A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 811-820

Chapter 811

“Alright, I’m sorry then,” Roselynn responded in a somewhat apologetic tone.

Living in this house, she always felt like she was on unfamiliar ground. After

making a symbolic apology, she continued, “I won’t have dinner tonight. I

have no appetite. Enjoy your meal!”

With that, she went to her room.

Lucy and the other servants held their breaths with lowered heads for a long

time as they looked at Jennifer’s dark and furious expression.

“This is outrageous! Absolutely outrageous! We’ve really brought a tyrant into

our home! I won’t eat anymore either!”

Slam! After forcefully slamming the table once again, Jennifer prepared to

leave, but Sebastian’s cold voice stopped her. “Stop right there! You keep

complaining about other people, but have you ever respected the etiquette

and rules of the Oatley family?!”

As the head of the household, Sebastian’s authority at home was not to be

challenged by anyone.

Just now, he had given Roselynn due respect because they were currently

cooperating with Terence Group, considering the business interests. But

Jennifer’s value as a wife had long been exhausted in his eyes.

Though upset with Sebastian, Jennifer had long known that he was

unreliable. She also understood that her status in this household was inferior

to his. She had acted boldly just now because she was angry, but now that

Sebastian redirected his anger toward her, she could only snort coldly and sit

back down.

“Mom, Dad, let’s eat!” Jessica quickly tried to defuse the situation, her

behavior and demeanor completely different from usual.

The Oatleys were strict when it came to family traditions, and the elders held

absolute authority in the household. It was this dynamic that had shaped

Jessica and Jaxton’s personalities, especially in the case of Jaxton. Because

he couldn’t establish his position within the family, he often sought to feel

superior outside. However, lacking the actual capability to do so, he often

embarrassed himself. That had been quite evident on the day his true nature

won revealed at the amusement park..

In the past, he had thought that when he married a wife and brought her

home, he would establish his authority within the family. That was why he

had chosen Roselynn, who had looks and a figure but lacked a prominent

family background. Yet, little did he know that her background was

unexpectedly strong. Now, he realized that even straightening his spine

seemed difficult.

The atmosphere remained heavy and tense during dinner, and it ended

similarly, Jaxton never said a word throughout, and he returned to his room.

filled with resentment.

As for his wife?

She refused to share a room with him, no matter what. Jaxton felt utterly

powerless as a man. He believed he had hit rock bottom.

Knock, knock.

Suddenly, a knock came at his door, and Jaxton’s eyes lit up, believing his

wife had now finally returned to sleep in his room.

With that, he got up eagerly, only to be disappointed after answering the


“Oh, Mom, it’s you.” Like mother, like son. Jennifer sneered upon seeing

Jaxton’s expression. “What, did you think I was Lowe?”

“Sigh…” Jaxton let out a deep sigh and sat dejectedly on a chair.

Though there was a hierarchical distinction between mother and son in

public, when they were alone, their bond as mother and son was evident.

After all, he was Jennifer’s only son.

“Honestly, Jaxton, as a grown man, are you really going to let that woman run

wild in our home? You need to assert yourself as a husband!”

“Assert myself? How do you expect me to do that? The agreements have all

been signed. Do you think I can mess with her? What’s there to assert?”

Jaxton was both frustrated and angry.

“You idiot! Do you really think the legal effect of those agreements outweighs

the country’s marriage laws?”

Jennifer’s words piqued Jaxton’s interest. “Mom, do you have a plan?”

Chapter 812

“Hmph, I originally didn’t want to resort to these methods, but since you’re so

helpless yourself…” Jennifer said proudly, sitting next to her son.

Right outside, Lucy was cleaning the hallway, and Jennifer forgot to close the

door after entering, leaving a crack. Lucy had no intention of eavesdropping

on the conversation of the mistress, but as she walked by, she happened to

hear the voices inside.

“Later, I’ll have a servant give her a bowl of soup. After drinking it, she will go

into heat tonight! Then, you can take advantage of the situation and sleep

with her!”

“Mom, is this really a good idea? Roselynn isn’t an idiot. She’ll kill me when she

wakes up tomorrow!”

Jaxton was somewhat afraid of his wife. She might behave infatuatedly

sometimes, but she was definitely skilled when it came to arguing and

fighting. He stood no chance against her.

“Be rough with her tonight, then. Also, record a video as evidence. It’ll

eventually come in handy someday…”

Lucy was utterly astonished by what she overheard. The madam always

presented herself as a well-mannered and educated woman. Who would’ve

thought she would say such things?! Is this what they call ‘two-faced?’

“Alright, Mom! I’ll follow your plan tonight!”

