A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 801-810

Chapter 801

“Given that beggar’s abilities, without someone else’s help, he would never

have this kind of grandour his whole life,” Chloe analyzed calmly and

concluded. “It must be his cousin Emmanuel helping him. If I’m not mistaken,

that Black Card in his hand must belong to Emmanuel’s wife!”

Abellyn suddenly realized. “That’s right; it must be him showing off with

Emmanuel’s wife’s resources! D*mn it; he successfully outshone us this time!”

Resentment filled Abellyn. She had always been looking for an opportunity to

flaunt in Ryder’s face, to make him regret. But never did she imagine being

shown up instead when they finally met.

Now, it seemed that not only wouldn’t Ryder regret it, but he might even end

up marrying a young woman!

“This is outrageous! Absolutely outrageous! It’s infuriating!”

“Calm down, Abellyn.” Chloe, who knew her sister the best, immediately gave

her some advice. “Ryder has support, but do you not? Your relationship with

that man is definitely closer than his relationship with Emmanuel’s wife,


“You’re right! I’ll contact him right away!” Abellyn regained her confidence in

an instant.

She had spent almost all of the one million Blake gave her, and what

annoyed her the most was that she hadn’t bought a house or a car yet. But

she knew she could get more money from him than Ryder if she contacted

Blake again.

“Hmph, this isn’t over between us, Ryder Lowe! Let’s see who has the last

laugh!” Abellyn gritted her teeth, her gaze filled with ferocity.

The next morning, Magnus was practicing his golf skills with Gautier at a golf

course on the outskirts of Yeringham.

Looking a little tired, Blake walked over and didn’t disturb the two young men.

Instead, he found a beach chair and lay down for a nap.

“Is that your new personal bodyguard, Mr. Magnus?” asked Gautier as he

handed Magnus a glass of wine.

“Yeah, I begged my father for a long time before he agreed to let him follow

me!” Magnus replied as he took the glass of wine. “Thank you!”

“Invincible Iron Skin, Indestructible Pillar of Strength! Back then, this masterful

figure swept away the Six Grandmasters of the World and defeated the elite

ninjas of Shoiya with just one move, shocking both countries! I must pay my

respects to such a prominent figure in the martial world!” Gautier said with

admiration, preparing to approach Blake.

In truth, Gautier was envious of Magnus. While the Verkades were wealthy,

and Gautier was known as Yeringham’s youngest and most outstanding CEO,

he didn’t have a bodyguard who could stand out by his side. He always felt

somewhat embarrassed.

However, skilled experts were hard to come by. Without the fame of the

Zelinsky family of Zovince, it was truly difficult to get top-notch martial


“I suggest you better not approach him for now, Mr. Gautier,” Magnus advised

leisurely after a swing.

“Why?” Gautier was a little puzzled.

“Haha, that guy isn’t only ugly but also has a terrible temper. I bet you he’s

exhausted and in a bad mood right now, or he wouldn’t be indifferent to the

chicks around,” Magnus analyzed.

Gautier suddenly remembered that this expert called himself “Casanova”

and was very lascivious. And he and Magnus specifically invited four hot

women to accompany them this time, each with excellent figures and looks.

However, this “Casanova” didn’t initiate a flirt with them, which spoke


“D*mn it! Magnus, you b*stard, watch your mouth!” Blake, who was about to

take a nap, suddenly sat up and cursed loudly. “What do you mean by ugly

and bad-tempered? Didn’t I tell you that I used to be the number one

handsome man?!”

Gautier was slightly shocked. He hadn’t expected a bodyguard to speak so

disrespectfully to his master.

What surprised him even more was that Magnus didn’t seem to be angry at

all. Instead, he leaned in front of him and chuckled softly, “What did I tell you?

Ugly and bad-tempered, right?”

Chapter 802

Gautier smiled wryly, unsure how to respond. But then he suddenly realized


The young man before him, one of Zovince’s Four Geniuses, indeed

possessed exceptional tolerance. Perhaps this was the right way to seek


In the past, Gautier had encountered some experts who were arrogant and

condescending. No matter how much he offered, they were unwilling to work

for him.

Seeing this this day, he had an idea of how to attract true talents in the


“D*mn it, how dare you repeat it?! I still haven’t come after you for that last

time!” With one stride, Blake appeared in front of Magnus like a phantom,

grabbing his collar. “You nearly had me personally kill my own son!”

Magnus blinked innocently, smiling. “I didn’t know he was your son. How can

you blame me for your active breeding?”

