.

“It’s quite sweet. Do you want some?” Mackenzie suddenly looked over with

her beautiful eyes.

Emmanuel instinctively averted his gaze, feeling somewhat uneasy. “I’ve

already had some; it’s indeed quite sweet.”

Seeing his slightly unnatural expression, a hint of a smile appeared on

Mackenzie’s lips, giving her a sense of accomplishment that she could make

even a gynecologist crave her body.

The fatigue from earlier in the day seemed to vanish due to the pleasure she

felt both physically and mentally. Perhaps, this was one of the benefits of


“Let’s go home together tomorrow.”

“Home? Whose home?” Emmanuel immediately raised his head, his eyes

showing a hint of surprise.

“What do you think?” Mackenzie smiled.

Emmanuel wasn’t as clueless as she had imagined. He became excited

Chapter 785 Visit Home

you plan on suing Hubert Verkade?”

“No,” Emmanuel replied straightforwardly. “If I wanted to finish him off, I

wouldn’t have saved him that day. That said, he’s probably regretting being

alive now.”

A hint of admiration flashed in Mackenzie’s eyes, and she continued, “You

don’t mind if I use this incident to gain some business benefits, then?”


Of course not! If you need my help, just ask anytime!” Emmanuel was

remarkably open, understanding that his wife’s interests were his interests as


“That won’t be necessary,” Mackenzie said. “Though Hubert is suffering right

now, his mother still doesn’t want him in jail. I can at least utilize that to

secure more than 30 million in benefits from the Verkades for my business.

Do you need any repayment from me?”

“Your company with me tomorrow to visit my family is the best repayment,”

Emmanuel said with a smile.

Mackenzie blinked in slight surprise, then felt a sweet sensation well up in her


This man’s skills in wooing his wife are growing day by day. Also becoming

more and more dangerous!

Chapter 786

That evening, Alessandra received a call from Emmanuel, and as expected,

she was so excited that she could hardly sleep, eagerly awaiting the break of


Even before noon, she had already started to prepare the soup.

Roselynn hadn’t gone out that day, still in her pajamas, and when she saw

her mother preparing the slow-cooked soup, she subconsciously thought it

was for lunch.

“Mom, it’s nearly lunch. Why are you only making soup now?”

“Shoo, this is for dinner. Mackenzie and Emmanuel are coming home!”

“Tsk, tsk…” Roselynn deliberately put on a jealous front and said, “Mom, I’ll

make sure to be your daughter-in-law in my next life!”


“Get out of here. You’re acting as if I’ve mistreated you. What daughter still

lives with her mother at 30?!”

Chapter 786 Helping Mackenzie)


The next moment, Roselynn “turned off” her ears and retreated back into her


Alessandra sighed deeply. She really didn’t know what to do with her

daughter. Despite being finally married, she kept returning to her mother’s

constantly. It would only be an invitation for others to make fun of her!

Roselynn’s mood wasn’t great either. Back when Claudette was still around,

she had someone to confide in. Now she couldn’t find anyone to talk to.

After some thought, she decided to share her worries with her younger

brother. But just as she opened her phone, she received a news notification.

‘Numerous companies terminate cooperation with Terence Group. Can

Yeringham’s top conglomerate continue its glory?’

She quickly tapped to read the news.

After finishing the article, she anxiously contacted Emmanuel.

“Emmanuel, have you seen the news? Mackenzie’s company is in a dire

situation, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, probably! Mackenzie has been extremely exhausted lately when she

comes home. There must be a lot of trouble. There’s a mysterious force that’s

opposing the Terence Group in the dark!”

Emmanuel wouldn’t discuss these matters with others, but since Roselynn

was his birth sister, he didn’t mind sharing with her.

He had long suspected that the force was from the Zelinsky family of Zovince.

Unfortunately, they hadn’t revealed themselves yet, and he currently didn’t

have any means to help his wife.

“Manny, do you think Mackenzie might be considering a collaboration with

the Oatleys?” Roselynn seemingly suddenly figured out the reason behind

Mackenzie’s visit home this day.