Jaxton was now quite intrigued by Jennifer’s words. He had long wanted to

be intimate with Roselynn, and worst of all, they had never done anything

substantial even when they were dating, let alone now. If people found out

about this, he would be the laughingstock for the rest of his life!

“Lucy!” Jennifer called for Lucy after exiting Jaxton’s room.

“Huh?! Y-Yes, Madam. I’m here!” Lucy hurriedly approached from a distance,

pretending she hadn’t heard anything earlier.

“Roselynn hasn’t had dinner tonight. I’m worried she might be hungry. Go

make some soup for me, and I’ll bring it to her later!”

“Yes, Madam!” Lucy nodded and went to do as instructed.

Over an hour later, she nervously came to inform Jennifer. “Madam, the soup

is ready!”

“Alright, I’ll go take a look.”

Jennifer rarely entered the kitchen. If Lucy hadn’t known her plan beforehand,

she would’ve been surprised. However, she just kept her head down and

entered the kitchen alongside Jennifer.

“Go check if Roselynn is in her room. Then, come back and tell me.”

“Yes, Madam!”

After leaving Jennifer’s sight, Lucy rushed into Roselynn’s room in a fluster.

Surprised by the unexpected visitor, Roselynn went to check only to find it

was Lucy. Immediately, she asked, “What’s wrong? You don’t look so good.

Have you fallen ill?”

Roselynn didn’t come from a wealthy background. After arriving at the Oatley

residence, she didn’t even have anyone to talk to, so her relationship with

Lucy was one of the best she had.

Lucy initially feared Jennifer’s tyranny but was moved by Roselynn’s concern.

She gritted her teeth and directly told her, “Young Madam, Madam will ask

me to bring you soup later. Remember, don’t drink it, or you’ll really regret it!”

“What?” Roselynn wanted to ask for more details, but Lucy had already

hurriedly rushed back to the kitchen.

Sure enough, not long after, Jennifer, accompanied by Lucy, personally went

to Roselynn’s room.

“Can I help you with something, Jaxton’s mom?” Roselynn pretended to know

nothing, wearing a blank expression as she asked.

Jennifer’s anger surged within her again. This woman. How dare she still

address me like this when she’s already married into our family?! It’s obvious

she has no intentions of really integrating into this family!

Still, Jennifer went against her usual behavior and forced a smile. “Roselynn,

though we don’t get along as well as I would like, you’re still my

daughter-in-law regardless. Now that you’re married into our family, it’s my

responsibility as a mother-in-law to take care of you…”

Chapter 813

If Lucy hadn’t revealed the secret to her earlier, Roselynn would’ve thought

Jennifer had gone mad upon hearing those words.

The soup was absolutely not to be consumed, but outright refusal without

evidence would make it difficult to corner this mother-son pair. Ultimately, if

suspicions arose, it would be Lucy who would suffer the consequences.

Roselynn wasn’t foolish. She responded with an enigmatic smile and said,

“Jaxton’s mom, hearing you say that, I almost thought you had a wire loose in

your head! Who’d have thought you’re actually so sweet?!”

Jennifer’s lips twitched. What does she mean by “actually so sweet?” Does

this woman think of her as some scheming, wicked mother-in-law?! This is

absolutely preposterous!

Despite being livid, Jennifer forced a smile and said, “Roselynn, our conflicts

are just about family rules. As long as you behave well, I will definitely treat

you well! Come, you haven’t had your dinner tonight, so I especially had the

servant make you some soup. Drink it while it’s hot…”

With a single glance, Lucy handed the bowl of soup to Roselynn.

“Set it aside for now. I’m not hungry yet,” Roselynn replied calmly. However,

Jennifer’s mission was yet to be completed; there was no way she would

walk away just like that.

She had Lucy serve a small bowl of soup and personally handed it to

Roselynn, saying, “Soup is best enjoyed hot. Come, have some!”

With Jennifer being this accommodating, it was up to Roselynn whether she

dared to refuse.

In truth, it wasn’t that Roselynn didn’t dare; she simply couldn’t. If she knocked

the bowl over now, it would prove that Lucy had warned her in advance,

which would ultimately harm the poor servant. So, she had no choice but to

accept the bowl and take a small sip.

“Enjoy your soup. I’ll take my leave!” Jennifer smiled.

Naturally, she had been maintaining a facade in front of Roselynn all this while, and even she could hardly contain herself. Upon seeing that Roselynn

had taken a small sip of the soup, she left at once.

After the door closed, Roselynn quickly spat out the soup.

“Hmph, trying to harm me? It won’t be so easy!”