Livid, Blake let go of Magnus’ collar and pulled at his own hair in frustration.

“Why am I so f*cking level-headed? I’d be able to f*cking beat you up if I’m


Magnus pushed his glasses frame, patted Blake’s shoulder with a smile, and

said, “This is fate. The child’s alive, is he not? You, on the other hand, should be

careful of being spent by that woman!”

Blake immediately tucked away all his expressions and looked astonishingly

at Magnus. “How do you know?”

“How could I not?” Magnus chuckled. “You went out suddenly last night and

only came back this morning. Plus, you’re indifferent to these fresh chicks in

front of you. It’s obvious you had a wild night with that woman, and now

you’re empty inside!”

“Haha, you’re surprisingly accurate about these trivial matters!”

Blake praised Magnus for once and admitted openly, “You’re right. Abellyn

Sheppard, that woman, served me so well last night that I almost died of

pleasure. But when I woke up this morning, she asked me for money again!

She really wants to squeeze me dry!”

“Did you give it to her then?” Magnus asked.

“I did!”

“How much?”

“Seven times!”

At a loss for words, Magnus reiterated, “I mean the money…”

“Oh, for f*ck’s sake, money is just a worldly possession. Why bother asking?

But if you want to reimburse me, I can tell you it’s 3 million!”

“Alright!” Magnus agreed readily, pulling out his phone from his pocket and

transferring 3 million to Blake right away.

Gautier was stunned! He couldn’t believe Magnus had transferred Blake the

money just like that. Good Lord, I have no financial power to support experts

Chapter 802 Blake’s Sex Life

like that!

Blake, too, was astonished and asked, “Why are you so eager to help me pick

up girls this time, Magnus? I feel like you have ulterior motives!”

“You think I have ulterior motives even when I give you money? Give it back to

me then!” Magnus laughed.

“No way!” Blake quickly turned around, protecting his phone, afraid Magnus

would snatch the money back.

Of course, Magnus couldn’t do that. He simply patted Blake’s shoulder again

and said with an ambiguous smile. “You’re considered relatives of Emmanuel

Lowe. Then again, you better not hesitate when you need to take action!”

“Relatives, my *ss!”

Blake grinned, showing his yellow teeth. “His cousin and my son have no

blood relations at all, making Lowe and I complete strangers.”

“That’s good!” Magnus turned serious. “Well, you better tame Abellyn

Sheppard well. I think she will be useful one day.”

Chapter 803

The next day, as the day began to dawn, Ryder was already waiting at the

entrance of Yociam Residence.

After a while, the gate opened, and a Maserati drove out.

“Ryder?” Emmanuel was somewhat stunned to see the guy standing at the

entrance with his hands crossed inside his sleeves, shivering in the early

spring morning.

Mackenzie furrowed her brows in the front passenger seat slightly as well. It

looks like this honest guy has been waiting here before six in the morning.

Does he have something important?

“What’s the matter, Ryder?” Emmanuel stopped the car and quickly got out.

“Hehe, it’s nothing important. I just came to return this card to you!” Ryder

quickly jogged over and handed the Black Card to Emmanuel.

Both Emmanuel and Mackenzie in the car were stunned. They couldn’t

believe the guy braved the spring chill just to return the card!

Sling Guilty About Using the Card


“Ryder, no one asked you to return it, did they? Mackenzie gave you this card

to use!”

“I can’t use it, I really can’t!” Ryder waved his hands repeatedly, looking

somewhat flustered. “I… I can’t possibly keep using this card. I used it once

yesterday, and it’s already good enough for me!”

An honest person was indeed honest. He had used this card the day before

to make a 620 thousand purchase without payment. It was the most glorious.

moment of his life! After all, his house probably wouldn’t even sell for 620

thousand. So, how could he dare to use it a second time?!

“In that case, how’s your relationship with Tia now?”

Seeing that Ryder didn’t dare to use it anymore, Emmanuel felt helpless and

could only take the card back.

“Hehe, thanks to this card, Ms. Marianne was very pleased with me last night

and agreed to let me continue pursuing Tia! Thank you so much, both you

and Ms. Quillen!” Ryder couldn’t hide his excitement.

Last night, he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep a wink the whole night. He

could never have dreamed that someone like him could have successive

moments of glory.

He was well aware that all of this was because of his cousin and Mackenzie,

so he came early in the morning to return the card and express his gratitude.

“That’s good to hear, Ryder. No need to be polite. Come on, you’re my cousin.