The Oatleys’ company specialized in refining and processing technology. She

had noticed many related industries had terminated their cooperation with

Terence Group. It was likely Terence Group would need to find new partners.

Emmanuel didn’t ask Mackenzie about it last night, but upon hearing his

sister’s words, he thought it was a possibility.

Chapter 786 Helping Mackenzie


That said, he didn’t want to pressure his sister, nor did he want her to sacrifice

her own happiness for Mackenzie’s business by becoming a bridge for them.

So, he advised, “Sis, you don’t need to worry about Mackenzie. There is a

saying that goes, ‘Even if a centipede is dead, it doesn’t stiffen.’ The Quillens

have deep roots in Yeringham for decades. It would be extremely difficult for

anyone to bring them down.”

Roselynn understood the reasoning, but she was still apprehensive. Her

apparent jealousy of Mackenzie earlier was just a pretense; in reality, she felt

closer to Mackenzie than to her own younger sister.

Moreover, Mackenzie had helped her family multiple times before, and

Roselynn was truly grateful. If she could assist Mackenzie in any way, she

would do so without hesitation.

Time flew, and 5 p.m. arrived.

Alessandra had been watching the time all day. Her fondness for Mackenzie


truly extended beyond her own daughter. She was also well aware that if it

weren’t for Mackenzie, her family wouldn’t be where they were today.

wife. What reason would I need to pick you up?!”


Chapter 787

“What? No, no, no!” Sebastian waved his hands repeatedly. “Please don’t

misunderstand, Ms. Quillen. I was just referring to my woman!”

His forehead was already covered in cold sweat.

Jennifer, who had never experienced the business world, didn’t know that

even though the Quilles were currently in a predicament, and while

self-rescue might be difficult, they could still crush a small enterprise like the

Oatleys’ effortlessly.

It was like a small animal provoking a stuck elephant in a quagmire-it could

easily be crushed to death.

Seeing their father in such a panic, Jaxton and Jessica also tensed up. They

quickly realized that the rumored Icy Female CEO was truly formidable as

they experienced the overwhelming icy intimidation of the Quillen family’s

heiress firsthand.

This kind of presence couldn’t be grasped through words alone. It had to be

experienced with one’s senses and every single cell in the body to

understand the terror within.

Mackenzie coldly snorted and ignored the Oatleys. Instead, she turned to

Alessandra and smiled faintly. “Mom, Emmanuel and I are back for dinner.”


“Wonderful! I’ll set the table right away!” Alessandra was very enthusiastic.

She gently patted Mackenzie’s hand before sizing the young woman up

then reluctantly waiked away.

Roselynn was crushed by what she saw, and she glanced at Jennifer again,

her eyes tinged with disappointment and a hint of anger.

She wouldn’t expect her mother-in-law to dote on her like her own mother. All

she hoped for was that her mother-in-law wouldn’t always act so.

condescending and strive to keep her underfoot, making her serve her son

like a dog.

Feeling her gaze, Jennifer clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth, but

not daring to say another word.

Even her husband feared Mackenzie. With Roselynn relying on their family

connections with the Quillens, what could Jennifer do against this


Hmph, just you wait, Roselynn Lowe. I will make sure you suffer the day you

lose your backing! How dare a lowly commoner like you dare to act like a

queen after marrying into our family?! Jennifer mused.

Meanwhile, the Low

thered at the dining table for dinner.

Mackenzie also wanted to help out. Since the last time she washed dishes,

she would assist Emmanuel in some chores whenever she had spare time at

home, though it was rare.

“Oh my, Mackenzie! You sit down quickly. How can you do this kind of work?

Quickly!” Alessandra quickly pulled Mackenzie to sit down.

While she still didn’t know Mackenzie’s exact identity, she understood that she

was a delicate woman. She couldn’t let her daughter-in-law handle such

tasks. She didn’t know if her son would care, but she was reluctant herself.

Mackenzie didn’t insist and just watched Emmanuel and Roselynn busy


On the other hand, the Oatleys had already taken their seats, showing no

intention of helping..


