A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 831-840

Chapter 831

“Haha, well said!” Terence quickly applauded and gave Emmanuel a thumbs

up in his mind.

Looks like Mackenzie digs Emmanuel’s attitude. Either way, I’ve already told

Emmanuel everything I wanted to say earlier. If he doesn’t make a move and

get Mackenzie pregnant sooner, I’ll give him another piece of my mind!

“I don’t know, and I don’t care whether you got rich by relying on Mackenzie,

but either way, I have no intention of managing the clothing store anymore.

It’s not worth much now anyway, so consider it a gift from your

mother-in-law,” Felicity added generously.

Firstly, she enjoyed seeing the Quillen women deflated before her. Secondly,

since she reconciled with Mackenzie, she decided to take advantage of this

situation and give her son-in-law the asset, believing it would further

improve her relationship with Mackenzie.

“Thank you, Mother, but since I said I would acquire it, I’ll pay you the money,”

Emmanuel insisted.

Felicity quirked her lips in response, obviously not liking his persistence.

“I’ll help you two handle this matter,” said Mackenzie, done going back and

forth about such trivial matters. Then, she turned to Samantha, who cared for

her the most, and tried to soothe her.

“Aunt Samantha, Felicity is still a member of the Quillen family. We don’t need

to fight amongst ourselves and become a laughingstock. She promised to be

on the same page as us, no longer sending the Quillen family’s assets away.

Let’s give her a chance, okay?”

Samantha didn’t know what to say for a moment. The enmity between her

and Felicity couldn’t be resolved with just a few words. However, because

Mackenzie interceded, she would give in. Thus, she remained silent.

Meanwhile, Hannah and Sophie turned their faces away, their attitudes

similar to Samantha’s. They might not believe Felicity, but they didn’t want to

confront Mackenzie head-on, especially with Terence present.

“It’s all decided, then!” Terence sealed the deal and turned to Felicity. “Felicity,

I won’t hold onto past grievances. I hope you can live well here with us.”

Felicity nodded slightly without a word.

“Sophie, let’s go!” Hannah turned around and left, taking Sophie with her.

Samantha, on the other hand, sighed and gently patted Mackenzie’s hand.

“Just be careful in everything you do, and be careful not to be deceived!”

Mackenzie knew what she meant and could only smile faintly. “I know.”

This feeling was truly unpleasant. One was her mother, and the other was her

husband, yet they couldn’t gain her other family members’ trust. How was

she supposed to mediate in between?!

“The way I see it, Mackenzie is becoming increasingly confused!”

“Terence Group’s management has become increasingly poor since she got


“Worst of all, she doesn’t listen to our advice. If this continues, our family will

eventually be in big trouble!”

“That’s right. Despicable rouges are in charge!”

Hannah and Sophie deliberately spoke aloud the things they dared not say in

front of Terence and Mackenzie as they left. Either way, their purpose was to

be heard.

As a result, Mackenzie’s mood worsened.

Emmanuel was upset as well. If the situation at Terence Group truly

deteriorated, he feared his marriage with Mackenzie wouldn’t hold up either.

Therefore, he had to help stabilize the situation for his wife…

The next day.

Rhea had officially started working at Beacon Hospital. Unfortunately for her,

though, her idol was no longer practicing there.

“Hey, Rhea, I heard a big shot is coming to our hospital today for a charity

event! Shall we go take a look?” A fellow nurse suddenly walked up to Rhea,

linking arms with her.

Chapter 832

Rhea was also curious. She had never heard of such a thing before, so she

decided to check it out.

When they arrived at the south gate, they found many reporters already

standing by at the entrance.

Rhea wondered how the reporters managed to find out about the news in

advance when even she, the hospital director’s daughter, received it at the

last minute.

Soon, Juan appeared with the hospital’s management team to welcome the

event, and a black Corolla slowly pulled up to the entrance right on time.

“Wow, Mr. Magnus is really low-key!”

“Who’d have thought the heir of a trillion-dollar family would drive such a


“If we hadn’t received insider information beforehand, we wouldn’t have

known he was coming to Yeringham for charity!”

“Now, that’s a true philanthropist!”

People at the entrance chattered. However, Rhea felt a little disgusted. Do

you people think you’ll receive news in advance if Mr. Magnus wants to do

charity anonymously?