You took such good care of me when we were kids!” Emmanuel patted

Ryder’s shoulder and encouraged him, “Since you don’t want to use this card,

then do your best. Tia’s a good girl; make sure you don’t miss out!”

“Yeah, I know! I will also visit your mom with Tommy more often!” Ryder

nodded, then glanced at Mackenzie in the Maserati. He nodded repeatedly

and made a slight bow before saying to Emmanuel, “You should quickly take

Ms. Quillen to the company. Her time is precious!”

Emmanuel also nodded, gave Ryder a thumbs-up as encouragement, and

then got back into the car.

“Ryder returned this to you.”

“Why won’t he continue using it?” Mackenzie took the card, equally puzzled as


If it were anyone else, they would definitely continue to use it extensively

since they wouldn’t have to spend their own money. But this honest man was

different; he used it once and came to return it voluntarily.

“Ryder has been frugal since he was little. He used your card for a substantial

amount yesterday and probably feels uneasy about it.”

Emmanuel said. He understood Ryder the best. That guy was even more

honest than him, and he would feel guilty about a debt he couldn’t repay.

“You Lowes really are idiots,” Mackenzie whined with a pout.

Emmanuel forced a smile, realizing he had unwittingly set himself up again.

As they chatted, Mackenzie’s phone suddenly rang..

“Hey, Grandpa!”

“Mackenzie, how did you spend at Kellen’s last night?”

bout using the


Every time there was a transaction with the Black Card, information would be

sent to Terence’s phone number.

Mackenzie knew her grandfather usually wouldn’t bother with these small

expenses, but lately, there were serious financial issues within the Terence

Group, so he was scrutinizing everything, including the family’s expenditures.

“Yeah, I had dinner with a friend.” Mackenzie kept it short.

Terence sighed. “Mackenzie, I’m sorry to trouble you during this period. Please

refrain from frequenting luxury places for now. Wait until we’ve overcome this

difficult situation.”

“I understand, Grandpa.”

Chapter 804

After Mackenzie hung up the phone, the atmosphere in the car became


Through that simple phone call, Emmanuel realized that Terence Group was

facing even more difficulties than he had imagined.

“Mackenzie, if your company needs working capital, maybe I can help a little!”

At this point, Emmanuel thought he couldn’t just leave his over 5 billion in his

pocket anymore. He had to take it out and help his wife.

Taken aback, Mackenzie gazed strangely at him. “You?”

“Yeah, I know some quite wealthy friends. If you need funding, I can maybe try

getting a loan,” Emmanuel said casually.

He still couldn’t reveal his identity as the Wolf Warrior to his wife.

“Don’t underestimate me. I can handle the company’s affairs myself!”

Mackenzie ultimately didn’t want Emmanuel’s help and believed that he

couldn’t help much either.

Even she was finding it difficult to borrow a large sum of money now, let

alone Emmanuel, who was unemployed..

Emmanuel didn’t say anything more. He knew that Mackenzie didn’t think

highly of his financial capability. After dropping his wife off at Terence Group,

he immediately thought about arranging a meeting with Eve.

Unexpectedly, Eve, who had usually been easy to contact, was unreachable.

With no other choice, Emmanuel took the time to check on Snake Master’s

recovery at the inn.

Finally, Eve called him back at noon.

“Sorry, Sir, Wolf Warrior Society is facing some trouble. I haven’t had time to

check my phone!”

“What happened? Is it serious?”

“It’s quite bad. Someone in Yeringham is backing a new force that’s opposing

the Wolf Warrior Society at every turn. They seem to have ambitions of

replacing us!”

“I’ll take a look. By the way, I also have something to discuss with you!”


Eve hung up the phone in a hurry, clearly indicating that she was swamped.

“Snake Master, are you alright now?” Emmanuel turned to Snake Master after

hanging up the phone.

“I can still kill.” Snake Master’s voice was deep and carried a hint of

hoarseness, sounding truly terrifying.

His tone confirmed that he had returned to normal and transformed back

into the terrifying “snake!”

“In that case, disguise yourself a bit and come with me,” instructed

Emmanuel, wasting no time, and immediately left the inn.

With a hat and a mask, Snake Master followed him. His appearance wasn’t

only ugly but also terrifying. Emmanuel was worried that taking him out

openly might scare regular folks.

“Where is your sister?” Emmanuel asked after getting in the car and asking

Snake Master to drive.

“She went back to the organization!”

“Oh, she can do that?”

