A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Novel Full Episode
A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO Chapter 841-850

Chapter 841

“The person capable of such tampering must be a skilled martial artist with

profound internal energy.”

Emmanuel didn’t care about what Ashton thought and shared the crucial

information. “They used their internal energy to tamper with the tire, allowing

them to control when it would burst.”

“Nonsense!” Ashton erupted in anger. “Do you think anyone would believe this

absurdity?! As if there’s anyone in the world capable of that!”

Emmanuel smiled wryly in response.

“What’s with that smile? Do you think I have a low cultivation level, or I’m


Being prideful, Ashton felt insulted and couldn’t help grabbing Emmanuel by

the collar. But with just a glance from Emmanuel, she obediently let go. She

still remembered the consequences of tearing his clothes last time.

“If you don’t believe it, I can demonstrate it for you,” Emmanuel said calmly.


While Roselynn was slightly surprised, Ashton was stunned. Still, she gritted

her teeth and said, “Fine! Let me see what you’re capable of!”

She absolutely didn’t believe that Emmanuel had such ability. Such a thing

was beyond her comprehension and sounded like utter nonsense! However,

soon enough, she would be left dumbfounded.

To conduct the experiment for Emmanuel, she used her own vehicle.

Emmanuel calculated that the tire would burst after approximately 300

yards, and sure enough, the tire burst after she drove about 300 yards.

If it weren’t for her quick reflexes, excellent driving skills, and mental

preparedness, the car would have crashed into the guardrail.


“W-What the hell?!” Ashton sat in her car with her feet jamming the brakes,

reeling with incredulity.

“Do you believe now that you’re ignorant, Miss Ashton?” The Lowe siblings

walked over slowly, grinning at her.

Unexpectedly, Ashton became infuriated. She drew a gun from her waist and

pointed it at Emmanuel’s head. “Are you still denying that you’re the

murderer? You decided to get rid of the deceased for your sister because of

your family conflict with the deceased, didn’t you?”

Roselynn burst into laughter once again. This female inspector’s imagination

was quite impressive, but her logic was a bit far-fetched and presumptuous.

Even with a gun pointed at his head, Emmanuel remained fearless and said

slowly, “I provided you with this information because I suspect this matter is

related to Magnus.

“When I went to the hospital, Rhea told me that Magnus was at the hospital

that day for charity work and had contact with the Oatleys. Sebastian’s death.

might be related to his refusal of some request from Magnus.” Emmanuel

spoke convincingly, but Ashton didn’t believe his words.

“Don’t spout nonsense! I’m more inclined to believe you’re the one, compared

to Mr. Magnus, who planned this murder. You’ve already proven to me that


you have this ability, yet you still want to shift the blame to Magnus Zelinsky?”

Faced with Ashton’s excited suspicion, Emmanuel just sneered. “Miss Ashton,

your doubts about me are pointless. I have a perfect alibi. The surveillance

footage of my sister and the Cloudscape Mall can prove my innocence.”

Emmanuel said nonchalantly before waving his hand. “I’m sorry, but I have

issues to attend to. Goodbye.”

Watching the siblings walk away, Ashton finally let go of her teeth and

lowered her gun. Then, she remembered her burst tire when she wanted to

drive away.

“D*mn you, Emmanuel Lowe, I’ll make you pay sooner or later! Hmph!” Ashton

grumbled as she angrily pounded the steering wheel and added another

entry to the list of grievances against Emmanuel.

The next day at lunchtime, Mackenzie asked Emmanuel to drive her to the

hospital to visit Alessandra.

When they entered the ward, Alessandra was rambling worryingly to

Roselynn. “I don’t even know how to criticize you, Roselynn! How did things

escalate to this point? We were once good in-laws, and now we’ve become



“As for what’s happened with the Oatley family, I wasn’t involved, so it’s hard

to say who’s right or wrong. See if there’s any way to resolve this hatred so

that we can part ways amicably…”


Chapter 842

Roselynn, on the other hand, peeled the skin of an apple silently while

listening to her mother ramble,

Firstly, she knew she couldn’t part on good terms with the Oatleys. Secondly,

Alessandra’s health wasn’t stable, and she couldn’t handle too much stress.

Roselynn worried she might say something wrong in the heat of the moment

and end up causing more distress to her mother. So, staying silent seemed

like the best course of action.

“Why aren’t you responding to me? You’re really driving me crazy!”

Alessandra lightly pounded her chest, her voice tinged with a hint of tears.

Initially, she was already anxious, and now that her daughter’s affair with.

Jaxton had become viral, everyone called her daughter a demoness who

destroyed her husband and his family. How would she ever be able to

remarry well in the future?