Just then, the Corolla’s door opened, and three people stepped out: Magnus,

Blake, and Gautier.

At that, a swarm of reporters immediately flocked to them, surrounding the


“Mr. Magnus, it’s rumored that you do charity wherever you go. Is that true?”

“Are you here in Yeringham for charity or Miss Claudette Lenoir?”

Faced with the barrage of questions, Magnus maintained a gentle smile, yet

he didn’t answer any questions.

“Sorry, Mr. Magnus isn’t here for a press conference. Please refrain from taking

photos or conducting interviews!” Mackenzie spread his arms and blocked

the reporters.

As a result, the attention turned to Gautier.

“Mr. Verkade, your father is a great philanthropist in Yeringham while you

haven’t been very involved in charity work. Are you planning to inherit his


Gautier’s handsome face immediately lit up with a charming smile as he

replied, “I’m here today to accompany Mr. Magnus. That said, the Verkade

family will never give up on charity, no matter when. Thank you!”

Suddenly, thunderous applause erupted, and the camera flashes went off.

Gautier, too, was aware that he would be making headlines in Yeringham

news the next day.

In comparison, Mackenzie was probably already overwhelmed by Terence

-Group’s matters. Looks like, soon, only one of the two CEOS of Yeringham will


After the reporters had their moment, the hospital security finally took action

and expelled them.

As the hospital director, Juan warmly received Magnus and his companions,

leading them inside the hospital to visit some patients.

Rhea followed along.

Watching Magnus’ gentle demeanor as he mingled with the hospital’s

patients, showing generosity by assisting with medical expenses, Rhea was

surprised. Due to her favorable impression of Emmanuel, she had inquired

about the affairs of the Lenoir residence.

She had heard that Magnus was Claudette’s admirer and Emmanuel’s rival.

She used to think that if Emmanuel were a protagonist in a novel, then

Magnus, as the heir, would surely be an arrogant and unlikable antagonist.

However, upon meeting him today, he appeared so gentle and kind.

Could she have been mistaken?

“I really wish my parents could be with me all the time.”



Due to their family’s poverty, the girl’s parents worked out of town and barely

visited their daughter once a month. Only her grandmother came to take

care of her.

Rhea also sympathized with the little girl’s situation but felt helpless due to

her limited abilities.

Unexpectedly, Magnus immediately displayed a warm and sincere smile

after hearing the little girl’s wish and said, “Alright, I will make your wish come


Chapter 833

With a phone call from Magnus, the girl’s parents were granted paid leave

and rushed to Beacon Hospital. Not only that, but Magnus also handed the

girl a check, encouraging her, “Don’t give up. You’ll overcome this illness


“Thank you, mister…” the little girl bawled.

Witnesses inside and outside the ward were moved to tears and applauded


Rhea was no exception.

She couldn’t tell if Magnus was sincere or pretending, but he had indeed

performed a great act of kindness. If the little girl could survive, she would

remember this man for her entire life.

After helping the little girl, Magnus soon left the ward.

“Everyone, Mr. Magnus prefers to stay low-key. Please don’t follow him

anymore!” Blake extended his hand to stop the hospital staff.

However, many wished to continue following Magnus, thinking of him as the

fairy tale prince bathing in the holy light. Even the imposing CEO of the

Verkade family seemed slightly overshadowed in his presence.

Rhea felt the same way, but ultimately, like everyone else, she decided to

respect Magnus’ wish and didn’t continue following him.

In one of the wards, Jessica was keeping vigil by her hospitalized younger

brother’s side when she heard the commotion outside and learned that

Magnus, one of the Zovince’s Four Geniuses, had arrived.

Immediately, she called her father, believing their family wouldn’t need to

worry about the Quillens’ influence anymore if they could connect with a big

shot like Magnus!

Afterward, Jessica searched everywhere for Magnus.

She had already seen people posting his pictures on social media.

While Magnus wasn’t exceedingly handsome, his aristocratic air made him

resemble a prince from a fairy tale.

Alas, she failed to encounter Magnus even after searching nearly the entire


Peering through a window, she spotted the black Corolla and decided to wait

there. To her surprise, Magnus and Blake approached her direction just as

she had begun waiting by the car.