After Mackenzie arrived, Jennifer no longer pretended to be a noble lady and

wasn’t afraid that the Lowes’ furniture would dirty her high-end clothes. She

simply sat down

Their family was different from the Lowes, a commoner household, and

although they didn’t have hundreds of servants like the Quillens, they could

still afford to hire servants specifically to serve them during meals.

Such things were unheard of and beneath them. If they did them, they would

feel as though their status was diminished.

“Ms. Quillen, I apologize for the lack of good wine today. I will offer you a cup

of tea instead. Cheers!” Sebastian, seeing Mackenzie seated, seized the

opportunity to build rapport.

After all, many people attending high-class gatherings wished to become

familiar faces in front of the young Quillen heiress.

The Oatleys’ rare opportunity this day would make many envious.

Chapter 788

The only downside was that the Quillens current status wasn’t as glorious as


Emmanuel and Roselynn happened to come out with the dishes and saw this


Seeing Mackenzie actually giving Sebastian due respect, Emmanuel began

Group might truly be considering a collaboration with

to think that Ter

the Oatleys. Otherwise, with Mackenzie’s icy personality, she wouldn’t even

bother with such people.

“Come, let’s sit down and have a meal together!” Alessandra, a simple

woman from the lower class, had no knowledge of the ways of high society.

Her wish was quite modest: for the family to be together harmoniously.

It was a rare occasion for her son-in-law’s family and daughter-in-law to

visit together, and she felt happier than ever.

With the lively atmosphere in the Lowe family this day, as the matriarch of

the Lowe family, she felt that she had upheld the honor of her ancestors.

Finally, she raised her children to establish their own families.

So, once Emmanuel and Roselynn were seated, she immediately turned to

Sebastian and Jennifer and said, “Mr. and Mrs. Oatley, since you are here

today, let’s talk about the children’s marriage!”

Jennifer didn’t dare to speak out of turn after Mackenzie arrived.

Mackenzie was the natural enemy of women like her, who felt an internal

sense of superion..y.

Hearing this, Sebastian quickly responded, “You’re speaking my mind, Mrs.

Lowe! The marriage of our two children is a bridge of fate built by our

ancestors in heaven. Young people might not fully grasp the value of this

fate, but as experienced individuals, we should give them a helping hand!”

“Yes, yes!” Alessandra echoed, nodding in agreement. “Mr. Oatley, I’m not as

educated as you, and I speak a bit plainly. I might have spoiled my daughter

since she was little, and she has a rather independent and obstinate

personality. She doesn’t know how to accommodate others, so please bear

with her!”

establish a close connection with the Quillens. Especially now when the

Quillens were in difficult times. It was an excellent opportunity for the Oatleys

to get involved.

If they could form a union through marriage with the Quillens, help them

overcome their challenges, and regain their peak status, then the Oatleys

wouldn’t have to worry about their future.

“Look, Roselynn, not only Jaxton, but even his father treats you so well. Why

are you still picking fights with them?” Alessandra was also pressuring her

daughter. She didn’t want her daughter to treat marriage as child’s play.

Emmanuel and Mackenzie remained silent, observing quietly. They didn’t

want to offer Roselynn any advice.

Right now, any advice from outsiders would only add pressure to Roselynn

and potentially influence her decision.

“Okay, I’m willing to return to the Oatley family!” Finally, Roselynn pursed her

lips and declared, “But I have three conditions that you must agree to!”

Upon hearing this, Jaxton’s face, which was originally gloomy, suddenly lit up!

As long as Roselynn was willing to go back with him, sleep in the same bed,

and sate his desires of the flesh, he was open to all negotiations.

Chapter 789

“Roselynn, if you have any conditions, just go ahead and say it!” Sebastian

extended his hand, assuming the posture of a senior in charge.

Although Jennifer wore a grim expression, she remained silent.

She had long known that this daughter-in-law of hers was difficult to tame. If

she dared to make outrageous demands, she would make her son divorce

her on the spot.

A commoner woman was nothing if not for her brother climbing up the social.


“Alright, in that case, I’ll speak up!” Roselynn didn’t care what was going

through Jennifer’s mind. For the sake of her mother and Mackenzie, she

decided to give Jaxton another chance.

“First, from now on, your family must respect my family, especially my


The crowd trembled slightly. Their expressions varied!