Roselynn, too, was anxious, caught between wanting to speak and knowing

that silence wasn’t a solution. She was truly unsure about what to do.


Fortunately, at this moment, Mackenzie’s voice came from behind.

Behind her were Emmanuel and Rhea.

Emmanuel came with Mackenzie while Rhea, a nurse at the hospital, walked

behind them.

She envied Emmanuel and Mackenzie, their pair of lovebirds.

Her perspective was different from that of the Quillen family and other

outsiders. No matter how she looked at it, she thought Emmanuel and

Mackenzie were a perfect match. At least more compatible than she and


“No, wait, why do I have such strange thoughts?”


At that, Rhea blushed again.

“Mackenzie, you’re here!”

Alessandra didn’t notice the person behind Mackenzie; her attention was

solely on Mackenzie. Seeing her daughter-in-law, a faint trace of color

returned to her pale face.

“Yeah. Mom, are you feeling okay?” Mackenzie walked over and gently held

Alessandra’s hand, showing no signs of aversion toward the older woman.

“I’m fine, I’m fine, you don’t need to worry about me!” Alessandra held onto

her daughter-in-law’s hand tightly.


Roselynn stuck out her tongue beside them and muttered softly, “She acts all

sickly in front of her daughter and miraculously recovers when she sees her


Her words didn’t go unnoticed. Alessandra immediately glared at her and

said, “Go away! I asked you to talk earlier, and you remained silent. Now,

you’re interrupting!”

Roselynn rolled her eyes, stood up, and offered the best seat to Mackenzie.

Mackenzie smiled slightly, feeling this family’s playful atmosphere was quite

nice. It would be wonderful if only the relationships within the Quillen family

could be as harmonious as this family.

“Mom, please don’t lecture Roselynn anymore,” Mackenzie said in defense of

Roselynn. “She didn’t want any of this to happen. Don’t worry. Roselynn is

young and beautiful. She will definitely find a better family to marry into!”

The same words, when spoken by Emmanuel and Roselynn, couldn’t have

consoled Alessandra as effectively. But when Mackenzie said it, Alessandra

nodded, and her mood visibly relaxed.

“If Roselynn doesn’t mind, I actually have a suitable candidate to introduce to

her,” Mackenzie said suddenly.

She had known that man for a while; he was a wealthy heir. She had never

considered being a matchmaker before, but Roselynn was her husband’s

sister after all.

“Really?” Alessandra’s face instantly lit up with surprise.

Emmanuel was also quite astonished, and he doubted if the woman before

him was the Ice Queen, not to mention she was going to introduce a man to


Even Roselynn was pleasantly surprised and said with astonishment,

“Mackenzie, you’re really overestimating me. That man must be

extraordinary. I’m not in a position to aim that high!”

After experiencing a man like Jaxton, she developed a trauma for young heirs

from business families. She didn’t want to go through that again and was

even more reluctant to enter another business dynasty, with all its rules that

would stifle her.

Chapter 843

“Yes, he is indeed an heir from a business family, but he’s very easygoing.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t dare to introduce him to you,” Mackenzie spoke


Emmanuel couldn’t help but speak up in her defense. “Roselynn, trust

Mackenzie’s judgment. If she thinks he’s a good guy, then he must be


At that, Roselynn playfully teased, “Hehe, like you, Manny?”

“Uh…” Emmanuel suddenly realized that his words might come across as


Mackenzie promptly let out a cold hum and pretended to sound icy. “He

wasn’t my choice!”


Emmanuel felt a little embarrassed now. Alas, his wife was still the Ice Queen

he knew.

“Alright, Roselynn, since Mackenzie recommended him, you must go on this

blind date!” Alessandra quickly pressured Roselynn.

“Got it, Mom.” Roselynn nodded. Either way, she had to uphold Mackenzie’s


Just then, another woman barged into the ward.

“Oh my, Ms. Cadigan, what happened? Are you feeling alright?”

It was Ruby Zimmerman!

Her expression seemed exaggerated as if Alessandra was her own mother.

The worried expression she put on seemed forced and insincere.


Then, she intentionally greeted Mackenzie and Emmanuel, “Ms. Quillen, you’re

here with Emmanuel too! What a coincidence!”

Mackenzie remained expressionless and didn’t react to her words at all. On

the other hand, Emmanuel snorted disdainfully, knowing exactly how kind of

person Ruby was.

“Don’t you ever get tired of acting? Do you have no f*cking idea what

Chapter 843 Ruby Shows Up

happened to my mother?!” Not as mild-tempered as the others, Roselynn

retorted against Ruby. “It’s because you deliberately told my mother about

my situation that she worried and passed out, and now here you are

pretending to be innocent?! Get lost!”