“Why not? I’m the one who betrayed the organization, not her!”

“Right, got it.” Emmanuel nodded but remained skeptical.

He had always taken Snake Master’s and his sister’s words with a grain of

salt. Now that his sister suddenly disappeared, he wondered if she could be

related to that Saintess. In fact, he suspected her to be the so-called


Then again, Emmanuel kept the button that determined Snake Master’s life in

his hand, so he wasn’t afraid of whatever tricks they might be playing. He

would temporarily believe whatever they said.

Soon, Emmanuel arrived at Waterspring Club.

“Oh my, you’ve come, Mr. Lowe!” The beautiful hostesses, including Nina, still

wore split dresses that revealed their fair thighs as they stood at the


As soon as they saw Emmanuel, they fluttered over like birds, seemingly

forgetting his aversion to women. However, when they caught sight of Snake

Master’s eyes, they shivered and dared not approach.

Emmanuel chuckled inwardly and walked in. He hadn’t expected that Snake

Master would have such an effect.

Chapter 805

“What kind of monster is that man behind Mr. Lowe?”

“Yeah, his eyes are so scary, like snake eyes!”

“Look at his tall, straight figure wearing a long robe, walking like a big snake.

Just looking at him gives me goosebumps…”

Nina and other hostesses continued gossiping after Emmanuel and Snake

Master entered.

Emmanuel paid no attention to those women. After entering the

establishment, Christopher came to greet him along with the members of

the Wolf Warrior Society and led him to a spacious room on the first floor.

The room was extremely spacious, comparable to an indoor basketball court.

Inside, not only was Eve present, but also several skilled members of the Wolf

Warrior Society, many of whom were injured.

“Sir, you’re here!”

“What exactly happened?” Emmanuel asked with a frown. It seemed that

some of the Wolf Warrior Society members had clearly engaged in a fierce


“Hmph, a group called Hellfire Club has emerged in Yeringham recently.

They’ve been clashing with our brothers and even resorted to violence!”

Christopher summarized the situation on behalf of his sister.

Yeringham wasn’t small, but it wasn’t vast either. The sudden appearance of

a rival faction wasn’t that unusual. After all, money talked, and it was

relatively easy as long as someone had the funds to recruit a group of

people to work for them quickly.

That said, Emmanuel was quite familiar with the Wolf Warrior Society. Among

them were skillful members, and Eve trained them using the military system

of the Wolf Warriors. A ragtag group wouldn’t be their opponents. The fact

that many Wolf Warrior Society members were injured suggested that the

opposition wasn’t a mere group of amateurs.

“Sir, the leader of the opposition will come to negotiate later. By then, we can

find out who they really are!”

Eve also speculated that the opposing group might not have come solely for

the Wolf Warrior Society. In this day and age, territorial disputes were no

longer in vogue, as most operated within the bounds of the law. Eve

established the Wolf Warrior Society not to be domineering but to

accumulate strength for a specific purpose.

Emmanuel nodded.

He wasn’t particularly interested in the power struggles between these gray

factions. However, due to his strong bond with the Thompson siblings, Eve’s

matters were his matters as well. Furthermore, he suspected that the Hellfire

Club might be connected to either the Holy Fire Organization or Magnus or

perhaps even coming after him personally.

Seizing the opportunity, Emmanuel walked over to some of the injured

members with bandages. With a click, he skillfully relocated a dislocated joint

for one of the injured.

“Woah, my hand can move instantly!” the guy gushed excitedly, looking at

Emmanuel in astonishment.

Emmanuel didn’t pay it any mind and proceeded to help several more

brothers with their external injuries.

His methods were truly astonishing. Those fractures, dislocations, and even

internal injuries were significantly alleviated after his treatment, and the pain

almost disappeared.

“Wow, Mr. Lowe is amazing!”

The members of the Wolf Warrior Society looked at Emmanuel with increased


Eve smiled silently. These people had yet to witness the full extent of

Emmanuel’s abilities during his prime. What he displayed now was far

beyond what he showcased during his peak.

Sure enough, not long after, a middle-aged man and a dozen or so

companions barged in arrogantly.

“Ah! You scoundrel!” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Don’t touch me, you jack*ss!”

Outside the door, the curses of Nina and the other hostesses could be heard

continuously. These men barged in and actually brazenly groped them, even

lifting their dresses to peek underneath.


“Those f*cking b*stards! How dare they cause trouble on our turf?! Let’s get

rid of them!”