Roselynn was both shocked and furious. The idea of a mother-in-law

drugging her daughter-in-law was unheard of!

“How can I continue living in a family like this?!”

She was deeply troubled. With Claudette gone, she had no one to confide in

about her frustrations. After thinking it through, she could only call her

younger brother.

At this moment, Emmanuel had just arrived home with his wife. When he

received Roselynn’s call, he was equally shocked and concerned.

“What? You said your mother-in-law drugged you? That’s insane!”


“Yeah! What should I do now, Manny? Jaxton will definitely come to force

himself on me later!” Roselynn expressed her concerns.

She had pretended to be under the influence. Unless something unexpected

happened, Jaxton would likely burst into her room any time soon.

“Don’t worry, sis. I’ll head to the Oatley residence right away to save you!”

Emmanuel couldn’t ignore his only sister. He couldn’t let Jaxton Oatley do

whatever he pleased, even if he was her legal husband.

“What’s wrong? Is someone from the Oatley family causing trouble for your

sister?” Mackenzie happened to be nearby and overheard the conversation.

She, too, appeared quite angry.

As a woman, she could deeply empathize with Roselynn’s pain.

She hadn’t wanted to marry Emmanuel at first, but she was lucky that he, her

legal husband, had never taken advantage of her.

However, Roselynn wasn’t so lucky. She was now in the lion’s den, and

preserving herself was becoming exceedingly difficult.

“Yes! Mackenzie, I have to go to my sister right away. I can’t leave her alone

and defenseless!” Emmanuel said anxiously.

It was a three-hour drive from here to the Oatley residence, and he worried

he wouldn’t make it in time.

“I’ll go with you.” Mackenzie thought for a moment before making her


Although the Quillen family was currently in a predicament, the Oatleys still

feared her and hoped to gain benefits from her family. So, as long as she

interfered, the Oatleys wouldn’t dare touch Roselynn.



Chapter 814

Emmanuel didn’t waste any time and immediately set out with Mackenzie.

On the other side, Roselynn’ was alone in her room, feeling anxious and


Knock knock.

Sure enough, not long after, someone came knocking on the door.

“Honey!” Jaxton called out softly, his voice sounding a bit different than usual,

obviously testing the waters.

Roselynn felt a little nervous. After all, she knew she was in unfamiliar territory

at this moment and facing not only Jaxton as the enemy.

At first, she pretended not to hear at first, but Jaxton’s voice grew louder and

louder behind the door, obviously unable to keep up the act.

“What are you doing? I’m going to sleep!” Roselynn replied, albeit reluctantly.

“So early? It’s not even 10 o’clock at night yet.” Jaxton half-believed, also

puzzled. Has she taken the philter or not? If she did, it would’ve taken effect by


“Yeah, I’m getting my beauty sleep. Don’t bother me!”

Roselynn wanted to avoid any more pointless conversations and just get

through the night and deal with everything else the next day.

“Fine!” Jaxton agreed verbally, but his eyes were filled with anger.

His tolerance for this woman had reached its limit. It was one thing not to let

him touch her on regular days, but this very night, did he still not have the

right to do so? Was he not her legal husband?!

He turned to look for the spare key to forcefully open Roselynn’s room door

when he coincidentally ran into Jennifer midway.

“Mom, did you make her take the drug or not?”

“Weird, I clearly saw her drink it. Could it be that she drank too little, so the

effects aren’t strong enough?”

“Forget it. I don’t care anymore! Tonight, no matter what, I’m going to conquer

her! I want her to understand that I am her. man, not just a lapdog by her

side!” Jaxton exclaimed angrily.

His loud voice attracted Jessica, who was unaware of the situation, to come

over as well. Both Jennifer and Jessica were pleased to see Jaxton like this.

They had long felt that Jaxton needed to assert his authority. Otherwise, his

wife would be stepping all over him.

“Go, Jax, I’ll guard the door for you!” Jessica handed him the spare key and

encouraged him.

As for Jennifer, she directly ordered all the household staff to leave, not

allowing them to stay in the villa for the night.

Before leaving, Lucy looked back and sighed deeply. Please let Young Madam

be safe. To think a supposedly proud family like this one will do something like


“Honey! Honey!”

After obtaining the spare key, Jaxton didn’t immediately open the door.

Instead, he continued to call out a couple of times from outside tentatively.

If Roselynn had really taken the philter, she wouldn’t have been able to fall

asleep at all. But unexpectedly, there was no response from inside.

Roselynn also knew that she couldn’t avoid this any longer. She quickly went

to open the window, even contemplating the idea of jumping from the

second floor.