Ruby feigned innocence again as she choked with sobs. “No, Roselynn, you’re

mistaken! I’m worried about you, aren’t I? I just wanted to show some

concern. Ms. Cadigan lives alone, and I’ve been meaning to spend more time

with her, keeping her company. That’s why we exchanged numbers. When I

heard about your situation, I immediately informed her!”

At that, an icy chuckle escaped Roselynn. “Sure, you can inform her, but who

permitted you to exaggerate it?! I’m the demoness of Yeringham who

murdered her husband and father-in-law, eh?! It’s because of you my

mother fainted from the shock, you despicable woman!”

With tears in her eyes, Ruby vigorously shook her head and addressed

Alessandra, “Ms. Cadigan, please testify for me. I really didn’t mean it! I didn’t

say those things. I was just relaying what others said!”

“Enough!” Alessandra immediately stopped Roselynn. “Ruby meant well. How

can you condemn her?! Who knew how much longer you and Manny would

hide it from me if she hadn’t told me about your situation?!”

At that, Roselynn let out a cold snort and remained silent.

Unexpectedly, another couple entered, and it was Ryder and Tia.

“Mom, are you alright?”

“Yeah, Ms. Cadigan, we came as soon as we heard you fainted and were


Ryder and Tia were equally concerned, but their worried expressions were

much more genuine than Ruby’s.

“I’m good. I’m all okay now that all of you have come to check in on me.”

Alessandra beamed, appearing joyous.

She had already been delighted with Mackenzie’s visit but hadn’t expected

Tia to come with Ryder. It seemed that their relationship was developing well.

Chapter 843 Ruby Shows Up

Ruby clenched her teeth in frustration.

Any woman with the slightest self-respect would’ve left by now.

Her initial intention was to cozy up to Mackenzie, so she used Ryder to get

close to the Lowes. But now, Mackenzie ignored her, and the Lowe siblings

disliked her. She knew her only hope was Alessandra.

What should she do? She needed a way to win Alessandra’s favor.

Coincidentally, Rhea entered and announced, “Ms. Cadigan, your dialysis is

done, and you need a new urinary bag.”


Chapter 844

That’s it! Ruby immediately stood up and volunteered, “Let me do it, Miss! I’m

good at this!”

Good at it? Good at what?! Sucking up, that was what. Alessandra would

surely be impressed with her if she was willing to help change the urinary


The elderly tend to like young people who weren’t afraid of getting dirty and

tired, right?

Her proactiveness shocked everyone.

Then again, most of them knew what she was up to.

But Ruby didn’t care. What mattered was that Alessandra was oblivious to it.

“Alright, you do it then.” Rhea didn’t argue with her.

Just then, Mackenzie’s phone rang.


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Chapter 844 Seeing Ruby’s True Colors

“What? The Oatleys breached the contract? They chose to terminate the


cooperation, and if we can’t find a processing solution in time, we’ll face huge

breach compensation? There’s even a high chance of bankruptcy?”

Mackenzie had walked to a corner of the hospital room to answer the call,

speaking quietly, but Ruby had perked up her ears and heard it.

“The shareholders demand an immediate meeting? Alright, Lexi, arrange it for

  1. me. I’ll rush back to the company now!”

Mackenzie, in an unusual hurry, hung up the phone and approached

Alessandra, saying, “Mom, there’s an emergency meeting at the company. I

have to go back immediately!”

“Oh, I see. In that case, let Manny take you!” Alessandra was also concerned. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Mackenzie nodded and left.

Emmanuel also advised, “Roselynn, Ryder, take good care of Mom!”

Ryder nodded in acknowledgment while Roselynn deliberately said, “With

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Chapter 544 Seng Ruby’s Your Colors

Ruby here, we don’t need to do anything. She’ll take care of everything!”

Since this woman wants to please us, let her do so to her heart’s content!

Lo and behold, Ruby immediately changed her attitude completely. “Is she

your mother or mine? Why should I serve her? Seriously, you people are



With a disdainful look, she dropped the urinary bag and left the ward, leaving

those stunned. This woman can do a one–eighty in a split second!

“Mom, have you seen her true colors now? You have to stay far away from

her from now on. Block her contact immediately!” Roselynn implored her


Alessandra sighed. In actuality, she didn’t understand how Ruby’s attitude

changed so quickly. She had just offered to change the urine bag moments


“Mackenzie, is Terence Group really facing a bankruptcy crisis?” Emmanuel

quickly caught up with Mackenzie after leaving the ward.

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Chapter 844 Seeing Ruby’s True Colors


How could the Wolf Warrior not hear Mackenzie and Lexi’s conversation when

even Ruby could?!

Mackenzie smiled nonchalantly upon his concern. “Do you think Terence

Group is so fragile? Is your wife so incompetent that she can’t even handle a

small matter?”