As for Gautier, he had already left.

Seeing the real person and comparing him to Blake, Magnus appeared to be

an astonishingly handsome man in Jessica’s eyes.

“Mr. Magnus!” Jessica ran toward Magnus excitedly.

“May I ask who you are, beautiful lady?” True to the rumors of his gentlemanly

demeanor, Magnus remained polite even when facing an unfamiliar woman.

“I… I’m Jessica Oatley. I admire you greatly and want to get to know you!”

Jessica expressed her intentions as she gasped for breath. Her usual

haughty demeanor turned humble in front of Magnus.

With his hands behind his head and a blade of grass in his mouth, Blake

chuckled while silently watching the scene unfold, thinking Magnus was

indeed skilled at playing this game.

He had come to do charity work at Beacon Hospital that day not only to

shape his image and get close to the Oatleys but also to use them to defeat

the Quillens.

He could have the Oatleys come to him without approaching them, and to

his surprise, Magnus even attempted to lure Jessica. “That would be my

honor, Miss Oatley. Goodbye.”


In a moment of desperation, Jessica grabbed Magnus’ hand, making him.

frown slightly in response. Still, his tone remained gentle. “What is the

meaning of this, Ms. Oatley?”

At that, Jessica bit her lip and blurted out in desperation, “You’ve come to do

charity, right? Can you also help my brother?”

Chapter 834

A faint curve appeared at the corner of Magnus’ lips, but he quickly feigned


Blake also approached and gently pushed Jessica aside. “Hey, don’t be so

shameless. Mr. Magnus is very busy!”

Having conducted an investigation, Magnus was well aware of Jessica’s

personality, which belonged to the conniving type. As expected, she

collapsed to the ground calculatedly, letting out a high-pitched scream to

elicit sympathy.

“Ms. Oatley, are you alright?” Magnus quickly approached Jessica before

reprimanding Blake, “How can you be so rude to a woman?!”

Blake snorted, then walked away with his hands behind his head.

“Please help our family, Mr. Magnus, I beg of you! We’re in a miserable

situation!” Jessica quickly seized the opportunity and held Magnus’ hand


“Well… alright!” Magnus pretended to hesitate before agreeing. “To express

my apology, I will do my best!”

On the other hand, Jessica cheered triumphantly inside while feigning a

pitiful expression on the surface. After all, all the members of the Oatley

family would commend her in the future for successfully hooking up with one

of Zovince’s Four Geniuses!

Little did she know, Blake, observing her demeanor closely, secretly mocked,

Women are so easily fooled!

An hour later, Sebastian pushed aside all his commitments and hurriedly

arrived at the hospital with Jennifer. They went straight to their son’s private


Upon seeing the esteemed Magnus Zelinsky, Sebastian approached

excitedly and shook hands with the young man, displaying a respectful and

deferential demeanor.

“Dad, Mr. Magnus is here at the hospital for charity. I’ve already told him

about Jaxton’s situation. He sympathizes with him and says he will help us!”


While speaking, Jessica winked at her father, clearly seeking recognition.

Earlier, she deliberately exaggerated how terrible Roselynn was and how

Mackenzie bullied them, depicting the two women as evil demons.

Sebastian naturally understood what his daughter was trying to express.

However, being a shrewd veteran, he remained somewhat cautious. “If you

don’t mind me asking, Mr. Magnus. How can you help us?” he asked politely.

Magnus smiled and replied, “Ms. Oatley has already given me the details. No

doubt Ms. Quillen bullied your family to control your business interests. You

won’t be under her control as long as you can break free from Terence Group

and find an alternative path. That way, you can seek justice for Mr. Jaxton


Suddenly, Blake chimed in with a chuckle, “What’s the point for a man to

continue living when he has been emasculated? Sad, very sad!”

“Ah! I’m going to kill that woman! I want her dead! She deserves to die!”

Jaxton, lying on the hospital bed, broke down emotionally, his eyes bloodshot

as he screamed.

“Jaxton, calm down! Don’t be like this!” Jennifer burst into tears, seeing her

son in agony.

“Alas, a tragic tale of humanity!” Magnús also shook his head pitifully.

It was a group performance of each person trying to outdo the other, all

vying to be shameless.