Before she could jump out of the window, Jaxton already opened the door.

“Honey, what are you doing? Why didn’t you answer me?”

Jaxton immediately turned grim when he saw that Roselynn wasn’t sleeping

but had opened the window and was looking outside.

This woman is so cunning; she hadn’t drunk the soup after all!


Chapter 814 Barging Into Roselynn’s Room

“What… What are you trying to do? Who gave you permission to barge into

my room? Have you no shame to forcefully open a woman’s room door?! Get

out!” Roselynn rebuked coldly.

Jaxton, who was already at the end of his patience, couldn’t control his anger

any longer after hearing her words.

Chapter 815

“Ashamed? What do I have to be ashamed of? I’m your husband! Who can

say anything about me for coming into my wife’s room?!”

Roselynn couldn’t help but feel a little scared at Jaxton’s emotional outburst.

While she knew this man was a coward, provoking him in this situation might

not be the wisest choice.

“Alright, I won’t blame you anymore. Just go out. I really want to sleep!”

Roselynn softened her tone, taking a step back. Little did she expect that

Jaxton wouldn’t heed her words at all; he continued to stand in her way.

“What do you want?” Roselynn couldn’t help but get agitated.

“What do I want? I want to do what a husband and wife do, of course! Do you

know how long I’ve been holding back? I’m about to go crazy from holding it

all in! I’m going to conquer you tonight, you arrogant b*tch!” Jaxton roared

angrily, suddenly embracing Roselynn and attempting to kiss her.

“You-Get away from me!” Roselynn shoved him away.

Jaxton hadn’t expected her to be so strong. Caught off guard, he was pushed

to the ground, and he fell quite hard.

“Jax!” Both Jennifer and Jessica appeared at the door simultaneously,

stunned by what they saw.

They had known that Roselynn wasn’t weak, but they never expected that

Jaxton, a grown man, couldn’t handle her!

“I’m fine! Get out!”

Jaxton’s pride was instantly inflamed when he saw his mother and sister, and

he roared, “I can handle my woman myself! I will tame her myself!”

His bloodshot eyes scared Jennifer and Jessica a little, and they could only

nod and close the door for him.


Now, the woman inside wouldn’t be able to escape tonight!

“Jaxton, w-what are you trying? Get out!” Roselynn instinctively stepped back

as Jaxton, with bloodshot eyes, approached her slowly. “Have you forgotten

the agreement we signed? I don’t want this, and neither of you can force


“How dare you still bring that agreement up, you f*cking b*tch! Haven’t you

humiliated me enough, huh?!”

Jaxton had already decided to throw caution to the wind. He completely

ignored whatever Roselynn was saying, and as he walked closer, he picked

up the bowl of soup. “This is the soup my mother personally made for you.

You have to drink it!”

He also knew that it would be difficult to subdue Roselynn, this fiery mare, by

force alone. He needed the aid of drugs. Once she drank the philter, she

would crawl over him like a sl*t!

“Y-You’re crazy!” Roselynn shoved him away again. If this guy thinks he can

make me drink something, he’s dreaming!

“You wretched woman! I’ll make you regret this!”

Jaxton was now utterly enraged and humiliated. He picked up the still-warm

soup and splashed it on Roselynn’s face.

While avoiding the soup, Roselynn gave Jaxton an opening to tackle her to

the ground.

Jaxton started to take off his clothes. However, he underestimated Roselynn.

Her legs were not only long but also strong. With a forceful kick, she used his

momentum to throw him off once again.


Jaxton accidentally bumped into the table, causing the desk lamp and water

glass to crash to the ground with a series of clattering noises.

“Jaxton, are you okay?” The voices of the two women outside came again.

Why does it take so much effort for a grown man to deal with his wife?!

“I’m fine! Just get lost!” Jaxton’s pride had long been trampled into pieces,

and he had utterly lost his rationality. “You wretched woman! I’ll kill you!”

Jaxton grabbed a chair from under the table and wanted to smash it at

Roselynn, who panicked at once and desperately dodged.


Chapter 816

Alas, the room was only that big. Roselynn was ultimately struck by Jaxton’s

blow, falling under the table.

The pain was excruciating, and she thought she was going to fall apart.

“T’d like to see how you struggle now!”

Jaxton began taking off his pants.


Roselynn had run out of options. With one hand, she quietly reached into the

drawer, feeling around until her hand landed on a pair of scissors.

“Come on! Let me teach you how to be a woman!”

Jaxton’s entire body was rigid and tense. He lunged at her, straddling

Roselynn, thinking she was helpless and couldn’t resist. His hands began to

wander as he was driven by excitement and anger, his eyes bloodshot, wild

like a madman’s.