At that, Emmanuel breathed a sigh of relief and smiled wryly. “I accidentally

overheard you discussing the company facing a bankruptcy crisis.”

“I said it on purpose,” Mackenzie clarified with a smirk. “It’s to make your mom

see Ruby’s true colors. Women like her ultimately show up for their own

benefit. If I were to go bankrupt, do you think she would still fawn over your


“Right!” Emmanuel finally caught on. Through the reflection in the glass

window, he saw Ruby hurrying away behind them. He couldn’t help but

secretly give his wife a thumbs up.

After another smile, Mackenzie’s expression gradually turned serious…

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Chapter 845

Soon after, Emmanuel dropped Mackenzie back at Terence Group, and she

hurriedly entered the company.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel sighed with a touch of concern as he watched his

wife’s receding figure. Just as he was about to leave, someone called out to

him from the side.

Emmanuel! Manny!”

Emmanuel turned to the voice and was surprised to see a familiar face.

“Sheldon? What are you doing here?!” He was rather excited to run into a

brother–in–arms whom he had fought alongside in the past.

“Haha, did you just realize I’m working in Terence Group?” Sheldon’s

excitement was even greater than Emmanuel’s, and there was even a hint of

envy and admiration in his eyes.

“It’s all thanks to you! Do you remember how I joined you in driving Mr.

Webber away before the New Year and helped Terence Group complete

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Chapter 843 A Mole in Te



their warehouse project? With that achievement, I applied to work at Terence

Group and was successfully hired!

Though I was just a clerk in the Legal Department before, due to my

unfamiliarity with the work, I got transferred to the Security Department. Now,

I’ve even been promoted to captain, hehe…” Sheldon explained slightly


“Haha, security does suit you well!” Emmanuel laughed and lightly patted his

shoulder, well aware of Sheldon’s lack of familiarity with the tasks. Back when

he was in the Legal Department at Cloud Construction, he was quite a

slacker. Given his skills, the fact that he was able to stay in the Legal

Department at Terence Group was quite surprising.

“Hehe, security is not bad either. The treatment at Terence Group is much

better than at Cloud Construction!” Sheldon was still quite happy and

whispered with envy, “I finally understand why you were so determined to get

rid of Mr. Webber and his gang back then. It turns out that you’re Ms. Quillen’s

boyfriend, huh?!”

Seeing his shocked yet incredulous expression, Emmanuel simply smiled and

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Chapter 845 A Mole in Terence Group


let it slide. But in truth, he was Mackenzie’s legal husband. Yet, it seemed that

many people still didn’t know, and he saw no need to proclaim it either.

“Appearances sure can be deceiving. It turns out that your skills in picking up

girls are unparalleled in Yeringham. Can you share some tips with me?”

“You flatter me!” Emmanuel quickly waved his hand. “I just got lucky and met

Mackenzie by chance.”

If he were a master at picking up girls, he wouldn’t have failed in eighteen

blind dates and would have married and had children with other women

long ago. How could he have had the chance to meet Mackenzie?!

“Why don’t I have such luck? Are my ancestors even looking down at me?!”

Sheldon sighed and shook his head before changing the subject abruptly. “By

the way, Manny, do you know that there is a mole in the Terence Group? It

was said that someone from Terence Group bribed Mr. Webber to occupy

that piece of land back then!”

Emmanuel immediately frowned. “Where did you hear this news?”

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Chapter 14 A Mole in Terence Group



Sheldon looked somewhat surprised. “Aren’t you Ms. Quillen’s man? Didn’t she

tell you? There must be a mole in the Terence Group!

“The matter with Mr. Webber is one thing. Recently, there have been frequent

financial problems. Ignacio Wallace Inventod 2 billion only to sell all his shares

to another shareholder soon after. Clearly, someone is plotting against the

Quillen family. Manny, your woman’s position is now in jeopardy!”

Emmanuel clenched his fist and asked, “So, who did you hear is the mole?”

Sheldon was timid and quickly stammered, “What I said is useless. If you want

to know, you must ask Mr. Webber!”

Believing Sheldon was right, Emmanuel immediately turned to the car.

“Emmanuel sure is impressive and authoritative. No wonder Ms. Quillen likes

him.” Sheldon sighed in admiration as he watched Emmanuel take swift


“Hey, Eve, can you gather a few guys and meet up with me right away?”

Emmanuel immediately contacted Eve after getting into the car.

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Chapter 545 A Male in Terence Group

“Okay!” Eve responded readily.

Then, Emmanuel contacted Samuel and arranged a meeting location.


Half an hour later, Emmanuel and Mackenzie entered a private club, a base

for Samuel’s minor faction.