“Dad, quickly discuss the details with Mr. Magnus! I worked so hard to bring

this opportunity here. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance!” Jessica quickly

whispered in her father’s ear.

Sebastian didn’t hesitate either and said to Magnus, “Thank you for your kind

offer, Mr. Magnus. However, our family’s business is small, and it may be

difficult for us to break free from Terence Group’s control.”

Magnus secretly sized the elder up; indeed, he wasn’t as easily manipulated

as Jessica.

Nevertheless, he remained confident and said, “Coincidentally, I know a friend

who is also in the energy business. If I introduce him, perhaps you could

collaborate, and the profits he offers might match those of Terence Group.”

Upon hearing that, Sebastian’s face lit up with a hopeful expression.

Chapter 835

“What are you doing, hesitating, Sebastian? Hurry and agree!” Jennifer

exclaimed with elation.

She had been holding back her frustration, unable to act out, for the past

couple of days because of her husband’s fear of the Quillen family’s


Now, blessed be, they had encountered one of the Zovince’s Four Geniuses

doing charity work at the hospital. They’d be utter fools if they didn’t seize the

opportunity to overthrow the Quillen family!

“Shut up!” Despite feeling tempted, Sebastian didn’t allow Jennifer to babble

Jennifer hit the roof, thinking her husband was a total pushover. She couldn’t

believe he was still afraid to confront the Quillens even at this point.

The Oatley siblings, too, felt the same way-their father’s image in their

hearts took a big hit.

Mr. Magnus, who is this friend you speak of?”


“The Lenoir Group!” Magnus smiled. “I’m close with the Lenoirs, who are also

prominent figures in the energy industry of Yeringham, as you’re probably


“Ah, the Lenoir Group!” Despite having a moment of realization, Sebastian Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

wasn’t excited.

Lenoir Group was certainly a major corporation to the Oatleys. Still, its

strength was widely recognized to be inferior to the Quillens’.

From a business standpoint, even if the Lenoir Group offered them the same

terms as the Quillens, they would undoubtedly opt for cooperation with the

Quillen family.

“What do you think, Mr. Oatley?”

Magnus couldn’t appear overly enthusiastic since he was there for charity

work and was only helping out as an apology to Jessica. Now that Sebastian

excessive edgerness could backfire and arouse

suspicions of impure motives.

“Thank you for your kind offer, Mr. Magnus. Can you allow me three days to



Upon hearing Sebastian’s hesitation and his intention to consider, his family

exclaimed in shock. They couldn’t believe he hesitated at the extraordinary


“Very well then.” Magnus turned and walked away.

“Wait, Mr. Magnus!” Jessica hurriedly approached, taking the chance to say,

“Please leave your contact information. Once my father makes a decision,

we’ll get in touch with you immediately!”

Magnus nodded, then had Blake provide her with the contact details before

leaving the hospital.

“Sebastian Oatley, you coward! What on earth are you thinking?!” Jennifer

immediately launched into a furious tirade against her husband as soon as

Magnus left. “Is making a little extra money so important to you? Are you not

going to avenge your son? What are you, a slave to money?! Are you

planning to let money be there for you till the end?”

A string of accusations left Sebastian with a darkened expression. Yet, he

didn’t respond in kind, just giving a cold snort. “Hmph! A woman’s

perspective!” Then, he left the ward.

Jennifer and their kids might be clueless, but how could he, a 30-year

veteran in the business world, not know what Magnus had in mind?

Would the genius be compassionate enough to do charity work for their

family?! If anything, they were just pawns at his disposal!

Once they served their purpose of being used against the Quillens, they

would surely be discarded.

Sure, Sebastian was driven by his desire for profit, but he was always aware

that without a strong connection, not even family ties, relationships in the

business world were fickle.

Furthermore, he didn’t believe that the Quillen family would collapse just

because they withdrew. On the contrary, they might truly face a catastrophe

if they angered the Quillens.

“Mom, what should we do now?” Jaxton frantically grasped his own hair in the

ward, full of regret to the point of wanting to tear it out.

Not only had he failed to teach his wife a lesson, but his wife even castrated

him. If this news got out, he wouldn’t want to live anymore!

But before he died, he was determined to make Roselynn miserable.