But Roselynn was not an easy target. Faced with his madness and

aggression, she didn’t hold back. She couldn’t let him have his way with her.

She thrust the scissors forward.

In the next moment, blood splattered on her face, causing her to shut her

eyes as she felt waves of nausea instinctively.

“Ah! Ah!” Jaxton let out a series of agonizing screams as he clutched his lower

abdomen, writhing on the ground in pain.


The two women outside couldn’t bear it any longer and burst into the room,

only to be instantly shocked by what they saw.

“What… What have you done to Jax?” Jennifer stared at her son’s blood

staining the floor, her eyes filled with anger as her lips trembled.

Jessica also exclaimed in outrage, “You… You crazy woman, did you

emasculate my brother?! This is spousal murder! You’ll go to jail and face the

death penalty! Put the scissors down now, or we’ll make you pay!”


“Don’t think you can scare me like that!” Roselynn wasn’t afraid of them either.

Holding the scissors in one hand, her gaze fierce like an enraged she-wolf.

“Come at me if you dare! You’re no match for me one by one, and I’m not.

afraid either if you all come at me together!”

“This is madness, sheer madness!” Jennifer was at her wits’ end. However,

there was nothing they could do about Roselynn at the moment.

The commotion had finally attracted Sebastian, who rushed in to see his son

covered in blood. He didn’t care about anything else and hurried over to

assess the situation.

“Jaxton! Jaxton!”

At this point, Jaxton had already fainted from the pain, unable to respond to

his father’s calls.

“You bunch of crazy women, call an ambulance, or Jaxton will die!” Sebastian

roared angrily.

Jennifer finally snapped back to reality, panic in her voice. “Jessica, quickly


call the police!”

“Huh? Oh! Okay!” Jessica rushed out of the room.

Roselynn still held the scissors, unwilling to let her guard down.


Sebastian looked at Roselynn, his tone icy as he said, “Can you get me some

gauze? We need to stop Jaxton’s bleeding.”

Only then did Roselynn cautiously open the drawer and find some gauze,

gently tossing it over.

“You… Just you wait. You won’t get away with what you did to my son!”

Jennifer left in a frenzy. She couldn’t swallow this insult. Roselynn had so

severely harmed Jaxton that their family might not be able to continue their


Roselynn looked at the crazed woman leaving, her heart pounding with

anxiety. She thought about leaving the Oatley residence overnight, or who

knew what consequences she might face?!

Sebastian understood the gravity of the situation. He didn’t have time to deal

with the women in the house. Right now, his priority was to tend to his son’s

wounds urgently. It seemed that Jaxton’s ability to have children in the future

was at stake.

Although the Oatleys weren’t a prominent aristocratic family, a single urgent

call from Jennifer could still summon a number of people instantly.

As Roselynn hurriedly made her way downstairs to the hall, she found several

burly men rushing in.

Chapter 817

“Jennifer, what happened?”



The middle-aged man leading the group was one of Sebastian’s younger

brothers, Silas. He was followed by three Oatley family bodyguards and a


Roselynn recognized the woman from the wedding-Selina Oatley.

Due to the incident with the stolen necklace at the wedding, Selina’s

reputation had been tarnished. Unable to confront the Quillens, she had

quietly shifted her resentment toward Roselynn. So, when she looked at

Roselynn now, her gaze was filled with hostility.

“Silas, you came just in time! This woman castrated my son!” Jennifer’s face

was contorted with hatred as she pointed at Roselynn.

“What?!” Silas exclaimed in shock, clutching his own groin instinctively.

It had to be noted that Jaxton was Sebastian’s only son.

“Get her! Don’t go easy on her. She must pay for what she’s done! Lock her

up!” Selina immediately ordered the three bodyguards.

“I dare you to come near me!” Roselynn wasn’t one to be easily intimidated.

Before the bodyguards could reach her, she brandished the scissors, her

back against the table, and confronted them with determination.

“It’s Jaxton’s own fault! He tried to force himself on me!” Roselynn shouted


Unfortunately, no one present would take her side.


Selina sneered. “Jaxton wanted to force himself on you? Even if it’s true, so

what? You’re his wife. How he treats you is his prerogative. You’re but a cheap

woman playing hard to get!”

Her words were met with unanimous agreement from everyone present.

They dispersed, encircling Roselynn. In any case, they couldn’t let her escape


Lucy hid outside the hall, afraid to enter, watching Roselynn face so many

“Get her! Don’t go easy on her. She must pay for what she’s done! Lock her

up!” Selina immediately ordered the three bodyguards.