Samuel thought that Emmanuel had something good to offer him. Still, when

he saw him coming in with a group of people aggressively, he immediately

fet go of the beauty in his arms, even dropping the cigarette from his mouth.

10:50 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 846 Validating the Truth With Samuel

Chapter 846

Even more so, the two lackeys behind him shuddered in fear.

Isn’t Emmanuel Mr. Webber’s friend? What is up with this vibe?!

“It’s been a while, Mr. Webber,” Emmanuel greeted gravely, his gaze

somewhat intimidating.

“Haha, Manny, it has been a-” Samuel hadn’t even finished his words when

he felt a chilling gaze on him.


He had been focused on Emmanuel just now and thought the woman next to

him was his ‘lady.‘ But now, upon closer look, he trembled in fear and stood

up in surprise.

Holy sh*t!

“I–Isn’t this the leader of the Wolf Warrior Society, Miss Eve Thompson?”

Samuel was indeed a big shot when facing ordinary people, but his minor

faction of a hundred people was nothing compared to the thousands–strong

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Chapter 646 Validating

With Samuel


Wolf Warrior Society. So, how dare he sit when Eve was standing before him?!

“Who are you trying to be familiar with?” Eve questioned, making Samuel

shudder in fear even more.

The scene was truly a spectacle in the eyes of his lackeys behind him. They

had followed Samuel in their struggles for years, but they had never seen him

like this.

It was evident how intimidating the pair before them were to Samuel.

“This is my boss, Emmanuel!”

Eve also understood Emmanuel’s purpose of having her there. Once she

acknowledged Emmanuel, Samuel would definitely show some respect.

Sure enough, Samuel was instantly dumbfounded, his expression filled with


He had long known that Emmanuel wasn’t ordinary, so he had shown respect

and went buddy–buddy with him. But now, it struck him that he had

underestimated Emmanuel. It turned out that he was the boss of the Wolf

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Chapter Singh

Warrior Society’s leader

“Um. What brings you here today, Mr. Lowe? Samuel’s tone immediately

changed, and he no longer dared to claim the position of a Kingpin in front of


Mr. Webber, if you want us to remain on good terms, I have some questions

for you today. So, I hope you won’t hide anything from me Emmanuel went

straight to the point. ‘Did a mole in Terence Group instruct you to occupy the

project site?”

Well Samuel turned extremely unecay, and he hesitated to answer.


With a wave of her hand, Eve cracked her whip, which flashed like black

lightning, but the table before them split in half the next second

What a terrifying woman!

Cold sweat formed on Samuels forehead.

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Chapter 546 Validating the Truth With Samuel

“If you don’t speak honestly, this table will be your fate!” Eve made no

attempts to sugarcoat her words.


Those in the underworld knew she was a woman of her word, and Samuel

didn’t dare to doubt that she would actually do it.


“Yes, it was the son of the third Terence Group shareholder. He paid me five

million to do it and promised to cooperate with me internally, ensuring my



Samuel knew the stakes on both sides, and his cooperation with Oscar Blue’s

son ended long ago. He was well aware of how to make his choice now.

“Alright, hand me the evidence.”

Emmanuel didn’t waste any time. His wife was currently preparing for a

shareholders‘ meeting, and the truth of these matters might be helpful to her.

Even if it wasn’t, he still had to find a way to eliminate this threat and prevent

it from undermining the foundation of Terence Group.

Chapter 847

After meeting with Samuel, Emmanuel returned to Terence Group to pick up

his wife after work.


His gut feeling told him that his wife’s shareholders‘ meeting would not go

smoothly, and sure enough, he received a call from Lexi before arriving at the

company’s entrance.

“Mr. Lowe, where are you?”

“I’m almost at the company entrance. What’s up?”

Emmanuel’s worry deepened upon hearing Lexi’s slightly anxious tone.

“Can you come up to the top floor?” Lexi got straight to the point. “Lower–level

employees are forbidden to approach the conference room because of the

shareholders‘ meeting. But I worry Ms. Quillen and Ms. Beatrix can’t handle it

alone. Can you come and keep them safe?”

“Okay, I’ll be there right away!”

10:51 Fri, Sep 22


Chapter 847 The Shareholders Meeting

Emmanuel frowned after hanging up the phone. The company’s

shareholders were indeed planning to cause trouble for his wife that day.

“Manny, you’re back!” Sheldon approached Emmanuel after seeing him get

out of the car.

“I’m going into the company. Don’t stop me!” Emmanuel said and walked

toward the elevator in the building.


The security at Terence Group was much stronger than usual, with guards

surrounding the building. However, they didn’t allow entry to the top floor. If it

weren’t for Sheldon being on duty today, Emmanuel wouldn’t have been able

to enter the building at all.