Christopher’s veins bulged as he drew a machete from his waist, ready to


“Chris, don’t act recklessly!” Eve quickly stopped him.

Chapter 806

However, Christopher and a few others still charged forward, but in just a few

moves, they were all pushed back by the opponents.

Emmanuel had been treating his comrades, so he stood at the back of the

crowd. Seeing the skills of these newcomers, he couldn’t help but furrow his


These people had definitely undergone rigorous combat training. They were

far from ordinary street thugs.

The middle-aged man leading them was named Everett Parrish.

He was the one who had previously injured dozens of the Wolf Warrior Society

members, so Eve was well aware that Christopher and the others were no

match for him.

“Haha, so what if it’s your territory? We can play with your women as we

please! If you want to fight, just come at us!” A man with purple hair sneered

behind Everett.

“D*mn it, let’s fight then!”

“Attack together and tear them apart!”

Many of the Wolf Warrior Society members couldn’t stand it anymore. They

despised those who bullied women the most!

“Stop it, all of you! Anyone who acts without my orders will be expelled from

the Wolf Warrior Society!” Eve had to shout sternly.

Yeringham was a rule-of-law society. This place remained theirs thus far. If a

large-scale brawl, or worse, a case of bloodshed or murder, were to occur

here, she, as the person in charge, couldn’t escape responsibility.

Especially now that Eve knew the captain of the Level 1 Inspectors in

Yeringham was her former senior, she didn’t want to make things difficult for


“Haha, looks like your Queen is more sensible than you lot!” Everett grinned

arrogantly. “We’re here today to have you, the Wolf Warrior Society, share a

bit of your territory with us. As long as you cooperate, we won’t bully you. How

about that?”

“D*mn it, they’ve gone too far!”

Christopher wanted to make a move again, but when he saw his big sister’s

gaze, he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

“Heh, quite the grandiose talk!” Eve finally spoke. “You want our territory? Fine!

Either conquer me with money or conquer me with your fists!”

“Well, you said it!” Everett flexed his muscles, loosening his joints. “In that case,

I’ll fight you one-on-one. If you lose, you’ll give me Waterspring Club; how

about that?”


With a kick, he shattered a sturdy wooden chair next to him.

What terrifying strength! The crowd gasped in shock.

“Wow! Mr. Parrish is mighty!” Everett’s followers behind him shouted


Emmanuel furrowed his brows slightly. Typically, even powerful individuals

would at most shatter a chair. But to kick a wooden chair into pieces with one

foot required profound internal strength, meaning the man was undoubtedly

a formidable figure in the martial world.

Eve also felt a bit lacking in confidence, mainly because she still had lingering

injuries from her fight with Blue Rose. She didn’t have absolute certainty of

victory. However, as the leader of the Wolf Warrior Society, she couldn’t afford

to show weakness now.

“Wait!” Seeing that Eve was about to accept the challenge, Emmanuel, who

stood in the back of the crowd, finally spoke. He addressed Everett, “The Wolf

Warrior Society can send someone to fight you one-on-one. If you win, the

Waterspring Club is yours. But if you lose, you must leave with both hands

here; how about that?”

Everett trembled slightly, then sneered. “And who are you? Can your words be


Eve immediately responded coldly, “His words are mine! Are you willing or


Everett guffawed arrogantly. “Haha… If I lose, I’ll leave my life here and not just

my hands!”

“Good! Straightforward!” Getting exactly what he wanted, Emmanuel

immediately said, “But why use a sledgehammer to crack a nut? We can

easily dispatch someone to beat you, a piece of garbage!”


Chapter 807

“Shut up!” Emmanuel’s words immediately made Everett furious.

“Not even your Queen will be a match for Everett. Others coming would only

be sending themselves to death! Haha…””

“That’s right. Don’t go back on your words when you lose!”

Their voices made Christopher and the other members of the Wolf Warrior

Society somewhat nervous.

They all thought Emmanuel would fight, and they weren’t nervous because

they thought he would lose, but that he wasn’t a member of the society. Then

again, who’d be the leader if he were to join the Wolf Warrior Society? Him or


“Take a break, Eve. I’ll sort this out,” Emmanuel said to Eve.

“I have faith in you, sir. However, there’s a rule in the Wolf Warrior Society that

whoever fights on behalf of the society must be a member,” Eve said


“Shouldn’t be a problem.” He nodded. Snake Master was his Snake slave, and

he could decide how to use him. Coincidentally, Emmanuel thought the Wolf

Warrior Society lacked skilled fighters, so it was a win-win situation.