“I dare you to come near me!” Roselynn wasn’t one to be easily intimidated.

Before the bodyguards could reach her, she brandished the scissors, her

back against the table, and confronted them with determination.

“It’s Jaxton’s own fault! He tried to force himself on me!” Roselynn shouted


Unfortunately, no one present would take her side.

Selina sneered. “Jaxton wanted to force himself on you? Even if it’s true, so

what? You’re his wife. How he treats you is his prerogative. You’re but a cheap

woman playing hard to get!”

Her words were met with unanimous agreement from everyone present.

They dispersed, encircling Roselynn. In any case, they couldn’t let her escape


Lucy hid outside the hall, afraid to enter, watching Roselynn face so many

“Get her! Don’t go easy on her. She must pay for what she’s done! Lock her

up!” Selina immediately ordered the three bodyguards.

“I dare you to come near me!” Roselynn wasn’t one to be easily intimidated.

Before the bodyguards could reach her, she brandished the scissors, her

back against the table, and confronted them with determination.

“It’s Jaxton’s own fault! He tried to force himself on me!” Roselynn shouted


Unfortunately, no one present would take her side.

Selina sneered. “Jaxton wanted to force himself on you? Even if it’s true, so

what? You’re his wife. How he treats you is his prerogative. You’re but a cheap

woman playing hard to get!”

Her words were met with unanimous agreement from everyone present.

They dispersed, encircling Roselynn. In any case, they couldn’t let her escape


Lucy hid outside the hall, afraid to enter, watching Roselynn face so many

enemies alone, feeling helpless.

“Get her!”

At Selina’s command, the three bodyguards began to close in on Roselynn.

Roselynn gritted her teeth. She knew she couldn’t overpower these people,

but she still showed no fear. She shouted loudly, “Come at me if you’re not

afraid to die! Killing one won’t cost me much, and killing two would be a

bonus! Come on!”

Seeing her fearless appearance, the three bodyguards were slightly

apprehensive. They were just earning their wages; who would want to risk

their lives?!

At this critical impasse, the piercing sound of an engine came from outside

the door.

“Roselynn! Can you hear me?!”

Hearing Emmanuel’s voice, Roselynn felt relieved and surprised at the same

time. It had only been two hours since she called Emmanuel. How could he

arrive so quickly?!

“Manny, come in and save me!” Roselynn quickly responded aloud.


The next moment, the gated entrance to the Oatley residence was forcefully

kicked open by Emmanuel.

The deafening noise sent shivers down everyone’s spines inside.

Who on earth is this? They actually managed to kick open the iron gate!

“Roselynn!” Emmanuel stormed into the Oatley residence’s hall at once.

Before anyone could discern his figure, he had already positioned himself

before his sister like a gust of wind.

Roselynn let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. With her

little brother by her side, she feared nothing, not even in the darkest of


Not only Emmanuel but Mackenzie also entered the hall soon after. An icy

atmosphere instantly enveloped the entire space.

Chapter 818

“M-Ms. Quillen?” Silas thought he was seeing things when he saw Mackenzie.

The heiress of the Quillen family actually appeared in the Oatley residence in

the middle of the night? What’s going on?!

Seeing Mackenzie, he looked as if a mouse had encountered a cat. The three

Oatley women were also gnashing their teeth, appearing frustrated and


“What do you intend to do to Roselynn?”

Seeing the scene before her, Mackenzie quirked her brow slightly, exuding an

unbearable cold pressure.

“W-We haven’t done anything to her.” Silas quickly forced a smile and waved

his hand.

Knowing that Silas couldn’t be depended on anymore, Jennifer gritted her

teeth and said, “Roselynn stabbed my son. We will make her pay for sure! If

you want to interfere, don’t blame us for being rude to you!”

Unfazed by her fierce appearance, Mackenzle coldly chuckled, “Would

Roselynn have done that if your son hadn’t done anything to her?”


Jennifer was already furious, and now unable to argue her point, she saw

Mackenzie’s followers pouring into the Oatley residence. With resolve, shel

shouted, “Guards, arrest these three!”

Silas immediately broke out in a cold sweat. Jennifer was acting recklessly.

The woman in front of them was the heiress of the Quillen family, for heaven’s


Alas, ignorance was bliss indeed.

She was courting death, and they didn’t want to accompany her.


Sebastian descended the second-floor staircase in the critical moment,

halting everyone. His hands were both bloody, a horrifying sight.

Ms. Quillen, this is our family matter. Please don’t interfere!”