Despite being shaken up, Alessandra said, “Roselynn, what are you talking

about? The Oatleys have always respected me!”

From the elderly woman’s perspective, anyone who didn’t curse or physically

harm her already respected her.

However, the Oatleys’ lack of respect toward her was never as direct and

explicit as the way the Zimmerman family expressed it.

So, Alessandra couldn’t perceive the truth, and even if she did, she wouldn’t

only think she had taken it wrongly.

Roselynn didn’t respond to her mother’s words. Her mother might be oblivious

to it, but it didn’t mean that was the case for her too. Especially Jennifer-she

hadn’t exchanged greetings with her mother from the get-go, didn’t sit down,

and directly claimed she couldn’t stand the tea her mother brewed. Weren’t

these signs of disrespect? That woman clearly looked down on her mother to

the core!


“Haha, that’s a given!” Sebastian immediately responded with a smile.

“Marriage is a matter of two families, and mutual respect is essential!”


something they dislike. He really couldn’t figure out where this family’s anger

stemmed from.

“Alright, onto the third condition!” Roselynn didn’t waste any time and

continued, “After marriage, each person’s property remains independent.

Even in case of divorce, the assets won’t be split!”

Upon hearing the condition, the Oatleys once again reeled in stupefaction.

Chapter 790


Jennifer burst into silent laughter. After the first two conditions, she thought

the third one might be even worse. Who would have thought it would actually

be something advantageous to the Oatleys and harmless?!

She knew full well that this kind of woman was internally proud. What

property could her family have that the Oatleys would covet? It was simply


“Alright, no problem!” Sebastian agreed at once, no longer in the mood for

prolonged discussions.

Mackenzie had been quietly observing and analyzing the situation. She

noticed the Oatleys’ joyful reaction to the third condition, reflecting, their

disdain for the Lowes. In contrast, Roselynn remained calm yet subtly.

determined and confident. Her gaze seemed to hold a longer-term

perspective than her counterpart.

Does she believe that she will earn more than the Oatleys in the future?

Where does she get such confidence?


“Good, since you’ve agreed, I’ll write down the three conditions, and we can

all sign and stamp it after that. We’ll live according to the agreement from

now on!” Roselynn was very serious about this.

She knew early on that her younger brother and Mackenzie had also signed a

marriage agreement, so why couldn’t she do the same? It was the best way

to protect herself while also assisting Mackenzie.

The Oatleys didn’t mind her actions, especially Sebastian, who was only after

the chance to coopate with the Quillens.

As Roselynn stepped away, he immediately smiled and said, “Ms. Quillen, I


heard that Terence Group is looking for a partner in energy refining

technology. Since we’re in-laws, can we discuss the possibility of


Emmanuel also looked at Mackenzie.

Mackenzie remained composed and monotoned, “I’ve come home for dinner

today and don’t intend to discuss business-”

Chapter 790 Hitch a Ride With Terence Group


After hearing part of her sentence, Sebastian felt disappointed and angry. He

thought the Quillens remained behaving high and mighty even in their dire


“If you genuinely want to cooperate with Terence Group, Mr. Oatley, please

come to our headquarters tomorrow at 3 p.m.,” Mackenzie continued.

Sebastian’s expression momentarily froze, but he quickly regained his bright

smile. “Alright! I will definitely be there on time!”

The other three Oatley family members also smiled since they finally caught,

a ride on the Terence Group’s business juggernaut. The Oatleys’ enterprise

could take off from here!

“Alright, let’s start eating. The food will get cold if we keep this up.” Alessandra,

as the hostess, finally found an opportunity to speak.

She had no interest in business matters; her main concern was her children’s

-happy marriages and the family’s overalt happiness.

“Haha, let’s dig in!” Sebastian’s laughter was now hearty, quite different from

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Emmanuel away at once, then whispered in his ear, “If you really want to be a

dutiful son to me, hurry up and give me a grandchild with Mackenzie. I won’t

be lonely anymore when I look after your baby, no?”

Haha… Emmanuel forced a chuckle. His mother wasn’t wrong. However, how

was he to make that happen with Mackenzie?!

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