“What else can we do? Do you expect to seek revenge openly with a father as

cowardly as yours? Hmph, only if he dies!”

Chapter 836

Jennifer’s words were just a fit of anger. However, Jaxton had a plan in mind.

Due to his lack of capability, even though he was the boss’ son, he couldn’t

take charge of the company. He was always waiting for Sebastian to retire so

he could inherit the company.

Not only that, but he had been suppressed at home for a long time. At the

age of thirty, he was still restrained like a child. He had been waiting for too

long to become the true head of the family.

He knew the only way he could genuinely have a say in the family, and the

company was if his father died. But Sebastian was only in his fifties, healthy

and without any illnesses. No way would he die so soon.

However, neither mother nor son could have anticipated that within half an

hour, they would receive devastating news.


“This is the Yeringham Traffic Police. Is this Jennifer Burke, the wife of

Sebastian Oatley?”

“Huh? Yes, that’s me!”

Receiving such a phone call suddenly made Jennifer’s heart sink as a feeling

of extreme foreboding washing over her..

“I am here to inform you that Mr. Sebastian Oatley had a car accident on

Yeringham Outer Ring Road 3. Unfortunately, he collided with a small truck

and has been confirmed dead.”


Jennifer dropped her phone to the ground in shock.

Jessica also covered her mouth in anguish, tears streaming down her face.

Was their family cursed?! Now, it seemed that their family would indeed

come to an end!

Jaxton’s expression was also one of pain and complexity. Yes, he wanted to

become the head of the family sooner, but he didn’t wish for his father to die


Meanwhile, at the scene of the accident on Outer Ring Road 3, A black Corolla

passed by.

While driving, Blake shook his head and sighed. “The Oatley guy died pretty

tragically. He wouldn’t have to die if he had just agreed to you.”

Magnus smiled bitterly. “What does it have to do with me? You know well that

I never laid a hand the entire time.”

At that, Blake laughed heartily. “Don’t act coy in front of me. You let Verkade

leave the hospital early, which means you anticipated Sebastian Oatley’s

refusal, right? Now that he’s dead, his son will definitely willingly become your


Magnus continued to smile bitterly. “You make it sound like I’m the son of a


Blake guffawed in response. “You’re not the son of a devil; you are the devil!

But don’t drag your father down with you. He’s much kinder than you!”

Magnus shook his head, smiling without saying a word.

On the other side, Emmanuel drove him and his sister to Cloudscape Mall,

which contained a struggling branded clothing store owned by Felicity until

Emmanuel acquired it for Roselyn for two million.

They went to check the place out that day. The store’s physical facilities were

decent, and the clothing suppliers were reliable. It was the lack of effective

management that had led it to be barely surviving.

Nevertheless, Roselynn had great confidence that she could turn it around.

“Manny, where did you get the money for this acquisition? It couldn’t have

been a half-gift, half-sale from the Quillens, or even free, right?” Roselynn

continued to ask her brother for details in the car.

Emmanuel was about to answer when his phone suddenly rang.

After seeing that it was Sage calling, he answered it immediately, believing it

must be important.

“Hey, Emmanuel! I did some digging, and your sister’s father-in-law is

Sebastian Oatley, right?”

“That’s right. Why were you digging?” Emmanuel asked in return,

subconsciously feeling ominous.

“He had an accident on the Yeringham Outer Ring Road 3…”

Roselynn was by his side, and she noticed that her brother’s expression

turned visibly odd after he finished the call. She quickly asked, “Manny, what


Emmanuel didn’t want to hide it from his sister and said directly, “Your

father-in-law, Sebastian, had a car accident. He’s reportedly passed away

on the Yeringham Outer Ring Road 3!”

“What?!” Roselynn was deeply shocked. Aren’t we just close by?!

Chapter 837

Emmanuel quickly drove to Yeringham Outer Ring Road 3. True to his

expectations, the area was cordoned off with accident warning tape, and

there were many onlookers.

The siblings quickly got out of the car and hurried to the accident scene.

A car and a small truck had collided, and the front of the car was wholly

deformed, with even some wet smoke, indicating how severe the collision

had been.

Sebastian’s body had been placed on a stretcher and covered with a white


Unable to control her emotions, Roselynn pushed through the crowd and ran

to Sebastian’s side!