Sebastian’s mind was everywhere. He couldn’t let Roselynn go after seeing

his son’s condition, but he also couldn’t afford to antagonize Mackenzie,

especially since their families had just negotiated a cooperation.

“Yes, I indeed have no right to interfere in your family’s matters, nor do I want

  1. However, Roselynn is my husband’s sister. I can’t stand by and watch her

suffer!” Mackenzie was adept at her words, and the phrase “can’t stand by

and watch her suffer” left the Oatleys momentarily speechless.

Roselynn was deeply grateful. Her brother had truly married an extraordinary

wife! Besides her stunning looks, she also protected her family so dearly. If

her brother didn’t cherish such a wife, he truly deserved the worst fate


At this time, the sound of an ambulance outside provided both sides some

time to calm down.

Medical personnel quickly used a stretcher to carry Jaxton, whose lower body

was soaked in blood, and placed him into the ambulance.

“Son! Jaxton! Stay strong!

“You must save my son’s life!”


Jennifer cried to the medical staff with tears and snot, then turned around

fiercely, hysterically shouting, “See that? You all saw that, didn’t you?! Look at

what this wicked woman has done to my son. She’s not going anywhere

tonight! She must pay for this!”

A woman going crazy was terrifying and also the most irrational. If Silas

hadn’t firmly held her back, she would’ve rushed over and fought Roselynn.

“I advise you not to lay another hand, or you’ll definitely regret it!” Emmanuel

quickly positioned himself in front of Mackenzie, unafraid of the many

members of the Oatley family. The two women behind him were his most

beloved, and he wouldn’t let anyone harm them even slightly.

Mackenzie, of course, was also unafraid, paying no attention to the crazed

Jennifer. She just looked up at Sebastian and said, “Mr. Oatley, you’re the

decision-maker in this family. If I want to take Roselynn away now, will you

stop me?”

Sebastian’s face shifted with uncertain darkness.

All eyes were on him, and the pressure felt immense.

Mackenzie and Emmanuel could leave at any time, but where would his pride Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

lay if he dared not pursue the matter and even let Roselynn go? How could

he explain to his wife and children?

“Mr. Oatley, I regret what happened in your family today. If you’re still sincere

about cooperating with Terence Group, I can give you a 5% discount!”

With her perceptive gaze, Mackenzie naturally knew Sebastian’s current

predicament and mindset. She immediately provided him with an out.

“Thank you, Ms. Quillen. The Oatley family is definitely sincere about

cooperating with Terence Group!” Sebastian quickly expressed his stance.

Facing off Mackenzie was beyond his capacity and courage. Naturally, he

went along with the path she paved.

“In that case, goodbye!” Mackenzie wasted no more time and immediately


Her chilling and formidable aura and Emmanuel’s protection allowed the

three of them to pass through unobstructed.

“Sebastian! Have you gone mad? Are you really going to let that woman

leave? Are you still a man? You coward!” Jennifer redirected her overflowing

anger toward her husband when she saw the three leaving their house


“Shut up!” Sebastian reprimanded her coldly.

Silas didn’t dare to interrupt. He could only say, “Sebastian, Jennifer, it’s

getting late. I won’t disturb you any longer. I’ll head back now!”

With that, he left with his entourage.


“Sigh, such a family tragedy!” Selina couldn’t help but feel a bit of

schadenfreude as she commented before leaving with her father.

Gradually, others left as well.

Inside the villa, only Sebastian and his family of three remained.

“Jessica, go and check on your brother’s condition. Let me know the doctor’s

diagnosis as soon as possible!”

“Okay, Dad.” Jessica didn’t want to stay at home that night either, avoiding

having to pick sides between her parents.

She could understand both her parent’s viewpoints. One was protecting their

son, and the other was safeguarding their interests. Neither of them was

wrong, right?

In the spacious villa, only the husband and wife remained, and Sebastian

instructed Jennifer sternly, “You, come into the room!”

Jennifer gnashed her teeth, tidied her disheveled waves of hair, and followed

Sebastian into their room, waiting to see what the man was up to.

“Go take a shower!” Sebastian ordered despite the hint of disdain lacing eyes

as he watched his wife enter.

Then, he fetched a medicine bottle from a drawer and reluctantly swallowed

a few pills.

“You… Have you gone mad?!”

Jennifer knew what those pills were-sildenafil.

After contemplating for a moment, she looked at him with contempt and

scolded, “Sebastian, you’re truly a coward! An utterly useless man! Our son

was stabbed by a woman, and instead of avenging him, you want to vent

your frustrations on your wife?! Are you even capable? How many years has

it been since we slept together?”

“Shut up!”