“I won’t stop you from going up, Manny, but you need a key card to go up to

the top floor in the elevator. Don’t put me in a tough spot; please climb the

stairs,” Sheldon said somewhat reluctantly.

“Fine!” Emmanuel didn’t want to make things difficult for his friend and

proceeded to climb the stairs to the 13th floor.

10:51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 847 The Shareholders Meeting

Upon reaching the top floor, he heard angry roars coming from the largest

conference room.


“Insolent! Do you think the shareholders‘ meeting is a place for little girls like

you to make a scene?! Is it because your father died early and no one taught

you manners?! In that case, I shall teach you a lesson today! Liam!”

“Yes, father!”

Upon hearing his father’s command, a young man immediately stood up.


In the next moment, a harsh slap echoed from the conference room, making

Emmanuel’s skin crawl involuntarily.

What’s going on? Someone actually resorted to physical violence at a

shareholders‘ meeting?!

Upon hearing Beatrix’s scream, Emmanuel rushed toward the glass door of

the conference room, and a surge of anger hit him when he saw what was

10:51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 847 The Shareholders‘ Meeting

happening inside.

9K 93% 2

What the hell! How dare someone hit his sister–in–law in the company?!

Were they trying to start a rebellion? Also, what was his wife doing?!


“Open the door for me!” Emmanuel rapped the conference room door angrily

when he failed to push it open.

He didn’t care what kind of meeting was going on inside. All he knew was that

he would take action if anyone dared to bully his sister–in–law!

People were surprised to see Emmanuel audaciously causing a scene inside

the room. They couldn’t believe that a man like him had appeared.

Who’s this guy? He clearly doesn’t know his place!

When Mackenzie saw her uncle, Oscar, allowing his son, Liam, to hit her sister,

she was also angry. And while she was trying to figure out how to defend her

sister’s honor, she found Emmanuel pounding on the door from outside.

She was instantly astonished. Why is that idiot here, and what does he intend

10:51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 847 The Shareholders‘ Meeting

to do?!



Right as everyone was still in shock, Emmanuel unexpectedly delivered a

powerful kick, opening the locked glass door.


Chapter 848

Everyone was left utterly dumbfounded.

This guy is crazy–powerful! The lock on that door is extremely sturdy!

“Beatrix, what happened? Why did this guy hit you?” Emmanuel asked

through gnashed teeth as he pointed at Liam.

He knew that Beatrix was his wife’s closest sister, and he also treated her like

a sister.

Emmanuel grew up without little sisters and had a special affection for

Beatrix, though he hadn’t shown it much before. But this day, seeing her

slapped, he, as a brother–in–law, had to avenge her.


Liam, who had just laid a hand on Beatrix, immediately retreated in fear when

he sensed Emmanuel’s intense animosity. He wondered how Terence Group

could harbor such an individual.

Beatrix bit her lip and explained, “They pressured Mackenzie to use our

father’s belongings for business purposes. I objected because our father

10:51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 848 The Blue Father and Son

never wanted that during his lifetime!”

The Quillen family’s two treasures? I knew it! Emmanuel knew the

shareholders‘ meeting would certainly revolve around those two things.


“Shut up! Who do you think you are? Do you have the right to make such

decisions?” Oscar audaciously scolded Beatrix condescendingly. “The

Quillens‘ energy business is facing bankruptcy. If we don’t use those two

items to attract substantial investment, Terence Group could go bankrupt at

any moment! What would a little girl like you know? Keep spouting nonsense,

and I’ll teach you a lesson!”

“Try me! Lay a finger on Beatrix, and I’ll put your death on the agenda!”

Emmanuel was beside himself with rage at this point.

Beatrix was the darling of the Quillen family, and everyone doted on her.

What is this middle–aged man, with his inflated belly, trying to prove? Does

he think my little sister–in–law is an easy target to bully?!

“H–How dare you speak to my father like that?!”

10:51 Fri, Sep 22 ✪

Chapter 8:43 The Blue Father and Son

Liam initially wanted to berate Emmanuel, but when he met Emmanuel’s

gaze, he was so frightened that his legs went weak.

“Not only do I dare to speak to him like that, but I also dare to confront him

face–to–face and deal with a punk like you in front of him!” Emmanuel

declared, taking a step forward and delivering a powerful kick to Liam’s




Liam Blue slammed into the conference table like a cannonball, shattering it

upon impact.

People in the meeting room were taken aback and quickly stood up.

Emmanuel’s audacity took Mackenzie off guard.

Liam was the son of the second largest shareholder, and now, the situation

had escalated beyond control.

Despite her anger, a sense of inexplicable satisfaction filled her heart. She

wanted to mangle Liam for daring to slap her sister.