“Alright!” Eve wasn’t one to drag. After making herself clear, she stepped back

and took a seat.

She knew her situation well. She had suffered heavy injuries from her fight

with Blue Rose, and it had only been less than half a month since then. Not

fully recovered, she wasn’t confident about facing Everett head-on.

Just as she thought Emmanuel was going to take her place, he also stepped

back, shot a glance at Snake Master, and the person slowly came out, or

more accurately, slither out.


The entire room was astonished. Everyone’s eyes fell on this strange figure,

dressed oddly and moving like a flexible creature. They were curious about

what kind of creature he was.

Even Nina and the other hostesses hoped Emmanuel would teach these

arrogant men a lesson and avenge them. But who’d have thought Emmanuel

would send such a strange person out?

The feeling of longing for a hero to save the damsel in distress instantly


Plus, can this ‘monster’ fight? He seems to move so slowly. How can he fight?

“Haha, your Wolf Warrior Society is truly a unique bunch. Where did this old

man come from? You guys better not regret it when I kill him with one slap



Everett’s arrogant words hadn’t fully landed before Snake Master suddenly

accelerated. Like a large white snake, he instantly coiled around Everett.

The whole room was stunned.


Through his mask, Snake Master made hissing sounds, sending shivers down

Everett’s spine.

“D*mn it, Monster. I’ll kill you-”

Everett wanted to unleash his internal energy to break free, but little did he

know that the more he struggled, the tighter the Snake Master’s grip became

until all his bones cracked, making him scream in agonizing pain. “Ah! Ah…”

The continuous screams sent shockwaves through the hearts of his followers

behind him. One by one, his underlings were so frightened that their legs

went weak, and they kept retreating. None of them dared to step forward to

help or even utter a word.

Snake Master tightened its grip even further, wanting to strangle this guy to


Fortunately, Emmanuel shouted in time, “Stop!”

At that, Snake Master released his grip.

“Admit defeat?” Emmanuel smiled faintly at Everett.

That smile left Nina and the other women gawking. That was the demeanor

of a great leader! If he were to light a cigar, he would be even more dashing!

Eve also smiled. I wonder where Sir found this peculiar guy. I might not be

able to deal with him if he’s my enemy. But if he’s on our side, he’d definitely

be an invaluable super combat force!

“I… I admit defeat!” Everett was drenched in cold sweat, gritting his teeth as

he spoke. “Let me go; I’ll take my men and leave immediately!”

Chapter 808

“That won’t do,” Emmanuel said seriously. “Words should be kept. Any Tom,

Dick, and Harry will dare to bully us if we let you go just like this.”

With that, he gave Snake Master a gander, which the latter comprehended

and twisted his body like a rope, supple and boneless, directly snapping

Everett’s right arm.

“Ah! Ah…”

Everett’s screams once again sent shivers down his followers’ spines.

Meanwhile, Christopher and the others from the Wolf Warrior Society cheered

loudly. Look at these jack*sses. You dare cause commotion in the Wolf

Warrior Society headquarters, eh? Dare to harass the women here, eh? Well,

you asked for it!

Just as Snake Master was about to break Everett’s other arm, Emmanuel

shouted for a pause. “Let him go, and the rest of you leave us, please!”

Immediately, Snake Master released his grip, obedient as a servant.

On the other hand, the members of the Wolf Warrior Society looked at Eve,

who ordered icily, revealing her ruthless side as the Queen of the Wolf Warrior

Society. “Everyone, leave. Strip each of Everett’s men of one arm!”

“Alright!” Christopher became beyond excited. He had been worried that

Emmanuel and Eve might be too merciful.

Soon, everyone cleared the room, leaving only Emmanuel, Eve, and a barely

conscious Everett. From outside, the agonizing screams of Everett’s followers

quickly reached them, making Everett even more terrified. From being so

arrogant a moment ago, now he was incredibly humbled…

“If you don’t want to die, tell us about the people behind you and your true

intentions,” Emmanuel said.

Just when Everett was hesitating, Eve’s heel fell from above, crashing down

and creating a hole in front of him.


A sharp pain struck Everett’s cheek, and crimson blood oozed from his cheek,

filling the air with a nauseating smell.

“If you don’t speak up, the hole will be in your face next!” Eve’s tone was even

colder than Emmanuel’s and more intimidating.

“I’ll speak! I… I’ll speak…” Everett shouted at once, “We’re not part of the Hellfire

Club. We’re just a small affiliated faction acting on the orders of the Hellfire

Club’s master!”