Sebastian was already in a bad mood because of his son’s embarrassing

incident. Yet, this woman kept blabbering in his ear, making him increasingly

grim and annoyed by the second. At that, he shoved her onto the bed.

The more he acted this way, the more Jennifer refused to keep quiet. She

even became more agitated as she continued, “Why should I shut up? With a

father like you, Jax is truly pitiful! What’s the point of earning so much money?

The Oatley family is going to end with you-”


Sebastian finally couldn’t bear it anymore and slapped her hard across the


For a moment, Jennifer felt dizzy and disoriented, her eyes filled with shock

and anger.

After being married to this man for over thirty years, this was truly the first

time she had experienced such treatment.

“I told you to shut up, so shut up! Why are you blabbering so much? Do you

think you’re clever? You’re the dumbest one of all!

“We’re in a life-and-death struggle with the Quillen family now. What can we

gain from it? If we make a big fuss, not only will we lose our business, but we

might even go bankrupt!

“Can our son go back to how he used to be then? Not only would we have

nothing left, but we wouldn’t even have a decent life for the rest of our lives.

Do you understand, you foolish woman?”

Chapter 820

The stern lecture finally shut Jennifer up.

As the saying stated, “Might makes right!”

In this world, the strong dictated the terms. If Jennifer didn’t understand this

principle, she wouldn’t have acted so pompously in front of those weaker

than the Oatleys for so many years.

Seeing her silent, Sebastian let out a long sigh. “This one’s a goner. Go take a

shower quickly and see if we can still create a replacement.”

As a father, he was actually disappointed in Jaxton’s abilities.

Unfortunately, he had been too obsessed with making money when he was

young and never had another son. Now that things had come to this, he

could only take a gamble.

Jennifer complied to an extent. After all, her husband hadn’t touched her in

years, and she was much younger than Sebastian. There were still those

desires present.

By the time she came out of the shower, the effects of the drug Sebastian

had taken were beginning to show. Regrettably, he was already quite old, so

no matter how hard he tried, he found himself lacking the vigor. He could only

sigh in resignation.

On the other side, Emmanuel drove his sister and wife home.

“So, what are your plans next, Roselynn?” Emmanuel was the first to break the


Roselynn remained silent for a while before responding, “I’ll rent a place to

stay for now. I’m afraid if I go home, Mom will find out about this. Her health

can’t handle the stress.”

Despite understanding his sister’s concerns, Emmanuel still reminded, “You

can’t hide the truth forever. Mom will eventually learn about it.”

Of course, Roselynn also knew that, but for now, she could only take it one

step at a time.

After a brief silence between the siblings, Mackenzie spoke up, “Roselynn, I

have two suggestions for you: first, divorce Jaxton immediately. Then, either

quickly establish your own career or find another suitable man. As long as

you live a happy and comfortable life, Mom won’t worry about you!”

Roselynn was stunned.

A smile appeared on Emmanuel’s lips. He couldn’t help but admire

Mackenzie’s wisdom and insight.

Alessandra’s concern for Roselynn was primarily about the insurance of her

future. Of course, any mother would be worried, given her unemployment

and divorce.

If Roselynn could find happiness after leaving Jaxton, or at least not have to

worry about her future, Alessandra would naturally feel relieved.

“You’re absolutely right, Mackenzie! But the two things you mentioned aren’t


Roselynn wasn’t lacking in confidence, but love and entrepreneurship

couldn’t be achieved with confidence alone.

“I can help you!” Emmanuel and Mackenzie blurted almost simultaneously.

At that, the two glanced at each other.

Emmanuel smiled while Mackenzie snorted intentionally and turned her face


Roselynn felt rather aggrieved. She was here feeling down, yet they made her

witness PDA. Is this really appropriate?

“I’ll help Roselynn figure out her career, Mackenzie. You know a lot of fine men.

If you want to help my sister, you can introduce her to someone,” Emmanuel

suggested, making Mackenzie snort coldly again, for he had stolen another of

her lines.

But as many thoughts as she had, she still added icily, “Hmph, I can help

Roselynn if she needs funding and connections for her business, but I won’t

play matchmaker!”

“Alright, I’ll take care of these two things then!” Emmanuel confidently took on

the tasks and continued, “I’ll turn to you if I can’t manage. You don’t have to

worry about my sister for now.”

He knew that Mackenzie had enough to worry about lately and didn’t want to

burden her further.

“Idiot!” Mackenzie cursed softly. How could she not care about her

sister-in-law’s affairs? Not only that, she quietly instructed Wally to help

deliver a set of house keys immediately. Roselynn couldn’t return home for

the time being. She couldn’t let her rent a place all alone, right?

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