10:51 Fri, Sep 22

24 ཟྭ 13:

Chapter 848 The Blue Father and Son


“D*mn it, where did this barbarian come from? How dare he act so arrogantly

at the Terence Group shareholders‘ meeting? Get him–ah!”

Next to Oscar, a man had attempted to curry favor with him by suggesting

they deal with Emmanuel. But before he could finish his words, Emmanuel

casually picked up a piece of paper from the table and threw it at him,

cutting his mouth open and causing blood to flow.

It was a horrifying sight.

Everyone present trembled with fear.

To harm people with a piece of paper was unimaginable. Who is this guy with

such extraordinary skills?!

“And who do you think you are to dare act so arrogantly in front of me?!”

Emmanuel’s anger flared up, and his demeanor completely changed. His

presence was like lightning and thunder, a force to be reckoned with.

In the face of the ferocious aura emanating from the Wolf Warrior, all the

men present fell silent, afraid to challenge Emmanuel’s authority.

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Chapter 848 The Blue Father and Son

Witnessing her brother–in–law stand up against Liam on her behalf, Beatrix

felt a surge of satisfaction. However, she wasn’t foolish. Acting on impulse

might provide instant gratification, but consequences could follow. She was

concerned about how her sister and brother–in–law would handle this

situation later. She quickly advised, “Emmanuel, calm down. Violence won’t

solve the problem.”

At that, Emmanuel turned to the Blue father and son, snorted in contempt,

and said, “You’re right; violence won’t solve the problem, but it can relieve

some anger! Anyone who dares to mistreat the women in my family won’t

get any mercy from me!”

Beatrix was touched. Upon realizing how manly Emmanuel could be, she

realized why even her eldest sister could fall in love with him.


Outside the meeting room, Lexi wore a slight smile on her lips. This was

precisely why she had called Emmanuel over. It was evident that the Blue

father and son would target the Quillen sisters during the meeting. With

Emmanuel present, at least they wouldn’t get away with physical aggression.

Chapter 849



“Quick… call the security, deal with this barbarian!” Liam struggled to catch his

breath and yelled in pain. If it weren’t for Emmanuel’s mercy, he would have

been a corpse by now.

Just as Mackenzie was about to speak, Emmanuel sneered, “Sure! Go ahead

and call the security! Have them give this guy a good beating, the one who’s

been taking advantage and intentionally disrupting the company’s projects,

then arrest him!”


“What does that mean?”

Some of the shareholders present couldn’t help whispering in response to

Emmanuel’s words.

Caught off guard due to a guilty conscience, Liam was also visibly surprised.

Before he could respond, Mackenzie deliberately said coldly, “Emmanuel,

although we’re close, without evidence, you shouldn’t make baseless

10 51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 849 Guilty as Charged

accusations in a situation like this!”

Knowing Emmanuel well, she was confident that the idiot wouldn’t talk

nonsense, especially in this setting. She believed that he must have some

sort of evidence.

Emmanuel secretly gave his wife an appreciative look, thinking how clever

she was. By saying that, she was intentionally allowing him to present his


“Okay, since you put it that way, Ms. Quillen, I shall present the evidence!”


The shareholders present were all surprised.


Liam’s countenance turned even more awful. He couldn’t tell what Emmanuel

would do next at all, and he even suspected that Mackenzie had deliberately

orchestrated this turn of events.

“Very well, I’ll give you the chance. If you can’t provide substantial evidence,

as the CEO of Terence Group, I’ll have to punish you for causing trouble!”

10:51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 849 Guilty as Charged


Mackenzie pretended to be cold, but her gaze held high expectations for


What she was most troubled by right now were Oscar and his son.


Oscar wasn’t just her uncle but also the guy who acquired Ignacio’s 2 billion

shares, giving him a 72% stake in Terence Group, making him the second

largest shareholder.

Now, he had teamed up with the other minor shareholders to challenge her

authority. Dealing with them was proving to be quite a challenge for



It would be great if she could take action against Liam first and dampen their


“I’m most afraid of your punishments, Ms. Quillen, so I will do my best!”

Emmanuel swore seriously.

Mackenzie suddenly felt a little flustered. This idiot, how can he say such a

cheesy thing in this kind of situation? Is he trying to make a fool of himself?!

10:51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 849 Guilty as Charged

Beatrix also suspected that her brother–in–law publicly displayed affection,

and she was fed a mouthful of feelings just like that!

Hats off to you, Emmanuel, for daring to do this, even in this situation.

Alas, Emmanuel was unaware of his wife and sister–in–law’s thoughts; he

was just speaking the truth.

Mackenzie’s punishment for him would always be to kick him out to fend for

himself or sleep on the floor, and he hated it.