“Tell us about the Hellfire Club in detail,” Emmanuel demanded.

Looks like this Hellfire Club isn’t to be underestimated when their minor

affiliated faction dares to provoke the Wolf Warrior Society. I wonder what

their relationship with the Holy Fire Organization is.

“Haha, you guys don’t even know about the Hellfire Club?!” With the mention

of the Hellfire Club, Everett suddenly became arrogant again. “It’s an

international organization headquartered in Creuburg. They have numerous

experts, ten top-tier elite members, and four hall masters, each invincible! If

you’re smart, you’ll release me now. Otherwise, the Eokloza Hall Master will

definitely avenge me and annihilate you all! Haha…”


“Shut up!” Eve stomped directly on him, creating a bloody hole in the back of

his left hand.

“Ah!” Another round of heart-wrenching screams echoed.

“You were given a choice, yet you’d rather pick the hard way. Was worth it?”

Emmanuel sighed softly and continued asking, “What is the grudge between

the Hellfire Club and the Wolf Warrior Society? Why are they doing this?”

“I… I really don’t know about this. I’m just a small fry following orders!” Everett

became much more honest after suffering, no longer daring to be arrogant.

Emmanuel scrutinized his expressions and demeanor, confirming he wasn’t

lying, then gave Eve a signal.

“Get lost!” Eve kicked him toward the door.

Everett, feeling as if he had been granted clemency, quickly got up and

scurried away in a hurry.

“Sir, why did you let him go?”

“What’s the use of killing a small fish? Only by letting him go can we attract

the big fish!”

Emmanuel’s explanation received Eve’s agreement, even though she was

well aware that the big fish behind this might not be easy to deal with.

Since the truth behind this couldn’t be uncovered immediately, they put it

aside temporarily.

Finally, Eve asked, “Sir, what did you want to talk to me about this morning?”

Chapter 809

“My wife’s company is facing another financial crisis. I want to help her, but I

don’t want to expose my identity. I want to ask if you have any ideas.”

Emmanuel went straight to the point.

Eve was one of the few people he trusted completely.

“You can establish a company and find a way to invest in her company!” Eve

was equally straightforward. She was also one of the people who understood

Emmanuel the best. She continued, “If you’re worried that Mackenzie might

get suspicious and trace the investment back to you, just appoint someone

you trust to be the investor.”

At that, she noticed Emmanuel’s gaze directly on her, accompanied by a hint

of a smile.

Emmanuel, the Wolf Warrior, was skilled in warfare, healing, and executing

-missions, but he lacked any business experience. Meanwhile, Eve managed

several industries in Yeringham and undoubtedly had more business

experience. When it came to appointing someone as the owner, there was

no one better in his mind than Eve.

“Well, alright!” Eve understood Emmanuel’s situation and was straightforward,

saying, “I’ll handle it for now. Once you find someone else you can trust, I’ll

step down.”

“Agreed!” Emmanuel didn’t waste time and handed his bank card to Eve.

After a moment of thought, he continued, “Recently, Magnus and the

Verkades have been sending people to target those around me. I can’t

protect so many people alone. Can you provide assistance?”

“What about that strange guy by your side earlier?” Eve countered.

“He’s on his own, and besides, don’t you think having him join the Wolf Warrior

Society would be adding another powerful force?” Emmanuel suggested with

a subtle smile.

“Deal!” Eve agreed readily. “I’ll have my people secretly protect your family,

and the strange man will follow me for now.”

“Okay!” Emmanuel made an OK gesture.

With Snake Master joining the Wolf Warrior Society, not only could he better

conceal his identity but also evade the pursuit of the so-called Saintess. A

win-win solution!

The two of them chatted about a few other things before Emmanuel finally

left the Waterspring Club and received a call from Roselynn.

“Sis, what’s up?”

“Manny, why don’t you accompany me in looking for a job? You’re currently

unemployed, too, aren’t you?”

Roselynn had been quite bothered lately, especially after moving back to the

Oatley residence. Although no one dared to do anything to her openly

because of Mackenzie, their attitudes were still evident.

In the end, she was a woman without a career, and she didn’t have the skills

to be a housewife. She herself didn’t have much confidence in her situation.


“I don’t mind doing that with you, Roselynn, but have you ever thought about

starting your own business?” Emmanuel suddenly posed a question.

The money in his pocket was just sitting there earning interest. If he could

help the people around him thrive and generate more wealth, that would be

the maximization of benefits.