“Hey, who are you? Don’t disturb the accident scene!” The on-site traffic

police immediately shouted.

“We’re relatives of the deceased. She is my sister, and the deceased was her

father-in-law.” Emmanuel quickly explained on his sister’s behalf, and only

then did the traffic police allow her to confirm the identity.

Roselynn lifted the white sheet and saw Sebastian’s gruesome condition, his

body mangled. Tears uncontrollably streamed down her face.

While despising the Oatleys, she was okay with Sebastian, for if it hadn’t been

him that night, she would never have been able to depart from the Oatley

residence so easily!



In the next moment, a wave of familiar voices echoed from behind.

Roselynn turned her head and frowned instantly.

“Roselynn Lowe, you wicked woman! Why are you here?”

Upon seeing Roselynn, Jaxton disregarded his own injuries and charged

forward, grabbing his wife’s collar in pain and shouting, “Did you kill my

father? Why did you do this?”

The crowd was instantly astonished. The accident was still under

investigation, and the initial judgment by the traffic police was a traffic

accident. Jaxton’s words could easily turn it into a murder case.

“Jaxton Oatley, let go of me! Don’t spread baseless accusations here!”

Roselynn tried to break free from Jaxton’s grip. However, this time, the young

man wouldn’t show any mercy. He raised his fist, ready to punch her, aiming

to settle both old and new grudges.

Meanwhile, Jennifer and Jessica watched with satisfaction. As a man of the

Oatley family, Jaxton should have done that long ago.


Jaxton’s fist never made contact with Roselynn’s body.

Emmanuel had extended his palm to block the punch, then quickly grasped

Jaxton’s wrist with one hand and gently pushed. Jaxton staggered back

continuously, ending up in an awkward position on the ground.

“Don’t spread baseless accusations here, Oatley, or we’ll sue you for

defamation!” Emmanuel stood taller, speaking firmly.

Jaxton glared while blood seeped from his body. He looked like a malevolent

spirit but was currently helpless against Emmanuel and Roselynn.

“Just you wait! We won’t let you off the hook! You must’ve deliberately caused

the traffic accident! I’m calling the police now! I’ll definitely uncover the truth!”

Jennifer, also behaving unreasonably, took her phone out to call the police,

rendering Emmanuel speechless.

Bah, this family can go ahead and make a fuss. They’re simply unbelievable!

“Come on, Manny, let’s go.”

Roselynn also couldn’t be bothered with the Oatleys. She had come just to

see Sebastian one last time. After all, the divorce proceedings with Jaxton

hadn’t been finalized, so legally, she and Sebastian were still in-laws.

“Go? You want to leave just like that?” Jaxton got up and impeded them.

Immediately, Emmanuel shielded his sister and pointed at Jaxton. “I advise

you to be mindful of your actions or bear the consequences!”

Due to the family’s antics, more and more onlookers gathered around the

accident scene.

Chapter 838

“Be mindful of my actions? Bear the consequences? Ha! What worse

consequences can there be given my current state?! If you all are so

capable, go ahead and kill me in front of all these people! Come on!” Jaxton’s

emotions flared up, and he threw all caution to the wind.

Of course, Emmanuel couldn’t initiate a physical confrontation and land

himself in trouble. He just wanted to protect his sister and leave.

Lo and behold, Jaxton suddenly pointed at the bloodstains on his crotch and

shouted, “Do you all see this?! Take a good look! I accidentally married a

she-devil who lives off my family but pretends to be noble and castrated her

own husband with scissors one night! This woman is pure evil!”

The crowd immediately burst into a tumult. Good Lord, what explosive gossip!

The wife personally castrated her husband-this is definitely headline news


There were reporters on the scene covering the accident.

Initially, they didn’t have much interest in it since it was just a simple traffic

accident, and they planned to make a brief report and be done with it. Little

did they think a huge scandal would unfold before their eyes.

They had hit the jackpot!

“That’s right, my son is telling the absolute truth. Not a single lie! This woman

is Roselynn Lowe, the daughter-in-law of the Oatley family! If you don’t

believe it, you can investigate!” Jennifer, seeing her son taking such a bold

stance, followed suit.