So, he quickly used the equipment in the conference room to present the

evidence he had just collected from Samuel.

When the shareholders saw the specific chat records between Liam and

Samuel, as well as the transfer records, they were shocked beyond words.

“What a hypocrite! He actually paid someone to disrupt his own company’s


“Y–You’re slandering me! These chat records are all fabricated!”

مصطAdle bu


10:57 Fri, Sep 22


Chapter 849 Guilty as Charged


Liam’s lips gradually trembled as he felt the hostile gazes around him. Still, he

tried to deny it.

“Still refusing to admit it, huh?” Emmanuel pulled an icy smirk, his confident

demeanor evident.

Seeing her brother–in–law’s smile, Beatrix trembled inexplicably, as if she was


She loved it when villains held on to their pride and were struck by a

well–timed blow from the hero, completely shattering their despair.


Emmanuel didn’t disappoint her either. He immediately connected with

Samuel via video call.

Chapter 850

When Samuel personally revealed that Liam was responsible for the actions

and even mentioned his willingness to confront the police to verify the

authenticity of the chat and transaction records, Liam was utterly shocked.

He couldn’t fathom why Emmanuel had such incredible abilities, enough to

make Samuel fatally betray him.

“What do you have to say for yourself now, Liam Blue?” Emmanuel asked


Liam’s legs gave way, and he collapsed to the ground.

Just then, Sheldon and a few security guards rushed in. They were notified to

remove the troublemakers from the shareholders‘ meeting!

Though Sheldon had a personal relationship with Emmanuel, he had a job to

do and couldn’t show favoritism. However, before they could take action,

Mackenzie ordered icily, “Security, restrain Liam Blue and call the police to

take him away!”


10:51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 850 Oscar’s Game


“Huh? But-“The security guards, including Sheldon, were dumbfounded.

What’s going on? Liam notified us to apprehend someone. How did he end up

being the one apprehended instead?!

“Sheldon, don’t you want a promotion and a raise?” Emmanuel couldn’t help

shaking his head and sighing at Sheldon’s reaction. This guy’s

comprehension skills are really worrying!

“Oh, right!” Sheldon snapped back to reality. With Mackenzie and Emmanuel

backing him, he had no reason to fear Liam. At that, he promptly escorted the

latter out. –

On the other hand, Oscar didn’t dare protect his son either. After all, public

anger was challenging to defy.

He had initially planned to unite with other shareholders to challenge

Mackenzie’s management of Terence Group, focusing on the company’s

recent performance.

He had two objectives: one, force Mackenzie to step down and let him take

10:51 Fn, Sep 22

Chapter 850 Decer’s Game


charge of the company, and two, compel the Quillens to release the Heart of

the Sun prototype,

However, he never expected that his well–orchestrated plan would be

instantly overturned by Emmanuel’s sudden intervention, changing the

course of events.

Nonetheless, Oscar Blue wouldn’t easily let go of this great opportunity. He

gritted his teeth and said, “Emmanuel, I won’t argue with you about Liam’s


matter, but the shareholders‘ meeting will continue. You’re not a shareholder,

so you must leave immediately!”

His reasoning was sound, and he relied on his status as Mackenzie’s elder to

present himself as a person of authority.

Emmanuel, however, wasn’t buying it and responded directly, “Oscar Blue,

Liam is your son. Are you saying you’re unaware of his actions? Are you trying

to bankrupt Terence Group with these actions?”

The shareholders immediately stared coldly at Oscar.

10:51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 850 Oscar’s Game

They had joined forces with Oscar Blue to pressure the Quillen family into


releasing the Heart of the Sun energy component, well aware that its market

launch would bring immense profits.

As shareholders, they naturally aimed for Terence Group to make substantial

profits so they could receive dividends. However, if Terence Group were to go

bankrupt, they would lose everything!

“Don’t spew nonsense, Emmanuel Lowe!” As a seasoned businessman, Oscar

wasn’t as easily dealt with as Liam. Faced with the skeptical looks of

everyone, he remained composed. “I have nothing to do with what Liam did!

As the second largest shareholder of the company, I stand for the interests of

Terence Group. That’s why I propose restarting the development and mass

production of the Heart of the Sun energy component!

“This revolutionary energy product far surpasses oil, natural gas, and other

traditional energy sources. It’s bound to bring substantial commercial profits

to the company!

“Shareholders, don’t you want to get rich? Do you really believe that the

Quilles farsily would rather coo Terence Group do bankrupt than allow this

10:51 Fri, Sep 22

Chapter 850 Oscar’s Game

product to succeed?”

His words were well–founded, combined with a passionate and convincing

delivery. The shareholders nodded oné after another, expressing their

support for his proposal.

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