If there was anyone he cared about the most, it was undoubtedly Roselynn.

Eve had also mentioned that she would temporarily handle the company for

him, but that wasn’t a long-term solution. If he could help his sister become a

business owner like Mackenzie and then have both families collaborate, his

wife’s position would be even more secure.

“Starting a business? I have considered it occasionally, but where would we

get the funding?”

Emmanuel instantly became enthusiastic. “Don’t worry about the money. I’ll

help you figure that out. You just need to decide what you want to do!”

“Really? You’re not going to borrow money from Mackenzie, are you?”

Roselynn immediately thought of the possibility.

Emmanuel didn’t explain and just smiled. “As long as it’s legal and not stolen

or obtained through questionable means, you don’t have to worry about the

source of the money. I’ll find a way for you. You just need to put in the effort!”

“Really? Well, of course, I’ve always wanted to get into the fashion and

cosmetics industry!”

Chapter 810

Roselynn was excited. If she became the owner of a fashion and cosmetics

business, she could shop at her own store every day. Just thinking about it

made her ecstatic.

Her response left Emmanuel a little amused and bemused. His sister was

indeed still the same familiar person.

“Alright, once you have your plans set, just let me know how much money

you need, and I’ll take care of it!”

“Hehe, okay! You better not just be trying to make me happy, or I’ll mangle

you!” Roselynn warned playfully, then sighed with relief after hanging up the


Married into the Oatley family and still unemployed, the pressure on her had

become overwhelming. But once she had her own career in the future and

became financially independent, she wouldn’t have to care what the Oatleys

think anymore. She wouldn’t have to fear being accused of idleness or relying

on her sister-in-law’s influence to act arbitrarily.

Slowly and reluctantly, Roselynn returned to the Oatley residence.

At the villa’s entrance, a woman dressed in maid attire quickly whispered,

“Young Madam, why did you come back so late? Everyone is waiting for you

to have dinner!”

The maid’s name was Lucy Yeo, a girl from another province who came to

work and felt very self-conscious.

After Roselynn married into the Oatley family, she had been the best mistress

to her. Plus, Roselynn wasn’t pretentious, so Lucy’s heart had always been

inclined toward her.

Now, she was really worried that Roselynn might face criticism from the

Oatley family. After all, she had been working in the Oatley residence for over

a year and was well aware that the Oatleys were a strict, rule-abiding family.

“They can eat all they want. I didn’t ask them to wait for me!” Roselynn said in

dismissal as she walked into the villa.

Inside, the Oatleys were still sitting at the dining table, and dinner had yet to


Jessica had been married once before but had returned to live with her

family after the divorce. She couldn’t maintain her marriage due to her

inability to compromise. She wore a bitter expression as she watched

Roselynn walk in as if nothing had happened. She hoped her parents would

teach that woman a lesson.

As for Jennifer, her expression was as if a gloomy cloud was about to bring


“I’m back,” Roselynn greeted everyone expressionlessly and headed to her


Seeing her attitude, Sebastian also frowned, looking displeased. Jaxton and

Jessica’s expressions only looked even worse than his. As for Jennifer, she

had reached her limit and barked, “Stop right there!”

Roselynn stopped and turned her head to look at her mother-in-law.

If it were any other woman, they would’ve trembled and apologized

immediately upon meeting their wealthy mother-in-law’s grim countenance.

However, Roselynn reacted differently, only asking, “What’s up?”

“What’s up? Do you know what time it is? Has no one ever told you the rules of

this house?!” Jennifer scolded angrily.

Lucy and the other two Oatley servants kept their heads down, trembling in a

corner of the hall. They were terrified of Jennifer’s anger, for she was really

ferocious when upset.

“It’s seven o’clock in the evening now, so what’s the matter?” Roselynn wasn’t

intimidated by her and responded boldly, “Isn’t it normal for me to come back

at this time when I have something to attend to outside? I didn’t ask you to

wait for me to have dinner, did I?!”

“Blasphemy!” Jennifer forcefully slammed the table, adding pressure on

Sebastian. “Look at your daughter-in-law. She doesn’t respect the dining

table rules your family set! We’ve all agreed to start dinner at 6:30 p.m., yet

someone returned late without asking for leave. You deal with it yourself!”

Sebastian sighed deeply, his eyes flashing with anger.

After a while, he hoarsely said, “Roselynn, we’ll overlook it this time. Just

apologize and promise you won’t do it again.”

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