The goal was clear-to tarnish Roselynn’s reputation, make her miserable,

and drive her out of Yeringham forever.

Sure enough, people around began pointing and gossiping about the young


Of course, some also pointed at Jaxton and his mother, but they no longer

cared. They even began laughing maniacally.

“I advise you to stop, or you’ll be sued!” Emmanuel pointed angrily at them,

certainly not allowing them to defame his sister like that.

“Come on, Manny. Forget it. Let’s go.”

Roselynn didn’t want to stay another second at the scene, feeling nauseous

when she looked at Jaxton and his mother’s faces.

Emmanuel nodded in acknowledgment and spoke the last words for his

sister, “A lawyer will contact you soon. My sister wants to divorce you and also

sue you for defamation!”

“Ha! Come at me then! Let’s see who will be the one with a tarnished

reputation in the end! My family is now in ruins, no thanks to you, with no

descendants left! Do you think I’m still afraid of you?! I, Jaxton Oatley, have

nothing to fear anymore!” Jaxton was also becoming hysterical, his emotions


The crowd around desperately took photos and recorded videos, making the

scandal viral.

Not wanting to bother themselves with the Oatleys anymore, Emmanuel

shielded his sister and helped her into the car, driving away from the scene

of turmoil.

“Sis, have you thought about telling Mom about the Oatley family’s situation?”

Emmanuel’s mood was also weighed down by worries. He was afraid that his

mother couldn’t handle the shock if she learned about Roselynn’s current


Then again, secrets couldn’t be kept forever. If they continued to keep it from

her, Alessandra might pass out when she eventually found out.

“Take me home now, please, Manny. I’ll talk to Mom.” Roselynn sighed deeply.

The situation had escalated to a point she never wanted to see.

Emmanuel nodded in agreement.

However, before he could take Roselynn home, Alessandra called.

“Roselynn, I… I received some bad news. They say your father-in-law died in a

car accident, and… and the things between you and Jaxton… are they true?”


Alessandra’s voice was trembling, indicating that her mental state must be

abysmal right now.

Feeling a pang of sympathy, Roselynn quickly comforted her mother through

tears. “Mom, don’t listen to those rumors. I’m fine! I’ll handle everything myself,

and both Manny and Mackenzie will help me, too!”

Hearing her faint crying, Alessandra also started crying.

She knew very well that her daughter had always been strong. She never

shed a tear, even when she made her male classmates cry. So, her crying

now meant that she was under immense stress and feeling absolutely

miserable inside.

Chapter 839

In the evening, Mackenzie received a call from Emmanuel.

“Mackenzie, my mom fainted. I’m taking her to the hospital, so I can’t pick you

up tonight!”

“What happened? Is she okay?” Mackenzie was a bit nervous; she also had

strong feelings for Alessandra.

“It’s nothing serious, just some weakness in her body. She has a history of

kidney stones, and she passed out with a bit of mental stress added. She’s

getting dialysis and detoxification in the hospital, and after a few days of rest,

she should be fine!”

“Alright, take care of her. I’ll visit her tomorrow when I have the time.”

Mackenzie didn’t inquire further, for she already knew everything the moment

it happened.

Sebastian died in a car accident, Jaxton forced himself on Roselynn, and she


639 Suppecian of

castrated her husband. Now, they were going through divorce proceedings.

The Oatleys’ news was causing a huge commotion, and even in Mackenzie’s

circle of friends, people were discussing this matter.

It was easy to imagine how much attention these events were getting.

Considering Alessandra’s personality, hearing this series of news would’ve

definitely overwhelmed her.

On the other side, Emmanuel indeed sent Alessandra to the hospital with


As soon as the siblings returned home, they found their mother collapsed on

the ground. Fortunately, Emmanuel administered chest compressions in

time, preventing any life-threatening situation.

To ensure their mother’s safety, he decided to take her to the hospital. He

also asked Rhea for help in taking care of her.

“Don’t worry, Emmanuel. I’ll take good care of your mother.”

Rhea didn’t expect so much to happen that day. She saw Magnús doing

charity work in the morning, and in the evening, Emmanuel brought his

mother to the hospital.

It seemed that Emmanuel and Magnus were indeed archenemies.

“Thank you!”

Emmanuel had just thanked Rhea when someone approached the hospital


It was Ashton and her associates.

Emmanuel wasn’t surprised to see them. In fact, he had already anticipated

“Emmanuel and Roselynn Lowe, you are suspected of being involved in a

murder case related to a car accident. Please come with us!”

Although Ashton’s expression remained cold, she didn’t immediately

handcuff Emmanuel like before.

“You again?” Roselynn clenched her fists and bit her lip, wholly agitated.



“Well, my dear brother, you’re absolutely right!” Roselynn nodded and coldly

addressed Ashton. “Let’s go.”

Ashton pursed her lips, displeased with the siblings’ attitude.

Regrettably, for her, she had volunteered to take charge of the case, and she

had promised Sage that she wouldn’t resort to physical coercion against

Emmanuel anymore. She also wouldn’t handcuff him before a conviction was

made. So, there was nothing she could do at the moment.

The siblings quickly arrived in a small room.

Ashton, just like before, had a tablet in hand. Sitting in front of them, she


Chapter 840

“The deceased family accused you of premeditated murder. Please explain

why you were present at the scene of the accident.”

Roselynn chuckled, ready to respond, but Emmanuel gently patted her hand,

signaling her to let him handle it.

She nodded in response, folding her arms and watching the scene play out.

“Miss Ashton, may I ask your purpose in handling this case?” Emmanuel

asked expressionlessly.

Exasperation immediately overcame Ashton the second Emmanuel spoke. It

had become a reflex for her.

“Hmph, isn’t that obvious? To bring the culprit to justice, of course!”

“But I can’t help feeling you have a strong personal bias.”

“W-What do you mean by that? Are you implying that I’m trying to force you

to confess and make you take the blame?” Ashton stood up, glaring daggers

at Emmanuel.

This time, Emmanuel remained silent while Roselynn burst into laughter.

“What are you laughing at?”

The siblings infuriated her. She had never encountered such an arrogant pair

in all her years as an officer.

“Hehe, you’re quite cute, Miss Ashton.” Roselynn laughed. “You and my brother

are truly a pair of love-hate enemies. If Manny didn’t have a wife and you

were not inferior to her, I would’ve tried to match you two up.”

“You-” Ashton’s face turned red with anger, and she glared at Roselynn.

I’m cute?! And I’m inferior to Emmanuel’s wife?! Blasphemy!

“Alright, Miss Ashton, if you want to solve the case, please be a bit more

professional.” Not wanting to waste time in this environment, Emmanuel said

directly, “Forgive my bluntness, but if you really have a personal bias and

want us to suffer, I can simply say we were coincidentally passing by, and

then you’ll have no choice but to release us!”

Ashton clenched her teeth. Despite her anger, she still retained her rationality.

She had no evidence pointing to Emmanuel and Roselynn being involved in a

murder, so she couldn’t possibly press charges against them.

She deliberately adopted this posture because she despised Emmanuel and

simply wanted to intimidate him, even if it disgusted him a bit.

“If you’re determined to solve the case, I can provide you with a crucial clue,

but you must correct your attitude,” Emmanuel admonished again.

Ashton was seething with rage. She couldn’t believe the guy dared say that

she had an improper attitude. Look at the kind of attitude he had!

Yet, because she had yet to solve any of the three cases Sage assigned her,

she would be forced to pack up and inherit the family business if she also

failed to solve this case.

No! Ashton didn’t want to accept such a miserable fate. She forced a smile

and said, “Alright, Mr. Lowe, what clue do you have to offer?”

“Hehe, your smile is pretty ugly, Miss Ashton. Personally, I think you look better

when you’re cold-hearted.” Roselynn teased with a chuckle.

Ashton’s smile gradually disappeared, and she wanted to hit someone again

-if only she knew she couldn’t defeat Emmanuel.

“Fine, I’ll tell you when you’ve smiled this once.” Emmanuel didn’t want to

waste any more time. “The right rear tire of Sebastian Oatley’s vehicle was

tampered with. His car had a sudden tire blowout and lost control halfway,

which was no coincidence.”

“What?!” Both women exclaimed in shock, especially Ashton. Her expression

was one of complete surprise. How does he know? I hadn’t shared this

investigation result with anyone! Can he really be the culprit?!

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